渗透神器之burp suite

一. Burpsuite介绍

Burp Suite 是用于攻击web应用程序的集成平台。它包含了许多工具,并为这些工具设计了许多接口,以促进加快攻击应用程序的过程。所有的工具都共享一个能处理并显示HTTP消息,持久性,认证,代理,日志,警报的一个强大的可扩展的框架。主要应用于暴力破解,渗透测试等等方面。

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国外网友基于faketime做的burp loader的unlimited版本. 需要一堆dll或者so. 详情见如下描述,没有分的可以去github上找. ======================== BurpUnlimited version 1.7.26 release 1.0 + Created by: mxcx@fosec.vn + Email: mxcxvn@gmail.com + Based on: BurpLoader by larry_lau + Github: https://github.com/mxcxvn/BurpUnlimited it's opensource ======================== This project is NOT intended to replace BurpLoader. It just EXTENDS BurpLoader's license! To run the project from the command line: java -javaagent:BurpUnlimited.jar -agentpath:lib/libfaketime -jar BurpUnlimited.jar or double click on BurpUnlimited.jar (set permision before) ## Notes: - There are some requirements files in lib at current folder: + burpsuite_pro_v1.7.26.jar is main object + libfaketime* Lib for hook time activation. Sourcecode is at https://github.com/faketime-java/faketime - For windows, vcredist is required: https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=48145 - The folder for_windows_if_you_dont_wanna_install_vcredist is for anyone who don't wana install vcredist, please chose the file for x64 or x86, rename to vcruntime140.dll and copy to BurpUnlimited.jar's folder - To have no unexpected error, please leave all file in the folders which have not any space character (including java binary file in case not run with default java). - This version is tested run stable on MACOSX 64 bit, Ubuntu 64 bit, Windows 64 and 32 bit. If you have any error in starting, please try some ways: + Change manually your datetime to before 01/10/2017 + Build your own libfaketime, sourcecode is at https://github.com/faketime-java/faketime + Or contact me mxcxvn@gmail.com ## Hash MD5 version release 1 BurpUnlimited.jar 5cf68ad0cc2d4ee265d0da1469decf21 lib/ burpsuite_pro_v1.7.26.jar 5d1cbbebc7fb59a399ae7bcacbe05f74 libfaketime32.dll e3842711a065b672dec322c4140b950f libfaketime32.jnilib d2b62d06a972035149bfdefe1605c041 libfaketime32.so 5c2baa272037207533d74faa4291e91d libfaketime64.dll 6659efeee9698609a9ffd9ea8c9d07d1 libfaketime64.jnilib ff3dbde6a28f1c59d829cf5665c8e628 libfaketime64.so 5c2baa272037207533d74faa4291e91d for_windows_if_you_dont_wanna_install_vcredist/ vcruntime140_x32.dll b77eeaeaf5f8493189b89852f3a7a712 vcruntime140_x64.dll 6c2c88ff1b3da84b44d23a253a06c01b
使用Burpsuite精通Web渗透测试,英文版,原汁原味! 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者。 Get hands-on experience of using Burp Suite to execute attacks and perform web assessments Key Features Use tools in Burp Suite to meet your web infrastructure security demands Configure Burp to fine-tune the suite of tools specific to the target Use Burp extensions to assist with various technologies commonly found in application stacks Book Description Burp Suite is a Java-based platform used for testing the security of your web applications, and has been adopted widely by professional enterprise testers. The Burp Suite Cookbook contains recipes to help you tackle challenges related to determining and exploring vulnerabilities in web applications. The book's first few sections will help you understand how to uncover security flaws with various test cases for complex environments. After you've configured Burp for your environment, you will use Burp tools such as Spider, Scanner, Intruder, Repeater, and Decoder, among others, to resolve specific problems faced by pentesters. You'll also be able to work with Burp's various modes, in addition to performing operations on the web. Toward the concluding chapters, you'll explore recipes that target specific test scenarios and learn how to resolve them using best practices. By the end of this book, you'll be up and running with deploying Burp for securing web applications. What you will learn Configure Burp Suite for your web applications Perform authentication, authorization, business logic, and data validation testing Explore session management and client-side testing Understand unrestricted file uploads and server-side request forgery Execute XML external entity attacks with Burp Perform remote code execution with Burp Who this book is for If you are a security professional, web pentester, or software developer who wants to adopt Burp Suite for application security, this book is for you. Table of Contents Getting Started with Burp Sui


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