Game Theory and the Web

Lecturer Professor Paul Spirakis


Official Introduction:

The Internet and the Web are not only a huge artifact but also a major social phenomenon, dominating our everyday lives in many ways. But the Web/Internet is operated, used, managed and evolving through the interactions of many, competing or cooperating parties with self-interests.

  • What science can help us to understand and affect such a system?
  • What is the role of Computer Science in that in the new century?

The talk goes through a Theory of Complex Selfish Systems and tries to answer some of the above questions. We will discuss games, equilibria, evolutionary dynamics, and complexity issues that may shed some light to our understanding of the Web, the prime example of a Complex System of our times. We will argue that a new science tries to manifest itself! We hope that the talk will motivate researchers to contribute to some of the mentioned issues.



Basic model:


Game G = (N, {Si}, {Ui})


N: set of players

Si: strategies of player i

Ui: XSi -> R, the utility function of player i


Expected utility theorem of Von Neumann & Morgenstern



Rational behaviour

Doninanat strategies (do not always exists)

Nash equilibria, Each player will not benifit if she deviates unilaterally. Every finite game has at least one Nash equilibriam. Only exponential algorithms exist now.



Discreate Math (Graphs) any directed grsph with indegress and outdegrees at most 1 must has source and sink


spener lemma (combinator) any legal coloring of a triangulated pilytope contains a trichromatic trangle.


fixpoint theorem of brower (analysis) Any continuous function from a polytop to itself has a fixpoint


kakutanis therom => Maket equilibris


Nash's theorem


How do we prove existence?

Pigeonhole principle


Approximate equilibria

best poly-time result: e = 0.34





基本上说,听到亲爱的教授的口音的时候我就被打败了~~真难以想象他在美国那么多年怎么混过来的,不过至少说明他技术上肯定是很牛~~感觉自己没有能了解太多,基本的感觉是他在围绕这个Game model做应用算法方面的研究。这个研究有可能可以根据现有的状态做出有效的预测。



记得貌似大概解释是这样滴:in the example, assume God gonna do some change on the world and ask everyone on the earth, the result is OPT, which is the happest for everyone.In the reality, it is impossilbe, so just ask some people instead of all, the result is ST(p).  T is the stablility of the decision.还有另外一个ratio也是跟着连个值相关的,不过不记得了,当时的状况真的很窘,n多先跑路的,n多开小差的,n个打哈欠的……

he discipline of game theory was pioneered in the early 20th century by mathematicians Ernst Zermelo (1913) and John von Neumann (1928). The breakthrough came with John von Neumann and Oscar Morgenstern’s book, Theory of games and economic behavior, published in 1944. This was followed by important work by John Nash (1950-51) and Lloyd Shapley (1953). Game theory had a major influence on the development of several branches of economics (industrial organization, international trade, labor economics, macroeconomics, etc.). Over time the impact of game theory extended to other branches of the social sciences (political science, international relations, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, etc.) as well as to fields outside the social sciences, such as biology, computer science, logic, etc. In 1994 the Nobel prize in economics was given to three game theorists, John Nash, John Harsanyi and Reinhardt Selten, for their theoretical work in game theory which was very influential in economics. At the same time, the US Federal Communications Commission was using game theory to help it design a $7-billion auction of the radio spectrum for personal communication services (naturally, the bidders used game theory too!). The Nobel prize in economics was awarded to game theorists three more times: in 2006 to Robert Aumann and Thomas Schelling, in 2007 to Leonid Hurwicz, Eric Maskin and Roger Myerson and in 2010 to Lloyd Shapley and Alvin Roth. Game theory provides a formal language for the representation and analysis of interactive situations, that is, situations where several “entities”, called players, take actions that affect each other. The nature of the players varies depending on the context in which the game theoretic language is invoked: in evolutionary biology (see, for example, John Maynard Smith, 1982) players are Chapter 0 T
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