371. Sum of Two Integers
- Total Accepted: 37210
- Total Submissions: 71785
- Difficulty: Easy
Calculate the sum of two integers a and b, but you are not allowed to use the operator +
and -
Given a = 1 and b = 2, return 3.
先看异或运算 1 ^ 1 = 0 ,0 ^ 1 = 1,1 ^ 0 = 1, 0 ^ 0 = 0,再来看加法,不考虑进位的情况下,1 + 1 = 0,1 + 0 = 1,0 + 1 = 1,0 + 0 = 0,所以可以把异或运算
所以为(a & b) << 1,这么一直处理,直到一个数为0。
public class Solution {
public int getSum(int a, int b) {
while(a != 0){
int temp = (a & b) << 1;
b = a ^ b;
a = temp;
return b;