

注意结果保存在 a a a 数组里,用 a [ 0 ] a[0] a[0] 进行加减,局限于先加减后除

void div(int x){
    ll tmp = 0;
    for(int i=0; i<=p; i++){
        tmp = tmp * 1000000000 + a[i];
		a[i] = tmp / x; tmp %= x;
	printf("%d.", a[0]);
    for(int i=1; i<=p; i++) printf("%09d", a[i]);


P R E C PREC PREC 调精度,输出用 cout << ans.to_string(p<<1) << endl;

// ---------- decimal lib start ----------

const int PREC = 3005;

class Decimal {
		Decimal(const std::string &s);
		Decimal(const char *s);
		Decimal(int x);
		Decimal(long long x);
		Decimal(double x);
		bool is_zero() const;
		// p (p > 0) is the number of digits after the decimal point
		std::string to_string(int p) const;
		double to_double() const;
		friend Decimal operator + (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b);
		friend Decimal operator + (const Decimal &a, int x);
		friend Decimal operator + (int x, const Decimal &a);
		friend Decimal operator + (const Decimal &a, long long x);
		friend Decimal operator + (long long x, const Decimal &a);
		friend Decimal operator + (const Decimal &a, double x);
		friend Decimal operator + (double x, const Decimal &a);
		friend Decimal operator - (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b);
		friend Decimal operator - (const Decimal &a, int x);
		friend Decimal operator - (int x, const Decimal &a);
		friend Decimal operator - (const Decimal &a, long long x);
		friend Decimal operator - (long long x, const Decimal &a);
		friend Decimal operator - (const Decimal &a, double x);
		friend Decimal operator - (double x, const Decimal &a);
		friend Decimal operator * (const Decimal &a, int x);
		friend Decimal operator * (int x, const Decimal &a);
		friend Decimal operator / (const Decimal &a, int x);
		friend bool operator < (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b);
		friend bool operator > (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b);
		friend bool operator <= (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b);
		friend bool operator >= (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b);
		friend bool operator == (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b);
		friend bool operator != (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b);
		Decimal & operator += (int x);
		Decimal & operator += (long long x);
		Decimal & operator += (double x);
		Decimal & operator += (const Decimal &b);
		Decimal & operator -= (int x);
		Decimal & operator -= (long long x);
		Decimal & operator -= (double x);
		Decimal & operator -= (const Decimal &b);
		Decimal & operator *= (int x);
		Decimal & operator /= (int x);
		friend Decimal operator - (const Decimal &a);
		// These can't be called
		friend Decimal operator * (const Decimal &a, double x);
		friend Decimal operator * (double x, const Decimal &a);
		friend Decimal operator / (const Decimal &a, double x);
		Decimal & operator *= (double x);
		Decimal & operator /= (double x);
		static const int len = PREC / 9 + 1;
		static const int mo = 1000000000;
		static void append_to_string(std::string &s, long long x);
		bool is_neg;
		long long integer;
		int data[len];
		void init_zero();
		void init(const char *s);

Decimal::Decimal() {

Decimal::Decimal(const char *s) {

Decimal::Decimal(const std::string &s) {

Decimal::Decimal(int x) {
	if (x < 0) {
		is_neg = true;
		x = -x;
	integer = x;

Decimal::Decimal(long long x) {
	if (x < 0) {
		is_neg = true;
		x = -x;
	integer = x;

Decimal::Decimal(double x) {
	if (x < 0) {
		is_neg = true;
		x = -x;
	integer = (long long)x;
	x -= integer;
	for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
		x *= mo;
		if (x < 0) x = 0;
		data[i] = (int)x;
		x -= data[i];

void Decimal::init_zero() {
	is_neg = false;
	integer = 0;
	memset(data, 0, len * sizeof(int));

bool Decimal::is_zero() const {
	if (integer) return false;
	for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
		if (data[i]) return false;
	return true;

void Decimal::init(const char *s) {
	is_neg = false;
	integer = 0;
	// find the first digit or the negative sign
	while (*s != 0) {
		if (*s == '-') {
			is_neg = true;
		} else if (*s >= 48 && *s <= 57) {
	// read the integer part
	while (*s >= 48 && *s <= 57) {
		integer = integer * 10 + *s - 48;
	// read the decimal part
	if (*s == '.') {
		int pos = 0;
		int x = mo / 10;
		while (pos < len && *s >= 48 && *s <= 57) {
			data[pos] += (*s - 48) * x;
			x /= 10;
			if (x == 0) {
				x = mo / 10;

void Decimal::append_to_string(std::string &s, long long x) {
	if (x == 0) {
		s.append(1, 48);
	char _[30];
	int cnt = 0;
	while (x) {
		_[cnt++] = x % 10;
		x /= 10;
	while (cnt--) {
		s.append(1, _[cnt] + 48);

std::string Decimal::to_string(int p) const {
	std::string ret;
	if (is_neg && !this->is_zero()) {
		ret = "-";
	append_to_string(ret, this->integer);
	ret.append(1, '.');
	for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
		// append data[i] as "%09d"
		int x = mo / 10;
		int tmp = data[i];
		while (x) {
			ret.append(1, 48 + tmp / x);
			tmp %= x;
			x /= 10;
			if (--p == 0) {
		if (p == 0) break;
	if (p > 0) {
		ret.append(p, '0');
	return ret;

double Decimal::to_double() const {
	double ret = integer;
	double k = 1.0;
	for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
		k /= mo;
		ret += k * data[i];
	if (is_neg) {
		ret = -ret;
	return ret;

bool operator < (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b) {
	if (a.is_neg != b.is_neg) {
		return a.is_neg && (!a.is_zero() || !b.is_zero());
	} else if (!a.is_neg) {
		// a, b >= 0
		if (a.integer != b.integer) {
			return a.integer < b.integer;
		for (int i = 0; i < Decimal::len; i++) {
			if (a.data[i] != b.data[i]) {
				return a.data[i] < b.data[i];
		return false;
	} else {
		// a, b <= 0
		if (a.integer != b.integer) {
			return a.integer > b.integer;
		for (int i = 0; i < Decimal::len; i++) {
			if (a.data[i] != b.data[i]) {
				return a.data[i] > b.data[i];
		return false;

bool operator > (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b) {
	if (a.is_neg != b.is_neg) {
		return !a.is_neg && (!a.is_zero() || !b.is_zero());
	} else if (!a.is_neg) {
		// a, b >= 0
		if (a.integer != b.integer) {
			return a.integer > b.integer;
		for (int i = 0; i < Decimal::len; i++) {
			if (a.data[i] != b.data[i]) {
				return a.data[i] > b.data[i];
		return false;
	} else {
		// a, b <= 0
		if (a.integer != b.integer) {
			return a.integer < b.integer;
		for (int i = 0; i < Decimal::len; i++) {
			if (a.data[i] != b.data[i]) {
				return a.data[i] < b.data[i];
		return false;

bool operator <= (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b) {
	if (a.is_neg != b.is_neg) {
		return a.is_neg || (a.is_zero() && b.is_zero());
	} else if (!a.is_neg) {
		// a, b >= 0
		if (a.integer != b.integer) {
			return a.integer < b.integer;
		for (int i = 0; i < Decimal::len; i++) {
			if (a.data[i] != b.data[i]) {
				return a.data[i] < b.data[i];
		return true;
	} else {
		// a, b <= 0
		if (a.integer != b.integer) {
			return a.integer > b.integer;
		for (int i = 0; i < Decimal::len; i++) {
			if (a.data[i] != b.data[i]) {
				return a.data[i] > b.data[i];
		return true;

bool operator >= (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b) {
	if (a.is_neg != b.is_neg) {
		return !a.is_neg || (a.is_zero() && b.is_zero());
	} else if (!a.is_neg) {
		// a, b >= 0
		if (a.integer != b.integer) {
			return a.integer > b.integer;
		for (int i = 0; i < Decimal::len; i++) {
			if (a.data[i] != b.data[i]) {
				return a.data[i] > b.data[i];
		return true;
	} else {
		// a, b <= 0
		if (a.integer != b.integer) {
			return a.integer < b.integer;
		for (int i = 0; i < Decimal::len; i++) {
			if (a.data[i] != b.data[i]) {
				return a.data[i] < b.data[i];
		return true;

bool operator == (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b) {
	if (a.is_zero() && b.is_zero()) return true;
	if (a.is_neg != b.is_neg) return false;
	if (a.integer != b.integer) return false;
	for (int i = 0; i < Decimal::len; i++) {
		if (a.data[i] != b.data[i]) return false;
	return true;

bool operator != (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b) {
	return !(a == b);

Decimal & Decimal::operator += (long long x) {
	if (!is_neg) {
		if (integer + x >= 0) {
			integer += x;
		} else {
			bool last = false;
			for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
				if (last || data[i]) {
					data[i] = mo - data[i] - last;
					last = true;
				} else {
					last = false;
			integer = -x - integer - last;
			is_neg = true;
	} else {
		if (integer - x >= 0) {
			integer -= x;
		} else {
			bool last = false;
			for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
				if (last || data[i]) {
					data[i] = mo - data[i] - last;
					last = true;
				} else {
					last = false;
			integer = x - integer - last;
			is_neg = false;
	return *this;

Decimal & Decimal::operator += (int x) {
	return *this += (long long)x;

Decimal & Decimal::operator -= (int x) {
	return *this += (long long)-x;

Decimal & Decimal::operator -= (long long x) {
	return *this += -x;

Decimal & Decimal::operator /= (int x) {
	if (x < 0) {
		is_neg ^= 1;
		x = -x;
	int last = integer % x;
	integer /= x;
	for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
		long long tmp = 1LL * last * mo + data[i];
		data[i] = tmp / x;
		last = tmp - 1LL * data[i] * x;
	if (is_neg && integer == 0) {
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
			if (data[i] != 0) {
		if (i == len) {
			is_neg = false;
	return *this;

Decimal & Decimal::operator *= (int x) {
	if (x < 0) {
		is_neg ^= 1;
		x = -x;
	} else if (x == 0) {
		return *this;
	int last = 0;
	for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
		long long tmp = 1LL * data[i] * x + last;
		last = tmp / mo;
		data[i] = tmp - 1LL * last * mo;
	integer = integer * x + last;
	return *this;

Decimal operator - (const Decimal &a) {
	Decimal ret = a;
	// -0 = 0
	if (!ret.is_neg && ret.integer == 0) {
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < Decimal::len; i++) {
			if (ret.data[i] != 0) break;
		if (i < Decimal::len) {
			ret.is_neg = true;
	} else {
		ret.is_neg ^= 1;
	return ret;

Decimal operator + (const Decimal &a, int x) {
	Decimal ret = a;
	return ret += x;

Decimal operator + (int x, const Decimal &a) {
	Decimal ret = a;
	return ret += x;

Decimal operator + (const Decimal &a, long long x) {
	Decimal ret = a;
	return ret += x;

Decimal operator + (long long x, const Decimal &a) {
	Decimal ret = a;
	return ret += x;

Decimal operator - (const Decimal &a, int x) {
	Decimal ret = a;
	return ret -= x;

Decimal operator - (int x, const Decimal &a) {
	return -(a - x);

Decimal operator - (const Decimal &a, long long x) {
	Decimal ret = a;
	return ret -= x;

Decimal operator - (long long x, const Decimal &a) {
	return -(a - x);

Decimal operator * (const Decimal &a, int x) {
	Decimal ret = a;
	return ret *= x;

Decimal operator * (int x, const Decimal &a) {
	Decimal ret = a;
	return ret *= x;

Decimal operator / (const Decimal &a, int x) {
	Decimal ret = a;
	return ret /= x;

Decimal operator + (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b) {
	if (a.is_neg == b.is_neg) {
		Decimal ret = a;
		bool last = false;
		for (int i = Decimal::len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
			ret.data[i] += b.data[i] + last;
			if (ret.data[i] >= Decimal::mo) {
				ret.data[i] -= Decimal::mo;
				last = true;
			} else {
				last = false;
		ret.integer += b.integer + last;
		return ret;
	} else if (!a.is_neg) {
		// a - |b|
		return a - -b;
	} else {
		// b - |a|
		return b - -a;

Decimal operator - (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b) {
	if (!a.is_neg && !b.is_neg) {
		if (a >= b) {
			Decimal ret = a;
			bool last = false;
			for (int i = Decimal::len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
				ret.data[i] -= b.data[i] + last;
				if (ret.data[i] < 0) {
					ret.data[i] += Decimal::mo;
					last = true;
				} else {
					last = false;
			ret.integer -= b.integer + last;
			return ret;
		} else {
			Decimal ret = b;
			bool last = false;
			for (int i = Decimal::len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
				ret.data[i] -= a.data[i] + last;
				if (ret.data[i] < 0) {
					ret.data[i] += Decimal::mo;
					last = true;
				} else {
					last = false;
			ret.integer -= a.integer + last;
			ret.is_neg = true;
			return ret;
	} else if (a.is_neg && b.is_neg) {
		// a - b = (-b) - (-a)
		return -b - -a;
	} else if (a.is_neg) {
		// -|a| - b
		return -(-a + b);
	} else {
		// a - -|b|
		return a + -b;

Decimal operator + (const Decimal &a, double x) {
	return a + Decimal(x);

Decimal operator + (double x, const Decimal &a) {
	return Decimal(x) + a;

Decimal operator - (const Decimal &a, double x) {
	return a - Decimal(x);

Decimal operator - (double x, const Decimal &a) {
	return Decimal(x) - a;

Decimal & Decimal::operator += (double x) {
	*this = *this + Decimal(x);
	return *this;

Decimal & Decimal::operator -= (double x) {
	*this = *this - Decimal(x);
	return *this;

Decimal & Decimal::operator += (const Decimal &b) {
	*this = *this + b;
	return *this;

Decimal & Decimal::operator -= (const Decimal &b) {
	*this = *this - b;
	return *this;

// ---------- decimal lib end ----------
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