

以 JDK8 2019年4月29日为例:


Important Oracle JDK License Update

The Oracle JDK License has changed for releases starting April 16, 2019.

The new Oracle Technology Network License Agreement for Oracle Java SE is substantially different from prior Oracle JDK licenses. The new license permits certain uses, such as personal use and development use, at no cost -- but other uses authorized under prior Oracle JDK licenses may no longer be available. Please review the terms carefully before downloading and using this product. An FAQ is available here
Commercial license and support is available with a low cost Java SE Subscription
Oracle also provides the latest OpenJDK release under the open source GPL License atjdk.java.net.



重要的Oracle JDK许可证更新

从2019年4月16日开始,Oracle JDK许可证已更改。

Oracle Java SE的新Oracle技术网许可协议与以前的Oracle JDK许可有很大不同。 新许可证允许某些用途(例如个人使用和开发用途)免费使用 - 但根据以前的Oracle JDK许可证授权的其他用途可能不再可用。 在下载和使用本产品之前,请仔细阅读这些条款。 此处提供常见问题解答。

通过低成本的Java SE订阅提供商业许可和支持。




Note: In the event of a discrepancy between any part of this FAQ and the license under which you receive Oracle software, the latter shall be considered correct. This FAQ pertains to Oracle Java SE releases starting April 16, 2019.


Oracle Java SE Licensing FAQ

What does the licensing change mean for me?
The previous Oracle Java SE license model had several options – some free under the Binary Code License (“BCL”) and some paid under Oracle commercial terms. To simplify and provide full licensing transparency and clarity, Oracle as of Java 9 provides two distinct Java releases:

Different builds are provided for each Java release, but these builds are functionally identical aside from some cosmetic and packaging differences. More details are provided in our Roadmap documentand summarized in this blog

If you are an organization used to getting Oracle Java SE binaries at no cost, you can simply continue doing so with Oracle's OpenJDK releases available at jdk.java.net. If you are used to getting Oracle Java SE binaries at no cost as a personal user or for development use, then you can continue to get Oracle Java SE releases through java.com (personal users) and the Oracle Technology Network (“OTN”) (developers). Those wishing to use the Oracle JDK or Oracle JRE for other uses will require a Java SE Subscription. Supported customers of Oracle products can continue to get their Oracle Java SE binaries from My Oracle Support (MOS) or Oracle Software Delivery Cloud(customers), and other locations. 

Is Java still free?
Yes. For over a decade, Oracle stewards the OpenJDK open source community and provides the latest stability, performance and security updates to the latest release. This includes patch updates, scheduled over a year in advance; additional updates when required; and two feature updates (which also include critical patch updates) each year under the new release cadence. Our contributions are available to be ported, analysed, and used by anyone, as open source. You can download the latest OpenJDK release of Java from Oracle, for free, under an open source license from jdk.java.net

What about Java SE 8?
Oracle Java SE8 updates, which includes the Oracle JRE with Java Web Start, continues to be free for personal use, development, testing, prototyping, demonstrating and some other important uses explained in this FAQ under the OTN License Agreement for Java SE. Personal users can continue downloading the Oracle Java SE 8 JRE at java.com. 

I am a customer of an Oracle Product that uses Java. Does Oracle Java remain free for me?
If you are a customer who has a current support entitlement to any Oracle Product that includes Java, you continue to have free access to any Oracle Java SE updates for use with that Oracle Product. See this My Oracle Support (MOS) document (requires Oracle Support login) for more information.

Where can I get the latest releases of Java SE at no cost on or after April 16, 2019?
Oracle provides the latest Java releases, made available in March and September each year, including quarterly performance, stability and security updates (in January, April, July and October) under an open source license at jdk.java.net. Also, Oracle provides updates; including Java 8, Java 11, and Java 12 of Oracle Java SE under the OTN License Agreement for Java SE at OTN

What versions are available under the Binary Code License for Java SE (“BCL”)?
Oracle Java SE versions (including updates) released prior to April 16, 2019 are the only versions licensed under the BCL license. 

What happens to the Oracle Java SE releases I downloaded under previous licenses, such as the BCL?
You may continue to use releases you have downloaded under the terms of the license under which you downloaded them. Legacy releases are still available in the Java Archives. Note that older versions of the JRE and JDK are provided to help developers debug issues in older systems. They are not updated with the latest security patches and are not recommended for use in production. Oracle strongly recommends that you remain on an up-to-date version of Java with the latest performance, stability and security updates. 

Will I be able to continue using auto-update for Oracle JRE 8 after April 2019?
If you are using Oracle JRE 8 updates on Windows or macOS, for one of the permitted uses (See question, “For what uses is Oracle Java SE, including Java 8 updates, free?”), you will continue to receive updates as before until at least December 2020. The auto-update mechanism will ask you to confirm that you understand and accept the new license before updating. 

For what uses is Oracle Java SE, including Java 8 updates, free?
For full information and terms, refer to the OTN License Agreement for Java SE. The OTN License Agreement for Java SE for current Oracle Java SE releases allows them to be used, without cost: 

(i)    For personal use on a desktop or laptop computer, such as to play games or run other personal applications.
(ii)    For development, testing, prototyping, and demonstrating applications, including to use by/with profilers, debuggers, and Integrated Development Environment tools.
(iii)    For use with some approved products, such as Oracle SQL Developer, or as an end user of a software application created by an approved product. (referred to as “Schedule A” and “Schedule B” Products in the OTN License Agreement for Java SE)
(iv)    With identified Oracle Cloud Infrastructure products.

How do I get an Oracle Java SE license for other uses?
You can get an Oracle Java SE Subscription that includes commercial use license and support for as low as $2.50/desktop user/month at the Oracle Store. For volume discounts and larger purchases, please contact Oracle Sales

Can you elaborate on what qualifies as Personal use?
Personal use is using Java on a desktop or laptop computer to do things such as to play games or run other personal applications. If you are using Java on a desktop or laptop computer as part of any business operations, that is not personal use. For example, you could use a Java productivity application to do your own homework or your personal taxes, but you could not use it to do your business accounting. 

Can you elaborate on use with approved “Schedule A” and “Schedule B” products?
You may run “Schedule A” products on Oracle Java SE for any use.

You may also run software applications that were developed by using “Schedule B” products for any use. For example, you can use Oracle Java SE to run an “insurance claim” application provided to you by an insurance company that is an Oracle Forms licensee and used Oracle Forms to develop the application. If you are unsure if the software application that you are using qualifies, please contact your application vendor.

Oracle recommends that customers of “Schedule B” products who make applications available to third parties provide guidance to their users regarding their right to use Java with the application.

Note that Oracle customers using a “Schedule B” product, which includes Java must maintain a commercial license for the “Schedule B” product. See question “I am the customer of an Oracle Product that uses Java. Does Oracle Java remain free for me?” for more information.

Can I add my product to Schedule A?
No. Oracle offers a commercial Oracle Java SE Subscription for ISVs that is separate from the Java SE available on OTN. Please contact Oracle Sales for more information. 

What if Oracle JDK is included with the application I licensed from my application vendor?
Thanks to its reputation for high quality, compatibility, reliability and a predictable release schedule known well in advance, Oracle JDK is the favorite runtime of the vast majority of Java developers. Accordingly, many third-party software vendors beside Oracle develop, test and certify their software for Oracle JDK and recommend its use to run their applications. Your application vendor may have an ISV agreement with Oracle to provide you with Java updates to run the application vendor’s product. If this is the case, you will not need a separate license from Oracle for Java running on the application. Please contact your application vendor to determine whether your application vendor is authorized to distribute Java to you with their application.


注意:如果本常见问题解答的任何部分与您收到Oracle软件的许可证之间存在差异,则后者应被视为正确。 此常见问题解答适用于从2019年4月16日开始的Oracle Java SE版本。

Oracle javaSe许可证 常见问题回答:

以前的Oracle Java SE许可证模式有几个选项 : 一些是根据二进制代码许可(“BCL”)免费的,一些是根据Oracle商业条款支付的。为简化并提供完整的许可透明度和清晰度,Oracle从Java 9开始提供两个不同的Java版本:

~ Oracle OpenJDK在开源GNU通用公共许可证v2下发布,具有类路径异常(GPLv2 + CPE)(自Java 9起),以及

~ Oracle Java SE产品版本,包括Oracle JDK for Java 8及更高版本,以及Java JRE和Java Web Start,Java 8,根据Java SE的OTN许可协议。该许可证允许个人使用,开发,测试,原型设计,演示和其他一些免费使用


如果您是一个用于免费获取Oracle Java SE二进制文件的组织,您可以继续使用jdk.java.net上提供的Oracle OpenJDK版本继续这样做。如果您习惯于以个人用户或开发用途免费获取Oracle Java SE二进制文件,那么您可以继续通过java.com(个人用户)和Oracle技术网(“OTN”)获取Oracle Java SE版本(开发者)。那些希望将Oracle JDK或Oracle JRE用于其他用途的用户需要Java SE订阅。支持的Oracle产品客户可以继续从My Oracle Support(MOS)或Oracle Software Delivery Cloud(客户)以及其他位置获取Oracle Java SE二进制文件。


。 十多年来,Oracle一直致力于OpenJDK开源社区,并为最新版本提供最新的稳定性,性能和安全性更新。 这包括提前一年安排的补丁更新; 需要时进行额外更新; 每年在新发布的节奏下进行两次功能更新(也包括关键补丁更新)。 我们的贡献可供任何人移植,分析和使用,作为开源。 您可以从jdk.java.net的开源许可下免费下载Oracle的最新OpenJDK Java版本。


关于Java SE 8?

Oracle Java SE8更新(包括带有Java Web Start的Oracle JRE)继续免费用于个人使用,开发,测试,原型设计,演示以及本常见问题解答中针对Java SE的OTN许可协议中解释的一些其他重要用途。 个人用户可以继续在java.com上下载Oracle Java SE 8 JRE。


我是使用Java的Oracle产品的客户。 Oracle Java对我来说是免费的吗?

如果您是拥有包含Java的任何Oracle产品的当前支持权利的客户,则您可以继续免费访问任何Oracle Java SE更新以与该Oracle产品一起使用。 有关更多信息,请参阅此My Oracle Support(MOS)文档(需要Oracle支持登录)


哪里可以在2019年4月16日或之后免费获得最新版本的Java SE

Oracle提供最新的Java版本,每年3月和9月发布,包括jdk.java.net上的开源许可证的季度性能,稳定性和安全性更新(1月,4月,7月和10月)。 此外,Oracle还提供更新; 包括OTN的Java SE OTN许可协议下的Oracle Java SE的Java 8,Java 11和Java 12。


Java SE二进制代码许可证(“BCL”)下有哪些版本?

在2019年4月16日之前发布的Oracle Java SE版本(包括更新)是根据BCL许可证授权的唯一版本。


我在以前的许可证下下载的Oracle Java SE版本会发生什么变化,例如BCL?

您可以继续使用根据下载许可条款下载的版本。旧版本仍可在Java Archives中使用。请注意,提供旧版本的JRE和JDK是为了帮助开发人员调试旧系统中的问题。它们未使用最新的安全修补程序进行更新,因此不建议在生产中使用。 Oracle强烈建议您使用最新的性能,稳定性和安全更新来保持最新版本的Java。


在2019年4月之后,我能继续使用Oracle JRE 8的自动更新吗?

如果您在Windows或macOS上使用Oracle JRE 8更新,则允许使用其中一种(请参阅问题“Oracle Java SE的用途,包括Java 8更新,免费?”),您将继续像以前一样接收更新至少到2020年12月。自动更新机制将要求您在更新前确认您理解并接受新许可。


Oracle Java SE 包括Java 8更新怎样使用是免费的?

有关完整信息和术语,请参阅Java SE的OTN许可协议。 针对当前Oracle Java SE版本的Java SE OTN许可协议允许使用它们,而无需任何成本:
(iii)与某些已批准的产品(如Oracle SQL Developer)一起使用,或作为由批准的产品创建的软件应用程序的最终用户。 (在Java SE的OTN许可协议中称为“Schedule A”和“Schedule B”产品)
(iv)使用已识别的Oracle Cloud Infrastructure产品。


如何获取Oracle Java SE许可证以用于其他用途?

您可以在Oracle商店获得Oracle Java SE订阅,其中包括商业使用许可和支持,每月只需2.5美元/桌面用户/月。有关批量折扣和更大的购买,请联系Oracle销售。






您可以在Oracle Java SE上运行“Schedule A”产品以供任何使用。

您还可以运行使用“Schedule B”产品开发的软件应用程序。例如,您可以使用Oracle Java SE运行由保险公司提供给您的“保险索赔”应用程序,该保险公司是Oracle Forms许可证持有者并使用Oracle Forms开发应用程序。如果您不确定您使用的软件应用程序是否合格,请与您的应用程序供应商联系。

Oracle建议向第三方提供应用程序的“Schedule B”产品的客户向其用户提供有关其在应用程序中使用Java的权利的指导。

请注意,使用包含Java的“Schedule B”产品的Oracle客户必须维护“Schedule B”产品的商业许可。请参阅问题“我是使用Java的Oracle产品的客户。 Oracle Java对我来说是免费的吗?“更多信息。


我可以将我的产品添加到Schedule A吗?

不可以.Oracle为ISV提供商业Oracle Java SE订阅,它与OTN上提供的Java SE分开。有关更多信息,请联系Oracle销售部门。


如果Oracle JDK包含在我从应用程序供应商处获得许可的应用程序中,该怎么办?

由于Oracle JDK以其高质量,兼容性,可靠性和可预测的发布时间表而闻名,因此它是绝大多数Java开发人员最喜欢的运行时。因此,Oracle之外的许多第三方软件供应商为Oracle JDK开发,测试和认证他们的软件,并建议使用它来运行他们的应用程序。您的应用程序供应商可能与Oracle签订ISV协议,为您提供Java更新以运行应用程序供应商的产品。如果是这种情况,您将不需要在应用程序上运行Oracle for Java的单独许可。请联系您的应用程序供应商,以确定您的应用程序供应商是否有权通过其应用程序向您分发Java。










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