Android-Best Practices


Improving App Quality

One way of improving your app’s visibility in the ecosystem is by deploying well-targeted mobile advertising campaigns and cross-app promotions. However, there’s another time-tested method of fueling the impression-install-ranking cycle: improve the product!

Say Goodbye to the Menu Button

As Ice Cream Sandwich rolls out to more devices, it's important that you begin to migrate your designs to the action bar in order to promote a consistent Android user experience.

New Tools For Managing Screen Sizes

Android 3.2 includes new tools for supporting devices with a wide range of screen sizes. One important result is better support for a new size of screen; what is typically called a “7-inch” tablet. This release also offers several new APIs to simplify developers’ work in adjusting to different screen sizes.

Identifying App Installations

It is very common, and perfectly reasonable, for a developer to want to track individual installations of their apps. It sounds plausible just to call TelephonyManager.getDeviceId() and use that value to identify the installation. There are problems with this

Making Android Games that Play Nice

Making a game on Android is easy. Making a great game for a mobile, multitasking, often multi-core, multi-purpose system like Android is trickier. Even the best developers frequently make mistakes in the way they interact with the Android system and with other applications

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Android Best Practices by Godfrey Nolan shows you how to make your Android apps stand out from the crowd with great reviews. Why settle for just making any Android app? Build a brilliant Android app instead that lets your users praise it for ease of use, better performance, and more. Using a series of example apps which gradually evolve throughout this book, Android Best Practices brings together current Android best practices from user interface (UI)/user experience (UX) design, test-driven development (TDD), and design patterns (e.g., MVC) to help you take your app to the next level. In this book you’ll learn how to: Use Android design patterns for consistent UI experience on many devices Use agile techniques such as test-driven development, behavior-driven development, and continuous integration Improve the speed and overall performance of your app Organize an Android app using design patterns such as MVC/MVP Create and consume REST and SOAP web services Designing and developing an app that runs well on many if not all the leading Android smartphones and tablets today can be one of the most daunting challenges for Android developers. Well, this book takes much of the mystery out of that for you. After reading and using Android Best Practices, you’ll become a much better Android app designer and developer, which in turn can make your apps better placed and more successful in the market place. What you’ll learn How to use Android design patterns for consistent UI experience on many devicesHow to use Agile techniques such as Test Driven Development, Behavior Driven Development and Continuous Integration How to test Android APKs on many devices and master device fragmentation Secure coding practices on Android How to organize an Android app using design patterns such as MVC/MVP etc. How to create and consume REST and SOAP web services Who this book is for This book is for Android developers looking to solidify their coding and overall app design and development skill


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