android-Providing Ancestral and Temporal Navigation,Putting it All Together: Wireframing the Example

 Now that users can navigate deep into the application's screen hierarchy, we need to provide a method for navigating up the hierarchy, to parent and ancestor screens. Additionally, we should ensure that temporal navigation via the Back button is respected to respect Android conventions.

 Before Android 3.0, the most common form of ancestral navigation was the Home metaphor. This was generally implemented as a Home item accessible via the device's Menu button, or a Home button at the top-left of the screen, usually as a component of the Action Bar (pattern docs at Android Design). Upon selecting Home, the user would be taken to the screen at the top of the screen hierarchy, generally known as the application's home screen.

 Android 3.0 introduced the Up metaphor, which is presented in the Action Bar as a substitute for the Homebutton described above. Upon tapping Up, the user should be taken to the parent screen in the hierarchy. This navigation step is usually the previous screen (as described with the Back button discussion above), but this is not universally the case. Thus, developers must ensure that Up for each screen navigates to a single, predetermined parent screen.

 Implementation Note: As a best practice, when implementing either Home or Up, make sure to clear the back stack of any descendent screens. For Home, the only remaining screen on the back stack should be the home screen. For Up navigation, the current screen should be removed from the back stack, unless Backnavigates across screen hierarchies. You can use the FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP andFLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK intent flags together to achieve this.

> Putting it All Together: Wireframing the Example APP

 Now that we have a solid understanding of navigation patterns and screen grouping techniques, it's time to apply them to our screens.

 Wireframing is the step in the design process where you begin to lay out your screens. Get creative and begin imagining how to arrange UI elements to allow users to navigate your app. Keep in mind that at this point, pixel-perfect precision (creating high-fidelity mockups) is not important.

 >After you're satisfied with initial sketches, it's a good idea to move on to digital wireframing using software such as Adobe® Illustrator, Adobe® Fireworks, OmniGraffle, or any other vector illustration tools. When choosing which tool to use, consider the following features:

  • Are interactive wireframes possible? Tools such as Adobe® Fireworks offer this functionality.
  • Is there screen 'master' functionality, allowing re-use of visual elements across different screens? For example, Action Bars should be visible on almost every screen in your application.
  • What's the learning curve? Professional vector illustration tools may have a steep learning curve, while tools designed for wireframing may offer a smaller set of features that are more relevant to the task.

 >Lastly, it may be time to begin implementing your designs and writing the code for the application using the Android SDK. To get started, take a look at the following resources:

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