

1101、单词 uuids 的匹配文本:

  1. For example, when accessing /_uuids, you get a list of UUIDs from the system. Getting Started with CouchDB

  2. The images in the replicated glance server preserve the uuids, metadata, and image data from the original. bk-compute-adminguide-grizzly

  3. When you write your first programs, we recommend assigning your own UUIDs. CouchDB The Definitive Guide

  4. Randomly distributed keys could be usernames, email addresses, UUIDs, MD5 hashes, or any other key that has no identifiable pattern in your dataset. MongoDB The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition

  5. None This is an ordered list of firewall rule uuids. bk-admin-guide-cloud-latest

  6. The columns are sorted chronologically, using unique IDs (UUIDs) for column names to avoid clashes. Cassandra High Performance Cookbook

  7. Request Parameters: count (integer, the number of UUIDs to return, default 1) Beginning CouchDB

  8. The simplest way to generate mostly monotonic document IDs is to use the default value of sequential for the algorithm option in the uuids configuration section and let CouchDB generate your document IDs. Scaling CouchDB

  9. These can be simple numbers but also UUIDs† and so on. HBase:The Definitive Guide

  10. Both row keys and column names can be strings, like relational column names, but they can also be long integers, UUIDs, or any kind of byte array. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

1102、单词 ycsb 的匹配文本:

  1. Therefore, we will start by introducing how to use Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark (YCSB) to measure (benchmark) performance of a HBase cluster. HBase Administration Cookbook

  2. The Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark (YCSB) provides benchmarking for the bases of comparison between NoSQL systems. Cassandra High Performance Cookbook

  3. Although YCSB is built for comparing systems, you can use it to test the performance of any of the databases it supports, including HBase. HBase in Action

  4. Installation YCSB is available in an online repository only, and you need to compile a binary version yourself. HBase:The Definitive Guide

1103、单词 des 的匹配文本:

  1. For the DES algorithm, there are a total of 256 possible keys. Pro Spring 3

  2. All the native SerDes and complex types supported in Hive are also implementations of these interfaces. Hive A Petabyte Scale Data Warehouse Using Hadoop

  3. This secret key can then be used for a variety of operations: it can be used directly for creating MACs, or it can be converted into a DES key for use in a cipher. Java Security 2nd Edition

  4. The simplicity of the format has a lot going for it, such as making it easy to process with other tools, including MapReduce programs or Streaming, but there are more compact and performant binary SerDesthat you might consider using. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

  5. The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a venerable block cipher with a key length of 56 bits. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

  6. In order to use this package, you need to have a basic understanding of cryptographic algorithms such as DES. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

  7. Besides key lengths, there’s an important difference between DES/AES and RC4-based ciphers. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

  8. Third-party input and output formats and SerDes can be specified, a feature which permits users to customize Hive for a wide range of file formats not supported natively. Programming Hive

1104、单词 stax 的匹配文本:

  1. Java can process XML input using different techniques, including using a Streaming API for XML (StAX) parser. Spring Batch in Action

  2. In this code you use Java’s built-in Streaming API for XML (StAX) parser to extract the key and value for each property and output them. Hadoop in Practice

  3. Produce/consume JSON text in a streaming fashion (similar to StAX API for XML) • Build a Java object model for JSON text (similar to DOM API for XML) Java EE 7 Essentials

  4. In the future, support for streaming through StAX and/or SAX may be added to Spring Integration. Spring Integration in Action

  5. In the following sections, we discuss the streaming parsers supplied by the Java library: the venerable SAX parser and the more modern StAX parser that was added to Java SE 6 Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

  6. As you can see, we’ve used a simple StAX API (http://mng.bz/0S2s) to create an XML representation of our stock data. ActiveMQ in Action

  7. If using JAXP, the first step in parsing a document is the creation of the parser, SAXParser, XMLStreamReader, or DocumentBuilder depending on the API selected (SAX, StAX, and DOM, respectively) Java Performance

  8. The newer, simpler, and more efficient model is the Streaming API for XML (StAX) Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

1105、单词 frm 的匹配文本:

  1. Thus, when you create a table named MyTable, MySQL stores the table definition in MyTable.frm. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

  2. The Table Manager is responsible for creating, reading, and modifying the table definition files (.frmextension), maintaining a cache of table descriptors called table cache, and managing table-level locks. Understanding MySQL Internals

1106、单词 rdbmss 的匹配文本:

  1. Some of the biggest face-palm moments we’ve had were when someone published flawed benchmarks comparing MySQL to other relational database management systems (RDBMSs) with the default settings. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

  2. Similar to traditional relational database management systems (RDBMSs), data in HBase is organized in tables. Professional Hadoop Solutions

  3. Some RDBMSs ship powerful tools for managing these kinds of issues, but many don’t. HBase in Action

  4. We’ve seen similar contention with coarse-grained table-level locking in RDBMSs, where writes are latent even when there’s logically no contention. Graph Databases

  5. Examples include working with relational data in RDBMSs, structured files, and HBase. Hadoop in Practice

  6. However, there are several differences between the two languages, and between Pig and relational database management systems (RDBMSs) in general. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

  7. The HBase data model is not the relational approach we saw used in Hive and all other RDBMSs. Hadoop Beginners Guide

  8. Some applications use in-memory databases, while others use traditional relational database management systems (RDBMSs) Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

  9. Because MongoDB and most RDBMSs use the same data structure for their indexes, advice for managing indexes in both of these systems is compatible. MongoDB in Action

  10. Additionally, Sinfonia’s mini-transactions have limited semantics compared to the transactions provided by RDBMSs or Percolator: the user must specify a list of items to compare, read, and write prior to issuing the transaction. Percolator - Large-scale Incremental Processing Using Distributed Transactions and Notifications

1107、单词 chris 的匹配文本:

  1. In the 4th edition, Chris Grindstaff was very helpful during the development of the SWT section, and Sean Neville wrote the first draft of the Flex section for me. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

  2. While talking one afternoon about how to solve an unrelated problem, Chris mentioned Redis as a database that I might find interesting (given my education in theoretical computer science) Redis in Action

  3. Chris uses is that CouchDB has felt like a boulder we’ve been pushing up a hill. CouchDB The Definitive Guide

  4. Also to the authoring team, including Chris, Manuel and Brent, in providing me extraordinary support in writing this book. Pro Spring 3

  5. Another big thanks goes to Chris Nelson for keeping all of us focused and for his advice on the book; it was a pleasure working with you. Pro Spring MVC

  6. So I consulted with Chris Mattmann, another Nutch committer with whom I had worked, about the potential for refactoring all these disparate tools in a common and standardized project. Tika in Action

  7. A search for "Chris" would match on "Chris Isaak" since he is tagged with pop, but "Chris Cagle" would be filtered out since he plays only American and country music. Solr 3 Enterprise Search Server

  8. After several years of experience with the language, and significant contributions by Ed Frank, Patrick Naughton, Jonathan Payne, and Chris Warth it was retargeted to the Internet, renamed, and substantially revised to be the language specified here. The Java Language Specification Java SE 7 Edition

  9. I would like to thank my wife Karen for editing and proofreading my chapters; my children Chris, Connor, and Michael for keeping the zombies at bay; and my dog Rex for forcing me to go on walks in the snow and the rain. ActiveMQ in Action

  10. Chris Beams for his legitimizing of Gradle through SpringSource projects. Building and Testing with Gradle

1108、单词 multiprocessor 的匹配文本:

  1. Threads in Java can take advantage of multiprocessor systems if the base operating system does so. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

  2. These kinds of issues can also be exposed or amplified if a program is moved to a multiprocessor system. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

  3. In this chapter, we show a process for exploiting the power of multiprocessor. Java Threads 3rd Edition

  4. Such an approach is particularly interesting if you want to leverage multicore or multiprocessor hardware, as illustrated in figure 13.1 Spring Batch in Action

  5. Figure 10.6 A second optimal solution for the multiprocessor case. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java 3rd Edition

  6. As with any cache mechanism, invalidation issues are a problem, especially on multiprocessor systems where we often get the situation that two processors want to access the same memory at the same time. Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

  7. The concurrent garbage collector should be especially effective on multiprocessor machines. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

  8. Being able to make efficient use of CPU cycles can be challenging for multithreaded applications running on multiprocessor and multicore. Java Performance

  9. The cost advantages of using inexpensive, PC-based clusters over high-end multiprocessor servers can be quite substantial, at least for a highly parallelizable application like ours. Web search for a planet the google cluster architecture

  10. Each computer system may be a uniprocessor, a multiprocessor, or even a cluster of machines administered as a single unit and sharing a common operating system. Concurrent Programming in Java Design Principles and Pattern

1109、单词 cursors 的匹配文本:

  1. Table 8.3 lists the constants to use with this method along with what the cursors look like under Windows. Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

  2. Create an application and change the cursor to one of the stock cursors in the Cursor class. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

  3. MySQL’s implementation of stored code is pretty limited—execution plan caches are per-connection, cursors are materialized as temporary tables, there’s very. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

  4. Cursors The database returns results from find using a cursor. MongoDB The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition

  5. Reading with ORM cursors implies that code responsible for managing domain classes doesn’t use a first-level cache. Spring Batch in Action

  6. Scans Now that we have discussed the basic CRUD-type operations, it is time to take a look at scans, a technique akin to cursors† in database systems, which make use of the underlying sequential, sorted storage layout HBase is providing. HBase:The Definitive Guide

  7. In most cases, you can use one of the out-of-the box reader implementations and customize it for your application’s needs so that you can avoid the critical yet tedious tasks of dealing with file line reading, database cursors, and so on. Spring Integration in Action

  8. Additionally, the system usage memory limit determines the point at which messages are offloaded to disk by the pending message cursors. ActiveMQ in Action

  9. Cursors, found in many database systems, return query result sets in batches for efficiency iteratively. MongoDB in Action

1110、单词 filesort 的匹配文本:

  1. Just because a query does a filesort with a temporary table doesn’t mean it is a problem. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

  2. On the code level, the turning point is in the following lines inside sortlength( ) in sql/filesort.cc: Understanding MySQL Internals

1111、单词 runtimes 的匹配文本:

  1. We report runtimes for binary trees (to study scaling properties) and lognormal random graphs (to study the performance in a more realistic setting) using various graph sizes with the weights of all edges implicitly set to 1 Pregel  -  A System for Large-Scale Graph Processing

  2. This trade-off is illustrated in figure 13.7, where the runtimes for hypothetical sequential and parallel scalable algorithms are compared. Mahout in Action

  3. If the runtimes of tasks are too long, a single task may hold the cluster for a long period, or retrying a failed task becomes expensive. Pro Hadoop

  4. Any preprocessing of that data that can be done to improve execution time and reduce the byte count should be done to improve runtimes. MapReduce Design Patterns

  5. From there, we use sum() to calculate the sum off all runtimes, and we divide by the number of runs to get the average: Functional Programming Patterns in Scala and Clojure

  6. This way you’ll have a good sense of the expected compression and runtimes for the codecs. Hadoop in Practice

  7. An implementation of TaskRuntimeEstima tor used by Specula tor instances that provides estimates for task runtimes (MapReduce 2 only) Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

  8. He has a background in computer security but has worked with runtimes since 1999 Oracle JRockit The Definitive Guide

  9. All objects may have to fit into memory without any garbage collection for these runtimes. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

  10. Modern JVMs continue to evolve by integrating more sophisticated optimizations, runtimes, and garbage collectors. Java Performance

1112、单词 balancers 的匹配文本:

  1. Incoming web requests are handled by load balancers that distribute the requests to clusters of web servers. Monitoring with Ganglia

  2. This will include all facets of the application and all supporting system resources, including, but not limited to, infrastructure, network, database, servers, and load balancers. Performance Testing With JMeter 2.9

  3. A wide variety of load-balancing solutions are available, ranging from peer-based implementations such as Wackamole (http://www.backhand.org/wackamole/) to  DNS, LVS (Linux Virtual Server; http://www.linuxvirtualserver.org), hardware load balancers, TCP proxies, MySQL Proxy, and managing the load balancing in the application. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

  4. If there are no other balancers active, the mongos will take a cluster-wide lock from the config servers and do a balancing round. MongoDB The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition

  5. You may want to consider having multiple load balancers so that you can remove the load balancer as a single point of failure. Scaling CouchDB

  6. In this domain, several data centers support many applications on behalf of many customers using different pieces of infrastructure, from virtual machines to physical load balancers. Graph Databases

  7. As such, it is the home of the Staged Event-Driven Architecture (SEDA) classes, the gossiper, the balancers, and the classes that flush data in memtables. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

  8. Along with this, EC2 offers a suite of complimentary services, including load balancers, static IP addresses, high-performance additional virtual disk drives, and many more. Hadoop Beginners Guide

  9. The most common network problems included inadequate bandwidth somewhere along the communication route, and undersized, misconfigured, or incompatible routers, switches, firewalls, and load balancers. Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

  10. The load is balanced to the various systems through the use of hardware or software load balancers. Java Performance

1113、单词 spliterator 的匹配文本:

  1. This uses the fork/join framework introduced in Java 7 and the Spliterator abstraction that you’ll learn about in the next chapter. Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

1114、单词 sha 的匹配文本:

  1. When the first connection to a resource manager is established as part of the transaction, a resource manager specific local transaction is started on the connect can sha transact. Java EE 7 Specification

  2. A message digest may be implemented by a particular algorithm, such as MD5 or SHA. Java Security 2nd Edition

  3. Gradle relies heavily on hashes to optimize download performance; when resolving a dependency, it will first attempt to download the much-smaller SHA from the repo, skipping the download if it determines that it already has that content in the artifact cache. Gradle Beyond The Basics

  4. The newfunction block takes the incoming argument and we process it, first adding in support for working with SHA hashes by requiring the sha1 library, and then passing the argument to the hexdigest method. Pro Puppet

  5. They’re both faster than cryptographic hashers such as SHA-1 and produce good distributions. Hadoop in Practice

  6. The fingerprint is obtained by ordering the descriptions of the class, superclass, interfaces, field types, and method signatures in a canonical way, and then applying the so-called Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) to that data. Core Java Volume II Advanced Features 9th Edition

  7. A popular algorithm in the past has been SHA-1, but researchers have. SQL Antipatterns

  8. Otherwise, a unique version number is computed by applying the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) to the API defined by the class. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

  9. Subclassing Thread Consider a program that calculates the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) digest for many files. Java Network Programming 4th Edition

  10. Even these hashing families have some theoretical vulnerabilities; however, no one has yet demonstrated a practical case of creating intentional collisions for the SHA family of hashes. The Definitive Guide to MongoDB

1115、单词 unary 的匹配文本:

  1. The unary minus (-) and unary plus (+) are the same operators as binary minus and plus. Thinking in Java 4th Edition

  2. For example, the operations of an IntStream are restricted to produce primitive integers: the map operation of an IntStream takes a lambda that takes an int and produces an int (an IntUnaryOperator) Java 8 in Action Lambdas, Streams and Functional-style Programming

  3. In this case, however, the name of the method has “unary_” prepended to the operator character. Programming in Scala 2nd Edition

  4. Here’s an example of defining unary operators on a Sample class: Programming Scala Tackle Multi-Core Complexity on the Java Virtual Machine

  5. It is also possible for a node to have only one child, as is the case with the unary minus operator. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java 3rd Edition

  6. Some operators apply unary numeric promotion to a single operand, which must produce a value of a numeric type: • If the operand is of compile-time type Byte, Short, Character, or Integer, it. The Java Language Specification Java SE 7 Edition

  7. But the identity function is special: it returns its argument unmodified, so we know that it is typesafe to use it as a UnaryFunction

    whatever the value of T. Effective Java 2nd Edition

  8. Unary operators and assignment operators are evaluated from right to left. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

  9. The unary negative operator (-) is also supported for both integers and floating-point numbers. Programming Pig

  10. Look carefully at the return type of the compose method of UnaryOperator

    Java SE 8 for the Really Impatient

1116、单词 multiuser 的匹配文本:

  1. These benchmarks measure online transaction processing (OLTP) throughput and are most suitable for interactive multiuser applications. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

  2. In a multiuser environment, multiple jobs can be submitted and run simultaneously. Hadoop Operations and Cluster Management Cookbook

  3. Because it’s embedded, Derby can’t be shared between users, and as such it can’t be used in a multiuserenvironment where the metastore needs to be shared. Hadoop in Practice

  4. The default in MapReduce 1 is the original FIFO queue-based scheduler, and there are also multiuserschedulers called the Fair Scheduler and the Capacity Scheduler. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

  5. OS/2 and the Integer multiuser spreadsheet engine for the JVM. Beginning Scala

  6. When you get to a multiuser production environment, you’ll have to narrow down your jobs by looking for your Hadoop user name and the name of your current job. Hadoop in Action

  7. Other ecosystem projects do have additional information or higher level constructs that must be secured in multiuser environments. Hadoop Operations

  8. Multiuser response times depending on the number of users (if applicable) Java Performance Tuning 2nd Edition

  9. These requirements include: Collaborative multiuser environments Hadoop enables new classes of analysis that were prohibitive computationally and economically with traditional RDBMS technologies. Programming Hive

1117、单词 committers 的匹配文本:

  1. Over Ganglia’s history, we’ve had nearly 40 active committers and hundreds of people who have submitted patches and bug reports. Monitoring with Ganglia

  2. Chris I would like to acknowledge all the committers of CouchDB, the people sending patches, and the rest of the community. CouchDB The Definitive Guide

  3. Code changes can be submitted as pull requests and undergo a close review process by the core committers before making it into the code base. Gradle in Action

  4. Last but not the least, Apache Hadoop YARN continues to be a community driven open source project and owes much of its success to the Apache Hadoop YARN and MapReduce communities— a big thanks to all the contributors and committers who have helped YARN in every way possible. Apache Hadoop YARN Yet Another Resource Negotiator

  5. Typically, the key committers have insights into the problem and the code base and help code get committed faster. Cassandra High Performance Cookbook

  6. Todd’s version is downstream of the master version maintained by Kevin Weil and other committers. Hadoop in Practice

  7. Output Committers Hadoop MapReduce uses a commit protocol to ensure that jobs and tasks either succeed or fail cleanly. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

  8. Code was there for more than a year in Apache and has active contributors and committers list. Namenode High Availability

  9. Cassandra was accepted into the Apache Incubator, and by the time it graduated in March 2010, it had become a true open source success story, with committers from Rackspace, Digg, Twitter, and other companies that wouldn’t have written their own database from scratch, but together built something important. Cassandra The Definitive Guide

  10. Cloudera employs many of the Apache Hadoop committers (the people who have privileges to commit code to the Apache source repositories) who work on Hadoop full-time. Hadoop Operations

1118、单词 multivalued 的匹配文本:

  1. You can bind numeric attributes to documents, including multivalued attributes. High Performance MySQL 3rd Edition

  2. Sorting with multivalued fields With versions prior to 0.90, ElasticSearch had problems with sorting on the field that had multiple values in their contents. Mastering ElasticSearch

  3. Cardinality Prescribes whether the metadata property is multivalued, for example, metadata describing a file’s set of MimeType names. Tika in Action

  4. Lucene's document structure is flat, but it does support multivalued fields—that is a field with an array of values. Solr 3 Enterprise Search Server

  5. For example, if we had a field named title, which was multivalued, we could set this parameter to split the data like this: Solr 3.1 Cookbook

  6. With Pig, the data structures are much richer, typically being multivalued and nested, and the set of transformations you can apply to the data are much more powerful. Hadoop:The Definitive Guide 3rd Edition

  7. A Catch all field should not be stored as it is populated from another field #B Destination field must be multivalued if any of the source fields are multi-valued. Solr in action

  8. We’ll first consider how analysis is impacted by multivalued fields. Lucene in Action 2nd Edition

  9. Bidirectional many-to-one relationships are explained later as part of the discussion of multivaluedbidirectional associations. Pro JPA2

  10. Please be careful when using this component on the multivalued fields as it can be a performance bottleneck. Apache Solr 4 Cookbook

1119、单词 jstatd 的匹配文本:

  1. If a remote host is specified, it must be running the jstatd daemon. Java in a Nutshell 5th Edition

  2. The remote system must be configured to run the jstatd daemon. Java Performance

1120、单词 xcp 的匹配文本:

  1. The nova-compute process is primarily a worker daemon that creates and terminates virtual machine instances via hypervisor's APIs (XenAPI for XenServer/XCP, libvirt for KVM or QEMU, VMwareAPI for VMware, etc.) bk-compute-adminguide-grizzly

  2. Xen Yes libvirt Most popular (along with XCP/XenServer) technology for larger scale and production deployments. Deploying OpenStack

  3. XenAPI (XenServer/XCP) Compute uses the XenAPI agent to inject passwords into guests when using the XenAPI hypervisor backend. bk-admin-guide-cloud-latest

1121、单词 jmenu 的匹配文本:

  1. JMenuItem add(JMenuItem item) adds a menu item (or a menu) Core Java Volume I Fundamentals 9th Edition

  2. You can use an Icon inside a JLabel or anything that inherits from AbstractButton (including JButton, JCheckBox, JRadioButton, and the different kinds of JMenuItem) Thinking in Java 4th Edition

  3. You will notice the apply() method creates a JMenuItem instance with an inner class definition containing an actionPerformed() method. Java 7 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

1122、单词 classname 的匹配文本:

  1. In fact, if I had my own custom source written, I would use its classname for the source's type parameter. Apache Flume Distributed Log Collection for Hadoop

  2. The classname parameter specifies the name of the class, and the codebase parameter specifies a URL to the resource (though this can also be a local file

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