
12 篇文章 1 订阅
7 篇文章 0 订阅
本文探讨了一位开发者在处理千万级数据时遇到的查询效率问题。通过对比不同查询策略,包括分页、使用临时表、数据分片以及特定SQL构造,测试了MyISAM和InnoDB引擎的性能差异。最终,通过构建一系列UNION ALL的子查询实现了3.9s的查询速度。文章旨在分享数据库性能优化的经验和技巧。


转自 Not Talk 中科软面试题-千万级数据测试

ps: 用navicat导入的话用了10小时,最好搞个脚本,多线程,批量提交啥的,1kw数据半个小时搞定


数据大致这个样子,1千1百万条,然后有索引,没有分区(mysql myisam引擎好像不让创建分区了。。。)



  1. 分页:分页速度是上面sql的两倍

  2. 转换sql:->使用临时表。速度大约慢3-5s

  3. 然后搞了个大工程,分了10个表,一个表分了100w数据,速度仍然达不到5s内

  4. 然后使用innodb引擎,速度直接就是myisam的两倍了。。。。

  5. 最后使用脚本生成了一个基础的sql,使用 > <判断的。

select count(*) 人数, 101 as 年龄 from employee where birth <= '1920-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 100 y from employee where birth > '1920-09-02' and birth <= '1921-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 99 y from employee where birth > '1921-09-02' and birth <= '1922-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 98 y from employee where birth > '1922-09-02' and birth <= '1923-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 97 y from employee where birth > '1923-09-02' and birth <= '1924-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 96 y from employee where birth > '1924-09-02' and birth <= '1925-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 95 y from employee where birth > '1925-09-02' and birth <= '1926-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 94 y from employee where birth > '1926-09-02' and birth <= '1927-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 93 y from employee where birth > '1927-09-02' and birth <= '1928-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 92 y from employee where birth > '1928-09-02' and birth <= '1929-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 91 y from employee where birth > '1929-09-02' and birth <= '1930-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 90 y from employee where birth > '1930-09-02' and birth <= '1931-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 89 y from employee where birth > '1931-09-02' and birth <= '1932-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 88 y from employee where birth > '1932-09-02' and birth <= '1933-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 87 y from employee where birth > '1933-09-02' and birth <= '1934-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 86 y from employee where birth > '1934-09-02' and birth <= '1935-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 85 y from employee where birth > '1935-09-02' and birth <= '1936-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 84 y from employee where birth > '1936-09-02' and birth <= '1937-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 83 y from employee where birth > '1937-09-02' and birth <= '1938-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 82 y from employee where birth > '1938-09-02' and birth <= '1939-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 81 y from employee where birth > '1939-09-02' and birth <= '1940-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 80 y from employee where birth > '1940-09-02' and birth <= '1941-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 79 y from employee where birth > '1941-09-02' and birth <= '1942-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 78 y from employee where birth > '1942-09-02' and birth <= '1943-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 77 y from employee where birth > '1943-09-02' and birth <= '1944-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 76 y from employee where birth > '1944-09-02' and birth <= '1945-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 75 y from employee where birth > '1945-09-02' and birth <= '1946-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 74 y from employee where birth > '1946-09-02' and birth <= '1947-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 73 y from employee where birth > '1947-09-02' and birth <= '1948-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 72 y from employee where birth > '1948-09-02' and birth <= '1949-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 71 y from employee where birth > '1949-09-02' and birth <= '1950-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 70 y from employee where birth > '1950-09-02' and birth <= '1951-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 69 y from employee where birth > '1951-09-02' and birth <= '1952-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 68 y from employee where birth > '1952-09-02' and birth <= '1953-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 67 y from employee where birth > '1953-09-02' and birth <= '1954-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 66 y from employee where birth > '1954-09-02' and birth <= '1955-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 65 y from employee where birth > '1955-09-02' and birth <= '1956-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 64 y from employee where birth > '1956-09-02' and birth <= '1957-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 63 y from employee where birth > '1957-09-02' and birth <= '1958-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 62 y from employee where birth > '1958-09-02' and birth <= '1959-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 61 y from employee where birth > '1959-09-02' and birth <= '1960-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 60 y from employee where birth > '1960-09-02' and birth <= '1961-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 59 y from employee where birth > '1961-09-02' and birth <= '1962-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 58 y from employee where birth > '1962-09-02' and birth <= '1963-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 57 y from employee where birth > '1963-09-02' and birth <= '1964-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 56 y from employee where birth > '1964-09-02' and birth <= '1965-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 55 y from employee where birth > '1965-09-02' and birth <= '1966-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 54 y from employee where birth > '1966-09-02' and birth <= '1967-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 53 y from employee where birth > '1967-09-02' and birth <= '1968-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 52 y from employee where birth > '1968-09-02' and birth <= '1969-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 51 y from employee where birth > '1969-09-02' and birth <= '1970-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 50 y from employee where birth > '1970-09-02' and birth <= '1971-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 49 y from employee where birth > '1971-09-02' and birth <= '1972-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 48 y from employee where birth > '1972-09-02' and birth <= '1973-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 47 y from employee where birth > '1973-09-02' and birth <= '1974-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 46 y from employee where birth > '1974-09-02' and birth <= '1975-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 45 y from employee where birth > '1975-09-02' and birth <= '1976-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 44 y from employee where birth > '1976-09-02' and birth <= '1977-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 43 y from employee where birth > '1977-09-02' and birth <= '1978-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 42 y from employee where birth > '1978-09-02' and birth <= '1979-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 41 y from employee where birth > '1979-09-02' and birth <= '1980-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 40 y from employee where birth > '1980-09-02' and birth <= '1981-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 39 y from employee where birth > '1981-09-02' and birth <= '1982-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 38 y from employee where birth > '1982-09-02' and birth <= '1983-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 37 y from employee where birth > '1983-09-02' and birth <= '1984-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 36 y from employee where birth > '1984-09-02' and birth <= '1985-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 35 y from employee where birth > '1985-09-02' and birth <= '1986-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 34 y from employee where birth > '1986-09-02' and birth <= '1987-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 33 y from employee where birth > '1987-09-02' and birth <= '1988-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 32 y from employee where birth > '1988-09-02' and birth <= '1989-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 31 y from employee where birth > '1989-09-02' and birth <= '1990-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 30 y from employee where birth > '1990-09-02' and birth <= '1991-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 29 y from employee where birth > '1991-09-02' and birth <= '1992-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 28 y from employee where birth > '1992-09-02' and birth <= '1993-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 27 y from employee where birth > '1993-09-02' and birth <= '1994-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 26 y from employee where birth > '1994-09-02' and birth <= '1995-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 25 y from employee where birth > '1995-09-02' and birth <= '1996-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 24 y from employee where birth > '1996-09-02' and birth <= '1997-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 23 y from employee where birth > '1997-09-02' and birth <= '1998-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 22 y from employee where birth > '1998-09-02' and birth <= '1999-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 21 y from employee where birth > '1999-09-02' and birth <= '2000-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 20 y from employee where birth > '2000-09-02' and birth <= '2001-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 19 y from employee where birth > '2001-09-02' and birth <= '2002-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 18 y from employee where birth > '2002-09-02' and birth <= '2003-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 17 y from employee where birth > '2003-09-02' and birth <= '2004-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 16 y from employee where birth > '2004-09-02' and birth <= '2005-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 15 y from employee where birth > '2005-09-02' and birth <= '2006-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 14 y from employee where birth > '2006-09-02' and birth <= '2007-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 13 y from employee where birth > '2007-09-02' and birth <= '2008-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 12 y from employee where birth > '2008-09-02' and birth <= '2009-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 11 y from employee where birth > '2009-09-02' and birth <= '2010-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 10 y from employee where birth > '2010-09-02' and birth <= '2011-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 9 y from employee where birth > '2011-09-02' and birth <= '2012-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 8 y from employee where birth > '2012-09-02' and birth <= '2013-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 7 y from employee where birth > '2013-09-02' and birth <= '2014-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 6 y from employee where birth > '2014-09-02' and birth <= '2015-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 5 y from employee where birth > '2015-09-02' and birth <= '2016-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 4 y from employee where birth > '2016-09-02' and birth <= '2017-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 3 y from employee where birth > '2017-09-02' and birth <= '2018-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 2 y from employee where birth > '2018-09-02' and birth <= '2019-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 1 y from employee where birth > '2019-09-02' and birth <= '2020-09-02'

union all

select count(*) c, 0 y from employee where birth > '2020-09-02' and birth <= '2021-09-02'






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


