

I.   Introduction
I.   介绍
II.  Manual installing of the FastReport packages
II.  手动安装FastReport包。
III. Recompiling FastReport Basic Edition and Standard Edition packages
III. 重新编译FastReport基本版本和标准版包。
IV.  Recompiling FastReport Pro Edition and Enterprise Edition packages
IV.  重新编译专业版和企业版包。

I. Introduction
I. 介绍

FastReport comes with precompiled *.dcu, *.bpl, *.dcp files. Installation
program puts the runtime packages to the system folder and installs other
packages into the Delphi. You don't need to install anything manually.
However, if you change FR sources, change the language resources, or have
another version of TeeChart, IBX or any standard Delphi components, you'll
need to recompile FR packages.

FastReport带有预编译的*.dcu, *.bpl, *.dcp文件,安装程序时把运行时包放到系

FastReport includes several packages, divided into runtime and design-time
parts. Design-time packages have 'dcl' prefix in the package name. Each
package has a number, corresponding to the Delphi version. For example,
dclfrx4.dpk is a design-time package for Delphi4. Here is a list of
runtime packages used by FastReport ('*' denotes a Delphi version):

fs*.dpk     - FastScript, main package
fsDB*.dpk   - FastScript, DB classes and controls
fsBDE*.dpk  - FastScript, BDE components
fsADO*.dpk  - FastScript, ADO components
fsIBX*.dpk  - FastScript, IBX components
fsTee*.dpk  - FastScript, TeeChart components
frx*.dpk    - FastReport, main package
frxDB*.dpk  - FastReport, TDataSet wrapper (TfrxDBDataSet)
frxIBO*.dpk - FastReport, IB_Objects wrapper (TfrxIBODataSet)
frxBDE*.dpk - FastReport, end-user BDE components
frxADO*.dpk - FastReport, end-user ADO components
frxIBX*.dpk - FastReport, end-user IBX components
frxDBX*.dpk - FastReport, end-user DBX components
frxTee*.dpk - FastReport, TeeChart components
frxe*.dpk   - FastReport, export filters



II. Manual installing of the FastReport packages
II. 手动安装FastReport包

Perform the following steps if you want to install FastReport packages

Step 1. Copy runtime packages to System folder
步骤1. 拷贝运行时包到系统文件夹
- close Delphi
- 关闭Delphi
- copy /Lib/fs*.bpl file (* = your Delphi version) to Windows/System32
- 拷贝 /Lib/fs*.bpl 文件 (* = 你的delphi版本) 到 Windows/System32
  (Windows/System for Windows 95/98/ME)
- copy /Lib/fsDB*.bpl file to Windows/System32
- copy /Lib/fsBDE*.bpl file to Windows/System32
- copy /Lib/fsADO*.bpl file to Windows/System32
- copy /Lib/fsIBX*.bpl file to Windows/System32
- copy /Lib/fsTee*.bpl file to Windows/System32
- copy /Lib/frx*.bpl file to Windows/System32
- copy /Lib/frxDB*.bpl file to Windows/System32
- copy /Lib/frxBDE*.bpl file to Windows/System32
- copy /Lib/frxADO*.bpl file to Windows/System32
- copy /Lib/frxIBX*.bpl file to Windows/System32
- copy /Lib/frxDBX*.bpl file to Windows/System32
- copy /Lib/frxTee*.bpl file to Windows/System32
- copy /Lib/frxe*.bpl file to Windows/System32

Step 2. Install packages
步骤2. 安装包
- in the Delphi IDE, select "Component|Install Packages..." menu item
- 在Delphi集成开发环境中,选择"Component|Install Packages..."菜单项
- press "Add..." button and select /Lib/dclfs*.bpl file (* = your Delphi version)
- 按"Add..." 按键并选择/Lib/dclfs*.bpl 文件 (* = 你的Delphi版本) //以下类同
- press "Add..." button and select /Lib/dclfsDB*.bpl file
- press "Add..." button and select /Lib/dclfsBDE*.bpl file
- press "Add..." button and select /Lib/dclfsADO*.bpl file (D5+)
- press "Add..." button and select /Lib/dclfsIBX*.bpl file (D5+)
- press "Add..." button and select /Lib/dclfsTee*.bpl file
- press "Add..." button and select /Lib/dclfrx*.bpl file
- press "Add..." button and select /Lib/dclfrxDB*.bpl file
- press "Add..." button and select /Lib/dclfrxBDE*.bpl file
- press "Add..." button and select /Lib/dclfrxADO*.bpl file (D5+)
- press "Add..." button and select /Lib/dclfrxIBX*.bpl file (D5+)
- press "Add..." button and select /Lib/dclfrxDBX*.bpl file (D6+)
- press "Add..." button and select /Lib/dclfrxTee*.bpl file
- press "Add..." button and select /Lib/dclfrxe*.bpl file

Step 3. Add paths to library path
- in the Delphi IDE, select "Tools|Environmet options..." menu item
- go "Library" tab, "Library path" edit box
- add path to "FastReport 4/Lib" folder
步骤3. 增加路径到library path
- 在Delphi中,选择"Tools|Environmet options..."菜单项
- 到"Library"选项卡,"Library path"编辑框
- 添加"FastReport 4/Lib" 文件夹路径
III. Recompiling FastReport Basic Edition and Standard Edition packages
III. 重新编译FastReport基础版本和标准版本包
Perform the following steps if you want to recompile FastReport packages.

Step 0 (for FastReport Basic Edition only)
步骤 0 (仅仅适用于基础版本)
- open the FastReport 4/Lib/ file and uncomment the following  line:
- 打开FastReport 4/Lib/frxReg.inc文件并取消下面一行注释

Step 1. Add paths to library path
步骤 1. 添加路径到library path
1.1. in the Delphi IDE, select "Tools|Environmet options..." menu
1.1. 在Delphi中,选择"Tools|Environmet options..." 菜单
1.2. go "Library" tab, "Library path" edit box
1.2. 到"Library"选项卡,"Library path"编辑框
1.3. add path to FastReport 4/Lib folder
1.3. 增加FastReport 4/Lib文件夹路径

Step 2. Compile runtime packages
步骤 2. 编译运行时包
2.1. repeat the 2.2-2.4 steps for the following packages:
2.1. 对下面的包重复2.2-2.4步骤
- FastReport 4/Lib/fs*.dpk (* = your delphi version)
- FastReport 4/Lib/fsDB*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Lib/fsBDE*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Lib/fsADO*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Lib/fsIBX*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Lib/fsTee*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Lib/frx*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Lib/frxDB*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Lib/frxADO*.dpk (FR3 Std only)
- FastReport 4/Lib/frxBDE*.dpk (FR3 Std only)
- FastReport 4/Lib/frxIBX*.dpk (FR3 Std only)
- FastReport 4/Lib/frxDBX*.dpk (FR3 Std only)
- FastReport 4/Lib/frxTee*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Lib/frxe*.dpk
2.2. open the package (by "File|Open project..." menu, select "Delphi
  package (*.dpk)" as a file type)
2.2. 打开包(通过 "File|Open project..." 菜单, 选择"Delphi
  package (*.dpk)" 文件类型)
2.3. 按下"Compile"按键
2.4. 关闭"Package"对话框

Step 3. Copy runtime packages to system folder
步骤 3. 拷贝运行时包到系统文件夹
3.1. copy the following files from the Delphi_dir/Projects/Bpl folder
  to the Windows/System32 folder (or Windows/System for Win9x/Me):
3.1. 从Delphi_dir/Projects/Bpl文件夹拷贝下面的文件到Windows/System32文件夹
 (或者 Windows/System for Win9x/Me):
- fs*.bpl (* = your delphi version)
- fsDB*.bpl
- fsBDE*.bpl
- fsADO*.bpl
- fsIBX*.bpl
- fsTee*.bpl
- frx*.bpl
- frxDB*.bpl
- frxADO*.bpl (FR3 Std only)
- frxBDE*.bpl (FR3 Std only)
- frxIBX*.bpl (FR3 Std only)
- frxDBX*.bpl (FR3 Std only)
- frxTee*.bpl
- frxe*.bpl
3.2. note for Delphi4 users: *.bpl files are sitting in the FastReport 4/Lib
  folder, not in the Delphi_dir/Projects/Bpl folder
3.2. 注意Delphi4用户:*.bpl文件在FastReport 4/Lib文件夹,注意Delphi目录//Projects/Bpl

Step 4. Compile and install design-time packages
步骤 4. 编译并安装设计时包
4.1. repeat the 4.2-4.5 steps for the following packages:
- FastReport 4/Lib/dclfs*.dpk (* = your delphi version)
- FastReport 4/Lib/dclfsDB*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Lib/dclfsBDE*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Lib/dclfsADO*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Lib/dclfsIBX*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Lib/dclfsTee*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Lib/dclfrx*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Lib/dclfrxDB*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Lib/dclfrxADO*.dpk (FR3 Std only)
- FastReport 4/Lib/dclfrxBDE*.dpk (FR3 Std only)
- FastReport 4/Lib/dclfrxIBX*.dpk (FR3 Std only)
- FastReport 4/Lib/dclfrxDBX*.dpk (FR3 Std only)
- FastReport 4/Lib/dclfrxTee*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Lib/dclfrxe*.dpk
4.2. open the package (by "File|Open project..." menu, select "Delphi
  package (*.dpk)" as a file type)
4.2 打开包(通过 "File|Open project..." 菜单, 选择"Delphi
  package (*.dpk)" 文件类型)
4.3. press the "Compile" button
4.3. 按下"Compile"按键
4.4. press the "Install" button
4.4. 按下"Install"按键
4.5. close the "Package" dialog, answer "NO" when Delphi asks to save changes!
4.5. 关闭"Package"对话框,当Delphi询问保存改变的时候,回答"NO"

IV. Recompiling FastReport Pro Edition and Enterprise Edition packages
IV. 重新编译FastReport专家版和企业版包
Perform the following steps if you have changed FastReport sources
and want to recompile them.

Step 1. Remove old binary files
步骤 1. 移除旧有的二进制文件
1.1. in the Delphi IDE, select "Tools|Environmet options..." menu
1.1. 在Delphi中,选择"Tools|Environmet options..."菜单
1.2. go "Library" tab, "Library path" edit box
1.2. 到 "Library" 选项卡, "Library path"编辑框
1.3. remove path to FastReport 4/Lib folder
1.3. 移除FastReport 4/Lib文件夹路径

Step 2. Add paths to library path
步骤 2. 增加路径到library path
2.1. in the Delphi IDE, select "Tools|Environmet options..." menu
2.1. 在Delphi中,选择"Tools|Environmet options..."菜单
2.2. go "Library" tab, "Library path" edit box
2.2. 到 "Library" 选项卡, "Library path"编辑框
2.3. add path to FastReport 4/FastScript, FastReport 4/Source,
2.3. 添加FastReport 4/FastScript, FastReport 4/Source,
  FastReport 4/Source/BDE,ADO,IBX,DBX, FastReport 4/Source/ExportPack

Step 3. Compile runtime packages
步骤 3. 编译运行时包
3.1. repeat the 3.2-3.4 steps for the following packages:
3.1 对下面的包重复3.2-3.4步骤:
- FastReport 4/FastScript/fs*.dpk (* = your delphi version)
- FastReport 4/FastScript/fsDB*.dpk
- FastReport 4/FastScript/fsBDE*.dpk
- FastReport 4/FastScript/fsADO*.dpk
- FastReport 4/FastScript/fsIBX*.dpk
- FastReport 4/FastScript/fsTee*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Source/frx*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Source/frxDB*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Source/ADO/frxADO*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Source/BDE/frxBDE*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Source/IBX/frxIBX*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Source/DBX/frxDBX*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Source/frxTee*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Source/ExportPack/frxe*.dpk
3.2. open the package (by "File|Open project..." menu, select "Delphi
  package (*.dpk)" as a file type)
3.2. 打开包(通过 "File|Open project..." 菜单, 选择"Delphi
  package (*.dpk)"文件类型)
3.3. press the "Compile" button
3.3. 按下"Compile"按键
3.4. close the "Package" dialog
3.4. 关闭"Package"对话框

Step 4. Copy runtime packages to system folder
步骤 4. 拷贝运行时包到系统文件夹
4.1. copy the following files from the Delphi_dir/Projects/Bpl folder
  to the Windows/System32 folder (or Windows/System for Win9x/Me):
4.1. 从Delphi_dir/Projects/Bpl文件夹拷贝下面的文件到Windows/System32文件夹
 (或者 Windows/System for Win9x/Me):
- fs*.bpl (* = your delphi version)
- fsDB*.bpl
- fsBDE*.bpl
- fsADO*.bpl
- fsIBX*.bpl
- fsTee*.bpl
- frx*.bpl
- frxDB*.bpl
- frxADO*.bpl
- frxBDE*.bpl
- frxIBX*.bpl
- frxDBX*.bpl
- frxTee*.bpl
- frxe*.bpl
4.2. Note Delphi4 Users: *.bpl files are sitting in the source folders,
  not in the Delphi_dir/Projects/Bpl folder:
  FastReport 4/FastScript, FastReport 4/Source,
  FastReport 4/Source/BDE,ADO,IBX,DBX, FastReport 4/Source/ExportPack
4.2 Delphi4用户注意:*.bpl文件还在原文件夹,不在Delphi_dir/Projects/Bpl folder:
  FastReport 4/FastScript, FastReport 4/Source,
  FastReport 4/Source/BDE,ADO,IBX,DBX, FastReport 4/Source/ExportPack

Step 5. Compile and install design-time packages
步骤 5. 编译并安装运行时包
5.1. repeat the 5.2-5.5 steps for the following packages:
5.1. 对于下面的包重复5.2-5.5步骤:
- FastReport 4/FastScript/dclfs*.dpk (* = your delphi version)
- FastReport 4/FastScript/dclfsDB*.dpk
- FastReport 4/FastScript/dclfsBDE*.dpk
- FastReport 4/FastScript/dclfsADO*.dpk
- FastReport 4/FastScript/dclfsIBX*.dpk
- FastReport 4/FastScript/dclfsTee*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Source/dclfrx*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Source/dclfrxDB*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Source/ADO/dclfrxADO*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Source/BDE/dclfrxBDE*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Source/IBX/dclfrxIBX*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Source/DBX/dclfrxDBX*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Source/dclfrxTee*.dpk
- FastReport 4/Source/ExportPack/dclfrxe*.dpk
5.2. open the package (by "File|Open project..." menu, select "Delphi
  package (*.dpk)" as a file type)
5.3. press the "Compile" button
5.3. 按下"Compile"按键
5.4. press the "Install" button
5.4. 按下"Install"按键
5.5. close the "Package" dialog, answer "NO" when Delphi asks to save changes!
5.5. 关闭"Package"对话框,当Delphi询问保存改变的时候,回答"NO"



2.选择第三步:设置select Teechart Version = TeeChartStd,
3.选择第四步:编译第一项Change Language to = Chinese,编译
4.选择第四步:编译第二项Change TeeChart version,编译
6.打开delphi,把source及其目录下的所有目录都加入到library path中去
7.选择菜单[Component]/[Install Package],找到你编译的包,然后安装他们。





这个指南让你熟悉报表设计器和了解报表设计的基本概念(各种区域,数据源,二次表,等等)。指南将帮助你开始用FastReport创建报表,但它不能告诉你怎样使用其它基本的报表设计器。 如果你不熟悉报表设计器,我们建议你参考QuickReport的帮助系统。QuickReport的指南已经包含在你的Delphi拷贝中。QuickReport的大部分基本概念也适用于FastReport,然而,FastReport能提供更多的弹性和最终用户的自定义。 关于FastReport的说明 FastReport是高弹性的报表设计器,用于报表的数据可以从任何类型的数据源获取,包含字符列表,BDE数据库,ADO数据源(不使用BDE),Interbase(使用IBO),Pascal数组和记录,以及一些不常用的数据源。 整个FastReport系统是用Delphi的Pascal编写的。FastReport不需要动态链接库,但需在你的项目中占用大约400kb(Delphi 5)。如果你想最终用户拥有设计能力,这将在你的.EXE中增加大约500kb。虽然这看上去比较大,但这只是其它设计的几分之一。你同样应该考虑到FastReport不仅仅只是包含最终用户更改报表设计的能力,还能够适应查询和数据库的变化。FastReport还包含自己的脚本语言,让应用程序和最终用户能够更容易地改变报表。如果你的大部分应用使用FastReport,你可以简单地配置FastReport BPL(大约1400kb)而所有你的应用程序只需要保留很少的一部分。 你可以发现FastReport有一个非常吸引人的用户界面,使用最新的用户界面组件,例如可停靠的工具栏。你的最终用户将会非常愿意使用这个设计器,只需使用鼠标就可以创建大多数报表。 FastReport是名副其实的快速报表:较其它一些Delphi报表设计器而言,你可以发现没有什么可以接近于它的开发速度。报表预览窗口一直是大多数报表设计器的弱点,高品质的外观,赋于你的应用程序非常专业的用户界面。 FastReport是一个已经拥有三年历史的非常成熟的报表设计器,成长使它拥有其它Delphi报表设计器所不能相比的诸多先进特性。
评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
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钱包余额 0


