// QuickSort implementation
static void QuickSort (ArrayList szArray, int nLower, int nUpper)
// Check for non-base case
if (nLower < nUpper)
// Split and sort partitions
int nSplit = Partition (szArray, nLower, nUpper);
QuickSort (szArray, nLower, nSplit - 1);
QuickSort (szArray, nSplit + 1, nUpper);
// QuickSort partition implementation
static int Partition (ArrayList szArray, int nLower, int nUpper)
// Pivot with first element
int nLeft = nLower + 1;
string szPivot = (string) szArray[nLower];
int nRight = nUpper;
// Partition array elements
string szSwap;
while (nLeft <= nRight)
// Find item out of place
while (nLeft <= nRight)
if (((string) szArray[nLeft]).CompareTo (szPivot) > 0)
nLeft = nLeft + 1;
while (nLeft <= nRight)
if (((string) szArray[nRight]).CompareTo (szPivot) <= 0)
nRight = nRight - 1;
// Swap values if necessary
if (nLeft < nRight)
szSwap = (string) szArray[nLeft];
szArray[nLeft] = szArray[nRight];
szArray[nRight] = szSwap;
nLeft = nLeft + 1;
nRight = nRight - 1;
// Move pivot element
szSwap = (string) szArray[nLower];
szArray[nLower] = szArray[nRight];
szArray[nRight] = szSwap;
return nRight;