ONOS+P4 Tutorial: Exercise 1

ONOS+P4 Tutorial: Exercise 1


The goal of this exercise is to introduce P4 and P4Runtime support in ONOS, along with the tools to practically experiment with it. In this exercise we will see how the ONOS “pipeconf” mechanism allow one to re-use existing ONOS apps to provide basic forwarding capabilities in a pipeline-agnostic manner, i.e. independently of the P4 program.

To run this exercise you will need multiple terminal windows (or tabs) to operate with the CLI of Mininet, ONOS, and BMv2. We use the following convention to distinguish between commands of different CLIs:

  • Commands starting with $ are intended to be executed in the Ubuntu terminal prompt;
  • onos> for commands in the ONOS CLI;
  • mininet> for the Mininet CLI;
  • RuntimeCmd: for the BMv2 CLI.
  • $开头的命令旨在在Ubuntu终端提示符中执行;
  • onos>用于ONOS CLI中的命令;
  • mininet>Mininet CLI的;
  • RuntimeCmd:用于BMv2 CLI。

Exercise steps

  1. On terminal window 1, start ONOS with a small subset of the apps by executing the following command:

    $ cd $ONOS_ROOT
    $ ONOS_APPS=proxyarp,hostprovider,lldpprovider ok clean

    The $ONOS_ROOT environment variable points to the root ONOS directory. The ok command is an alias to run ONOS locally in your dev machine. Please note that if this the first time you run ONOS on this machine, or if you haven’t built ONOS before, it can take some time (5-10 minutes depending on your Internet speed).
    $ ONOS_ROOT环境变量指向根ONOS目录。

    Once ONOS has started you should see log messages being print on the screen

  2. On terminal window 2, activate the BMv2 driver and tutorial pipeconf via the ONOS CLI.
    在终端窗口2上,通过ONOS CLI激活BMv2驱动程序和教程pipeconf

    1. Use the following command to access the ONOS CLI:
      使用以下命令访问ONOS CLI

      $ onos localhost

      You should now see the ONOS CLI command prompt. For a list of possible commands that you can use here, type:
      您现在应该看到ONOS CLI命令提示符。有关可在此处使用的可能命令的列表,请键入:

      onos> help onos
    2. Enter the following command to activate the BMv2 driver:

      onos> app activate org.onosproject.drivers.bmv2

      You should see the following message on the ONOS log:

      Application org.onosproject.drivers.bmv2 has been activated
    3. Enter the following command to activate the pipeconf:

      onos> app activate org.onosproject.p4tutorial.pipeconf

      You should see the following messages on the log:

      New pipeconf registered: p4-tutorial-pipeconf
      Application org.onosproject.p4tutorial.pipeconf has been activated

      Please note the specific name used for this pipeconf p4-tutorial-pipeconf. We will later use this name to tell ONOS to deploy that specific P4 program to the switches.

    4. To verify that you have activated all the required apps, run the following command:

      onos> apps -a -s

      Make sure you see the following list of apps displayed:

      org.onosproject.generaldeviceprovider ... General Device Provider
      org.onosproject.drivers               ... Default Drivers
      org.onosproject.proxyarp              ... Proxy ARP/NDP
      org.onosproject.lldpprovider          ... LLDP Link Provider
      org.onosproject.protocols.grpc        ... gRPC Protocol Subsystem
      org.onosproject.protocols.p4runtime   ... P4Runtime Protocol Subsystem
      org.onosproject.p4runtime             ... P4Runtime Provider
      org.onosproject.drivers.p4runtime     ... P4Runtime Drivers
      org.onosproject.hostprovider          ... Host Location Provider
      org.onosproject.drivers.bmv2          ... BMv2 Drivers
      org.onosproject.p4tutorial.pipeconf   ... P4 Tutorial Pipeconf
    5. (optional) Change flow rule polling interval. Run the following
      command in the ONOS CLI:
      (可选)更改流规则轮询间隔。 在ONOS CLI中运行以下命令:

      onos> cfg set org.onosproject.net.flow.impl.FlowRuleManager fallbackFlowPollFrequency 5

      This command tells ONOS to check the state of flow rules on switches every 5 seconds (default is 30). This is used to obtain more often flow rules stats such as byte/packet counters. It helps also resolving more quickly issues where some flow rules are installed in the ONOS store but not on the device (which can often happen when emulating a large number of devices in the same VM).

  3. On terminal window 3, run Mininet to set up a topology of BMv2 devices.

    1. To run Mininet, use the following command:

      $ sudo -E mn --custom $BMV2_MN_PY --switch onosbmv2,pipeconf=p4-tutorial-pipeconf --controller remote,ip=

      The --custom argument tells Mininet to use the bmv2.py custom script to execute the BMv2 switch. The environment variable $BMV2_MN_PY points to the exact location of the script (you can use the command echo $BMV2_MN_PY to find out the location).
      环境变量$ BMV2_MN_PY指向脚本的确切位置(您可以使用命令echo $ BMV2_MN_PY来查找位置)。

      The --switch argument specifies the kind of switch instance we want to run inside Mininet. In this case we are running a version of BMv2 that also produces some configuration files used by ONOS to discover the device (see steps below), hence the name onosbmv2. The pipeconf sub-argument is used to tell ONOS which pipeconf to deploy on all devices.

      The --controller argument specifies the address of the controller, ONOS in this case, which is running on the same machine where we are executing Mininet.

    2. A set of files are generated in the /tmp folder as part of this startup process, to view them (on a separate terminal window):
      作为此启动过程的一部分,在/ tmp文件夹中生成一组文件,以查看它们(在单独的终端窗口上):

      $ ls /tmp
    3. You will find ONOS netcfg JSON files in this folder for each BMv2 switch, open this file up, for example:
      您将在每个BMv2交换机中找到此文件夹中的ONOS netcfg JSON文件,打开此文件,例如:

      $ cat /tmp/bmv2-s1-netcfg.json

      It contains the configuration for (1) the gRPC server and port used by the BMv2 switch process for the P4Runtime service, (2) the ID of pipeconf to deploy on the device, (3) switch ports details, and other driver-specific information.

      This file is pushed to ONOS automatically by Mininet when executing the switch instance. If everything went as expected, you should see the ONOS log populating with messages like:

      Connecting to device device:bmv2:s1 with driver bmv2
      Setting pipeline config for device:bmv2:s1 to p4-tutorial-pipeconf...
      Device device:bmv2:s1 connected
    4. Check the BMv2 switch instance log:

      $ less /tmp/bmv2-s1-log

      By scrolling the BMv2 log, you should see all P4Runtime messages received by the switch. These messages are sent by ONOS and are used to install table entries and to read counters. You should also see many PACKET_IN and PACKET_OUT messages corresponding to packet-in/out processed by the switch and used for LLDP-based link discovery.

      Table entry messages are generated by ONOS according to the flow rules generated by each app and based on the P4Info associated with the p4-tutorial-pipeconf.

      If you prefer to watch the BMv2 log updating in real time, you can use the following command to print on screen all new messages:

      $ bm-log s1

      This command will show the log of the BMv2 switch in Mininet with name “s1”.

      If needed, you can run BMv2 with debug logging enabled by passing the sub-argument loglevel=debug when starting Mininet. For example:
      如果需要,您可以通过在启动Mininet时传递子参数loglevel = debug来运行BMv2并启用debug logging。例如:

      $ sudo -E mn [...] --switch onosbmv2,loglevel=debug,pipeconf=p4-tutorial-pipeconf [...]

      Debug logging in BMv2 is useful to observe the life of a packet inside the pipeline, e.g. showing the header fields extracted by the parser for a specific packet, the tables used to process the packets, matching table entries (if any), etc.

    5. Check the flow rules inserted by each app in ONOS. In the ONOS CLI type:
      检查ONOS中每个应用程序插入的流程规则。在ONOS CLI类型中:

      onos> flows -s

      You should see 3 flow rules:

      deviceId=device:bmv2:s1, flowRuleCount=3
          ADDED, bytes=0, packets=0, table=0, priority=40000, selector=[ETH_TYPE:arp], treatment=[immediate=[OUTPUT:CONTROLLER], clearDeferred]
          ADDED, bytes=0, packets=0, table=0, priority=40000, selector=[ETH_TYPE:bddp], treatment=[immediate=[OUTPUT:CONTROLLER], clearDeferred]
          ADDED, bytes=0, packets=0, table=0, priority=40000, selector=[ETH_TYPE:lldp], treatment=[immediate=[OUTPUT:CONTROLLER], clearDeferred]

      These flow rules are installed automatically for each device by the Proxy ARP and LLDP Link Discovery apps. The first one is used to intercept ARP requests (selector=[ETH_TYPE:arp]), which are sent to the controller (treatment=[immediate=[OUTPUT:CONTROLLER]), who in turn will reply with an ARP response or broadcast the requests to all hosts.
      The other two flow rules are used to intercept LLDP and BBDP packets (for the purpose of link discovery).
      Proxy ARP和LLDP Link Discovery应用程序会自动为每台设备安装这些流规则。
      第一个用于拦截ARP请求(selector = [ETH_TYPE:arp]),
      它们被发送到控制器(treatment = [immediate = [OUTPUT:CONTROLLER]),
      而后者将用ARP回复 响应或向所有主机广播请求。

      These flow rules appear to be installed on table “0”. This is a logical table number mapped by the pipeconf’s interpreter to the P4 table named t_l2_fwd in mytunnel.p4 (line 191).
      这些流规则似乎安装在表“0”上。这是pipeconf的解释器映射到 mytunnel.p4 (line 191).中的名为t_l2_fwd的P4表的逻辑表号

      This mapping is defined inPipelineInterpreterImpl.java (line 103)
      此映射在 PipelineInterpreterImpl.java (line 103)中定义

    6. Compare ONOS flow rules to the table entries installed on the BMv2 switch.

      We can use the BMv2 CLI to dump all table entries currently installed on the switch. On a separate terminal window type:
      我们可以使用BMv2 CLI转储当前安装在交换机上的所有表条目。在单独的终端窗口上键入:

       $ bm-cli s1

      This command will start the CLI for the BMv2 switch in Mininet with name “s1”.

      On the BMv2 CLI prompt, type the following command:
      在bmv2 cli提示下,键入以下命令:

      RuntimeCmd: table_dump c_ingress.t_l2_fwd

      You should see exactly 3 entries, each one corresponding to a flow rule in ONOS. For example, the flow rule matching on ARP packets should look like this in the BMv2 CLI:
      例如,在bmv2 cli中,arp数据包上的流规则匹配应该如下所示:

      Dumping entry 0x2000002
      Match key:
      * standard_metadata.ingress_port: TERNARY   0000 &&& 0000
      * ethernet.dst_addr             : TERNARY   000000000000 &&& 000000000000
      * ethernet.src_addr             : TERNARY   000000000000 &&& 000000000000
      * ethernet.ether_type           : TERNARY   0806 &&& ffff
      Priority: 16737216
      Action entry: c_ingress.send_to_cpu -

      Note how the ONOS selector [ETH_TYPE:arp] has been translated to an entry matching only the header field ethernet.ether_type, while the bits of all other fields are set as “don’t care” (mask is all zeros). While the ONOS treatment[OUTPUT:CONTROLLER]has been translated to the action c_ingress.send_to_cpu.

      Important: The BMv2 CLI is a powerful tool to debug the state of a BMv2 switch. Type help to show a list of possible commands. This CLI provides also auto-completion when pressing the tab key.
      重要提示: bmv2 cli是调试bmv2开关状态的强大工具。键入help以显示可能的命令列表。

  4. It is finally time to test connectivity between the hosts of our Mininet network.

    1. On the Mininet prompt, start a ping between host1 and host2:

      mininet> h1 ping h2

      The ping should NOT work, and the reason is that we did not activate yet any ONOS app providing connectivity between hosts.

    2. While leaving the ping running on Mininet, activate the Reactive Forwarding app using the ONOS CLI:
      在MiniNet上运行ping时,使用ONOS CLI激活反应转发应用程序

      onos> app activate org.onosproject.fwd

      Once activated, you should see the the ping working. Indeed, this app installs the necessary flow rules to forward packets between the two hosts.

    3. Use steps 3.v and 3.vi to check the new flow rules.
      使用步骤 3.v 和 3.vi检查新的流程规则

      You should see 3 new flow rules.

      The Reactive Forwarding app works in the following way. It installs a low priority flow rule to intercepts all IPv4 packets via asend_to_cpu action ([OUTPUT:CONTROLLER] in ONOS). When a packet is received by the control plane, the packet is processed by the app, which in turn, by querying the Topology service and the Host Location service is ONOS, computes the shortest path between the two hosts, and installs higher priority flow rules on each hop to forward packets between the two hosts (after having re-injected that packet in the network via a packet-out).

  5. Congratulations, you completed the first exercise of the ONOS+P4 tutorial!

    To kill ONOS, press ctrl-c in the ONOS log terminal window. To kill Mininet, press ctrl-d in the Mininet CLI or type exit.
    要终止mininet,请在mininet cli中按 ctrl-d ,或键入exit

Bonus exercise


As a bonus exercise, you can re-run Mininet with a larger topology to see how Exercise 1 works with a more complex topology.

  1. Rerun the steps in Exercise 1, replacing step 3.i. with the following:

    $ sudo -E mn --custom $BMV2_MN_PY --switch onosbmv2,pipeconf=p4-tutorial-pipeconf --topo tree,3 --controller remote,ip=

    By using the argument --topo we are telling Mininet to emulate a Tree topology with depth 3, i.e. with 7 switches, 6 links, and 8 hosts.
    通过使用参数--topo ,我们告诉MiniNet模拟深度为3的树拓扑,即使用7个交换机、6个链接和8个主机。

    Important: due to the limited resources of the VM, when executing many switches in Mininet, it might happen that some flow rules are not installed correctly on the switch (showing state PENDING_ADD when using ONOS command flows). In this case, ONOS provides an automatic reconciliation mechanism that tries to re-install the failed entries. To force ONOS to perform this process more often, make sure to apply step 2.v before starting Mininet.
    重要提示: 由于虚拟机资源有限,在MiniNet中执行多个交换机时,可能会出现某些流规则未正确安装在交换机上(使用onos命令flows时显示状态PENDING_ADD)。

  2. After you activate the Reactive Forwarding app as in step 4.ii., you can ping all hosts in the network using the following Mininet command:

    mininet> pingall

    If everything went well, ping should work for every host pair in the network.

  3. You can visualize the topology using the ONOS web UI.

    Open a browser from within the tutorial VM (e.g. Firefox) to When asked, use the username onos and password rocks. You should see a nice tree topology.
    请使用用户名 onos和密码rocks。你应该看到一个很好的树拓扑结构。

    While here, feel free to interact with and discover the ONOS UI. For more information on how to use the ONOS web UI please refer to this guide:
    有关如何使用ONOS Web UI的详细信息,请参阅本指南:

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