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转载 sizeof 整數所占記憶體空間 (32bit and 64bit 比較)

sizeof 整數所占記憶體空間 (32bit and 64bit 比較)

2019-04-26 16:48:35 163

转载 FTP server & client 教學


2018-06-25 12:32:19 317

转载 [教學]清除電腦系統垃圾bat檔《加強版》


2018-05-31 19:21:50 683

转载 Ubuntu 16.04 + Tensorflow + OpenCV3 環境建置

 Nvidia driver => CUDA9.0 => cuDNN7.0 => Anaconda3 => TensorFlow1.8 => OpenCV31. 深度学习服务器环境配置: Ubuntu17.04+Nvidia GTX 1080+CUDA 9.0+cuDNN 7.0+TensorFlow 1.32. Ubuntu 16.04 安装 Anaco...

2018-05-31 18:29:02 318

转载 Office 2016 + Visio

Microsoftoffice 2016 x64 x86 +KMSpico V10.2

2018-05-31 18:19:48 3573

转载 VS Code won't open in xrdp session

VS Code won't open in xrdp session

2018-05-23 02:25:56 339

转载 Use Jupyter on VS Code

jupyter notebook with visual studio code

2018-05-23 01:16:41 2914

转载 Install Visual Studio Code IDE on windows10

1. Install python on windowshttps://www.python.org/downloads/2. Install IDE and settingVisual Studio Code 開發 Python 程式Notice:VS code中找不到 "Configure Task Runner" 的指令3. Setting tasks.json for quick buil...

2018-05-23 00:11:35 146

转载 Glances 命令列系統監控工具

Glances 命令列系統監控工具

2018-05-22 15:43:18 317

转载 Remote login, Tab using in terminator


2018-05-22 15:06:32 186

转载 Login Ubuntu from Windows with xrdp


2018-05-08 13:40:03 233

原创 Python and RStudio Learning

### python價格追蹤:使用 gspread 自動更新 Google Sheetshttp://city.shaform.com/blog/2016/03/19/gspread.htmlNotebook: how to use google sheets with Rhttp://yichunsung.github.io/r_notebook/notebook_for

2018-01-12 14:33:10 736

转载 Python 的虛擬環境及多版本開發利器─Virtualenv 與 Pythonbrew

Python 的虛擬環境及多版本開發利器─Virtualenv 與 Pythonbrew

2018-01-07 20:18:04 203

转载 如何匯出 apk 安裝檔

如何匯出 apk 安裝檔

2017-12-17 09:59:15 211

转载 自動加入import -- Android Studio ctrl shit o

自動加入import -- Android Studio ctrl shit o

2017-12-17 09:57:10 190

转载 Android studio启动DDMS失败

Android studio启动DDMS失败[LINUX] ln 命令連結 用法

2017-12-15 17:34:17 390

转载 Ubuntu Linux下安装JDK,Android SDK,Android Studio以及NDK

Ubuntu Linux下安装JDK,Android SDK,Android Studio以及NDK

2017-12-15 15:30:01 500

转载 How to install compiz

How to install compiz

2017-12-08 21:18:33 210

转载 ubuntu conda install ERROR missing write permission error

ubuntu conda install ERROR missing write permission error

2017-12-08 05:37:56 282

原创 Ubuntu deaktop document (Anaconda-Navigator.deaktop)

[Desktop Entry]Version=1.0Type=ApplicationName=Anaconda-NavigatorGenericName=AnacondaComment=Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment - Python3Exec=bash -c 'export PATH=/usr/local/anacond

2017-12-08 05:05:07 356

转载 How to Install MS Visual Studio Code in Ubuntu 16.04/16.10

How to Install MS Visual Studio Code in Ubuntu 16.04/16.10

2017-12-08 03:36:51 255

转载 What version of Python do I have?

What version of Python do I have?

2017-12-08 02:07:46 177

转载 /bin,/sbin,/usr/sbin,/usr/bin 目录之简单区别

/bin,/sbin,/usr/sbin,/usr/bin 目录之简单区别

2017-12-06 10:21:14 322

转载 Create a .desktop file that opens and execute a command in a terminal

Create a .desktop file that opens and execute a command in a terminalHow Can I Run an Shell Script With .desktop Config File?

2017-12-06 01:56:38 201

转载 Ubuntu 安裝 Guake Terminal

Ubuntu 安裝 Guake Terminal

2017-12-06 01:12:10 802

转载 How to Install WeChat Desktop Client in Ubuntu Linux

How to Install WeChat Desktop Client in Ubuntu Linux

2017-12-06 00:23:19 491

转载 Docky wiki

Welcome to the Docky wiki

2017-12-06 00:00:56 238

转载 (Linux Issue) E: Problem executing scripts APT::Update::Post-Invoke-Success [duplicate]

E: Problem executing scripts APT::Update::Post-Invoke-Success [duplicate]

2017-12-05 23:43:06 288

转载 Linux 一個視窗可切割多個畫面的終端機 - Terminator

Linux 一個視窗可切割多個畫面的終端機 - Terminator

2017-12-05 16:06:49 211

转载 c write in file and '\n'

c 寫入file and 換行

2017-12-05 15:53:41 215

转载 (Linux Issue) Ubuntu 图形界面消失

Ubuntu 图形界面消失Ubuntu只剩桌面

2017-12-05 15:32:21 2487

转载 Uninstall python3.5

Uninstall python3.5

2017-12-05 11:02:10 1711

转载 How to Install Python 3.5.2 on Ubuntu & Linuxmint

How to Install Python 3.5.2 on Ubuntu & Linuxmint

2017-12-05 09:39:21 227

转载 在 Windows 上安裝 Numpy, Scipy packages

在 Windows 上安裝 Numpy, Scipy packages

2017-12-04 15:48:28 148

转载 (Linux Issue) Library corruption error during apt-get update

Library corruption error during apt-get update

2017-11-23 02:58:03 175

转载 ubuntu安裝fcitx及注音輸入法


2017-11-23 02:32:09 689

转载 在 Linux 下使用 find 指令查詢目錄與檔案的速查筆記

在 Linux 下使用 find 指令查詢目錄與檔案的速查筆記

2017-11-21 21:38:18 277

转载 Ubuntu Linux 空間釋放 - 清除沒用的檔案

當桌機的 Linux 硬碟滿了, 下述可以考慮先做清除的動作.清空 Trash binapt-get clean # 清除 local repository 淘汰得 Package (deb)apt-get autoclean # 清除舊版本的 暫存 Package (deb)apt-get autoremove # 刪除系統不再使用的 Package/var/cach

2017-11-21 21:29:11 341

转载 GNU / Linux 各種壓縮與解壓縮指令

GNU / Linux 各種壓縮與解壓縮指令

2017-11-16 22:29:13 201

转载 Top 10 Machine Learning Algorithms for Beginners

Top 10 Machine Learning Algorithms for Beginnershttps://www.kdnuggets.com/2017/10/top-10-machine-learning-algorithms-beginners.html

2017-11-16 02:20:30 444



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