Connecting Unicode Business Systems

Connecting Unicode Business Systems


If your business system is a Unicode system, the RFC destinations LCRSAPRFC and SAPSLDAPI are used and need to be defined for the connection between the business system and the System Landscape Directory (SLD).

Maintaining the RFC Destination LCRSAPRFC

Perform the following steps to maintain the RFC destination LCRSAPRFC:

  1. Execute transaction SM59 in the business system.

  2. Choose Create.

  3. Enter at least the following:

    • RFC destination: LCRSAPRFC

    • Connection type: T

    • Description: <your description>

  4. Choose ENTER.

  5. Choose the Technical settings tab page and do the following:

    1. In the Program ID field under Registered Server Program, enter LCRSAPRFC_UNICODE.

      This program ID must correspond to a program ID specified in the AS Java RFC engine settings on the Integration Server host.

      Note Note

      The program ID in the RFC engine settings is case-sensitive.

    2. Under Gateway Options enter the Gateway host and Gateway serviceof your Integration Server host.

      To find this information on the Integration Server host, call transaction SMGW, choose   Goto  Parameters   Display  , and search for the entries for the gateway hostname and gateway service attributes.

  6. Choose the MDMP & Unicode tab page and select the Unicodeflag under Communication Type with Target System.

  7. Save your settings.

Maintaining the Java Connection Parameters for LCRSAPRFC

Perform the following steps to maintain the Java connection parameters for LCRSAPRFC (more information: Integrating Security Functions):

  1. Start SAP NetWeaver Administrator.

  2. Choose   Configuration Management   Infrastructure Management   JCo RFC Destinations  

  3. Under RFC destination specify the following:


      Note Note

      You can reuse this program ID for all Unicode business systems.

    • Gateway Host: <localhost>

    • Gateway Service: <sapgw$$>

    • Server count: 3

  4. Under Repository Configuration specify the following:

    • Application Server: <localhost>

    • System number: <$$>

    • Client: <client where the Integration Server is defined>

    • User: PI_JCO_RFC (defined during installation)

    • Password: ask system administrator

  5. Choose Save.

Maintaining the RFC Destination SAPSLDAPI

Perform the following steps to maintain the RFC Destination SAPSLDAPI:

  1. Execute transaction SM59 in the business system.

  2. Choose Create.

  3. Enter at least the following:

    • RFC destination: SAPSLDAPI

    • Connection type: T

    • Description: <your description>

  4. Choose ENTER.

  5. Choose the Technical settings tab page and do the following:

    1. In the Program ID field under Registered Server Program, enter SAPSLDAPI _UNICODE.

    2. Under Gateway Options enter the Gateway host and Gateway service of your Integration Server host.

      To find this information on the Integration Server host, call transaction SMGW, choose   Goto  Parameters   Display  , and search for the entries for the gateway hostname and gateway service attributes.

  6. Choose the MDMP & Unicode tab page and select the Unicodeflag under Communication Type with Target System.

  7. Save your settings.

Maintaining the Java Connection Parameters for SAPSLDAPI

The RFC destination SAPSLDAPI also uses the registered server program SAPSLDAPI_UNICODE. Therefore, you do not need to maintain anything here, since you have already maintained the connection parameters for LCRSAPRFC.

Spyder是一种常用的Python集成开发环境(IDE),用于开发和调试Python程序。当Spyder显示"Connecting to kernel"时,意味着Spyder正在尝试与Python内核建立连接。 Spyder连接到Python内核是为了能够运行和调试Python代码。内核是一个独立于Spyder的进程,负责解析和执行Python代码,并将结果返回给Spyder以供显示和处理。 当Spyder启动时,它会尝试启动一个Python内核。连接成功后,Spyder将显示"Connected",并且可以执行和调试代码。然而,有时由于网络问题、Python环境配置问题或其他原因,Spyder可能无法成功连接到内核,导致显示"Connecting to kernel"。 如果Spyder一直显示"Connecting to kernel",可以尝试以下几种解决方法: 1. 检查网络连接:确保你的计算机与互联网连接正常,尝试重启电脑或更换网络连接。 2. 检查Python环境:确保你已经正确安装和配置了Python环境。可以尝试重新安装Python并确保安装路径正确。 3. 更新Spyder和内核:升级到最新版本的Spyder和Python内核,以确保与最新的软件版本兼容。 4. 重启Spyder和内核:关闭Spyder并重启它,然后再次尝试连接内核。如果问题仍然存在,可以尝试重启计算机。 总之,"Connecting to kernel"表示Spyder正在尝试连接Python内核。如果遇到这个问题,需要检查网络连接、Python环境配置和软件版本,并采取相应的措施来解决连接问题。




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