【Oracle11g官方文档阅读】DBA Essentials-上篇

Oracle Database Online Documentation 11g Release 2 (11.2)
DBA Essentials
Manage all aspects of your Oracle databases with the Enterprise Manager GUI.

2 Day DBA



Oracle Database 2 Day DBA is a database administration quick start guide that teaches you how to perform day-to-day database administrative tasks. The goal of this book is to help you understand the concepts behind Oracle Database. It teaches you how to perform all common administration tasks needed to keep the database operational, including how to perform basic troubleshooting and performance monitoring activities.
翻译:Oracle Database 2天DBA是教会你如何进行每天的数据库管理任务快速入门向导。本手册的目标是帮助你理解Oracle深层次的相关内容。手册教会你如何进行日常的保证数据库正常操作相关的管理任务,包括基本的故障排查和日常监控任务。


Oracle Database 2 Day DBA is for anyone who wants to perform basic administrative tasks with Oracle Database. Only minimal basic knowledge of or experience with database management is required, and a basic knowledge of computers.
Oracle 2天DBA是面向任何想要执行oracle基础任务管理的人员,仅仅是需要最基础的数据库管理和基本的计算机技能。

In particular, this guide is for the following groups of Oracle users:

•Developers who want to acquire basic database administrator (DBA) skills

•Anyone managing database servers

•Database administrators managing an Oracle database for a small or medium-sized business

This book is equally useful for enterprise DBAs. It recommends best practices and describes efficient ways of performing administrative tasks with Oracle Enterprise Manager as the primary interface.
翻译:本手册对于企业DBA是非常有用的,它推荐了最佳实践,并描述了以Oracle Enterprise Manager为主要界面执行管理任务的有效方法。

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle’s commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.
翻译:有My Oracle Support信息相关的客户,请访问http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs

Related Documentation

For more information, see these Oracle resources:

•Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide

•Oracle Enterprise Manager Advanced Configuration

•Oracle Database Concepts

•Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts

•Oracle Database Net Services Administrator’s Guide

•Oracle Database SQL Language Reference

•Oracle Database Reference

•Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User’s Guide

•Oracle Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX or other operating system

•Oracle Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide

•Oracle Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide

•Oracle Automatic Storage Management Administrator’s Guide

•Oracle Database Installation Guide

There are also several other 2 Day + books available for a variety of topics:

•Oracle Database 2 Day + Security Guide

•Oracle Database 2 Day + Data Warehousing Guide

•Oracle Database 2 Day + Data Replication and Integration Guide

•Oracle Database 2 Day + Performance Tuning Guide

•Oracle Database 2 Day + Real Application Clusters Guide

•Oracle Database 2 Day Developer’s Guide

•Oracle Database 2 Day + .NET Developer’s Guide for Microsoft Windows

•Oracle Database 2 Day + PHP Developer’s Guide

•Oracle Database 2 Day + Application Express Developer’s Guide

•Oracle Database 2 Day + Java Developer’s Guide

Many of the examples in this guide use the sample schemas, which are installed by default when you select the Basic Installation option with an Oracle Database installation. See Oracle Database Sample Schemas for information about how these schemas were created and how you can use them.
翻译:在手册中的样例使用的是样例schemas,当你选择最基本的Oracle数据库安装方式是默认安装的,关于如何创建和使用请看Oracle Database Sample Schemas。

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The following text conventions are used in this document:



boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

1 Introduction

As a database administrator (DBA), you are responsible for the overall operation of Oracle Database. This introductory chapter is intended to help orient you to many common DBA tasks, to the tools available to you, and to this guide. The chapter contains the following sections:

•About This Guide

•About Oracle Database
翻译:关于Oracle 数据库

•Common Oracle DBA Tasks
翻译:常见的Oracle DBA任务

•Tools for Administering the Database

About This Guide

Oracle Database 2 Day DBA is a database administration quick start guide that teaches you how to perform day-to-day database administrative tasks. The goal of this guide is to help you understand the concepts behind Oracle Database, and to help you learn how to perform all common administrative tasks needed to keep the database operational. These tasks include configuring the database, managing memory and storage, managing users, managing database objects such as tables, performing basic troubleshooting, creating backups for your database, performance monitoring activities, and more.

The primary administrative interface used in this guide is Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control, featuring all the self-management capabilities introduced in Oracle Database.
本指南中使用的主要管理界面是Oracle Enterprise Manager数据库控制,它具有Oracle数据库中引入的所有自我管理功能。

What This Guide Is Not

Oracle Database 2 Day DBA is task-oriented. The objective is to describe why and when administrative tasks must be performed. Where appropriate, it describes the concepts necessary to understand and complete a task, assuming the reader has no prior knowledge of the database. This guide is not an exhaustive discussion of all Oracle Database concepts. For this type of information, see Oracle Database Concepts.

Additionally, for a complete discussion of administrative tasks, see Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide.

How to Use This Guide with Related Material

This guide is part of a comprehensive set of learning material for administering Oracle Database, which includes a 2 Day DBA Oracle By Example (OBE) series, available on the Web, and in an Oracle University instructor-led class.
翻译:本指南是一套用于管理Oracle数据库的综合学习材料的一部分,其中包括一个为期2天的DBA Oracle by Example(OBE)系列,可在Web上获得,并在Oracle大学讲师指导的课程中获得。

Every chapter in Oracle Database 2 Day DBA has an associated Oracle By Example lesson. The OBE steps through all tasks in the chapter and includes annotated screenshots. In some cases, the OBE provides additional information to help you complete the task.
翻译:Oracle数据库2天DBA中的每一章都有一个相关的“Oracle by example”课程。OBE将逐步完成本章中的所有任务,并包括带注释的屏幕截图。在某些情况下,OBE提供了其他信息来帮助您完成任务。

At the end of each chapter, you can find the link to its associated OBE lesson. The home page for the 2 Day DBA Oracle By Example series is as follows:
翻译:在每章的末尾,您可以找到与其相关的OBE课程的链接。2天DBA Oracle by Example系列的主页如下:


In addition, Oracle University provides a related instructor-led course called Oracle Database 11g: 2 Day DBA. Contact Oracle University for more information.

About Oracle Database
翻译:关于Oracle Database

Oracle Database is a relational database with object and Extensible Markup Language (XML) capabilities. In a relational database, all data is stored in two-dimensional tables that are composed of rows and columns. Oracle Database enables you to store data, update it, and efficiently retrieve it, with a high degree of performance, reliability, and scalability.

Oracle Database is composed of the following elements:

•The Oracle software that you install on your host computer

•The database, which is a collection of physical files on one or more disks

The database contains user data, metadata, and control structures. Metadata, or data about the data, is the collection of information on disk that permits Oracle software to manage user data. An example of metadata is the data dictionary. Control structures (such as the control file and online redo log files) ensure the integrity, availability, and recoverability of user data.

•The Oracle instance, which is composed of the following:

◦The background processes, which are the operating system processes or threads that perform the work of accessing, storing, monitoring, and recovering user data, metadata, and control files associated with the database

◦The shared memory areas used by the background processes

•Server processes that perform work on behalf of connected users and applications, and the memory and temporary storage used by these processes

Server processes parse and execute SQL statements, and retrieve and return results to the user or application.

•Oracle Net, which is a software layer that enables client applications and Oracle Database to communicate over a network, and the Oracle Net listener, which is a process that listens for connection requests from the network.
Oracle NET是一个软件层,它允许客户机应用程序和Oracle数据库通过网络进行通信;Oracle NET Listener是一个过程,它侦听来自网络的连接请求。

See Also:

•Chapter 4, “Configuring the Network Environment”

•Chapter 5, “Managing the Oracle Instance”

•Chapter 6, “Managing Database Storage Structures”

•Oracle Database Concepts for more information about background processes

•Oracle Database Reference for more information about background processes

Common Oracle DBA Tasks

As an Oracle DBA, you can expect to be involved in the following tasks:

•Installing Oracle software

•Creating Oracle databases

•Performing upgrades of the database and software to new release levels

•Starting and shutting down the database instance

•Managing the storage structures of the database

•Managing users and security

•Managing database objects, such as tables, indexes, and views

•Backing up the database and performing recovery operations when necessary

•Monitoring the state of the database and taking preventive or corrective action as required

•Monitoring and tuning database performance

•Diagnosing and reporting critical errors to Oracle Support Services

In a small to medium-sized database environment, you might be the sole person performing these tasks. In large, enterprise environments, the job is often divided among several DBAs, each of whom has a specialty, such as database security or database tuning.

See Also:

•Oracle Database Concepts for more information about the duties of database administrators

Tools for Administering the Database

The goal of this guide is to enable you to quickly and efficiently create an Oracle database, and to provide guidance in basic database administration.

The following are some products, tools, and utilities you can use to achieve your goals as a database administrator:

•Oracle Universal Installer

Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) is a utility that installs your Oracle software and options. It can automatically start Oracle Database Configuration Assistant to install a database.
Oracle Universal Installer(OUI)是一个安装Oracle软件和选项的实用程序。它可以自动启动Oracle数据库配置助手来安装数据库。

•Oracle Database Configuration Assistant

Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) is a utility that creates a database from templates that are supplied by Oracle, or you can create your own. It enables you to copy a preconfigured seed database, thus saving the time and effort of generating and customizing a new database.

•Database Upgrade Assistant

The Database Upgrade Assistant is a tool that guides you through the upgrade of your existing database to a new Oracle Database release.

•Net Configuration Assistant

Net Configuration Assistant (NETCA) is a utility that enables you to configure listeners and naming methods, which are critical components of the Oracle Database network.

•Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control
Oracle Enterprise Manager数据库控制

The primary product for managing your database is Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control (Database Control), a Web-based interface. After you have installed the Oracle Database software, created or upgraded a database, and configured the network, you can use Database Control to manage your database. Database Control also provides an interface for performance advisors and for Oracle utilities such as SQLLoader and Recovery Manager (RMAN).
管理数据库的主要产品是Oracle Enterprise Manager数据库控制(数据库控制),这是一个基于Web的界面。安装Oracle数据库软件、创建或升级数据库以及配置网络后,可以使用数据库控制来管理数据库。数据库控制还为性能顾问和Oracle实用程序(如SQL

Oracle also offers separately licensed Oracle Enterprise Manager management packs, management plug-ins, and other products you can purchase to enhance the capabilities of Oracle Enterprise Manager in specific environments.
Oracle还提供单独许可的Oracle Enterprise Manager管理包、管理插件和您可以购买的其他产品,以增强Oracle Enterprise Manager在特定环境中的功能。

See Also:

◦Oracle Database Licensing Information

2 Installing Oracle Database and Creating a Database

This chapter describes how to install Oracle Database software and create a database.

If you are using an earlier release of Oracle Database and want to install a later release of the Oracle Database software, then you can upgrade your existing Oracle Database and use it with the new release of the database software. See “Upgrading a Database”.

This chapter contains the following sections:

•Overview of Installing Oracle Database Software and Creating a Database

•Installing Oracle Database Software

•Creating and Managing a Database with DBCA

•Installation: Oracle By Example Series

Overview of Installing Oracle Database Software and Creating a Database

To install your Oracle Database software, use Oracle Universal Installer (OUI). OUI is a graphical user interface utility that enables you to install new Oracle Database software. Online Help is available to guide you through the installation process.
要安装Oracle数据库软件,请使用Oracle Universal Installer(OUI)。oui是一个图形用户界面实用程序,允许您安装新的Oracle数据库软件。在线帮助可指导您完成安装过程。

During the installation process, you are given the opportunity to create a database. If you choose to do so, then OUI automatically starts Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) to guide you through the process of creating and configuring a database.

Before you start the installation process, see the following sections for information about prerequisites and installation choices:

•Checking Prerequisites

•Deciding on Installation Choices

If you do not create a database during installation, then you must run DBCA at some point after installation to create a database.

After you create a database, either during installation or as a standalone operation, you do not have to create another. Each Oracle instance works with a single database only. Rather than requiring that you create multiple databases to accommodate different applications, Oracle Database uses a single database, and accommodates multiple applications by enabling you to separate data into different schemas within the single database. See “About User Accounts” for more information about schemas.

Checking Prerequisites

Before installing the software, OUI performs several automated checks to ensure that your computer fulfills the basic hardware and software requirements for an Oracle Database installation. If your computer does not meet a requirement, then an error message is displayed. The requirements may vary depending upon the type of computer and operating system you are using, but some prerequisites include:

•There is a minimum of 1 GB of physical memory.
至少有1 GB的物理内存。

•Sufficient paging space is available.

•The appropriate service packs or patches for your operating system are installed.
已为您的操作系统安装适当的Service Pack或修补程序。

•An appropriate file system format is being used.

See Also:

•Oracle Database Installation Guide for your platform for more information about exact requirements

Deciding on Installation Choices

Oracle Universal Installer guides you through an interview phase where you specify your choices for installation and database creation. The exact sequence of steps depends on your operating system. As you progress through the installation, you are presented with choices on how to configure the database.

•Install Options

•Installation Method

•Installation Type

•Software Installation Directories

•Database File Location

•Database Identifiers

•About Advanced Installation

Install Options

You can choose to create and configure a database, or to only install the database software.

You can create a preconfigured database or a custom-configured database during installation. If you choose not to create a database during installation, then you must run DBCA after installation to create a database.

Preconfigured databases are based on templates that Oracle provides or that you create. Each Oracle-provided template is optimized for a particular workload type. See Table 2-2, “Oracle-Provided DBCA Templates and Their Corresponding Workloads” for information about the types of preconfigured databases.

If you choose to use the Desktop Class installation method, then the general purpose database template is used. To create a custom database in which you configure your own database structure, see “About Advanced Installation”.

If you must create a new database, then Oracle recommends that you install a preconfigured database, which is faster and easier. You can customize the database after it has been created.

Installation Method

The installation methods are divided into Desktop Class and Server Class:

•Desktop Class—This installation class is most appropriate for laptop or desktop computers. It includes a starter database and requires minimal configuration.

•Server Class—This installation class is for servers, such as you would find in a data center, or used to support enterprise-level applications. Choose this installation class if you need access to advanced configuration options.

During a Desktop Class installation, you make only basic choices. For a Server Class installation, you choose either typical installation (where you make only basic choices) or advanced installation.

During a Desktop Class or a typical installation, Oracle Database automatically installs the sample schemas.

Installation Type

When you install Oracle Database during basic and advanced installations, you need answers for the questions listed in this section. OUI provides default values for every choice.

•What type of database edition installation do you want to perform?

Your choices are:

◦Enterprise Edition—This installation type is the full-featured Oracle Database product that provides data management for enterprise-level applications. It is intended for mission-critical, high-security online transaction processing (OLTP) and data warehousing environments.
Enterprise Edition此安装类型是为企业级应用程序提供数据管理的全功能Oracle数据库产品。它适用于关键任务、高安全性的在线事务处理(OLTP)和数据仓库环境。

◦Standard Edition—This installation type is suitable for workgroup or department-level applications, and for small to medium-sized enterprises. It provides core relational database management services and options and includes an integrated set of management tools, replication, Web features, and facilities for building business-critical applications.

◦Standard One Edition—This installation type is suitable for workgroup, department, or web applications. It provides core relational database management services for single-server environments or highly distributed branch environments. Oracle Standard Edition One includes all the facilities necessary to build business-critical applications.
标准版此安装类型适用于工作组、部门或Web应用程序。它为单服务器环境或高度分布式的分支环境提供核心关系数据库管理服务。Oracle Standard Edition One包括构建业务关键型应用程序所需的所有设施。

◦Personal Edition (Microsoft Windows operating systems only)—This installation type installs the same software as the Enterprise Edition, but supports only a single-user, development and deployment environment.
个人版(仅限Microsoft Windows操作系统)-此安装类型安装的软件与企业版相同,但仅支持单个用户、开发和部署环境。

•What are your database configuration options?

Software Installation Directories

You must specify the directory in which the Oracle Database software is installed, or the location where the product binary files are copied from the installation media. You must choose a location that has enough disk space to contain the software and is accessible by the operating system user performing the installation.

You also specify the location of the Oracle base directory, which is used by all Oracle software products installed on the server. The first time you install Oracle Database software on a server, you are prompted to specify the location of the inventory directory, called oraInventory. This directory provides a centralized inventory of all Oracle software products installed on the server. You should use the same value for the Oracle inventory directory each time you perform an Oracle software installation on the server.

Database File Location

A database includes several files that store the user data, database metadata, and information required to recover from failures. As an administrator, you decide what kind of storage subsystem to use for these files. You can select from the following options:

•File System—This default option creates database files that are managed by the file system of your operating system. You can specify the directory path where database files are to be stored. Oracle Database can create and manage the actual files.

If you are not certain about which option to use, then select File System (the default).

•Automatic Storage Management—This option enables you to place your data files in Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) disk groups. If you choose Oracle ASM, then Oracle Database automatically manages database file placement and naming. For environments with a large number of disks, this option simplifies database administration and maximizes performance. Oracle ASM performs software striping and mirroring at the file level for maximum storage flexibility, performance, and availability.
自动存储管理此选项允许您将数据文件放在Oracle自动存储管理(Oracle ASM)磁盘组中。如果选择Oracle ASM,则Oracle数据库将自动管理数据库文件的放置和命名。对于具有大量磁盘的环境,此选项简化了数据库管理并最大限度地提高了性能。Oracle ASM在文件级别执行软件条带化和镜像,以实现最大的存储灵活性、性能和可用性。

Oracle ASM uses an Oracle ASM instance, which is distinct from the database instance, to configure and manage disk groups. A single Oracle ASM instance can provide storage for multiple databases on the same server.
Oracle ASM使用与数据库实例不同的Oracle ASM实例来配置和管理磁盘组。单个Oracle ASM实例可以为同一服务器上的多个数据库提供存储。

For more information, see “About Oracle Automatic Storage Management” and Oracle Automatic Storage Management Administrator’s Guide.

In past releases, Oracle ASM was installed as part of the Oracle Database installation. With Oracle Database 11g release 2 (11.2), Oracle ASM is part of an Oracle grid infrastructure installation.
To use Oracle ASM for storing database files, you must have installed Oracle ASM and created one or more disk groups before performing the Oracle Database installation.
在过去的版本中,Oracle ASM是作为Oracle数据库安装的一部分安装的。使用Oracle Database 11g Release 2(11.2),Oracle ASM是Oracle网格基础结构安装的一部分。
要使用Oracle ASM存储数据库文件,必须先安装Oracle ASM并创建一个或多个磁盘组,然后才能执行Oracle数据库安装。

Database Identifiers

These options include your global database name and system identifier (SID). The SID is a unique identifier that is used to distinguish this instance from other Oracle Database instances that you may create later and run concurrently on your system.

The global database name is the full name of the database that uniquely distinguishes it from any other database. The global database name is in the form database_name.database_domain, for example sales.example.com. The database name portion sales is a simple name you call your database. The database domain portion example.com specifies the database domain in which the database is located. Together, the database name and domain form the global database name.
全局数据库名称是唯一区别于任何其他数据库的数据库的全名。全局数据库名称的格式为database_name.database_domain,例如sales.example.com。数据库名称部分销售是一个称为数据库的简单名称。database domain部分example.com指定数据库所在的数据库域。数据库名称和域一起构成全局数据库名称。

About Advanced Installation

During advanced installations using the Server Class method you are prompted to make the additional choices listed in this section, and the choices for a typical installation. The installation process provides default values for every choice.

This guide describes, but does not document, these additional advanced installation choices. For more information, see Oracle Database Installation Guide for your platform.

•Product Languages

You choose which language the software should use after it is installed. You can select multiple languages. The default value is English. If you choose a value other than English, it does not change the language used by the installation.

•Database Configuration Type

You select a template to use when configuring the database. You can choose either either General Purpose/Transaction Processing or Data Warehousing.

•Database Configuration Options

You can choose how to configure the database created by the installer. You can select the memory size and management options, the character sets used to store data, the security options for database access, and whether the sample schemas should be installed.

To complete the exercises in this guide and related course material, you must install the sample schemas. This data is also used in most examples throughout Oracle Database documentation. Oracle recommends that you install the sample schemas.

This choice is a configuration option only during advanced installation. Sample schemas are installed by default during typical or Desktop class installations.

•Database Management Options

You specify whether to manage your database centrally or locally using Oracle Enterprise Manager. Central management enables you to manage multiple targets, such as databases and application servers, using a single interface. Using local management you can manage only a single database instance at a time.
您可以使用Oracle Enterprise Manager指定是集中管理还是本地管理数据库。中央管理使您能够使用单个界面管理多个目标,如数据库和应用程序服务器。使用本地管理,一次只能管理一个数据库实例。

To use central management, you must have an Oracle Enterprise Management agent on each host, or computer that has Oracle Database software installed on it. These agents are responsible for monitoring all components on that host. If an agent is not found on the local host, then this option is disabled during installation.

If you are setting up a single database for the first time, then it is recommended that you configure local management with Oracle Enterprise Manager, which is the default. You can later install additional databases and configure central management using Enterprise Manager.
如果您是第一次设置单个数据库,建议您使用Oracle Enterprise Manager(默认设置)配置本地管理。以后可以安装其他数据库,并使用Enterprise Manager配置中央管理。

•Recovery Options

You specify whether automated backups should be configured for the database. If you choose this option, you must specify whether the recovery area should be stored on the local file system or in an Oracle ASM disk group. You must also specify the operating system credentials the backup job uses when performing backups.
指定是否应为数据库配置自动备份。如果选择此选项,则必须指定恢复区域应存储在本地文件系统上还是存储在Oracle ASM磁盘组中。还必须指定备份作业在执行备份时使用的操作系统凭据。

To use Oracle ASM for recovery area storage, you must have installed Oracle ASM as part of an Oracle grid infrastructure installation and created one or more disk groups before performing the Oracle Database installation.
要将Oracle ASM用于恢复区域存储,必须在执行Oracle数据库安装之前,将Oracle ASM安装为Oracle网格基础结构安装的一部分,并创建一个或多个磁盘组。

•Schema Passwords

When you create a database, certain administrative user accounts are created automatically. You are prompted to enter the passwords for the SYS, SYSTEM, SYSMAN, and DBSNMP accounts, which enable you to manage and administer the database. You can use the same password for each account, or specify passwords for each account individually. If you do not enter a secure password, you will receive a warning message during installation.

•Operating System Groups

Administrative access to the database is granted by membership in certain operating system groups. You can choose the operating system group to be used for SYSDBA access (typically dba) and SYSOPER access (typically oper).

The SYSDBA group identifies operating system user accounts that have database administrative privileges and can log in with SYSDBA access. The SYSOPER group is an optional group for users that should have limited database administrative privileges. See “SYSDBA and SYSOPER System Privileges” for more information about these groups and privileges.

Installing Oracle Database Software

This section briefly describes the steps for a desktop-class installation. Most steps are common to all platforms and involve running the Oracle Universal Installer. Platform-specific steps are noted. For further assistance, consult the online Help or the Oracle Database Installation Guide for your platform.

The following steps describe the Oracle Universal Installer workflow for a host computer that has no previous Oracle software installed. If your host computer has Oracle software installed, then you may see a different workflow.
To perform a basic installation:

1.Log on to your computer as a member of the administrative group that is authorized to install Oracle Database software and to create and run the database.

Refer to your operating system-specific documentation or contact your system administrator to determine whether you have the necessary privileges and permissions to install new software.

2.Do one of the following:

◦If you are installing from distribution media, then insert the distribution media for the database into your computer.

The Autorun feature opens the Select a Product to Install window automatically.

◦If you downloaded the installation software from the Oracle Web site, then follow the instructions on the site to run the Oracle Universal Installer. Or, see the Oracle Database Installation Guide for your platform.
如果从Oracle网站下载了安装软件,请按照该网站上的说明运行Oracle Universal安装程序。或者,请参阅您的平台的《Oracle数据库安装指南》。

3.The first window that appears is the Configure Security Updates window. To receive notifications about security issues via e-mail, enter your e-mail address in the Email text field. To receive security updates from My Oracle Support, enter the e-mail address registered with My Oracle Support, select the I wish to receive security updates… option, and enter your My Oracle Support password.

Click Next to continue.

The Select Installation Option window appears.

4.Choose the Create and configure a database option. Or, you also have the option of choosing to only install the database software, but then you must create a database in an additional step after the software is installed. If you are currently using a previous version of Oracle Database, choose Upgrade an existing database. After you have chosen an option, click Next.

The System Class window appears.

5.Choose Desktop Class.

You can choose the Server Class option to customize your installation. For example, you use this method to configure Oracle Automatic Storage Management for your database, install the Sample Schemas, or configure automated backups. Selecting this option guides you through a series of installation steps that are not documented in this guide. For more information about the advanced choices, see “About Advanced Installation”. Also see Oracle Database Installation Guide for your platform.

Click Next.

The Typical Install Configuration window appears.
Description of install_basic.gif follows
Description of the illustration install_basic.gif
出现“Typical Install Configuration(典型安装配置)”窗口。

6.Provide the following configuration details for the database:

◦Oracle Base Location— The Oracle base directory helps to facilitate the organization of multiple Oracle software installations. See the Oracle Database Installation Guide for your platform for more information about ORACLE_BASE.

If you did not set the ORACLE_BASE environment variable before starting OUI, then the Oracle base directory is created in an app/username/directory on the first existing and writable directory from /u01 through /u09 for UNIX and Linux systems, or on the disk drive with the most available space for Windows systems. If /u01 through /u09 does not exist on the UNIX or Linux system, then the default location is user_home_directory/app/username.
如果在启动oui之前没有设置oracle_base环境变量,那么将在app/username/目录中的第一个现有可写目录(从/u01到/u09,对于UNIX和Linux系统)上创建oracle base目录,或者在具有最多可用空间的磁盘驱动器上创建Windows系统。如果unix或linux系统上不存在/u01到/u09,则默认位置为user_home_directory/app/username。

You can click Browse to find the directory you want to act as the Oracle base directory.

◦Software Location—The software location is the Oracle home for your database. You must specify a new Oracle home directory for each new installation of Oracle Database software. By default, the Oracle home directory is a subdirectory of the Oracle base directory.

You can click Browse to find the directory where you want to install the Oracle Database software.

◦Database File Location—The database file location is the location where Oracle Database files are stored. By default, this location is Oracle_base/oradata. You can click Browse to select a different location.

◦Database Edition—Select either Enterprise Edition, Standard Edition, Standard Edition One, or Personal Edition (Microsoft Windows platforms only). See “Installation Type”.

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