ACM CCS 2020 · web安全研究学者

ACM CCS 2020 · web安全研究学者


Giovanni Vigna

Engin Kirda

Serge Egelman

  • 学校:University of California, Berkeley
  • 机构:Usable Security and Privacy Group & Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS) at Berkeley
  • 方向:the intersection of privacy, computer security, and human-computer interaction, with the specific aim of better understanding how people make decisions surrounding their privacy and security, and then creating data-driven improvements to systems and interfaces. This has included human subjects research on social networking privacy, access controls, authentication mechanisms, web browser security warnings, and privacy-enhancing technologies.

Davide Balzarotti

  • 学校/机构:Eurecom Graduate School and Research Center
  • 方向:most aspects of system security and in particular the areas of binary and malware analysis, reverse engineering, computer forensics, and web security

Yinzhi Cao

Adam Doupé

Manuel Egele

Guofei Gu

  • 学校:Texas A&M University 德州农工大学
  • 机构:Department of Computer Science & Engineering
  • 方向:Internet malware/botnet/APT detection, defense, and analysis;SPS: Software-defined programmable security (SDN, NFV, Cloud, Edge, …);Mobile and IoT security;AI security; Web and social networking security;Intrusion detection, anomaly detection

Amir Herzberg

  • 学校:University of Connecticut (UConn) 康涅狄格大学
  • 机构:Connecticut Cybersecurity Center
  • 方向:Network security - incl. web, internet, DoS, IoT, CPS and more;Applied cryptography;Security and usability;Privacy and anonymity;Social, legal and economical aspects of security

Dave Levin

Matteo Maffei

  • 学校:TU Wien
  • 方向:formal verification of security properties for cryptographic protocols, mobile apps, web applications, and smart contracts;cryptographic protocols for the security and privacy of cryptocurrencies, cloud services, and analytics.

Nick Nikiforakis

  • 学校:Stony Brook University 纽约州立大学石溪市分校
  • 机构:Department of Computer Science
  • 方向:
    • Measurement and reduction of attack surface in web applications
    • Understanding the abuses of the Domain Name System
    • Identification of security and privacy issues specific to mobile web browsers
    • Measurement of online tracking and countermeasures against it
    • Assessment of the security of remote servers using mostly passive techniques
    • Client-side defense mechanisms against phishing and web application attacks

Roberto Perdisci

  • 学校:University of Georgia 乔治亚大学
  • 机构:Computer Science department
  • 方向:My research focuses on securing networked systems. I am particularly interested in web security, automating the analysis of security incidents, and defending networks from malware. I often combine systems research with machine learning and large-scale data mining techniques to solve challenging computer and network security problems. I am also interested in broader aspects of networked systems, including Internet-scale measurements, analysis and optimization of systems performance, and the design of networking protocols.

Frank Piessens

  • 学校:KU Leuven 鲁汶大学
  • 机构:DistriNet (Distributed Systems and Computer Networks)
  • 方向:My main research interests are in the field of software security, where I focus on the development of high-assurance techniques to deal with implementation-level software vulnerabilities and bugs, including techniques such as software verification, run-time monitoring, type systems, language based security and hardware-software co-design for security. These techniques are relevant for many types of software systems, including web applications, embedded software, mobile applications and so forth.

William Robertson

Andrei Sabelfeld

Giancarlo Pellegrino

  • 机构:CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
  • 方向:I research on multiple aspects of the security of modern application software, in particular on web-based application. While my core research goal is to advance the state of the art of automated vulnerability detection and analysis, I also study the security properties of emerging technologies/trends in application software.

Jason Polakis

  • 学校:University of Illinois at Chicago
  • 机构: Computer Science Department
  • 方向:My research interests span several areas of security and privacy. In the past few years I have focused on understanding the security limitations of online social networks and web services, exploring the privacy threats that users face, and designing robust countermeasures. I’m also actively exploring the shortcomings of authentication and authorization mechanisms, and the robustness of bot-prevention systems. Ultimately my research focuses on understanding the Web’s threat landscape and developing countermeasures and privacy-preserving techniques for better protecting users.

Yan Shoshitaishvili

  • 学校:Arizona State University 亚利桑那州立大学
  • 机构:
  • 方向:My research mainly focuses on advancing the field of binary analysis. However, I am passionate about a wide range of topics, including web security (specifically, how cybercriminals exploit victims and evade detection), privacy (for example, understanding what one’s social media presence reveals about one’s self), and computer security education (through the use of novel computer security competitions).

Gianluca Stringhini

  • 学校:Boston University
  • 机构:Security Lab (SeclaBU)
  • 方向:
    • Data-driven methods to better understand and mitigate malicious activity
    • online (cybercrime, online harassment, trolling, disinformation)
      System security with an application to mobile systems and malware mitigation
      Web security
    • Online social network security

Ben Stock

  • 机构:CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
  • 方向:My research interests lie within Web Security, Network Security, Reverse Engineering, and Vulnerability Notifications. In addition, I enjoy the challenges provided in Capture the Flag competitions and am always trying to get more students involved in them (especially in our local team saarsec).

Luyi Xing

  • 学校:Indiana University Bloomington 印第安纳大学布卢明顿分校
  • 机构:System Security Group
  • 方向:My primary research focus is security analysis on real-world systems, which has led to the discovery of design/logic vulnerabilities in iOS/Mac OS, IoT, Android, Cloud, Web, and diverse applications on these platforms.

Alexandros Kapravelos

  • 学校:North Carolina State University 北卡罗来纳州立大学
  • 机构:Department of Computer Science
  • 方向:My research interests span the areas of systems and software security. I am in particular interested in protecting the browser at all levels, from designing a secure browser architecture to measuring and understanding large-scale Internet attacks. Understanding how the web works and evolves over time and how we can make it more secure for the users is my current research focus.

Aslan Askarov

AbdelRahman Abdou

  • 学校:Carleton University 卡尔顿大学
  • 机构:Carleton Internet Security Lab (CISL)
  • 方向:My research interests are network and Internet Security. This includes SDN security, Web security, TLS, DNSSec, authentication, and secure Internet geolocation. I generally use Internet measurements to understand and solve problems related to Internet systems’ security.
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