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转载 maven常见问题问答

maven常见问题问答1.前言Maven,发音是[`meivin],"专家"的意思。它是一个很好的项目管理工具,很早就进入了我的必备工具行列,但是这次为了把project1项目完全迁移并应用maven,所以对maven进行了一些深入的学习。写这个学习笔记的目的,一个是为了自己备忘,二则希望能够为其他人学习使用maven 缩短一些时间。2. maven概要首先我把ma

2014-08-19 15:14:47 607

转载 ruby+gem常用命令

RubyGems是一个方便而强大的Ruby程序包管理器( package manager),类似RedHat的RPM.它将一个Ruby应用程序打包到一个gem里,作为一个安装单元。无需安装,最新的Ruby版本已经包含RubyGems了。特点:能远程安装包包之间依赖关系的管理简单可靠的卸载(uninstallation)查询机制,能查询本地和远程服务器的包信息能保持一个包

2014-07-29 17:44:55 763

转载 高性能Web服务器Nginx的配置与部署研究之---Upstream负载均衡模块(转)

Nginx 的 HttpUpstreamModule 提供对后端(backend)服务器的简单负载均衡。一个最简单的 upstream 写法如下:upstream backend {    server backend1.example.com;    server backend2.example.com;    server.backend3.example.com;

2014-06-11 15:59:47 536

原创 windows下利用grunt进行前端项目环境构建

之前没接触过,项目需要,实践了一下安装nodejshttp://nodejs.org/安装grunt参考:http://gruntjs.com/getting-started执行npm install -g grunt-cli

2014-06-10 20:38:50 1054

转载 java中synchronized的形象比喻

java中synchronized用法打个比方:一个object就像一个大房子,大门永远打开。房子里有 很多房间(也就是方法)。这些房间有上锁的(synchronized方法), 和不上锁之分(普通方法)。房门口放着一把钥匙(key),这把钥匙可以打开所有上锁的房间。另外我把所有想调用该对象方法的线程比喻成想进入这房子某个 房间的人。所有的东西就这么多了,下面我们看看这些东

2014-04-16 11:33:21 571

转载 Android ANR异常及解决方法

ANRs (“Application Not Responding”),意思是”应用没有响应“。在如下情况下,Android会报出ANR错误:– 主线程 (“事件处理线程” / “UI线程”) 在5秒内没有响应输入事件– BroadcastReceiver 没有在10秒内完成返回通常情况下,下面这些做法会导致ANR 1、在主线程内进行网络

2014-04-16 11:03:32 736

转载 Eclipse代码自动补全设置


2014-02-11 16:07:37 701

转载 vmstat语法及参数介绍

1、vmstat所需软件# uname -aLinux test02 2.6.18-92.el5PAE #1 SMP Tue Jun 10 19:22:41 EDT 2008 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux# which vmstat/usr/bin/vmstat# rpm -qf /usr/bin/vmstat

2014-02-08 19:55:50 673

转载 Linux vmstat 命令详解

vmstat  命令是最常见的Linux/Unix监控工具,可以展现给定时间间隔的服务器的状态值,包括服务器的CPU使用率,MEM内存使用,VMSwap虚拟内存交换情况,IO读写情况。这个命令是查看Linux/Unix最好的命令,一个是Linux/Unix都支持,二是相比top,可以看到整个机器的CPU,内存,IO的使用情况,而不是单单看到各个进程的CPU使用率和内存使用率(使用场景不一样

2014-02-08 19:52:52 622

转载 Intent数据传递

(1)首先是Activity的简单跳转:          Activity的切换一般是通过Intent来实现的,Intent是一个Activity到达另一个Activity的引路者,它描述了起点(当前Activity)和终点(目标Activity)。一个简单Intent实现如下:          Intent intent = new Intent();

2014-02-08 18:41:04 1161

原创 android基础学习

super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)是调用父类的onCreate构造函数savedInstanceState是保存当前Activity的状态信息    onCreate方法的参数是一个Bundle类型的参数。Bundle类型的数据与Map类型的数据相似,都是以key-value的形式存储数据的。    从字面上看saveInsanceState,是保

2014-02-08 18:33:24 584


Product Description As part of the highly acclaimed Mastering??series from Sybex, this book offers a comprehensive look at VMware vSphere 4, how to implement it, and how to make the most of what it offers. Coverage Includes: Shows administrators how to use VMware to realize significant savings in hardware costs while still pring adequate "servers" for their users Demonstrates how to partition a physical server into several virtual machines, reducing the overall server footprint within the operations center Explains how VMware subsumes a network to centralize and simplify its management, thus alleviating the effects of "virtual server sprawl" Now that virtualization is a key cost–saving strategy, Mastering VMware vSphere 4??is the strategic guide you need to maximize the opportunities. From the Back Cover Harness the power of virtualization for your enterprise Install and manage one or one thousand virtual servers in your enterprise with the latest generation of VMware virtualization software, vSphere 4, and this comprehensive guide. Using step–by–step instruction backed by real–world scenarios, this book takes you under the hood of this powerful VMware suite, clearly explaining all of the components and how you can get the most out of them. Discover how to reduce your overall server footprint, expand capacity, optimize performance, track cost savings, and more with this in–depth guide. Coverage includes: Getting up to speed on all components of the VMware vSphere 4 suite Installing, configuring, and managing VMware ESX and ESXi Server, vCenter Server, and VMware Update Manager Managing virtual machines and networks, storage devices, and access Migrating and importing virtual machines into your existing infrastructure Understanding high availability and business continuity in the VMware world Securing your vSphere virtual infrastructure and monitoring performance Mitigating the effects of unplanned physical server failure with VMware Fault Tolerance Scripting and automating with PowerShell and PowerCLI Increase Capacity with Scalable, Robust Virtual Solutions Get the Very Most out of a vSphere 4 Infrastructure Reduce Your Overall Server Footprint and Cut Costs Secure Your Virtual Network and Monitor Performance Reinforce Your Skills with Real–World Examples



《深入理解计算机系统》课后习题答案 Instructor's+Solution+Manual.pdf



Microsoft Windows Internals Fourth Edition(2004).chm<br>本书是著名的操作系统内核专家Mark Russinovich和David Solomon撰写的Windows操作系统原理的最新版著作,全面和深入地阐述了Windows操作系统的整体结构以及内部工作细节。本书针对Windows Server 2003、Windows XP和Windows 2000做了全面更新,通过许多练习实验让你直接感受到Windows的内部行为。另外,本书还介绍了一些高级诊断技术,以便使你的系统运行得更加平稳和高效。


C++ Templates(简体中文版).pdf

C++ Templates(简体中文版).pdf


C# Language Reference

C# Language Reference.pdf


Visual C# 2005 step by step

Microsoft Visual C# is a powerful but simple language aimed primarily at developers creating applications by using the Microsoft .NET Framework. It inherits many of the best features of C++ and Microsoft Visual Basic, but few of the inconsistencies and anachronisms, resulting in a cleaner and more logical language. The advent of C# 2.0 has seen several important new features added to the language, including Generics, Iterators, and anonymous methods. The development environment provided by Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 makes these powerful features easy to use, and the many new wizards and enhancements included in Visual Studio 2005 can greatly improve your productivity as a developer.<br/><br/>The aim of this book is to teach you the fundamentals of programming with C# by using Visual Studio 2005 and the .NET Framework. You will learn the features of the C# language, and then use them to build applications running on the Microsoft Windows operating system. By the time you complete this book, you will have a thorough understanding of C# and will have used it to build Windows Forms applications, access Microsoft SQL Server databases, develop ASP.NET Web applications, and build and consume a Web service.<br/>


Professional Windows GUI Programming Using C#

Professional Windows GUI Programming Using C#.doc


Programming C#,4th Edition.chm

Programming C#, the top selling book on Microsoft's high-performance C# programming language, is now in its fourth edition. Aimed at experienced programmers and web developers, this comprehensive guide focuses on the features and programming patterns that are new to C#, and fundamental to the programming of web services and web applications on Microsoft's .NET platform.



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