
2021 CCPC 湘潭全国邀请赛-C-Calculate

水一水,题目链接(HDU 6940):这是链接


You are given 4 positive integers x1,x2,y1,y2. Now you need to calculate

∑ i = x 1 x 2 ∑ j = y 1 y 2 ( ⌊ i x 1 ⌋ + ⌊ x 2 i ⌋ + ⌊ j y 1 ⌋ + ⌊ y 2 j ⌋ ) 2 \sum_{i=x1}^{x2}\sum_{j=y1}^{y2}(\lfloor \frac{i}{x1}\rfloor+\lfloor \frac{x2}{i}\rfloor+\lfloor \frac{j}{y1}\rfloor+\lfloor \frac{y2}{j}\rfloor)^{2} i=x1x2j=y1y2(x1i+ix2+y1j+jy2)2

where ⌊x⌋ denotes the biggest integer that is not bigger than x.

The answer may be too large, so you just need to output it modulo ( 1 0 9 + 7 10^9+7 109+7).


给定 4 4 4个数 x 1 , x 2 , y 1 , y 2 x1,x2,y1,y2 x1,x2,y1,y2,求上式。




一类是 ⌊ i x 1 ⌋ \lfloor \frac{i}{x1}\rfloor x1i,另一类是 ⌊ x 2 i ⌋ \lfloor \frac{x2}{i}\rfloor ix2


第一类经过打表可以发现规律,比如: x 1 = 4 , x 2 = 17 x1=4,x2=17 x1=4,x2=17时:

i=4  ans=1
i=5  ans=1
i=6  ans=1
i=7  ans=1
i=8  ans=2
i=9  ans=2
i=10 ans=2
i=11 ans=2
i=12 ans=3
i=13 ans=3
i=14 ans=3
i=15 ans=3
i=16 ans=4
i=17 ans=4

不难看出每 x 1 x1 x1个数 ⌊ i x 1 ⌋ \lfloor \frac{i}{x1}\rfloor x1i的值会加一。


n n n为完整的组数, n = ( x 2 − x 2 + 1 ) / x 1 n=(x2-x2+1)/x1 n=(x2x2+1)/x1,可以得到: ( ( x 2 − x 1 + 1 ) − n ∗ x 1 ) ((x2-x1+1)-n*x1) ((x2x1+1)nx1)为末尾剩下的个数

a n s = x 1 ∗ n ∗ ( n + 1 ) 2 + ( ( x 2 − x 1 + 1 ) − n ∗ x 1 ) ∗ ( n + 1 ) ans=x1*\frac{n*(n+1)}{2}+((x2-x1+1)-n*x1)*(n+1) ans=x12n(n+1)+((x2x1+1)nx1)(n+1)





int ans = 0,l = 0,r = 0;
for(l = 1; l <= n; l = r + 1) {
    r = n / (n / l);
    ans += (r - l + 1) * (n / l);


我们最快能想到的就是展开,为了便于书写我们令 ⌊ i x 1 ⌋ = A , ⌊ x 2 i ⌋ = B , ⌊ j y 1 ⌋ = C , ⌊ y 2 j ⌋ = D \lfloor \frac{i}{x1}\rfloor=A,\lfloor \frac{x2}{i}\rfloor=B,\lfloor \frac{j}{y1}\rfloor=C,\lfloor \frac{y2}{j}\rfloor=D x1i=A,ix2=B,y1j=C,jy2=D

展开得: ∑ i = x 1 x 2 ∑ j = y 1 y 2 A 2 + B 2 + C 2 + D 2 + 2 ∗ ( A ∗ B + A ∗ C + A ∗ D + B ∗ C + B ∗ D + C ∗ D ) \sum_{i=x1}^{x2}\sum_{j=y1}^{y2}A^2+B^2+C^2+D^2+2*(A*B+A*C+A*D+B*C+B*D+C*D) i=x1x2j=y1y2A2+B2+C2+D2+2(AB+AC+AD+BC+BD+CD)


1、 A 2 & C 2 A^2\&C^2 A2&C2

这个部分由两个相同的第一类式子相乘构成,我们展开书写 A 2 A^2 A2得: ∑ i = x 1 x 2 ∑ j = y 1 y 2 ⌊ i x 1 ⌋ 2 \sum_{i=x1}^{x2}\sum_{j=y1}^{y2}\lfloor \frac{i}{x1}\rfloor^2 i=x1x2j=y1y2x1i2

其实不难看出,就是第一类式子的平方,当 x 1 = 4 , x 2 = 17 x1=4,x2=17 x1=4,x2=17时,数列为: 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 4 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 9 , 16 , 16 1,1,1,1,4,4,4,4,9,9,9,9,16,16 1,1,1,1,4,4,4,4,9,9,9,9,16,16

同理可得:设 n n n为完整的组数, n = ( x 2 − x 2 + 1 ) / x 1 n=(x2-x2+1)/x1 n=(x2x2+1)/x1,可以得到: ( ( x 2 − x 1 + 1 ) − n ∗ x 1 ) ((x2-x1+1)-n*x1) ((x2x1+1)nx1)为末尾剩下的个数

a n s = x 1 ∗ n ( n + 1 ) ( 2 n + 1 ) 6 + ( ( x 2 − x 1 + 1 ) − n ∗ x 1 ) ∗ ( n + 1 ) ∗ ( n + 1 ) ans=x1*\frac{n(n+1)(2n+1)}{6}+((x2-x1+1)-n*x1)*(n+1)*(n+1) ans=x16n(n+1)(2n+1)+((x2x1+1)nx1)(n+1)(n+1)

2、 B 2 & D 2 B^2\&D^2 B2&D2

这个部分由两个相同的第二类式子相乘构成,我们展开书写 B 2 B^2 B2得: ∑ i = x 1 x 2 ∑ j = y 1 y 2 ⌊ x 2 i ⌋ 2 \sum_{i=x1}^{x2}\sum_{j=y1}^{y2}\lfloor \frac{x2}{i}\rfloor^2 i=x1x2j=y1y2ix22


int ans = 0,l = 0,r = 0;
for(l = 1; l <= n; l = r + 1) {
    r = n / (n / l);
    ans += (r - l + 1) * (n / l)* (n / l);

== ∑ i = x 1 x 2 ∑ j = y 1 y 2 ⌊ x 2 i ⌋ 2 \sum_{i=x1}^{x2}\sum_{j=y1}^{y2}\lfloor \frac{x2}{i}\rfloor^2 i=x1x2j=y1y2ix22不等于 ∑ j = y 1 y 2 ( ∑ i = x 1 x 2 ⌊ x 2 i ⌋ ) ∗ ( ∑ i = x 1 x 2 ⌊ x 2 i ⌋ ) \sum_{j=y1}^{y2}(\sum_{i=x1}^{x2}\lfloor \frac{x2}{i}\rfloor)*(\sum_{i=x1}^{x2}\lfloor \frac{x2}{i}\rfloor) j=y1y2(i=x1x2ix2)(i=x1x2ix2)==此处不做赘述

注意不要漏了把最后的结果乘上 ( y 2 − y 1 + 1 ) (y2-y1+1) (y2y1+1)[由于有 ∑ j = y 1 y 2 \sum_{j=y1}^{y2} j=y1y2]

3、 A ∗ B & C ∗ D A*B\&C*D AB&CD

这两个部分是由变量相同的一个第一类式子和一个第二类式子相乘得到,展开 A ∗ B A*B AB得: ∑ i = x 1 x 2 ∑ j = y 1 y 2 ⌊ i x 1 ⌋ ⌊ x 2 i ⌋ \sum_{i=x1}^{x2}\sum_{j=y1}^{y2}\lfloor \frac{i}{x1}\rfloor\lfloor\frac{x2}{i}\rfloor i=x1x2j=y1y2x1iix2

这个式子的处理相对比较复杂,我们列表可以更好的理解,如 x 1 = 4 , x 2 = 17 x1=4,x2=17 x1=4,x2=17时:

i=4  left=1 right=4
i=5  left=1 right=3
i=6  left=1 right=2
i=7  left=1 right=2
i=8  left=2 right=2
i=9  left=2 right=1
i=10 left=2 right=1
i=11 left=2 right=1
i=12 left=3 right=1
i=13 left=3 right=1
i=14 left=3 right=1
i=15 left=3 right=1
i=16 left=4 right=1
i=17 left=4 right=1

我们前面可以很好的求出第一类式子的前缀和和第二类式子的分块区间,那么我们就有了一个大胆的想法:由于某一个分块区间中的 r i g h t right right恒定,且起止位置已知,我们可以用这个恒定值乘以 l e f t left left在此分块区间中的差分值,如: r i g h t = 2 right=2 right=2时,左侧的和 S U M = s u m ( 9 ) − s u m ( 8 − 1 ) = ( 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 ) − ( 1 + 1 + 1 ) SUM=sum(9)-sum(8-1)=(1+1+1+1+2)-(1+1+1) SUM=sum(9)sum(81)=(1+1+1+1+2)(1+1+1) r i g h t ∗ s u m right*sum rightsum即为此区间的结果

同样不要忘了乘上 ( y 2 − y 1 + 1 ) (y2-y1+1) (y2y1+1)


其他部分都是形如 A ∗ D A*D AD的式子,此类式子是有变量不同的一个第一类式子和一个第二类式子相乘得到,展开 A ∗ D A*D AD ∑ i = x 1 x 2 ∑ j = y 1 y 2 ⌊ i x 1 ⌋ ⌊ y 2 j ⌋ \sum_{i=x1}^{x2}\sum_{j=y1}^{y2}\lfloor \frac{i}{x1}\rfloor\lfloor\frac{y2}{j}\rfloor i=x1x2j=y1y2x1ijy2


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define ll long long
const ll mod = 1e9 + 7;

ll fenkuai1(ll lower, ll high)
	ll ans = 0;
	for (ll l = lower, r = 0; l <= high; l = r + 1)
		r = high / (high / l) % mod;
		ans = (ans + (r - l + 1) % mod * (high / l) % mod) % mod;
	return ans % mod;

ll fenkuai2(ll lower, ll high)
	ll ans = 0;
	for (ll l = lower, r = 0; l <= high; l = r + 1)
		r = high / (high / l) % mod;
		ans =
			(ans % mod + (r - l + 1) % mod * (high / l) % mod * (high / l) % mod) %	mod;
	return ans % mod;

ll solve1(ll x1, ll x2)
	ll n = (x2 - x1 + 1) % mod / x1 % mod;
	return (((x1 * n) % mod * (n + 1) % mod * 500000004) % mod +
			(((x2 - x1 + 1) % mod - n * x1 % mod) % mod * (n + 1) % mod) % mod) % mod;

ll solve2(ll x1, ll x2)
	ll n = (x2 - x1 + 1) / x1 % mod;
	//	cout<<n<<' '<<n%mod*(n+1)%mod*(2*n+1)%mod*166666668%mod<<' '<<n * (n +
	//1) % mod * ((2 * n + 1) % mod) % mod * 166666668 %mod<<endl;
	return (((x1 * n) % mod * (n + 1) % mod * (2 * n % mod + 1) % mod *
			 166666668) %
				mod +
			(((x2 - x1 + 1) % mod - n * x1 % mod) % mod * (n + 1) % mod *
			 (n + 1) % mod) %
				mod) %

ll solve3(ll lower, ll high)
	ll ans = 0;
	for (ll l = lower, r = 0; l <= high; l = r + 1)
		r = high / (high / l) % mod;
		//	    cout<<l<<' '<<r<<' '<<(high / l)<<'
		//'<<solve1(lower,r)-solve1(lower,l-1)<<' '<<solve1(lower,r)<<endl;
		if (l > lower)
			ans = (ans % mod +
				   (high / l) % mod *
					   (solve1(lower, r) % mod - solve1(lower, l - 1) % mod) % mod) %
			ans =
				(ans % mod + (high / l) % mod * (solve1(lower, r) % mod) % mod) % mod;
		//	    cout<<(r - l + 1) *(high /
		while (ans < 0)
			ans += mod;

	return ans % mod;
int main()
	ll x1, x2, y1, y2, A, B, C, D;
	int t;
	cin >> t;
	while (cin >> x1 >> x2 >> y1 >> y2)
		ll ans = 0;
		A = solve1(x1, x2) % mod;
		B = fenkuai1(x1, x2) % mod;
		C = solve1(y1, y2) % mod;
		D = fenkuai1(y1, y2) % mod;
		//		cout<<solve2(x1,x2)*(y2-y1+1)%mod<<endl;
		//		cout<<fenkuai2(x1,x2)*(y2-y1+1)%mod<<endl;
		//		cout<<solve2(y1,y2)*(x2-x1+1)%mod<<endl;
		//		cout<<fenkuai2(y1,y2)*(x2-x1+1)%mod<<endl;
		//		cout<<solve3(x1,x2)*(y2-y1+1)%mod<<endl;
		//		cout<<A*C%mod<<endl;
		//		cout<<A*D%mod<<endl;
		//		cout<<B*C%mod<<endl;
		//		cout<<B*D%mod<<endl;
		//		cout<<solve3(y1,y2)*(x2-x1+1)%mod<<endl;
		ans = (ans + fenkuai2(x1, x2) % mod * (y2 - y1 + 1) % mod) % mod;
		ans = (ans + solve2(x1, x2) % mod * (y2 - y1 + 1) % mod) % mod;
		ans = (ans + fenkuai2(y1, y2) % mod * (x2 - x1 + 1) % mod) % mod;
		ans = (ans + solve2(y1, y2) % mod * (x2 - x1 + 1) % mod) % mod;
		ans = (ans + solve3(x1, x2) % mod * (y2 - y1 + 1) % mod) % mod;
		ans = (ans + A * C % mod) % mod;
		ans = (ans + A * D % mod) % mod;
		ans = (ans + B * C % mod) % mod;
		ans = (ans + B * D % mod) % mod;
		ans = (ans + solve3(y1, y2) % mod * (x2 - x1 + 1) % mod) % mod;
		ans = (ans + solve3(x1, x2) % mod * (y2 - y1 + 1) % mod) % mod;
		ans = (ans + A * C % mod) % mod;
		ans = (ans + A * D % mod) % mod;
		ans = (ans + B * C % mod) % mod;
		ans = (ans + B * D % mod) % mod;
		ans = (ans + solve3(y1, y2) % mod * (x2 - x1 + 1) % mod) % mod;
		cout << ans << endl;

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