树-PTA-B+树的插入操作 [含换行的层序遍历]

Self-printable B+ Tree
In this project, you are supposed to implement a B+ tree of order 3, with the following operations: initialize, insert (with splitting) and search. The B+ tree should be able to print out itself.

Input Specification:
Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first line contains a positive number N (≤10​4​​ ), the number of integer keys to be inserted. Then a line of the N positive integer keys follows. All the numbers in a line are separated by spaces.

Output Specification:
For each test case, insert the keys into an initially empty B+ tree of order 3 according to the given order. Print in a line Key X is duplicated where X already exists when being inserted. After all the insertions, print out the B+ tree in a top-down lever-order format as shown by the samples.

Sample Input 1:

7 8 9 10 7 4

Sample Output 1:

Key 7 is duplicated

Sample Input 2:

3 1 4 5 9 2 6 8 7 0

Sample Output 2:


Sample Input 3:

1 2 3

Sample Output 3:




例如,一个含有2,3,5的叶子节点看到 4 要插入,和,一个拥有三个子节点的内部节点看到一个新的子节点要插入,其实是一样的。


  • 由于叶子分裂和内点分裂的高度相似性,可以将叶子与内点采用同一数据类型struct node,设置isleaf变量来提示是否是叶子
  • 设置val_num、ptr_num分别提示某节点的值数量、子节点数量。显然,对于叶子节点val_num更有意义,对于内部节点ptr_num更有意义
  • 为便于内点的value(即分界值)的更新,将原本的M-1个value值存入数组val[1]-val[M-1],val[0]用于存放最左边子节点的最小value(这一数据在正常B+树的设计中并未出现)
  • 在分裂时,会产生递归结构

此外,对于叶子节点中val的比较、排序和对于内部节点中子节点的比较、排序是非常类似的,因此可以考虑用C++的template function写,(需要对比较子节点大小的>、<进行重载),可以显著减少代码量。

My answer:
前面80行为大量的辅助函数、辅助数据结构。核心的函数在main( )后。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

typedef struct node {
	struct node* left;
	int val[3];			//for nonleaf node, val[0] is the least key among its or its des' leaves
	struct node* mid;
	struct node* right;
	bool isleaf;
	int val_num;
	int ptr_num;
} Node;
typedef struct bptree {
	struct node* root;
	struct node* leaves;
} BpTree;

#define MAXKEYN 10005
#define EMP -1

Node* stack[MAXKEYN];
Node** stackptr = stack - 1;
bool push(Node* p) {
	if (stackptr == stack + MAXKEYN)return false;
	*(++stackptr) = p;
	return true;
Node* pop() {
	if (stackptr == stack - 1)return NULL;
	else return *(stackptr--);

Node* queue[MAXKEYN];
int front = 0;
int rear = -1;
bool EmptyQueue() {
	if (front == (rear + 1) % MAXKEYN)return true;
	else return false;
bool enqueue(Node* p) {
	if (front == (rear + 2) % MAXKEYN)return false;
	queue[++rear] = p;
	return true;
Node* dequeue() {
	if (EmptyQueue())return NULL;
	else return queue[front++];

void Arrange3(int a, int b, int c, Node* p) {
	int t;
	if (a < b) { t = a; a = b; b = t; }
	if (a < c) { t = a; a = c; c = t; }
	if (b < c) { t = b; b = c; c = t; }
	p->val[0] = c; p->val[1] = b; p->val[2] = a;
void Arrange4(int a, int b, int c, int d, Node* p, Node* q) {
	int t;
	if (a < b) { t = a; a = b; b = t; }
	if (a < c) { t = a; a = c; c = t; }
	if (a < d) { t = a; a = d; d = t; }
	if (b < c) { t = b; b = c; c = t; }
	if (b < d) { t = b; b = d; d = t; }
	if (c < d) { t = c; c = d; d = t; }
	p->val[0] = d; p->val[1] = c; q->val[0] = b; q->val[1] = a;
void InternalArrange3(Node* a, Node* b, Node* c, Node* par) {
	Node* t;
	if (a->val[0] < b->val[0]) { t = a; a = b; b = t; }
	if (a->val[0] < c->val[0]) { t = a; a = c; c = t; }
	if (b->val[0] < c->val[0]) { t = b; b = c; c = t; }
	par->left = c; par->mid = b; par->right = a;
void InternalArrange4(Node* a, Node* b, Node* c, Node* d, Node* par1, Node* par2) {
	Node* t;
	if (a->val[0] < b->val[0]) { t = a; a = b; b = t; }
	if (a->val[0] < c->val[0]) { t = a; a = c; c = t; }
	if (a->val[0] < d->val[0]) { t = a; a = d; d = t; }
	if (b->val[0] < c->val[0]) { t = b; b = c; c = t; }
	if (b->val[0] < d->val[0]) { t = b; b = d; d = t; }
	if (c->val[0] < d->val[0]) { t = c; c = d; d = t; }
	par1->left = d; par1->mid = c; par2->left = b; par2->mid = a;

bool Insert(int x, BpTree* tree_add);
bool InternalInsert(Node* new_child, Node* cur_node, BpTree* tree_add);
Node* Search(int x, BpTree tree);

int main(void)
	int n;
	scanf("%d", &n);
	int key[MAXKEYN] = { 0 };
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		scanf("%d", &key[i]);

	BpTree tree;
	tree.leaves = NULL;
	tree.root = NULL;
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		if (!Insert(key[i], &tree))
			printf("Key %d is duplicated\n", key[i]);

	int cnt = 1, node_num = 0;	// level order travesal
	Node* T;
	while (!EmptyQueue()) {
		T = dequeue();

		if (T->isleaf) {	// is leaf, i from 0 to val_num-1
			for (int i = 0; i < T->val_num; i++) {
				if (i == T->val_num - 1)printf("%d", T->val[i]);
				else printf("%d,", T->val[i]);
		else {				// is internal node, i from 1 to ptr_num-1
			for (int i = 1; i < T->ptr_num; i++) {
				if (i == T->ptr_num - 1)printf("%d", T->val[i]);
				else printf("%d,", T->val[i]);
		node_num += T->ptr_num;	//输出一个点后 node_num加上其子节点数 目的是得到下一层的节点个数

		if (cnt == 0 /* && !T->isleaf */) {	// after outputting a level, need an enter
			printf("\n");				// but there's no enter at the end
			cnt = node_num;		//输出完一层后 cnt将从node_num开始递减 以确定下一层要输出多少个节点
			node_num = 0;		//node_num归零 以准备记录下下层的节点数

		if (T->ptr_num >= 1) enqueue(T->left);
		if (T->ptr_num >= 2) enqueue(T->mid);
		if (T->ptr_num == 3) enqueue(T->right);

	return 0;

bool Insert(int x, BpTree *tree_add)
	 if tree is empty
	if ((*tree_add).root == NULL) {
		(*tree_add).root = (*tree_add).leaves = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
		(*tree_add).root->isleaf = true;
		(*tree_add).root->val[0] = x;
		(*tree_add).root->val[1] = (*tree_add).root->val[2] = EMP;
		(*tree_add).root->val_num = 1;
		(*tree_add).root->left = (*tree_add).root->mid = (*tree_add).root->right = NULL;
		(*tree_add).root->ptr_num = 0;
		return true;

	 if x already exists
	Node* pos = Search(x, (*tree_add));
	if (pos)  return false;

	 insert x
	// find the node where x should be
	Node* p = (*tree_add).root;
	while (!p->isleaf) {
		if (p->ptr_num == 2) {		// cur node has 1 sepa, stored in val1
			if (x < p->val[1]) { push(p); p = p->left; }
			else { push(p); p = p->mid; }
		if (p->ptr_num == 3) {		// cur node has 2 sepa, stored in val1 and val2
			if (x < p->val[1]) { push(p); p = p->left; }
			else if (x >= p->val[1] && x < p->val[2]) { push(p); p = p->mid; }
			else { push(p); p = p->right; }
	// now, p points to the leaf node which x belongs to

	if (p->val_num == 1) {		// no need to split
		int t = p->val[0];
		p->val[0] = t > x ? x : t;
		p->val[1] = t > x ? t : x;
		p->val[2] = EMP;
	else if (p->val_num == 2) {	// no need to split
		Arrange3(p->val[0], p->val[1], x, p);
	else {						// need to split
		Node* q = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
		q->isleaf = true;
		q->left = q->mid = q->right = NULL;
		q->ptr_num = 0;
		q->right = p->right; p->right = q;	// insert q into the linked list of leaves 

		Arrange4(p->val[0], p->val[1], p->val[2], x, p, q);
		p->val_num = q->val_num = 2;

		Node* parent = pop();
		if (parent == NULL) {
			Node* newroot = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
			newroot->isleaf = false;
			newroot->val[0] = p->val[0];
			newroot->val[1] = q->val[0];
			newroot->val[2] = EMP;
			newroot->val_num = 2;
			newroot->left = p;
			newroot->mid = q;
			newroot->right = NULL;
			newroot->ptr_num = 2;

			(*tree_add).root = newroot;
		else {
			InternalInsert(q, parent, tree_add);

	// update the vals of x's ancestors
	Node* ances;
	while (ances = pop()) {
		if (ances->ptr_num >= 1) ances->val[0] = ances->left->val[0];
		if (ances->ptr_num >= 2) ances->val[1] = ances->mid->val[0];
		if (ances->ptr_num == 3) ances->val[2] = ances->right->val[0];

	return true;

// new_node is generated by cur_node splitting
bool InternalInsert(Node* new_child, Node* cur_node, BpTree *tree_add)

	if (cur_node->ptr_num == 1) {			// impossible to have just 1 ptr
	else if (cur_node->ptr_num == 2) {	// no need to split
		InternalArrange3(cur_node->left, cur_node->mid, new_child,
		// update the sepa
		cur_node->val[0] = cur_node->left->val[0];
		cur_node->val[1] = cur_node->mid->val[0];
		cur_node->val[2] = cur_node->right->val[0];
	else {								// need to split
		Node* new_node = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
		new_node->isleaf = false;
		new_node->left = new_node->mid = new_node->right = NULL;
		new_node->ptr_num = 0;

		InternalArrange4(cur_node->left, cur_node->mid, cur_node->right, new_child,
			cur_node, new_node);
		cur_node->ptr_num = new_node->ptr_num = 2;
		// update the sepa
		cur_node->val[0] = cur_node->left->val[0];
		cur_node->val[1] = cur_node->mid->val[0];
		cur_node->val[2] = EMP;
		new_node->val[0] = new_node->left->val[0];
		new_node->val[1] = new_node->mid->val[0];
		new_node->val[2] = EMP;

		Node* parent = pop();
		if (parent == NULL) {	// recursion end (cur_node is root)
			Node* newroot = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
			newroot->isleaf = false;
			newroot->val[0] = cur_node->val[0];
			newroot->val[1] = new_node->val[0];
			newroot->val[2] = EMP;
			newroot->val_num = 2;
			newroot->left = cur_node;
			newroot->mid = new_node;
			newroot->right = NULL;
			newroot->ptr_num = 2;

			(*tree_add).root = newroot;
		else {
			InternalInsert(new_node, parent, tree_add);

	return true;

Node* Search(int x, BpTree tree)
	Node* p = tree.leaves;
	while (p) {		
		if (p->val_num >= 1) {
			if (p->val[0] == x)return p;
		if (p->val_num >= 2) {
			if (p->val[1] == x)return p;
		if (p->val_num == 3) {
			if (p->val[2] == x)return p;
		p = p->right;
	return NULL;
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