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转载 Resolving “nf_conntrack: table full, dropping packet.”

The following blog is copied fromhttp://www.pc-freak.net/blog/resolving-nf_conntrack-table-full-dropping-packet-flood-message-in-dmesg-linux-kernel-log/For all-known reason.On many busy s...

2019-06-06 10:11:00 602

转载 删除流氓软件小黑记事本流氓代码HNShell64.dll

小黑记事本,真的很黑!!小朋友不懂电脑安装Mincraft 模组或某款解压软件(快解压或易解压)的时候,被捆绑安装了很多乱七八糟的程序。其它都还好,比较容易卸载掉。其中最黑的就是小黑记事本。表面上是卸载了,但是留有后门或是木马程序在系统中(HNote/HNShell64.dll for win 64)。而且该dll文件还删不掉,总提示被其它程序打开。任务管理器-->性能--&g...

2019-05-27 11:26:00 10855

转载 Win10文件系统区分大小写和支持符号链接

Windows常用的文件系统FAT或NTFS与Linux文件系统ext4之间的不兼容性主要体现在以下两点:1. Windows文件系统不区分大小写,Linux是区分的。2. Windows文件系统不支持symlink,Linux是支持的,而且用的很多。这两个不兼容性对于在windows下编辑linux代码带来很多麻烦。随着Win10的到来,这两个局限性会迎刃而解。1...

2019-05-08 15:34:00 1195

转载 Eclipse外观定制化之路

有点标题党的意思。这并非是一条完整的路,只不过是个人定制化道路的开始,更多的是心路,更多的技术线路有待后续完善。使用过很多代码开发工具,比如Visual Studio, Visual Code, Source Insight, C++ Blocks, Sublime,Notepad++,ADS等等,当然每种工具都各有所长亦个有所短。但最终最钟爱的只有Eclipse。主要原因如下:1....

2019-05-05 11:27:00 626

转载 64bit program invoke 32bit library with rpcgen


2019-04-26 14:05:00 169

转载 How to set font and colors of Eclipse UI

The original URL of this article ishttps://codeyarns.com/2014/11/03/how-to-set-font-and-font-size-of-eclipse-ui/Qestion: How to change the icon's color of three view? (That's the color of &gt...

2019-04-24 16:40:00 211

转载 A good blog to understand ioctl system call


2019-04-24 10:27:00 113

转载 Good Introduction of Kerberos and RADIUS

1. RADIUShttps://baike.baidu.com/item/RADIUS/3073981?fr=aladdinhttp://www.h3c.com/cn/d_201309/922098_30005_0.htm2. Kerberoshttps://www.cnblogs.com/wukenaihe/p/3732141.html转载于:https://ww...

2019-04-18 10:39:00 259

转载 What's the meaning of unqualified-id?

catch( const std::runtime_error & e){....}When compile, met an error:error: expected unqualified-id before &.It was so puzzling.With experence in C++, fixed it after incl...

2019-02-18 13:51:00 286

转载 GParted: GNOME Partition Editor, sharp weapon to modify disk partitions.

GParted ProjectsGNOME Partition Editor for creating, reorganizing, and deleting disk partitions. It uses libparted from the parted project to detect and manipulate partition tables. Optional fi...

2019-02-12 18:28:00 587

转载 Install VirtualBox Guest Additions for elementary os

Pls refer to:Install VirtualBox Guest Additions for elementary os转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/clblacksmith/p/10364878.html

2019-02-12 14:03:00 158

转载 Install sublime text for elementary os

1. download sublime_text_3_build_3176_x86.tar.gz from http://www.sublimetext.com/32. extract it to /opt/sublime_text_33. then we can run sublime from shell:cd /opt/sublime_text_3./sublim...

2019-02-12 13:46:00 229

转载 ubus socket always in connecting status

When we try to transplant ubus to uclinux, ubusd can't run but "ubus list" will hang up.1. netstat -anpunix 2 [ ] STREAM CONNECTING 0 - /var/run/ub...

2019-01-08 15:45:00 245

转载 Digest of Overview of Linux Kernel Security Features

Linux kernel Security:I. DAC: Discretionary Access Control, the core security model of UNIX.II. POSIX ACL: Extended DACIII. Namespaces Derived from Plan 9. Process has its own v...

2018-07-02 15:30:00 181

转载 One Technical Problem: Can one process load two different c libraries simutaneously, such as uclibc ...

For some special reasons, there is a possible case which need to load uclibc and glibc in one processes simutaneously. For example,I have written some code based on uclibc and a library(x.so) wh...

2018-06-12 13:34:00 191

转载 How to enable Linux-PAM on uClinux

By default the uClinux uses the tools provided by busybox firstly. So the init login and passwd are all linked to busybox by default.Although busybox supports PAM too. But the above three tools ...

2018-05-29 11:22:00 202

转载 Compile pam with pam_cracklib.so

pam_cracklib.so is dependent on libcrack.so. Configure command will search libcrack.so. If it didn't find it, configure will disable pam_cracklib.so module. So it won't be compiled. For cross-com...

2018-04-26 14:06:00 193

转载 The way to unwind the stack on Linux EABI

I. probe the stack frame structure The original idea is to unwind the function call stack according to a determined prologue on the begin of a frame. For example:-------PC-------LR-----...

2018-04-03 11:24:00 218

转载 理解linux 密码存储

1. 传统上,linux把加密(哈希)的密码保存在/etc/passwd文件中,passwd文件的格式如下:smithj:x:561:561:Joe Smith:/home/smithj:/bin/bash共7个字段,由":"分隔, 各字段的含义如下:smithj, Username, up to 8 characters. Case-sensitive, usuall...

2018-03-07 10:26:00 1550

转载 【转】Windows下Python快速解决error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat

转自:http://blog.csdn.net/sad_sugar/article/details/73743863系统配置:Windows10 x64, Visual Studio 2017, Python2.7.1报错信息:error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat报错原因:在生成的时候,编译器从%PythonInstallPath%\dist...

2018-02-26 11:26:00 113

转载 程序中打印当前进程的调用堆栈(backtrace)

为了方便调式程序,产品中需要在程序崩溃或遇到问题时打印出当前的调用堆栈。由于是基于Linux的ARM嵌入式系统,没有足够的空间来存放coredump文件。实现方法,首先用__builtin_frame_address()函数获取堆栈的当前帧的地址(faddr), ×faddr(栈帧的第一个单元存放的数据)即当前函数的返回地址,及调用函数中的指令地址。×(faddr-1)是调用函数的栈...

2018-01-30 11:03:00 803

转载 the pitfull way to create a uClinux image including gdb.

After downloaded and installed the GCT's SDK and toolchain, we try to make an our own image which include gdb. But the way is much more tortuous than we thought. Most problems are related with mt...

2017-12-03 15:28:00 261



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