中国 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 演讲提案征集

KubeCon+CloudNativeCon 大会现在开放提案征集,涵盖云原生计算领域的多个主题。演讲者需为开源项目,且限制每位演讲者最多提交两份提案。提案须在2021年7月25日前提交,9月15日公布结果。大会强调社区性质,不接受产品推销和未经许可的闭源技术。提案应关注对CNCF和开源生态系统的贡献,并鼓励首次演讲者参与。会议将于12月9日至10日举行,提供同声传译服务。


概 述

提案征集 (CFP) 现已开放。


如果您没有使用过 CFP 系统,您需要在提交前注册并创建一个账户。




The Call for Proposals (CFP) is now open.


If you have not yet used the CFP system, you will be required to register and create an account before submitting.

Please CREATE YOUR ACCOUNT[4] before submitting for the first time. Thank you!

Please read the information in each tab on this page for important details on the submission process, including new requirements for submitting and changes to the process. For any questions regarding the CFP process, please email



KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 让用户、开发人员、从业人员汇聚一堂,面对面进行交流合作。与会人员有 Kubernetes、Prometheus 及其他云原生计算基金会 (CNCF) 主办项目的领导,和我们一同探讨云原生生态系统发展方向。


  • 提案征集起始日期:2021 年 6 月 28 日

  • 提案征集截止日期:2021 年 7 月 25 日

  • 提案征集通知日期:2021 年 9 月 15 日

  • 会议日程通告日期:2021 年 9 月 27 日

  • 会议活动举办日期:2021 年 12 月 9 日至 10 日



CNCF 会议活动是您了解此社区并分享想法和所从事的工作的极佳途径。不论您是否是首席架构师或长期业内专家,您都可递交提案,事实上,我们强烈鼓励首次参与的演讲者针对所有会议活动提交演讲材料。我们的活动是针对于 CNCF 社区的专业网络与合作工作会议,我们和与会者、赞助商、演讲者密切合作,以帮助确保 CNCF 会议活动的专业性、开放性、友好性。如果您对如何提交提案或整个活动有任何疑问,请联系。


Jasmine James

Jasmine 是 Twitter 的一名工程经理,负责工程效率组织中的开发者体验。在加入 Twitter 之前,她曾在职美国航空公司,利用各种 CNCF 项目所提供的现代工具和功能,建造一个精简的开发体验,从而实现云原生应用的开发。

General Info + Dates to Remember

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon brings together adopters, developers, and practitioners to collaborate face-to-face. Engage with the leaders of Kubernetes, Prometheus, and other CNCF-hosted projects as we set the direction for the cloud native ecosystem.

Dates to Remember:

  • CFP Open: June 28, 2021

  • CFP Close: July 25, 2021

  • CFP Notifications: September 15, 2021

  • Schedule Announced: September 27, 2021

  • Event Dates: December 9 – 10, 2021

Reminder: This is a community conference — so no product and/or vendor sales pitches.

First Time Submitting? Don’t Feel Intimidated

CNCF events are an excellent way to get to know the community and share your ideas and the work that you are doing. You do not need to be chief architect or long time industry pundit to submit a proposal, in fact, we strongly encourage first-time speakers to submit talks for all of our events. Our events are working conferences intended for professional networking and collaboration in the CNCF community and we work closely with our attendees, sponsors and speakers to help keep CNCF events professional, welcoming, and friendly. If you have any questions on how to submit a proposal, or the event in general, please contact

Program Co-Chairs

Jasmine James

Jasmine is an engineering manager at Twitter leading the developer experience pillar in the engineering effectiveness organization. Previous to Twitter, she worked at Delta Air Lines enabling cloud native application development by providing modern tooling and capabilities utilizing various CNCF projects to create a streamlined development experience.




  1. 您演讲的任何内容均必须是开源的。

  2. 无论采用何种演讲形式,您最多只能在提交给 CFP 审议的两份提案中被列为发言人。如果我们发现您被列入两个以上的提案,我们将与您联系,删除超过限制的提案。

  3. 我们不会选择已经在去年 CNCF 或 Linux 基金会活动中发表过的演讲。如果您的申请与以前的演讲非常相似,请提供您此次演讲有哪些不同的信息。

  4. 如果您计划提交一份提案,在 2021 年中国、欧洲和北美 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 发表演讲,请知悉:如果您向这三个国家的活动提交相同的演讲且该演讲被一个国家接受,那么,在任何其他活动中(为了保持内容多样性)该演讲将被自动拒绝。

  5. 你只能在 KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 中國 2021 – 线上峰会的 CFP 中选择一个小组和一个非小组项目上发言。(注意:维护者会议与 CFP 政策是分开的。)

  6. 所有 3-5 名演讲者的座谈小组提交項目都要求至少有一名非男性的演讲者,而且演讲者不能来自同一公司。为了增加演讲者的多样性,Linux 基金会不会接受全部由男性组成的座谈小组的提交項目。此外,座谈小组提交的材料必须包括所有参与者的名字才能被考虑。

  7. 对于中国:您必须以英文提交您的演讲申请。一旦您的演讲通过,您可以用中文或英文进行演讲。我们的每场会议均提供同声传译。


  1. 您希望受众从您的演讲中获得什么?

  2. 您为何想要发表演讲?请给出您的独特理由。

  3. 请准备说明其与 CNCF 和整个开源生态系统有何关联。


  1. 销售或营销宣传

  2. 未经许可或潜在的闭源技术


Requirements + Considerations


  1. Any platforms or tools you are describing need to be open source.

  2. You are limited to be listed as a speaker on up to two proposals submitted to the CFP for consideration, regardless of the format. If we find that you are listed on more than two, we will contact you to remove any proposals over the limit.

  3. We will not select a submission that has already been presented at a previous CNCF or Linux Foundation event within the last year. If your submission is very similar to a previous talk, please include information on how this version will be different.

  4. If you plan to submit a proposal to speak at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Europe, China, and North America 2021, please know that if you submit the same talk to all three, and the talk is accepted to one, it will automatically not be accepted to speak at any of the other events to maintain content diversity.

  5. You may only be accepted to speak on one panel and one non-panel accepted session chosen from the CFP at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon China 2021 – Virtual. (Note: Maintainer Track sessions are separate from CFP policies.)

  6. All panel submissions with 3–5 speakers are required to have at least one speaker that does not identify as a man and the speakers must not all be from the same company. The Linux Foundation does not accept submissions with all-male panels in an effort to increase speaker diversity. Additionally, panel submissions must include the names of all participants to be considered.

  7. For China: You must submit your talk in English. However, if your talk is accepted, you may present in either English or Chinese. We will have simultaneous translation in every session.

Consider the Following as You Write Your Proposal

  1. What do you expect the audience to gain from your presentation?

  2. Why should YOU be the one to give this talk? You have a unique story. Tell it.

  3. Be prepared to explain how this fits into the CNCF and overall Open Source Ecosystem.

We definitely do not expect every presentation to have code snippets and technical deep-dives but here are two things that you should avoid when preparing your proposal because they are almost always rejected due to the fact that they take away from the integrity of our events, and are rarely well-received by conference attendees:

  1. Sales or Marketing Pitches

  2. Unlicensed or Potentially Closed-Source Technologies

There are plenty of ways to give a presentation about projects and technologies without focusing on company-specific efforts. Remember the things to consider that we mentioned above when writing your proposal and think of ways to make it interesting for attendees while still letting you share your experiences, educate the community about an issue, or generate interest in a project.




  1. 选择一项提交格式:

  • 个人演讲:35 分钟的演讲,仅限 1 名演讲者

  • 双人演讲:35 分钟的演讲,仅限 2 名演讲者

  • 座谈小组:35 分钟 2 至 5 人小组讨论

注意:所有 3 – 5 人的提交項目都要求至少有一位非男性的演讲者,且不得全部来自同一家公司。

  1. 您的演讲关注如下哪种 CNCF 托管软件(选择所有适用项):

  • containerd (已毕业)

  • CoreDNS (已毕业)

  • Envoy (已毕业)

  • etcd (已毕业)

  • Fluentd (已毕业)

  • Harbor (已毕业)

  • Helm (已毕业)

  • Jaeger (已毕业)

  • Kubernetes (已毕业)

  • Open Policy Agent (已毕业)

  • Prometheus (已毕业)

  • Rook (已毕业)

  • TiKV (已毕业)

  • TUF (已毕业)

  • Vitess (已毕业)

  • Argo (孵化中)

  • Buildpacks (孵化中)

  • CloudEvents (孵化中)

  • CNI (孵化中)

  • Contour (孵化中)

  • Cortex (孵化中)

  • CRI-O (孵化中)

  • Dragonfly (孵化中)

  • Emissary-ingress (孵化中)

  • Falco (孵化中)

  • gRPC (孵化中)

  • KubeEdge (孵化中)

  • Linkerd (孵化中)

  • NATS (孵化中)

  • Notary (孵化中)

  • OpenTracing (孵化中)

  • Operator Framework (孵化中)

  • SPIFFE (孵化中)

  • Spire (孵化中)

  • Thanos (孵化中)

  • Antrea (沙箱)

  • Artifact Hub (沙箱)

  • Athenz (沙箱)

  • Backstage (沙箱)

  • BFE (沙箱)

  • Brigade (沙箱)

  • cert-manager (沙箱)

  • ChaosBlade (沙箱)

  • Chaos Mesh (沙箱)

  • ChubaoFS (沙箱)

  • Cloud Custodian (沙箱)

  • Cloud Development Kit for Kubernetes (cdk8s) (沙箱)

  • CNI-Genie (沙箱)

  • Crossplane (沙箱)

  • Curiefense (沙箱)

  • Dex (沙箱)

  • Distribution (沙箱)

  • Fluid (沙箱)

  • Flux (沙箱)

  • Fonio (沙箱)

  • GitOps Working Group (沙箱)

  • In-toto (沙箱)

  • K3s (沙箱)

  • k8dash (沙箱)

  • K8gb (沙箱)

  • KEDA (沙箱)

  • KEPTN (沙箱)

  • Keylime (沙箱)

  • Kube-OVN (沙箱)

  • KubeVirt (沙箱)

  • Kuberhealthy (沙箱)

  • KUDO (沙箱)

  • KUMA (沙箱)

  • Kyverno (沙箱)

  • Litmuschaos (沙箱)

  • Longhorn (沙箱)

  • Metal3-io (沙箱)

  • Network Service Mesh (沙箱)

  • Open Service Mesh (沙箱)

  • OpenEBS (沙箱)

  • OpenKruise (沙箱)

  • OpenMetrics (沙箱)

  • OpenTelementry (沙箱)

  • OpenYurt(沙箱)

  • Parsec (沙箱)

  • Piraeus-Datastore (沙箱)

  • Porter (沙箱)

  • Pravega (沙箱)

  • SchemaHero (沙箱)

  • Serverless Workflow Specifications (沙箱)

  • Service Mesh Interface (沙箱)

  • Strimzi (沙箱)

  • Submariner (沙箱)

  • Telepresence (沙箱)

  • Tinkerbell (沙箱)

  • Tremor (沙箱)

  • Trickster (沙箱)

  • Virtual Kubelet (沙箱)

  • Volcano (沙箱)

  • WasmEdge Runtime (沙箱)


  1. 选择主题,以缩小关注范围:

  • 应用和开发(包括 Helm、Brigade、 Telepresence、Buildpacks、Backstage、与 Porter)

  • CI/CD (Flux)

  • 社区

  • 定制与拓展 Kubernetes (包括 KubeVirt、Volcano、CNI-Genie、KUDO、ArtifactHub、Crossplane、CloudCustodian、Contour、K3s、Tremor 和 metal3-io, 与 OpenYurt)

  • 机器学习与数据

  • 网络(包括非授权终端系统 (NATS)、CoreDNS、CNI 、 gRPC、KubeEdge 、 Network Service Mesh 、 Strimzi 与 BFE)

  • 可观测性(包括 Jaeger、OpenTracing 、Fluentd 与 Prometheus)

  • 操作 (包括 Argo、LitmusChaos 、Operator Framework 、 与 ChaosMesh)

  • 性能

  • 运行时间(包括 containerd 与 CRI-O)

  • 安全、身份与政策(包括 OPA、SPIFFE / SPIRE、Notary、TUF、in-toto Parsec, Falco 、与 Dex)

  • 无服务器(包括 CloudEvents、Virtual Kubelet 、与 KEDA)

  • 服务网格(包括 Envoy、 Linkerd、Service Mesh Interface 、与 Open Service Mesh)

  • 存储(包括 Rook、Vitess、OpenEBS、Longhorn、TiKV、ChubaoFS 、与 Piraeus-Datastore )

注意:如果您的演讲项目是一个案例研究,请从上面的列表中选择它最适合的主题,然后在表格中有关您的演讲是否一个案例研究的问题上选择 “是”。演讲项目的最终安排将基于被接受的提交材料。

  1. 提供详细而集中的描述,最多 1000 字符。如果您的演讲通过,这就是网上日程表上使用的内容。。

  2. 在“对生态的益处”部分,提供更深入的信息。这是您详细阐述内容并与委员会分享更多细节的机会,最多 1000 字符。

  3. 所有演讲者需提供个人介绍,包括先前的演讲经验。

  4. 提供可支持您的提案的资源。可以是您个人在其他地方所做演讲的视频或音频、个人网站链接(包括 LinkedIn)、开源项目链接,或已出版书籍。

How to Submit Your Proposal

We have done our best to make the submission process as simple as possible. Here is what you will need to prepare:

  1. Choose a submission format:

  • Solo Presentation: 35-minute presentation, limited to 1 speaker

  • Dual Presentation: 35-minute presentation, limited to 2 speakers

  • Panel: 35 minutes of discussion amongst 3 to 5 speakers

Note: All submissions with 3-5 speakers are required to have at least one speaker who does not identify as a man and the speakers must not all be from the same company.

  1. Choose which CNCF hosted software your presentation will be focused on (Choose all that apply):

  • containerd (Graduated)

  • CoreDNS (Graduated)

  • Envoy (Graduated)

  • etcd (Graduated)

  • Fluentd (Graduated)

  • Harbor (Graduated)

  • Helm (Graduated)

  • Jaeger (Graduated)

  • Kubernetes (Graduated)

  • Open Policy Agent (Graduated)

  • Prometheus (Graduated)

  • Rook (Graduated)

  • TiKV (Graduated)

  • TUF (Graduated)

  • Vitess (Graduated)

  • Argo (Incubating)

  • Buildpacks (Incubating)

  • CloudEvents (Incubating)

  • CNI (Incubating)

  • Contour (Incubating)

  • Cortex (Incubating)

  • CRI-O (Incubating)

  • Dragonfly (Incubating)

  • Emissary-ingress (Incubating)

  • Falco (Incubating)

  • gRPC (Incubating)

  • KubeEdge (Incubating)

  • Linkerd (Incubating)

  • NATS (Incubating)

  • Notary (Incubating)

  • OpenTracing (Incubating)

  • Operator Framework (Incubating)

  • SPIFFE (Incubating)

  • Spire (Incubating)

  • Thanos (Incubating)

  • Antrea (Sandbox)

  • Artifact Hub (Sandbox)

  • Athenz (Sandbox)

  • Backstage (Sandbox)

  • BFE (Sandbox)

  • Brigade (Sandbox)

  • cert-manager (Sandbox)

  • ChaosBlade (Sandbox)

  • Chaos Mesh (Sandbox)

  • ChubaoFS (Sandbox)

  • Cloud Custodian (Sandbox)

  • Cloud Development Kit for Kubernetes (cdk8s) (Sandbox)

  • CNI-Genie (Sandbox)

  • Crossplane (Sandbox)

  • Curiefense (Sandbox)

  • Dex (Sandbox)

  • Distribution (Sandbox)

  • Fluid (Sandbox)

  • Flux (Sandbox)

  • Fonio (Sandbox)

  • GitOps Working Group (Sandbox)

  • In-toto (Sandbox)

  • K3s (Sandbox)

  • k8dash (Sandbox)

  • K8gb (Sandbox)

  • KEDA (Sandbox)

  • KEPTN (Sandbox)

  • Keylime (Sandbox)

  • Kube-OVN (Sandbox)

  • KubeVirt (Sandbox)

  • Kuberhealthy (Sandbox)

  • KUDO (Sandbox)

  • KUMA (Sandbox)

  • Kyverno (Sandbox)

  • Litmuschaos (Sandbox)

  • Longhorn (Sandbox)

  • Metal3-io (Sandbox)

  • Network Service Mesh (Sandbox)

  • Open Service Mesh (Sandbox)

  • OpenEBS (Sandbox)

  • OpenKruise (Sandbox)

  • OpenMetrics (Sandbox)

  • OpenTelementry (Sandbox)

  • OpenYurt(Sandbox)

  • Parsec (Sandbox)

  • Piraeus-Datastore (Sandbox)

  • Porter (Sandbox)

  • Pravega (Sandbox)

  • SchemaHero (Sandbox)

  • Serverless Workflow Specifications (Sandbox)

  • Service Mesh Interface (Sandbox)

  • Strimzi (Sandbox)

  • Submariner (Sandbox)

  • Telepresence (Sandbox)

  • Tinkerbell (Sandbox)

  • Tremor (Sandbox)

  • Trickster (Sandbox)

  • Virtual Kubelet (Sandbox)

  • Volcano (Sandbox)

  • WasmEdge Runtime (Sandbox)

  1. Choose a topic to narrow down the focus:

  • Application & Development (includes Helm, Brigade, Telepresence, Buildpacks, Backstage, & Porter)

  • CI/CD (Flux)

  • Community

  • Customizing & Extending Kubernetes (including KubeVirt, Volcano, CNI-Genie, KUDO, Artifact Hub, Crossplane, Cloud Custodian, Contour, k3s, Tremor and metal3-io, & OpenYurt)

  • Machine Learning & Data

  • Networking (includes NATS, CoreDNS, CNI, gRPC, KubeEdge, Network Service Mesh, Strimzi, & BFE)

  • Observability (includes Jaeger, OpenTracing, Fluentd & Prometheus)

  • Operations (including Argo, LitmusChaos, Operator Framework, & ChaosMesh)

  • Performance

  • Runtimes (includes containerd & CRI-O)

  • Security, Identity & Policy (includes OPA, SPIFFE/SPIRE, Notary, TUF, in-toto Parsec, Falco & Dex)

  • Serverless (includes CloudEvents, Virtual Kubelet, & KEDA)

  • Service mesh (includes Envoy, Linkerd, Service Mesh Interface, & Open Service Mesh)

  • Storage (includes Rook, Vitess, OpenEBS, Longhorn, TiKV, ChubaoFS & Piraeus-Datastore)

Note: If your presentation is a case study, please choose which topic it best associates with from the list above and then choose “yes” for the question that asks if your presentation is a case study within the form. Final tracks for the conference will be based on accepted submissions.

  1. Provide a detailed and focused description with a max of 1,000 characters. This is what will be used on the online schedule if your talk is accepted.

  2. Provide more in-depth information in the “Benefits to the Ecosystem” p. This is your opportunity to elaborate on your content and share any more details with the committee with a max of 1,000 characters.

  3. Provide a biography for all speakers, including previous speaking experience.

  4. Provide resources to enhance your proposal. These can be videos of you or your speakers presenting elsewhere, links to personal websites (including LinkedIn), links to your open source projects, or published books.





您可把握此次机会向项目委员会 销售 您的演讲,为此请尽量强调您在演讲中会提及的问题/贡献/工作。技术细节不容忽视,但是您所提出的相关性将在遴选过程中为计划委员会提供帮助。



内核天气报告(Jon Corbet,—— Linux 内核是任何 Linux 系统的核心;最终,内核的性能和功能会对系统的整体运行构成一个上限。演讲中,Jon Corbet 将回顾内核开发社区的近期活动,讨论内核现状、面临的挑战、展望未来以及如何应对挑战。


这是您阐述的机会。告诉我们您演讲的内容将如何帮助改善生态系统或者您想与联合主席和项目委员会分享的任何内容。这个问题可能很难完整回答,但您对项目的描述、演讲的相关性都和演讲内容一样重要。至多 1,000 字符。



Sample Submission

Sample Submission

Your description will be the cornerstone of your proposal.

This is your chance to sell your talk to the program committee, so do your best to highlight the problem/contribution/work that you are addressing in your presentation. The technical details are still important, but the relevance of what you are presenting will help the program committee during the selection process.

This is the description that will be posted on the website schedule, so please ensure that it is in complete sentences (and not just bullet points), free of typos, and that it is written in the third person (use your name instead of “I”).


Kernel Weather Report (Jon Corbet, – The Linux kernel is at the core of any Linux system; the performance and capabilities of the kernel will, in the end, place an upper bound on what the system can do as a whole. In this presentation, Jon Corbet will review recent events in the kernel development community, discuss the current state of the kernel, the challenges it faces, and look forward to how the kernel may address those challenges.

Scoring Guidelines

To help you further understand what is considered while the program committee and co-chairs are reviewing your proposal, please review the Scoring Guidelines and Best Practices[6] page.



Speaker Passes

All accepted speakers will receive a complimentary virtual conference pass.


Linux 基金会及其项目社区致力于为参与我们所有会议活动的人员提供优质、纯粹的活动体验。我们鼓励所有申请人查看完整的行为准则[7]

Code of Conduct

The Linux Foundation and its project communities are dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for participants at all of our events. We encourage all submitters to review our complete Code of Conduct[8].

对 CFP 有疑问?

如果您对 CFP 程序有任何疑问,请与我们联系

CFP Questions?

If you have any questions regarding the CFP process, please contact us at













Scoring Guidelines and Best Practices:




Code of Conduct:

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