3.数据库的三层结构 https://www.cnblogs.com/wangjian920110/p/5454969.html4.主流数据库
5.操作系统)(linux Unix Windows Macos)
5.表空间 http://blog.csdn.net/z69183787/article/details/23526423
6.sys system用户权限
conn 切换用户
disc 断开用户
passw user system 修改密码
show user 查看当前用户
exit 退出数据库
desc +表名:查看表结构
select * from emp where deptno = '&deptno'; 查找表
spool off 结束输入
create tablespace hp
datafile 'G:\oracle_project\hp\hp.dbf'
size 10M
autoextend on next 5M
maxsize unlimited;
drop tablespace hp ---删除表空间
--create user 用户名 identified by 密码 [default tablespace 表空间名] [temporary tablespace temp](临时表空间)
create user hope identified by 123456; --用户+密码
create user hope1 identified by 123456 default tablespace users;--用户hope1+密码123456+表空间users
create user hope2 identified by 123456 default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp;
alter user hope identified by 654321;
drop user hope;
drop user hope cascade; ---删除相关数据
grant connect to hope2 --connect角色
grant resource to hope2;
grant connect,resource to hope2;--同时赋予两个角色
grant select,update on scott.emp to hope2;----给hope2赋予查询和修改scott的权限
revoke resource from hope2;
revoke connect,resource from hope2;---同时撤销两个角色
update scott.emp set sal=5000 where
--cahr:可以存储定长的字符串 char(200) 存储10个剩下的空格补齐 解析快
--varchar2:可以存储变长的字符串 carchar2(200)存储10个剩下的闲置
--如何选择char 还是varchar2:已知字符串长度用char,不确定字符串长度用varchar2
---number ==number(38,0) 默认38位整数,
--number(p) ==number(15,0) p-->整数位数,
--number(p,s) ==number(15,2) p--->总位数,s---->小数点后位数 存储整型和浮点型
select sysdate from dual;--显示系统当前日期
select systimestamp from dual;
select to_date('2018-01-05','yyyy-MM-dd') from dual;--将一个字符串转化为日期格式
--中文的oracle: 日-月-年 例1998年7月1日--->'01-7月-1998'
--英文的oracle:day-mon-year 例1998年7月1日--->'01-JUL-1998'
create table student(stunum number(4),stuname varchar2(10),age number(2),addr varchar2(50));
--常见的约束: 主键(primary key) 外键(foreign key) 唯一(unique) 非空(not null) 默认约束(default)
create table student(stunum number(4) primary key,stuname varchar2(10),age number(2),addr varchar2(50));
insert into student values(1001,'tong',20,'nanyang');
create table course(cno number(4) primary key,cname varchar2(20),cscore number(4));
--创建一张成绩表 主键:学号+课程号 称为联合主键
create table score(stunum number(4),cno number(4),score number(5,2),constraint pk_score primary key (stunum,cno));
create table course(cno number(4) constraint pk_course primary key ,cname varchar2(20),cscore number(2));
drop tablespace hp including contents and datafiles;
create table test(id number(4) primary key,name varchar2(20));
student(sno,sname,age,addr,idcard); --主键sno
course(cno,cname,cscore); --主键cno
score(sno,cno,score);--主键(sno,cno) 外键 sno cno
create table student(sno number(4) primary key,
sname varchar2(20),
age number(3),
addr varchar2(50),
idcard number(18));
create table course(cno number(4)primary key,
cname varchar2(20),
cscore number(2));
drop table score cascade constraints;
create table score(
stuno number(4) references student(sno), --创建第一各外键约束
couno number(4) references course(cno), --创建第二个外键约束
score number(5,2),
constraint pk_score primary key(stuno,couno)); --创建一个主键约束
create table score(
stuno number(4)constraint fk_stuno references student(sno),
couno number(4)constraint fk_couno references course(cno),
score number(5,2),
constraint pk_score primary key(stuno,couno));
create table score(
stuno number(4),
couno number(4),
score number(5,2),
constraint fk_stuno foreign key(stuno) references student(sno),
constraint fk_couno foreign key(couno) references course(cno),
constraint pk_score primary key(stuno,couno));
insert into student values(1001,'zhangsan',19,'henan',55555555);
select * from student;
insert into course values(999,'java基础',4);
select * from course;
delete from student where sno=1001; --删除不掉,违反完整约束条件
delete from score where stuno=1001; --先删子记录
delete from student where sno=1001; --再删父记录
create table student(sno number(4) primary key,
sname varchar2(20) not null,
age number(3),
addr varchar2(50),
idcard number(18) unique);
create table student(sno number(4) primary key,
sname varchar2(20) not null,
age number(3),
addr varchar2(50),
idcard number(18)constraint uk_idcard unique);
create table student(sno number(4) primary key,
sname varchar2(20) not null,
age number(3),
addr varchar2(50),
idcard number(18),
constraint uk_idcard unique(idcard));
create table student(sno number(4) primary key,--主键约束
sname varchar2(20) not null, --非空约束
age number(3) default 18, --默认约束,默认18
addr varchar2(50),
idcard number(18) unique); --唯一约束
create table student(sno number(4) primary key,--主键约束
sname varchar2(20) not null, --非空约束
age number(3) default 18 check(age between 10 and 45), --默认约束,默认18,自定义约束,年龄在10--45
addr varchar2(50),
idcard number(18) unique); --唯一约束
create table student(sno number(4) primary key,
sname varchar2(20) not null,
age number(3) default 18 check(age between 10 and 45),
gender char(10) check(gender in('male','female')),
addr varchar2(50),
idcard number(18) unique);
alter table student add regdate date;
alter table student add province varchar2(350);
alter table student drop column regdate;
alter table student drop (province,regdate);
alter table student modify idcard char(20);
--修改表名student -->stu
alter table student rename to stu;
alter table stu rename column gender to sex;
alter table student add constraint pk_sno primary key(sno);
alter table student add constraint uk_idcard unique(idcard);
alter table student modify sname not null;
alter table student modify age default 18;
alter table student add constraint ck_age check(age between 18 and 50);
create table score(
sno number(4),
score number(5,2));
alter table score add constraint fk_sno foreign key(sno) references student(sno);
alter table score disable constraint fk_sno;
alter table score enable constraint fk_sno;
alter table score drop constraint fk_sno;
alter table student drop primary key;
alter table score drop constraint pk_sno;
序列:有序的数字组成的一个集合 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
create sequence seq01 --序列名
start with 3 --序列起始值
increment by 1 --序列的步长
maxvalue 9999 --最大值
minvalue 0 --最小值
nocycle --nocycle(序列不循环) cycle(序列循环使用)
cache 20; --cache(为了加快序列的生成速度,每次生成20个值放在缓存中)
select seq01.nextval from dual; --第一次使用序列,必须使用序列名.nextval
select seq01.currval from dual;
insert into student values(seq01.nextval,'zhang',18,'male','河南南阳',111111111);
drop sequence seq01;(序列名)
create table emp1 as select * from emp where 1=2;
create table emp2 as select * from emp;
create table emp3(ename,sal,job) as select ename,sal,job from emp;
create table emp4 as select * from emp where deptno=10;
--SQL:Structured Query Language 结构化查询语言的简称
--Oracle:C/S 客户端发起请求,通过网络传递给服务器,服务器对请求进行相应,将结果传递给客户端并显示
--DDL(数据定义语言Data Definition Language):create alter drop 针对数据库对象的操作
--create user create tablespace create table create sequence
--create view create index create package create trigger create procedure
--DML语言(数据操纵语言data manipulation language):select update insert delete针对表中的数据的操作
--DCL语言(数据控制语言data control Language):控制存取权限 grant revoke
--TCL(事务控制语言 Transaction Control Language):commit rollback savepoint
insert into emp1 values(1001,'shelly','manager',7839,date'2018-1-09',3000,null,10);
insert into emp1(empno,ename,sal,job,deptno)values(1002,'ellen',4000,'salseman',20);
insert into emp1 select * from emp where deptno=20;
insert into emp1(empno,ename,job,sal,deptno) select empno+1000,ename,job,sal,deptno from emp1 where ename='ellen';
insert into emp1(empno,ename,job,sal,deptno) select empno+1000,ename,job,5000,deptno from emp1 where ename='ellen';
insert into emp1(empno,ename,job,sal,deptno) select 3001,'lily','anal',3000,30 from dual;
--等价于insert into emp1(empno,ename,job,sal,deptno) value(3001,'lily','anal',3000,30);
insert into emp1(empno,ename,sal,job)
select 9999,'lilei',3500,'mana' from dual union
select 9998,'lucy',4500,'mana' from dual union
select 9997,'hanmei',5500,'mana' from dual;
--union all:求并集运算,不去重
insert into emp1(empno,ename,sal,job)
select 9999,'lilei',3500,'mana' from dual unionall
select 9998,'lucy',4500,'mana' from dual unionall
select 9997,'hanmei',5500,'mana' from dual;
delete from emp1;
delete from emp1 where deptno=10;
update emp1 set sal=sal+1000 where sal<1500;
select * from emp1;
select ename,sal,comm,deptno from emp1;
select ename,sal,comm,deptno from emp1 where deptno=30;
----(1)insert into emp1 values(1001,'shelly','manager',7839,date'2018-1-09',3000,null,10);
----(2)insert into emp1 values(1001,'shelly','manager',7839,'09-1月-2018',3000,null,10);
----(3)insert into emp1 values(1001,'shelly','manager',7839,to_date('2018-1-09','yyyy-mm-dd'),3000,null,10);
savepoint mark1; --保存断点mark1类似于存档
update emp1 set sal=sal+500 where comm is null; --执行操作
rollback to mark1; --在未提交前可以回滚到断点mark1处
commit; --提交事务,提交后不可回滚
--算术运算符:+ - * /
--连接运算符 ||
select 'dear'||ename from emp1;
select ename||'的工资是:'||sal from emp1;
--比较运算符 > >= < <= <> (!=) = is null between..and.. in like
select * from emp1 where sal>3000;
--问题:查询部门编号不为20的员工信息 不等于<>和!=
select * from emp where deptno!=20;
select * from emp where deptno<>20;
--is null用来做空值的比较
select * from emp where comm is null;
select * from emp where comm is not null;
select * from emp where sal between 2000 and 5000;
select * from emp where sal >= 2000 and sal<=5000;
select * from emp where deptno in(10,20);
select * from emp where deptno=10 or deptno=20;
--- _:表示匹配一个字符,必须有一个字符
--- %: 表示匹配任意多个字符 匹配0个或多个字符
select * from emp where ename like '%LLEN%';
select * from emp where ename like 'A%N';
--问题:查询员工姓名长度为5的员工 (五个下划线)
select * from emp where ename like '_____';
--逻辑运算符 优先级 not> and >or
select * from emp where deptno=10 and job='MANAGER' or deptno=20 and job='CLERK';
select * from emp where (deptno=10 or deptno=20) and job='MANAGER';
select * from emp where deptno in(10,20) and job='MANAGER';
--针对字段的别名称为列别名 语法:字段名(as)字段别名
select 'dear'||ename as 姓名 from emp; --加一个列别名
select 'dear '||ename 姓名 from emp;
select 'dear '||ename "姓名" from emp;
select 'dear '||ename "姓 名" from emp;
select ename,sal,job from emp where deptno=10;
--给emp表一个别名 e 语法:表名 表别名 不能加as
select e.ename,e.sal,e.job from emp e where e.deptno=10;
--2.select ...from...where...group by...having...order by
select sysdate from dual;
--(2)该语句的执行顺序:where...group by...having...order by
--3.排序 order by 正序、逆序、单列排、多列排
select ename,sal from emp order by sal desc;
select ename,sal from emp order by sal asc;
select ename,sal from emp order by sal; --默认升序
--总结:语法:select.. from .. order by 字段名 asc/desc;
--asc升序 desc降序 默认升序
select ename,sal from emp where deptno=20 order by sal desc;
select ename,deptno,sal from emp order by deptno asc,sal desc;
--总结:多列排序语法order by 字段名1 asc\desc,字段名2 asc\desc, ..