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原创 阅读英文文档浏览器插件immersivetranslate


2024-07-16 10:27:37 345

原创 C++并发编程实战 第2版学习

C++并发编程实战 第2版

2024-07-11 00:26:22 364

原创 Effective Modern C++ 学习

Effective Modern C++ Effective Modern C++ Effective Modern C++

2024-07-02 13:26:23 900

原创 fira code 字体

fira code 字体。

2024-05-22 00:47:35 168

原创 vscode clangd 配置

【代码】vscode clangd 配置。

2024-04-28 15:24:47 617

原创 plantUML学习笔记

相关文档请参考https://plantuml.com/zh/guide使用相关的关键字来声明参与者• actor(角色)• boundary(边界)• control(控制)• entity(实体)• database(数据库)• collections(集合)• queue(队列)• participant(参与者)

2023-10-02 20:20:45 490

原创 vscode 记录

在linux 下面安装。

2023-08-12 16:38:00 746

原创 Erlang 学习笔记


2023-07-22 21:39:08 485

原创 vscode debug erlang

【代码】vscode debug erlang。

2023-07-09 13:35:13 527 1

原创 RSARTE Connexis Users Guide翻译


2023-06-10 16:42:48 200

原创 IBM Rational Software Architect RealTime Edition (RSARTE) C++ RT Services Library 文档翻译

IBM Rational Software Architect RealTime Edition (RSARTE) C++ RT Services Library参考:https://rsarte.hcldoc.com/help/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.xtools.rsarte.webdoc%2Fusers-guide%2Foverview.html本文档介绍了C++ RT Services库,它是从Rational Software Architect RealTime

2023-06-08 21:04:27 752

原创 官网文档 States and Transitions in RSARTE 文档翻译

外部状态转换会导致对象从一种状态更改为另一种状态。请参阅下图。假设状态机处于State1。如果转换Ping被触发,它将导致状态从State1变为State2。转换Ping被认为是一个外部转换,因为它导致状态机离开一个状态(State1),然后进入另一个(State2)。转换Ping可能具有一个guard (布尔表达式),用于确定是否启用转换。当guard 表达式的计算结果为true时,将启用转换。只能触发已启用的转换。转换还可以具有在触发转换时执行的effect code。保护和效果代码的示例如下图所示。

2023-06-08 00:06:09 141

原创 官网文档 Modeling Real-Time Applications in RSARTE 翻译

与其他类型的应用程序相比,实时应用程序具有特殊的特点。例如,实时应用程序通常是复杂的、事件驱动的、有状态的、资源高效的和分布式的。RSARTE的目的是促进实时应用程序的建模和开发。定义较小的UML子集,即“UML的RT子集”。通过配置文件(称为UML-RT)引入新的实时特定概念。支持自动转换符合上述限制的模型,以产生高效的目标代码,例如C++。提供一个运行时库(称为RT services库),该库与生成的和手写的代码一起可以编译成可执行的实时应用程序。

2023-06-05 22:46:13 392

原创 ibm的博客


2023-06-01 00:16:40 71

原创 WSL上srsRAN_4G的安装和学习

参考:https://docs.srsran.com/projects/4g/en/latest/general/source/1_installation.html。验证新的“ue1”网络是否存在。uplink 的traffic。能ping通说明可以了。

2023-05-10 22:00:35 544 1

原创 WSL 运行的程序的界面的字体设置

完成以上步骤后,您应该能够在WSL中运行的程序中看到放大的字体大小。请注意,某些程序可能需要自己的字体设置。如果您的程序的字体大小仍然不合适,请检查程序的字体设置并进行相应的更改。最后,您需要重启X Server。这可以通过关闭WSL终端并重新打开来完成。这将会让X Server在下一次启动时启用新的dpi设置。这将把Xft的dpi设置为120,从而放大字体大小。这将安装字体配置系统,使您可以对字体进行更多配置。打开WSL终端并进入Bash shell。首先,通过以下命令安装。接下来,创建一个名为。

2023-05-10 00:04:14 1097

原创 程序员自我修养学习笔记

处于运行中线程拥有一段可以执行的时间,这段时间称为时间片(Time Slice),当时间片用尽的时候,该进程将进入就绪状态。如果在时间片用尽之前进程就开始等待某事件,那么它将进入等待状态。每当一个线程离开运行状态时,调度系统就会选择一个其他的就绪线程继续执行。在一个处于等待状态的线程所等待的事件发生之后,该线程将进入就绪状态。这3个状态的转移如图1-9所示。

2023-04-19 22:54:40 220

原创 配置在保存时自动格式,{ 大括号不换行,减少占用屏幕得配置

【代码】配置在保存时自动格式,{ 大括号不换行,减少占用屏幕得配置。

2023-04-15 19:14:09 175

原创 The-Art-of-Writing-Efficient-Programs 学习笔记2

D:指令调度。表示 CPU 已经从指令队列中取出指令,并将指令放入指令缓存区等待执行。e:指令执行。表示指令正在被 CPU 执行。E:指令执行完成。指令已经完成执行,并产生了相应的结果。R:指令退役。指令已经完成执行,并已经从指令缓存区中移除。=:指令已经调度,等待执行。指令已经被调度到指令缓存区等待执行,但是还没有开始执行。-:指令已经执行,等待退役。指令已经在 CPU 中执行过,并且产生了结果,但是还没有从指令缓存区移除,需要等待退役。

2023-04-14 19:06:55 1077

原创 TDD 学习笔记

测试驱动开发(Test-Driven Development, TDD),或测试先行编程,是指在编写实现功能的代码之前,先编写自动化测试来验证所需的功能。这些测试一开始当然会失败。我们的目标是快速编写最少的代码使这些测试通过。最后,根据需要重构代码以优化或清理实现。TDD的一个重要方面是,变更是渐进进行的,以小步为单位。编写一个简短的测试,然后编写足够的代码使该测试通过,然后重复上述过程。每次小改动之后,都要重新编译代码并重新运行测试。

2023-04-13 22:59:50 271

原创 性能优化工具学习


2023-04-08 20:29:15 331

原创 CUDA 学习

cuda 学习

2023-04-04 22:31:52 192

原创 c++ 学习笔记


2023-04-02 22:37:33 684

原创 c++ 学习笔记

c++ 学习

2023-04-01 18:44:06 331

原创 TDD测试驱动学习

TDD 测试驱动学习

2023-03-26 14:08:12 1062

原创 深入理解计算机系统学习笔记


2023-03-21 20:03:00 113

原创 git学习

git 学习

2023-02-26 10:56:32 299 1

原创 c++ 17 c++ 20 学习

c++ 学习

2023-01-31 21:59:40 185

原创 vscode 主题的颜色定制

vscode 颜色修改

2022-12-31 21:06:08 9060 1

原创 c++ 学习记录

c++ 学习记录

2022-11-05 23:29:41 373

原创 算法学习笔记


2022-10-06 16:45:44 382 3

原创 leetcode笔记


2022-10-06 16:40:54 178

原创 vscode


2022-10-03 23:19:58 3001

原创 C++ lambda 学习笔记

c++ lambda

2022-10-01 19:02:11 1778

原创 C++ 移动语义学习

c++ 学习

2022-09-03 21:55:25 1493

原创 鸟哥私房菜学习笔记

2.1.3 各硬件设备在Linux中的文件名设备 设备在Linux内的文件名SCSI/SATA/USB硬盘机----------->/dev/sd[a-p]USB闪存盘 ------------>/dev/sd[a-p] (与SATA相同)VirtI/O界面--------->/dev/vd[a-p] (用于虚拟机内)软盘机--------->/dev/fd[0-7]打印机--------->/dev/lp[0-2]

2022-01-08 19:16:39 5148 1

原创 c++ primer 书代码学习

#include <iostream>#include <string>using namespace std;class Sales_item{ friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&, Sales_item& ); friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const Sales_item&.

2022-01-06 17:45:54 1323

原创 ubuntu下stm32f407环境(正点原子)

1.交叉编译sudo apt install binutils-arm-none-eabisudo apt install gcc-arm-none-eabisudo apt install gdb-arm-none-eabi如果没有gdb-arm-none-eabi 请看https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/1340316932.安装stlink1.安装libusbsudo apt-get install libusb-devgit clone https://

2022-01-02 20:26:09 1776

原创 数据结构算法与应用-C++语言描述 stack的应用

main.cpp#include <string>#include <iostream>#include <sstream>#include <algorithm>#include <iterator>using namespace std;//数据结构算法与应用-C++语言描述 stack的应用//线性表一数组//抽象数据类型template<class T>class linearList{pub

2021-12-13 22:34:24 1516

原创 数据结构算法与应用-C++语言描述 stack链表的实现

//数据结构算法与应用-C++语言描述 stack链表的实现//链表描述main.cpp#include <iostream>#include <sstream>#include <iterator>using namespace std;//数据结构算法与应用-C++语言描述 chain 单链表//一个线性表的抽象类template <class T>class linearList {public: virtual ~lin

2021-12-12 18:25:14 362




OpenCV By Example.pdf

OpenCV By Example.pdfOpenCV By Example.pdfOpenCV By Example.pdf


OpenCV 3 Blueprints.pdf

OpenCV 3 Blueprints.pdf OpenCV 3 Blueprints.pdfOpenCV 3 Blueprints.pdf


OpenCV 2 Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook

OpenCV 2 Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook


Learning Image Processing with OpenCV.pdf

Learning Image Processing with OpenCV.pdfLearning Image Processing with OpenCV.pdf


A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with OpenCV.pdf

A Practical Introduction to Computer Vision with OpenCV.pdf


OpenCV Computer Vision with Python.pdf

OpenCV Computer Vision with Python.pdf OpenCV Computer Vision with Python.pdf


Arduino Computer Vision Programming.pdf

Arduino Computer Vision Programming.pdf Arduino Computer Vision Programming.pdf


OpenGL Programming Guide, 8th Edition

OpenGL Programming Guide, 8th Edition OpenGL Programming Guide, 8th Edition


OpenGL ES 3dot0 Cookbook

First and foremost, I would like to thank my wife, Gurpreet, for her love, encouragement, and extreme patience during the book writing process, which mostly occurred on vacations, weekends, and overnights. I dedicate this book to my parents and brother; without their support, this book wouldn't have been possible. I wish to extend my special thanks to Amit Dubey for his guidance and directions, which always proved helpful. I would like to express my gratitude to Vijay Sharma. I learned ways to handle complex problems with a simple approach from him. I am highly grateful to Saurav Bhattacharya, Mohit Sindwani, and Tarun Nigam for being highly supportive during the course of this book. I am also very thankful to Dr. Ulrich Kabatek for providing me flexible timings, which helped me fnalize this title.


OpenGL Data Visualization Cookbook

OpenGL is an ideal multiplatform, cross-language, and hardware-accelerated graphics rendering interface that is well suited to visualize large 2D and 3D datasets in many felds. In fact, OpenGL has become the industry standard to create stunning graphics, most notably in gaming applications and numerous professional tools for 3D modeling. As we collect more and more data in felds ranging from biomedical imaging to wearable computing (especially with the evolution of Big Data), a high-performance platform for data visualization is becoming an essential component of many future applications. Indeed, the visualization of massive datasets is becoming an increasingly challenging problem for developers, scientists, and engineers in many felds. Therefore, OpenGL can provide a unifed solution for the creation of impressive, stunning visuals in many real-time applications.


OpenGL 4 Shading Language Cookbook, Second Edition

OpenGL 4 Shading Language Cookbook, Second Edition


Real-Time C++, 2nd Edition.pdf

C++ programs combine class types that encapsulate objects with procedural subroutines in order to embody the functionality of the application. This chapter presents these main language elements of C++ using a short, intuitive program that toggles an LED on a microcontroller output port pin. In addition, other language features are introduced including the syntax of C++, namespaces, the C++ standard library and optimization with compile time constants. This chapter uses our target system with the 8-bit microcontroller.


Procedural Content Generation for C++ Game Development.pdf

Computer games are a vast medium with dozens of genres that have developed over the past three to four decades. Games are bigger and more immersive than ever, and gamers' expectations have never been higher. While linear games, ones that have a set story and fxed progression, are still commonplace, more and more dynamic and open-ended games are being developed. Advances in computer hardware and video game technologies are giving a much more literal meaning to the phrase "game world". Game maps are constantly increasing in size and flexibility, and it's thanks to technologies such as procedural generation that it's possible. Two gamers who buy the same game may have very different experiences as content is generated on the fly


Learning Boost C++ Libraries.pdf

Boost is not just a collection of useful, portable, generic C++ libraries. It is an important incubator for ideas and concepts that make their way to the ISO C++ Standard itself. If you are involved in the development of software written in C++, then learning to use the Boost libraries would save you from reinventing the whee improve the quality of your software, and very likely push up your productivity.


Functional Programming with C++

Functional programming is experiencing a resurgence with languages like Python, Haskell, and Scala. C++ and Java have also added functional features, such as lambdas and futures. Writing C++ in a functional style using const variables, functions without side effects, recursive functions, and function objects results in code that is often simpler and easier to maintain and understand, especially when poorly documented. This book explores functional techniques in C++ code and their advantages and disadvantages.


Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis in C++, 4th Edition.pdf

Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis in C++, 4th Edition.pdf


Data Clustering in C++.pdf

Data clustering is a highly interdisciplinary field whose goal is to divide a set of objects into homogeneous groups such that objects in the same group are similar and objects in different groups are quite distinct. Thousands of papers and a number of books on data clustering have been published over the past 50 years. However, almost all papers and books focus on the theory of data clustering. There are few books that teach people how to implement data clustering algorithms.


C++ for Engineers and Scientists, 4th Edition.pdf

The C++ programming language, which includes C as a proper subset, has become the preeminent programming language in the engineering and scientific fields. For most engineers and scientists, however, using the full potential of C++, which is a hybrid language containing both structured and object-oriented features, involves a gradual refinement of programming skills from a procedural approach to an object-oriented one. One reason for this is that many engineering and scientific problems can be solved efficiently and conveniently by using only C++’s procedural elements. The refinement approach, from procedural to object-oriented programming, is the one C++ for Engineering and Scientists, Fourth Edition, takes. Therefore, like the previous three editions, this new edition begins by providing a strong foundation in procedural programming. This foundation is then expanded to a complete object orientation in a pedagogically sound and achievable progression. Additionally, to keep it current with the latest ANSI/ISO C++ standard, this edition has several important changes and added features, including the following:


Boost.Asio C++ Network Programming Cookbook

Boost.Asio C++ Network Programming Cookbook source pdf


OGLPG-9th-Edition.zip OpenGL编程指南代码(包括资源文件)

OGLPG-9th-Edition.zip OpenGL编程指南(红皮书)包括资源文件OGLPG-9th-Edition.zip OpenGL编程指南(红皮书)包括资源文件OGLPG-9th-Edition.zip OpenGL编程指南(红皮书)包括资源文件OGLPG-9th-Edition.zip OpenGL编程指南(红皮书)包括资源文件OGLPG-9th-Edition.zip OpenGL编程指南(红皮书)包括资源文件OGLPG-9th-Edition.zip OpenGL编程指南(红皮书)包括资源文件


OpenGL 4.5 Reference Pages API + GLSLangSpec.4.60 + glspec46.core

OpenGL 4.5 Reference Pages API + GLSLangSpec.4.60 + glspec46.coreOpenGL 4.5 Reference Pages API + GLSLangSpec.4.60 + glspec46.coreOpenGL 4.5 Reference Pages API + GLSLangSpec.4.60 + glspec46.coreOpenGL 4.5 Reference Pages API + GLSLangSpec.4.60 + glspec46.coreOpenGL 4.5 Reference Pages API + GLSLangSpec.4.60 + glspec46.coreOpenGL 4.5 Reference Pages API + GLSLangSpec.4.60 + glspec46.coreOpenGL 4.5 Reference Pages API + GLSLangSpec.4.60 + glspec46.coreOpenGL 4.5 Reference Pages API + GLSLangSpec.4.60 + glspec46.coreOpenGL 4.5 Reference Pages API + GLSLangSpec.4.60 + glspec46.core


Learning Windows 8 Game Development.pdf

Learning Windows 8 Game Development.pdf


OGRE 3D 1.7 Application Development Cookbook.pdf

OGRE 3D 1.7 Application Development Cookbook.pdf





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ZeroMQ 云时代极速消息通信库.pdf


C++黑客编程揭秘与防范 第2版.pdf

C++黑客编程揭秘与防范 第2版.pdf


2016-09 C++11_14高级编程 Boost程序库探秘, 3rd.pdf

2016-09 C++11_14高级编程 Boost程序库探秘, 3rd.pdf


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C++ API设计.pdf

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More Effective C++中文版

More Effective C++中文版


Effective C++ 第三版(中文带书签PDF).pdf

Effective C++ 第三版(中文带书签PDF).pdf


Multicore and GPU Programming An Integrated Approach.pdf

Multicore and GPU Programming An Integrated Approach.pdf


Game Programming Using QT.pdf

Game Programming Using QT.pdf Game Programming Using QT.pdf


Linux Sound Programming.pdf

Linux Sound Programming.pdf Linux Sound Programming.pdf


The Linux Programming Interface

The Linux Programming Interface


Practical Algorithms for 3D Computer Graphics, Second Edition.pdf

Practical Algorithms for 3D Computer Graphics, Second Edition.pdf


OpenCV Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook Second Edition.pdf

OpenCV Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook Second Edition.pdf



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