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转载 Spark书籍

Spark最佳实践Spark高级数据分析Spark快速大数据分析Spark大数据处理技术 完整版书籍链接:https://share.weiyun.com/5kLvDQShttps://pan.baidu.com/s/1ICNxaYRPyX0qt35dUfN0LQ转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/ssMellon/p/10015925....

2018-11-25 16:01:00 286

转载 Spring 书籍

Spring Boot实战 ,丁雪丰 (译者)SpringBatchReferenceSpringBoot揭秘 快速构建微服务体系SPRING技术内幕:深入解析SPRING架构与设计原理Spring实战(第4版)Spring源码深度解析精通Spring MVC4深入理解Spring+Cloud与微服务构建以上书籍获取链接:https://pan.bai...

2018-11-25 15:57:00 153

转载 TimeMeasure

purpose:masure the time used with a strcutmethod: duration=endTime-startTime;realization:1.startTimelong start=System.nanoTime();2.do the work needs to measure...3.durationlong ...

2017-07-10 09:20:00 221

转载 Dynamic login

description:to generate a dynamic login password and approve the user's password is same with the dynamic one.The verification process is mainly finished in .html file by JavaScript functions.f...

2017-04-06 08:09:00 127

转载 Image quality evaluation

Generally,we use PSNR and SSIM to judge the quality of a given photo,or to select a useful denoising algorithm.I.PSNR(peak signal to noise ratio)double PSNR(const Mat&I, const Mat&K){...

2017-03-25 19:26:00 129

转载 Add Gaussian noise to a picture

I.To generateGaussian noiseBox-Muller:if random variable x and y arerespectively independentgenerated from a uniform distribution with [0,1].we can use the formula below to produce a variabl...

2017-03-25 19:14:00 295

转载 Prior queue

Introduction:usually,we tend to insert a new value into a container and get a min or max value from the container,if the input frequency and the output frequency are about the same ,then we may c...

2017-03-16 11:16:00 182

转载 Quick Sort

character:as the name implies,this sort method is usaully quicker than other ones.the key part of this sort algorithm is the partition of head and bottom.as to the realization ,I 'll show two...

2017-03-13 17:10:00 101

转载 Merge Sort

character:the sort time is proportional to any input array with length of N.Introduction to merge:if two arrays are already sorted,after merge operation,the combined array is also sorted.the ...

2017-03-12 09:03:00 109

转载 Shell Sort based on insert sort

Reason:when it comes to insert sort,the snail appears,as it just moves forward step by step or even worse.So we need some improvement.the first idea may be that we can walk forward in big strides...

2017-03-11 12:28:00 86

转载 Adapter Pattern

Introduction:you have a class with some functions which are not exactly what you can use directerly to sovle the problem you face with.so some adaption is needed to help you reuse the old class w...

2017-03-11 10:45:00 64

转载 Select Sort

character:the range of sorted array extends as the index steps forward.when the sort process is down,the given array is sorted.firstly we need some subsidiray functions:private int findMinInd...

2017-03-09 15:24:00 60

转载 Insert Sort

character:like the mode you play a deck of playing poker with your friends.as to the realization,I list two methods as below.but firstly we need subsidiary functions.supplementary functions:...

2017-03-09 14:33:00 66

转载 Decorator Pattern

character:the original object's function is OK,but can not be used into new situation.so it needs additional opearions. the new object with something new and includes the origina...

2017-03-09 09:48:00 81

转载 OpenCV 写入视频流

第一步:定义对象VideoWriter vid;第二步:设置格式vid.open("psd.avi", CV_FOURCC('X', 'V', 'I', 'D'), 25, Size(640, 480), true);第三步:写入文件vid << img;转载于:https://www.cnblogs.com/ssMellon/p/6519885.ht...

2017-03-08 16:06:00 592

转载 Flyweight 模式

特点:将重复创建消耗内存或资源的对象采用对象池方式以外部化实例实现,以达到对象重用的目的。使用过程可分为以下三个步骤:1.将需重复创建的对象进行对象池封装class ExternalizedData{ static final int size=100; static int [] id=new int[size]; static int [] i=new ...

2017-03-08 09:59:00 68

转载 Builder 模式


2017-03-08 09:53:00 81

转载 MySQL插入数据

package MySQLExercise;import java.io.BufferedReader;import java.io.InputStreamReader;import java.sql.Connection;import java.sql.DriverManager;import java.sql.PreparedStatement;import java.sql.Sta...

2017-03-06 07:51:00 90

转载 MySQL新建表

package MySQLExercise;import java.io.BufferedReader;import java.io.InputStreamReader;import java.sql.Connection;import java.sql.DriverManager;import java.sql.Statement;public class ExerciseSecond...

2017-03-06 07:50:00 128

转载 2's Power

相关内容:1.Math类2.BigDecimal类函数实现:private static int is2sPow(double in){ double lo=Math.log(in)/Math.log((double)2); BigDecimal dataRe=new BigDecimal(lo); BigDecimal dataRo=new BigDe...

2017-02-21 11:04:00 86

转载 StdDraw绘图

相关内容:1.Timer:定时器2.StdDraw绘图工具3.动态显示代码实现:package drawpicture;import com.algs4.stdlib.StdDraw;import java.util.Random;import java.util.Timer;import java.util.TimerTask;public class TimerD...

2017-02-21 09:25:00 1056

转载 Java-Timer-Stop

简单事件触发终止:1.Timer设置为main函数外变量;2.外部事件设置,此处采用counter;3.事件触发,Timer终止。程序:package drawpicture;import java.util.Timer;import java.util.TimerTask;public class TimerTest { public static int i...

2017-02-21 08:53:00 247

转载 人之初


2017-02-19 20:33:00 157

转载 单例模式--延时初始化

单例模式特点:构造函数声明为private,对象获取通过函数调用。基本单例模式(饿汉模式):final class Singleton{ private static Singleton s=new Singleton(47); private int i; private Singleton(int x){i=x;} public static Sing...

2017-02-19 09:49:00 254

转载 ubuntu忘记密码

Do these two things just to make sure:mount -o remount,rw /This first part remounts the root partition as read/write since it was only in read mode. It actually dismounts the root partiti...

2017-01-09 20:49:00 80

转载 QT5 TK1 串口通信

对TK1中基于QT5的串口通信过程进行总结。按照软件安装及通信实现的顺序。1.QT5安装较简洁方式:打开软件中心(类似A形),搜索qtcreator,点击安装即可。2.串口通信库安装采用上述方式安装的QT5中不包含串口通信库,采用下面命令安装:sudo apt-get install libqt5serialport5-dev libudev-dev3.串口通信...

2016-11-14 14:47:00 119

转载 金秋十月

  我们不因任何人而存在,却可以因为某些人而存在。 此刻窗外不知名的机器正隆隆作响努力的工作着,思绪漫天飞舞,总觉得这个词很恰当,它的来临就像雪花一样飞舞着,跳着轻柔的舞步从容的走向终点,享受彻底坠落前的每分每秒。起初只是一点点水汽,遇到风穿过雾,在时间中穿梭葬送自己、复活自己,故事总会有结局,旅程终会有终点,但结局和终点只是黑夜中的火花,转瞬即逝,漫漫长夜才是生命的归宿,就...

2016-10-28 18:18:00 103

转载 级联分类器训练-----OpenCV

关键词:级联分类器、opencv_traincascade下面简述操作过程:准备正负样本:neg、pos正负样本路径生成:dir /a/b>path.txt //path:pos or neg正样本训练集生成:opencv_createsamples.exe -info pos\pos.txt -vec pos\pos.vec -num 799 -w 24 -h...

2016-10-26 18:29:00 84

转载 Hu矩SVM训练及检测-----OpenCV

关键词:Hu矩,SVM,OpenCV 在图像中进行目标物识别,涉及到特定区域内是否存在目标物,SVM可在样本量较少情况下对正负样本(图片中前景背景)做出良好区分,图片基本特征包括诸如HOG、LBP、HAAR等,在具体进行物体检测时考虑结合待检测物特点利用或设计新特征进行训练并分类。本文以几何不变矩为例说明OpenCV中SVM分类器的一般使用过程,下面依次简述Hu矩函数、SVM参数设置...

2016-10-26 18:03:00 452



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