
1:The doctor examines the patient and prescribes him some medicine;
2:we have to maintian the room orderly all the time;
3:you can visit the whole place except for the private apartments.
4:the reform was steadily implemented with the effort of the bold pioneers;
5:the company defaulted on its initial payment;
6:a bridege collapsed last week because of the flood;
7: nowdays , lots of people rarely spend time reading pysical books;
8:he finished a crude drawing of her face;
9:in an official statement,he formally announced his resignation;
10: globalization is a phenomenon of the 21st century;
10.1: This form of civil disobedience isn't a particularly new phenomenon;
11:they will conduct a survey to kown the consumer buying habits;
12:we have to keep up the habits of daily writing;
13:a labour laboratory ;劳动者实验室
14:their authority is sovereign;他们的权利是至高无上的
15:underground cables is valuable;
16: she is cautious of telling secrets;
17: her hair was twisted into a knot on top of her head;
18: the general was successful in the army ,but he had a turbulent political career after entering parliament;
19:he quoted a passage from the president's speech;
20: they found the body buried beneath a pile of leaves;
21: I felt guilty about not visitin my parents more often;
22: many surviving veteran of the war have yet to be well looked after by the goverment;
23: the final team selection will be  made tomorrow;
24:  i heard about the sale via Jane;//我从jane那了里听说了这次大减价
25: patients should be made aware of the risks involved with this treatment;
26:the rain has bean continuous since last night;
27: the video is replayed in slow motion;//视频再次被慢动作播放
28:the most likely outcome;//最可能的结果
29:he looked like a postman but he was really a fake;
30:many surviving  veterans of the war have yet to be well looked after by the goverment;
31: he squeezed her hand and smiled at her;
32:I couldn't see what was n the wall clearly because the light was very dim;
33: I scanned the newspaper when i waiting the bus;
34: Acting can help children  to express thier emotion;
35:professional / technical competence;//专业/技术 能力
36: her am was beginning to swell up where the bee had stung her;
37:she has vicious temper;// 
38: this animal is found in Australia ,and nowhere else;
39: this couple traveled worldwide after they retired;
40: both my aunt and uncle are retired now;
41:Hong Kong - Zhuhai-Macau Bridege is a milestoe in world bridge history;
42:patents often reject transplanted organs;
43: the dockor told her not to exceed the recommended dose  of painkillers;
44: It is dangerous to exeed the recommended dose;
45:A distinctive feature of Indian movied is that they always contian dancing scenes;
46:he plunged into cold water to save drowing girl;
47: he got a bad bruise on his leg after he hit against the chair;
50: Sherlock Homles investigate problems carefully;
51: We finished later than we had intened;
52:Mike changed to another topic to evade the embarrassing question;//avoid
53:the rise of online shopping may cause a bleak prospect of conventional retailers;/
55:we encounter a lot of problems in the first month;
56: By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune;
57:the medical / legal / teaching profession;
58: the novel that depicts scenes from mythology can cultivate your intrest in traditional culture;
59:the college was very selective ,accepting only a number of students with exceptional undergrauate record;
60: her grandmother gave her a necklace made of pearl as a birthday gift;   
61:there was a descent of temperature after the rain;
62:Willan publised his newest prose on a local magazine;
63:The man could hardly control his excitement when his wife told him she was pregnant;
64:the bankrupt businessman got through his hard times with the help of a faithful friend;
65:love of peace is the predominant freeling of many prople today;
66:the results of the poll won't be known until midnight;
67:walking boots;//便靴
68:we collected shells on the beach;
69:I shall soon repay the last installment of my debt;
70:A well-stocked first-aid kit can help you respond effectively to common injures;
71:She tried to be more positive about her new job;
72:BaiDon is one of the leading candidate for the presidency;
72:Costs were minimized by using plastic instead of leather;
73: Is here a causal relationgship between unemployment and crime;
74:He tried to be more positive about her new job;
75:one of the leading candidate for the presidency;
76:The plaster on the school walls was cracked and flaking which demanded prompt solution;
77:"what have you done ?" , Elie cried in alarm;
78:It is a common fallacy that boys are smarter than girls;
79:The store offers free delivery to my home;
80:The probability of winning the lottery is extremely low;
81:Luckily he had insured himself against long-term illness;
81_1:We insure against all damage, accidental or otherwise. 
82:Three suspects have bean eliminated from his investigation;	
83:he was told to pay the fine but refused to comply;
84:Can we eat more carbohydrate calories than fat calories and stil lose weight;
85:Details of the areement haven't been made public;
86:He was educated at his local comprehensive school and then at Oxford;
eighty-seven: the great drawback to living near a main road is noise;
89: the billionaire made a huge investment in the startup , believing it will repay him in the future;
90:My father is a cancer specialist and he has many years of experience in treating cancer;
91: the setting sun cast an orange glow over the mountains;
92:the explosion made a massive hole in the ground;
93:what sort of qualification do you need for the job;
94:freshly ground peper;
95:he precede his lecture with a humorous story;
96:the original interior design of the hotel has been replaced;
97:after a short break ,he was ready to embark on a new adventure;
98:he was tall ,lean and muscular;
99: the university has a project that provides financial assistance to studens in need;
100:loacl residents have reacted angrily to the news;
one hundred and one/one zero one :recial equality
102:The little girl tied a blue ribbon on her hair and looked adorable;
103: a smile often denote friendship and pleasure;
104: the student want to study the geology of that region;
105: we should pursure our goal with determination;
106:a law prohibiting the sale of alcohol;
107:to make a purchase;//采购
108:his father is a prosperous businessman so he never worries about money;
109:before he died he had consumed a large quantity of alcohol;
110:A flock of children rushed into the hall;
111: emergency / safety / discipinary procedures;
112:he was fired because he failed to meet the requirements of the company;
113:Are you suffering from an excess of stress in your life?
114:his outstanding managerial talents are invaluable asset of his company;
115:despite of the outcry , the local hospital refused to change the regulation;
116:this sort of behaviour  will not be tolerated;
117:i am a sensitive and caring man;
118: to conduct a campain;
119: John demonstrated to his friends how to play the guitar;
120:as a leader , he played a prominent part in the team's victory;
121:It really annoys me when people forget to say thank you;
122: the majority were in favour of banning smoking;
123:water splashed onto the floor;
124:a campaign to encourage childless couples to adopt;
125:a rail / road / canal  network;
126:the two companies agreed to cooperate with each other;
127: without phone signal,communication is difficult;
128:we found further scientific evidence for  this theory;
129:high / low academic standards;
130:the car was bargain at that price;
131: i picked up a few good bargains in the sale;
132:under the leadership of the new CEO,the company got out of financial danger;
133: the crown was set with precious jewels,diamonds,rubies and emaralds;
134:a work of popular fiction;
135:the act will encourage private enterprise;
136:heat that radiate from the sun provides energy for the creatures on the earth;
137:he had been working on his novel for six months when we visited him;
138:the cold weather will persist for rest of the week;
139:she hesitate to hurt the child's feelings;
140: she hesitated to hurt the child's feelings;




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