TokenGazer《一问到底》| 第55期:研究员 VS Dimension








TokenGazer 研究员 Tiger:

从分类上来看,Dimension 也是属于智能合约平台或者说 DApp 平台这个赛道。对终局的判断影响着项目的发展规划,你们如何看待这个赛道的终局?比如,它会是一个多大的市场?最终会是百花齐放还是垄断/寡头的局面?

Fernando Liu | Dimension:

确切的说,Dimension 竞争在公链这个赛道上。我们认为,全球性的公链或基于行业的公链是基础设施,为 DApp、平台的开发应用以及 Token 的流通提供底层基础和通道,只有在底层公链稳健和高效运转的基础上,区块链商业应用才能发展和落地,而最后谁在公有链竞争中拔得头筹,谁就控制了区块链世界的入口。目前其实这个赛道上的玩家还是不少的,我们可以看到全球性知名公链,大家侧重点各有不同,比如 ETH、Cardano、EOS 等。大家也都希望通过不同的技术来提升公链 TPS 来支撑商用级区块链网络高频交易需求,又如 Cosmos 和 Polkadot 主打的跨链,都是通过在各条链之间建立信息高速公路来实现跨链互联,技术创新是公链项目的基石,但技术解决的是有跟没有的问题,丰富的生态建设以及良好的社群支持才能确保公链项目能否走的更稳更远。

我们认为公链的终局必将是公链生态跟用户群体之间的竞争,Dimension 持续推动生态建设及社群互动已与链游平台 等生态伙伴达成战略合作,并已在日韩、欧美等区域建立超过 3 万多的多元社群。我们预见了这场公链的抢夺战,非常有可能会诞生一家区块链版的苹果或谷歌,也有可能突然杀出一匹黑马,击败所有的玩家。我们乐见更多的公链项目参与这场充满未知但有无限可能的公链竞赛中。Dimension 致力于商用级的公链的探索和实践,我们也愿意为公链发展带来新的思考和突破。


TokenGazer 研究员 Tiger:

在目前的公链项目中,除 Dimension 外,你们认为哪个项目最有机会?原因是什么?Dimension 和它相比有哪些不足和优势

Fernando Liu | Dimension:

作为公链项目,Dimension 也同样关注数据及信息的跨链互联。我们认为,能够更好地支持包含数字资产在内的异构数据的信息交互是跨链的价值所在,如跨链项目 Polkadot 在技术实现上。Dimension 将同样支持不同类型数据和信息的跨链实现,异构链的数据交互会面临不少的技术挑战,打破信息孤岛也正是跨链互联的价值所在。相较于其他跨链项目,Dimension 致力于商用级分布式服务网络,我们借助自我研发的技术框架 C.H.A.O.S. 以及商用架构 DeCommerce,可更好地支撑分布式场景的商用落地,以及可提供高效且低成本的治理方案。

同时,我们也拥有强大机构背书。目前已获分布式资本的战略投资,我们的国际化核心团队也拥有资深的商业创新经验,我们将会更多地去尝试公链与 DeFi 实际应用场景相结合,将跨链技术赋能实体经济的探索。目前,Dimension 已与多家全球知名集团达成战略合作,更多分布式商用合作的动态将陆续发布,敬请期待!


TokenGazer 研究员 Tiger:

从路线图来看,Dimension 测试网应该已经发布,目前测试网运行情况如何?有多少节点参与测试网?节点是否有其他团队参与?测试网的 TPS 如何?

Fernando Liu | Dimension:

我们目前测试网络稳定运行中,区块高度已接近 5,200W,Dimension的区块链浏览器 InSight 及钱包 DAWN,还有 DApp 生态系统的 Nebula 都已发布并平稳运行,如 Magic Pixel、Dimension Meetup 这些 DApp 都也已经发布在测试网络了,体验流畅,非常稳定。其他方面,目前测试网络有 12 个节点参与共建,节点均来自知名社群和合作项目方,如大家耳熟能详的佳能、引力区、GOC 等社群和团队以及合作伙伴,目前测试网络均值在 4,000TPS,待主网启动后 TPS 将得到进一步提升。


TokenGazer 研究员 Tiger:

Dimension 的共识机制采用了 PBFT 的改进方案 RBFT,在白皮书上我没有看到更多的技术细节,可否介绍一下 RBFT?它通过怎样的方式对 PBFT 在哪些方面进行了改进?RBFT 支持多少节点参与共识?

Oliver Church | Dimension:

The hybrid consensus algorithm HPoS adopted by Dimension upgrades DPoS+PBFT to DPoS+RBFT in its second phase. RBFT refers to RobustBFT, which is an evolution consensus algorithm based on HotStuff, and has stronger stability and fault tolerance. It is worth mentioning that Facebook's Libra project's consensus is LibraBFT, which is also based on an improved version of the HotStuff consensus protocol. The HotStuff consensus algorithm, also derived from the Byzantine fault-tolerant BFT algorithm, can achieve consensus between 3f + 1 nodes. Only f nodes need to be honest, and can support the stable block of each node under the RBFT algorithm. 

We believe that the security of the HotStuff consensus algorithm has been fully proven at the technical level. The high performance and powerful fault tolerance of the algorithm can fully support all commercial scenarios. For this reason, it has much better efficiency and stability than alternative algorithms meaning it is both faster and more secure. The RBFT's excellent fault tolerance performance can be seen by comparing the PBFT and Byzantine evolution algorithm chart data as follows:


Please open the picture to see the chart data, and you can clearly see how RBFT wins out against the other algorithms, it's much more fault tolerant, whilst still maintaining a good level of performance and speed. Since it's more work to implement RBFT, we are starting with PBFT in our first stage then later converting to RBFT.



Oliver Church | Dimension:

Dimension 采用的混合共识算法 HPoS 在其第二阶段将 DPoS+PBFT 升级成 DPoS+RBFT,其中 RBFT 指代 RobustBFT,是基于 HotStuff 的演进共识算法,拥有更强的稳定性和容错能力。值得一提的是 Facebook 的 Libra 项目其共识是 LibraBFT, 同样基于 HotStuff 共识协议的改进版,源自拜占庭容错 BFT 算法的 HotStuff 共识算法,能够在 3f+1 个节点间达成共识,只需要其中 f 个节点是诚实的便可支撑 RBFT 算法下各节点的稳定出块。

我们认为 HotStuff 共识算法的安全性已得到技术层面充分证明,其算法所具备的高效性能、强大的容错能力完全可支撑各种商业场景,因此它比同类算法更加的高效、稳定、安全。通过上图与 PBFT 和拜占庭演进算法的对比,我们可以看出 RBFT 算法优异的容错性能。

打开图片,可以清楚看到 RBFT 的优势是在保持较高的性能与速度的同时拥有更强的容错性。但因为执行 RBFT 需要更多的准备工作,我们第一阶段会从 PBFT 开始,之后再升级至 RBFT。


TokenGazer 研究员 Tiger:

根据白皮书介绍,Dimension 通过 Consensus-X 支持共识算法快速稳定地切换。你们认为,在什么场景下,需要切换共识算法呢?Consensus-X 是如何做到这一点的?切换共识算法是全网节点共同切换,还是部分节点进行切换?如果是后者,Consensus-X 如何保障网络的一致性?

Oliver Church | Dimension:

I will start by introducing Consensus-X. Dimension's cross-consensus engine Consensus-X can solve the problem that algorithms in the main network cannot easily be switched dynamically, it is a more efficient and lower risk consensus algorithm compared to existing cryptocurrency projects in the Blockchain space. So basically Consensus-X is a unique feature for our project that, as far as I know, is not being done by other projects currently. So this is one of our key technologies.The consensus engine Consensus-X can provide an efficient, flexible and low-cost commercial-grade networks consensus solution.

Here’s an example- PoS is selected at the early stage of the main network development but the consensus algorithm has to be changed to DPoS due to use-case scenario change. Another occasion might be when we discover there is a vulnerability in the existing consensus algorithm, and it has to be upgraded to have better security and stability. Cross-consensus engine Consensus-X has some hardcoded major consensus algorithms, and it can customize a new consensus algorithm through the its self-defined consensus algorithm API, according to different needs in different scenarios, through it's self-defined. By providing an on-chain proposal with pre-defined block height at the time of initiating the switch, users can process the voting and approve the proposal. In order to secure the consistency of consensus algorithm after upgrade, it can be divided into two types of scenarios:

Scenario 1: If all nodes are using a hardcoded consensus algorithm, when the proposal is passed, the whole network will switch the algorithm and produce new blocks at the specified block height. 

Scenario 2: If nodes don't have the new consensus algorithm hardcoded, before the upgrading block height is reached, according to the node exiting & upgrading schedule on the proposal, nodes will load the new algorithm in batches to complete the upgrade.

Once the upgrading block height is reached, the nodes with the newly generated consensus algorithm will be confirmed as valid nodes to participate in the block production, and the new consensus algorithm is now switched. For the nodes which didn't do the upgrade, they will be recognized as ineffective nodes and cannot participate the block production. This is to ensure and guarantee the stability and consistency of the whole network. How is Consensus-X beneficial over other cryptocurrency projects? Ethereum, a well-known project, is planning to do a 'hard fork' upgrade of its live network soon, named Istanbul, so that they can upgrade their consensus algorithm from Proof of Work to Proof of Stake. Since they don't have a dynamic 'on the fly' method to change their consensus algorithm without disrupting the network they have no choice but to use this hard fork method.The reason a hard fork can be a dangerous and inefficient method of changing the consensus algorithm, is because it relies on existing nodes in the network to vote to join the new fork, rather than staying in the existing fork.This can lead to community splits like we had between ‘Ethereum Classic’ and ‘Ethereum’ when people do not agree on the governance decisions of the hard fork. In theory it also has some security concerns as a bad actor may attempt to take control of the new fork via 51% attack very early on if not enough nodes join it soon enough. Our project will mitigate this risk making hard forks unnecessary, increasing the security, reliability and stability of the network.

Thanks guys that's it for the answer, I hope that was really useful. There will be a series of technical articles for C.H.A.O.S. published in the near future, please stay tuned to the official channels of Dimension!



Oliver Church | Dimension:

先从 Consensus-X 介绍开始:Dimension 所采用的跨共识引擎 Consensus-X 可解决主网运行中演算法不可轻易动态切换的问题,与目前的区块链项目项目比,它是更高效且低风险的共识算法。所以,Consensus-X 是我们项目独特的卖点,也是我们的关键技术,可通过实现区块链网络共识机制的快速插拔,极大降低区块链商用网路在初期共识选型上的风险。共识引擎 Consensus-X 可面向商用级应用网路,提供高效灵活、低成本的共识解决方案。

所以,我们何时该作切换?例如在主网初期选定 PoS 共识算法,当业务场景发生变化时,需要切换 DPoS 共识演算法等主网共识算法需要切换时,其他例如当发现目前共识算法存在漏洞时,需要升级到更安全稳定的共识算法时等场景。跨共识引擎 Consensus-X 已预制一部分主流共识算法,同时可根据场景需,通过自定义共识算法 API 定制新型共识算法,通过链上提案方式,提案中需设置共识切换时的区块高度进行授权节点的投票审核。为了保障共识算法升级后的统一性,可分为两类场景进行算法升级及出块:


场景二:如果节点没有预制新共识算法,在达到升级区块高度前,按提案中注明的节点退出及升级算法时间表,分批加载新算法,在达到升级区块高度时,被确认有效的预制新共识算法节点,切换新共识算法参与全网节点出块。未有效升级新算法的节点将标记为失效节点,不可参与节点出块,  以此来保证全网出块的稳定性和一致性。

与 Conesnus-X 相比,以太坊将计划做硬分叉 Istanbul,将共识机制升级为 PoS,但他们并没有不破坏现有网络的动态"on the fly"方式。他们只能采用现有方式进行硬分叉,同时也是个很危险和低效的方法,因为依靠现有节点来投票进行分叉将带来社群分裂,所以我们也看到以太坊与以太坊经典的治理问题。理论上看这样的分叉方式还会造成安全隐患,因为作恶者可能会在最初没有足够多的节点迅速参与分叉的阶段,通过 51% 攻击控制新的分叉。我们的项目会降低硬分叉的必要性从而减轻风险,使网络更加安全、可靠、稳定。

谢谢大家,希望我写的话可以让你们更好地了解我们的项目。近期也将发布 C.H.A.O.S. 的系列技术文章,请关注 Dimension 官方渠道。


TokenGazer 研究员 Tiger:

Dimension 计划有 Dimension-E、Dimension-D 和 Dimension-S 三条侧链,可否介绍一下这三条侧链在应用层面的区别?在技术层面有什么不同?它们和主链有怎样的关系?是否和主链采用统一的 Token?

Fernando Liu | Dimension:

Dimension-X 已包含三条侧链:

Dimension-E 适用于各类拥有虚拟资产的商业应用场景,如积分、票务、游戏、动漫等多个行业,主要是针对虚拟资产上链交易交换的商业场景;

Dimension-D 适用于各类需要资料存证并验算的商业应用场景,如公示、保险、信托、慈善公益行业  主要是针对数据的存证及隐私保护;

Dimension-S 适用于各类需要将实体经济映射到链上进行交易、存储的商业应用场景,特别适合共用经济、绿色能源等行业,更适合大规模数据交易的场景。

Dimension-X 作为侧链,Token 将可用于主链与侧链之间自由流通,Dimension-X 在我们的白皮书中也都有详细的对应介绍,喜欢更多技术细节的同学可去白皮书上观看,未来更多更新也都将发布在白皮书中。


TokenGazer 研究员 Tiger:

Dimension 的 Token 都有哪些用途?如果共识算法发生切换,对节点的激励方案也肯定会随之调整,Dimension 如何保障在共识切换时对节点的稳定激励从而保障网络的安全?

Fernando Liu | Dimension:

Dimension 的 Token 为 EON,可在多个应用场景中使用,例如:

  1. 用户持有 EON 可直接参与主网 Staking 投票等获取收益;

  2. 社群激励,包括如社群治理项目推广和技术研发等;

  3. Dimension 生态中的应用支付;

  4. 支持生态合作项目,如近期的链游平台 全场景支付等;

  5. 其他随着项目生态应用的不断扩展,可支持线上线下支付、节点共建、资产交易支付、数据共享平台支付等应用场景。


Oliver Church | Dimension:

We are planning to release a technical article which will include the details of how the incentives will remain stable during the consensus switching period, but it's a little bit beyond the scope of this AMA to go into too much detail here. I believe we will work with major staking pools so that any switchover is very safe, since people will know it's coming, so that partly answers the question, everything will be well planned.



Oliver Church | Dimension:

我们计划发表一篇技术文献,来讨论怎样在共识切换期间保持激励的稳定的一些细节,但这有些超出本次 AMA 的讨论范围。 我想我们会和一些大的抵押池进行合作以确保切换的安全性, 这会一定程度上发挥作用,因为算法切换之前会提前告知用户, 一切都会安排妥当。


TokenGazer 社区成员:

我们看到 Dimension 的社群正日渐茁壮, 请问我们在近期 Dimension 会有如何的社群建设策略呢?

Oliver Church | Dimension:

Additionally we have signed contracts with more than 100 game developers and publishers around the world, some of which are the big players everyone know and love

Dimension is actively creating new strategies to expand our community. Currently, I am visiting major crypto community in Europe to promote Dimension and invite them to become staking node for our project. Also, our Team created ChainGame platform (you can already check out those cool games), that will bring to us a gamer community.

Overall Dimension's incentive system is divided into few categories: Nodes Incentive. Development Incentive, Governance Incentive (Staking), Engagement Incentive and Community Incentive. In order to grow and develop, we are constantly making new business and finance partnerships which will also bring some real world users into the ecosystem.



Oliver Church | Dimension:

Dimension 不停地在创新策略来扩展社群,现在 Martyna 正在欧洲布道以及接触各大加密社群,并邀请他们成为我们的抵押节点。我们的团队也跟游戏平台合作,包括已经发布了一些很酷的游戏),这也将为我们带来游戏者社群。

总体来说 Dimension 的激励机制将被分为几大类(如前面提到):发展、治理、社群等激励机制。为了更好地成长和发展,我们将不断建立新的商业和金融合作伙伴关系,这还将使一些现实世界的用户进入生态系统。


关于 TokenGazer

TokenGazer 致力于为区块链行业提供长期有效,不断完善的价值研究方法和工具集,以及针对区块链和 Token 项目的技术和商业洞察。为国内外用户提供行业领先的定性、定量分析工具、研究模版、数据仓库、数据可视化服务等,帮助用户更好的分析和衡量区块链项目的真实价值。







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