1) 获取类型特征typeTraits [原创,泛型编程,自由下载转载,需注明出处]


由于在我们的项目中,不能使用std及其它的主流库(boost等),在需要判断一些类型特征及类型转换时,就只能自己写这些功能了。所以为了元代码的需要,我在我们的项目们自己写了这些type trait代码。

type trait是一切模板元编程的基础组件,所以它应该是模板元编程中非配置/宏定义功能集中的第一个文件,type trait(类型特征)如同普通编程中的if..else判断一样广泛使用,它通常决定了链接器在链接时应该链接哪个函数,在编译器识别正确的类型时,它也是必须的组件。



取得一个类型的原始类型(e.g.  const int&==> int),

取得一个指针/智能指针/迭代器所指示的(第一级)值类型(e.g.  smartPtr<int> ==> int   / int* ==> int / vector<int>::iterator ==> int  )

取得一嵌套指针/智能指针/迭代器的最终值类型(非指针/智能指针/迭代器类型),e.g :int*==>int, int** ==> int , int*** == >int  / vector<list<vector<int>::iterator>::iterator>::iterator ==> int / smartPtr<smartPtr<int> > ==> int

#ifndef typeTrait_h__
#define typeTrait_h__
#include "libconfig.h"
#include "typeTraits.h"
#include "placeHolder.h"
#include "typeLogic.h"

Description : capture type's property, and it is independent on OS and compiler.
                      e.g. isConst , IsVolatile , isReference , isPointer,isBuildInType
                      getRawType of QualifiedType(e.g. raw type of "const int*" is int )
                      isRawType , isSameType , IsBaseDerive, IsConvertable , IsValueConvertable
Author : Shen.Xiaolong (Shen Tony) (2010-2013)
Mail : xlshen2002@hotmail.com,  xlshen@126.com
verified platform : VS2008
copyright:          : latest Version of The Code Project Open License (CPOL : http://www.codeproject.com/)

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable:4244)

#define SA(X,Y)         typename SameAllQualifier<X,Y>::type            //Set X by Y  (Same All Qualifier)
#define SC(X,Y)         typename SameConst<X,Y>::type                   //Set X by Y  (Same Const)
#define DC(X)           typename Evl_If_T<IsConst<X>,RemoveConst<X>,AddConst<X> >::type::type

#define RT(X)           typename AddRef<X>::type                        //always get reference type
#define NR(X)           typename RemoveRef<X>::type                     //always get non-reference type
#define VT(X)           typename GetValueTypeFromPointer<X>::type                  //get value type from pointer type

#define RAWTYPE(X) typename UtilExt::GetRawType<X>::type

namespace UtilExt
    struct        NullType;
    typedef char            Yes_Type;
    typedef struct { char dummy[2]; }            No_Type;

    template<bool x> struct BoolType        { enum  { value=(x)         };  };
    struct  TrueType      : BoolType<true>  { };
    struct  FalseType     : BoolType<false> { };
    template<typename T>    struct Type2Type    { typedef T type;       };

    //Int2Type::value is compile-period constant expression, it can apply for compile period calculation, e.g Static_Assert
    //and the T can only integer or enum type
    template<int Val>       struct Int2Type     { enum { value=Val  };  };

    //Value2Type::value is not compile-period constant expression, it can't apply for compile period calculation, e.g Static_Assert
    //but it works well in runtime period, and it can hold non-integer type, e.g. function pointer, member pointer etc.
    template<typename T,T Val>  struct  Value2Type   : public Type2Type<T>   { static const T value; };
    template<typename T,T Val>  T const Value2Type<T,Val>::value=Val;

    template<typename T,T Val,template<class T,T Val> class Impl_T>  
    typename Impl_T<T,Val>::type         getTypeValue(Impl_T<T,Val> const&) { return Val;           };

//forward declaration and helper///
    template<typename T>                        struct IsStlIterator;
    template<typename T>                        struct sfinae_helper                            : Type2Type<NullType>   {}; 
    //if T has not nested 'type', then nested 'type' is T itself , else nested 'type' is 'T::type'
    template<typename T,typename P=NullType>    struct GetNestedType : public Type2Type<T>                                            {};
    template<typename T> struct GetNestedType<T,typename sfinae_helper<typename T::type>::type> : public Type2Type<typename T::type>  {};

    //if T has not nested 'value', then nested 'value' is T itself , else nested 'value' is 'T::value'
    template<typename T,bool b=(0!=T::value)>   struct GetBoolValue                             : BoolType<b>   {};     //No test code
    template<bool   b>                          struct GetBoolValue<bool,b>                     : BoolType<b>   {};     //No test code

if..else... select interfaces /
//default is true
    template<bool,typename True_T,typename False_T>         struct If_T                         : Type2Type<True_T>     {} ;
template<typename True_T,typename False_T>              struct If_T<false,True_T,False_T>   : Type2Type<False_T>    {} ;
    template<typename B,typename True_T,typename False_T>   struct Evl_If_T                     : public If_T<GetBoolValue<B>::value,True_T,False_T> {};

    template<template<class> class T>                       struct AddRemoveTrait;
    template<template<class> class AddQualifier_T, template<class> class RemoveQualifier_T>
    struct AddRemoveDef
        typedef AddQualifier_T<_1>                  Add_T;
        typedef RemoveQualifier_T<_1>               Remove_T;

    Is interfaces /
    template<typename T>    struct IsRef            : FalseType {}; 
    template<typename T>    struct IsRef<T&>        : TrueType  {};
    template<>              struct IsRef<void>      : FalseType {};

    template<typename T>    struct AddRef           : public Type2Type<T&>  {};
    template<typename T>    struct AddRef<T&>       : public Type2Type<T&>  {};
    template<>              struct AddRef<void>     : public Type2Type<void>{};
    template<typename T,unsigned int LEN>   struct AddRef<T(&)[LEN]>    : public Type2Type<T(&)[LEN]>  {};
    template<typename T,unsigned int LEN>   struct AddRef<T[LEN]>       : public Type2Type<T(&)[LEN]>  {};

    template<typename T>    struct RemoveRef        : public Type2Type<T>   {};
    template<typename T>    struct RemoveRef<T&>    : public Type2Type<T>   {};
    template<>              struct RemoveRef<void>  : public Type2Type<void>{};
    template<typename T,unsigned int LEN>   struct RemoveRef<T(&)[LEN]>    : public Type2Type<T[LEN]>  {};
    template<typename T,unsigned int LEN>   struct RemoveRef<T[LEN]>       : public Type2Type<T[LEN]>  {};

    template<> struct AddRemoveTrait<IsRef> : public AddRemoveDef<AddRef,RemoveRef>                         {};
    template<typename T>    struct IsSmartPointer                   : FalseType {};
    template<typename T>    struct IsSmartPointer<stlSmartptr<T> >  : TrueType  {};

    template<typename T>            struct IsMemberPointer          : FalseType {};
    template<typename S,typename M> struct IsMemberPointer<M S::*>  : TrueType  {};

    template<typename T>    struct IsPointer                        : logic::Or_T< IsSmartPointer<T> , IsStlIterator<T> > {};
    template<typename T>    struct IsPointer<T*>                    : TrueType  {};    
    template<typename T>    struct IsPointer<T*&>                   : TrueType  {};    

    template<typename T,typename S=NullType>    struct  AddPointerImpl  : Type2Type<typename RemoveRef<T>::type*>   {}; //pointer to reference is illegal
    template<typename T>    struct  AddPointerImpl<T,typename sfinae_helper<typename T::iterator_category>::type>   : Type2Type<T> {};
    template<typename T>    struct AddPointer                   : AddPointerImpl<T>                             {}; 
    template<typename T>    struct AddPointer<T*>               : Type2Type<T*>                                 {};
    template<typename T>    struct AddPointer<T&>               : Type2Type<T*&>                                {};
    template<typename T>    struct AddPointer<T*&>              : Type2Type<T*&>                                {};
    template<typename T>    struct AddPointer<stlSmartptr<T> >  : Type2Type<stlSmartptr<T> >                    {}; //TODO : Not tested, No test code

    template<typename T,typename S=NullType>    struct  RemovePointerImpl                                              : Type2Type<T>                       {}; 
    template<typename T>    struct  RemovePointerImpl<T,typename sfinae_helper<typename T::iterator_category>::type>   : Type2Type<typename T::value_type>  {};
    template<typename T>    struct RemovePointer                : RemovePointerImpl<T>                          {};
    template<typename T>    struct RemovePointer<T*>            : Type2Type<T>                                  {};
    template<typename T>    struct RemovePointer<T*&>           : Type2Type<T&>                                 {};
    template<typename T>    struct RemovePointer<stlSmartptr<T> >:Type2Type<T>                                  {};    //TODO : Not tested, No test code

    template<> struct AddRemoveTrait<IsPointer> : public AddRemoveDef<AddPointer,RemovePointer>                 {};

    template<typename T>                    struct IsConst                      : FalseType {}; 
    template<typename T>                    struct IsConst<const T>             : TrueType  {};
    template<typename T>                    struct IsConst<const T&>            : TrueType  {};
    template<typename T>                    struct IsConst<T const*>            : TrueType  {}; //pointer point to constant ,pointer can be moved.
    template<typename T>                    struct IsConst<T const* const>      : TrueType  {}; //pointer point to constant ,pointer can be moved.
    template<typename T>                    struct IsConst<T* const>            : FalseType {}; //const pointer point to variable, pointer can't be moved
    template<typename T,unsigned int LEN>   struct IsConst<T[LEN]>              : FalseType {}; //array style
    template<typename T,unsigned int LEN>   struct IsConst<const T[LEN]>        : TrueType  {}; //array style
    template<typename T,unsigned int LEN>   struct IsConst<T(&)[LEN]>           : FalseType {}; //array ref style
    template<typename T,unsigned int LEN>   struct IsConst<const T(&)[LEN]>     : TrueType  {}; //array ref style

    template<typename T>                    struct AddConst                 : Type2Type<typename Evl_If_T<IsPointer<T>,typename RemovePointer<T>::type const*,T const>::type >{};
    template<typename T>                    struct AddConst<T&>             : Type2Type<T const&>       {}; 
    template<typename T>                    struct AddConst<T const&>       : Type2Type<T const&>       {}; 
    template<typename T>                    struct AddConst<T const>        : Type2Type<T const>        {};
    template<typename T>                    struct AddConst<T const*>       : Type2Type<T const*>       {};     //pointer point to constant ,pointer can be moved.
    template<typename T>                    struct AddConst<T const* const> : Type2Type<T const* const> {};    //pointer point to constant ,pointer can be moved.
    template<typename T>                    struct AddConst<T* const>       : Type2Type<T const*>       {};    //const pointer point to variable, pointer can't be moved
    template<typename T,unsigned int LEN>   struct AddConst<T[LEN]>         : Type2Type<const T[LEN]>   {};    //array style
    template<typename T,unsigned int LEN>   struct AddConst<const T[LEN]>   : Type2Type<const T[LEN]>   {};    //array style
    template<typename T,unsigned int LEN>   struct AddConst<T(&)[LEN]>      : Type2Type<const T(&)[LEN]>{};     //array ref style
    template<typename T,unsigned int LEN>   struct AddConst<const T(&)[LEN]>: Type2Type<const T(&)[LEN]>{};    //array ref style

    template<typename T>                    struct RemoveConst                  : Type2Type<T>          {};
    template<typename T>                    struct RemoveConst<T&>              : Type2Type<T&>         {}; 
    template<typename T>                    struct RemoveConst<T const&>        : Type2Type<T&>         {}; 
    template<typename T>                    struct RemoveConst<T const>         : Type2Type<T>          {};
    template<typename T>                    struct RemoveConst<T const*>        : Type2Type<T*>         {};    //pointer point to constant ,pointer can be moved.
    template<typename T>                    struct RemoveConst<T const* const>  : Type2Type<T*>         {};    //pointer point to constant ,pointer can be moved.
    template<typename T>                    struct RemoveConst<T* const>        : Type2Type<T*>         {};    //const pointer point to variable, pointer can't be moved
    template<typename T,unsigned int LEN>   struct RemoveConst<T[LEN]>          : Type2Type<T[LEN]>     {};    //array style
    template<typename T,unsigned int LEN>   struct RemoveConst<const T[LEN]>    : Type2Type<T[LEN]>     {};     //array style
    template<typename T,unsigned int LEN>   struct RemoveConst<T(&)[LEN]>       : Type2Type<T (&)[LEN]> {};    //array ref style
    template<typename T,unsigned int LEN>   struct RemoveConst<const T(&)[LEN]> : Type2Type<T (&)[LEN]> {};    //array ref style

    template<> struct AddRemoveTrait<IsConst> : public AddRemoveDef<AddConst,RemoveConst>{};
    template<typename T>    struct IsVolatile                   : FalseType {}; 
    template<typename T>    struct IsVolatile<volatile T>       : TrueType{};

    template<typename T>    struct AddVolatile                  : Type2Type<volatile T> {};
    template<typename T>    struct AddVolatile<volatile T>      : Type2Type<volatile T> {};

    template<typename T>    struct RemoveVolatile               : Type2Type<T> {};
    template<typename T>    struct RemoveVolatile<volatile T>   : Type2Type<T> {}; 

    template<> struct AddRemoveTrait<IsVolatile> : public AddRemoveDef<AddVolatile,RemoveVolatile>{};
    //only max support 5 parameter
    template<typename T>    struct IsFunctionPointer : FalseType {};
    template<typename R>    struct IsFunctionPointer<R (*)()>      : TrueType {};
    template<typename R>    struct IsFunctionPointer<R (*)(...)>   : TrueType {};
    template<typename R,typename P1> struct IsFunctionPointer<R (*)(P1)>       : TrueType {};
    template<typename R,typename P1> struct IsFunctionPointer<R (*)(P1,...)>   : TrueType {};
    template<typename R,typename P1,typename P2>    struct IsFunctionPointer<R (*)(P1,P2)>     : TrueType {};
    template<typename R,typename P1,typename P2>    struct IsFunctionPointer<R (*)(P1,P2,...)> : TrueType {};
    template<typename R,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3>    struct IsFunctionPointer<R (*)(P1,P2,P3)>      : TrueType {};
    template<typename R,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3>    struct IsFunctionPointer<R (*)(P1,P2,P3,...)>  : TrueType {};
    template<typename R,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4>    struct IsFunctionPointer<R (*)(P1,P2,P3,P4)>       : TrueType {};
    template<typename R,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4>    struct IsFunctionPointer<R (*)(P1,P2,P3,P4,...)>   : TrueType {};
    template<typename R,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5>    struct IsFunctionPointer<R (*)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5)>       : TrueType {};
    template<typename R,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5>    struct IsFunctionPointer<R (*)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,...)>   : TrueType {};

    template<typename T>    struct IsMemberFunctionPointer : FalseType {};
    template<typename R,typename O>    struct IsMemberFunctionPointer<R (O::*)()>      : TrueType {};
    template<typename R,typename O>    struct IsMemberFunctionPointer<R (O::*)(...)>   : TrueType {};
    template<typename R,typename O,typename P1> struct IsMemberFunctionPointer<R (O::*)(P1)>       : TrueType {};
    template<typename R,typename O,typename P1> struct IsMemberFunctionPointer<R (O::*)(P1,...)>   : TrueType {};
    template<typename R,typename O,typename P1,typename P2>    struct IsMemberFunctionPointer<R (O::*)(P1,P2)>     : TrueType {};
    template<typename R,typename O,typename P1,typename P2>    struct IsMemberFunctionPointer<R (O::*)(P1,P2,...)> : TrueType {};
    template<typename R,typename O,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3>    struct IsMemberFunctionPointer<R (O::*)(P1,P2,P3)>      : TrueType {};
    template<typename R,typename O,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3>    struct IsMemberFunctionPointer<R (O::*)(P1,P2,P3,...)>  : TrueType {};
    template<typename R,typename O,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4>    struct IsMemberFunctionPointer<R (O::*)(P1,P2,P3,P4)>       : TrueType {};
    template<typename R,typename O,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4>    struct IsMemberFunctionPointer<R (O::*)(P1,P2,P3,P4,...)>   : TrueType {};
    template<typename R,typename O,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5>    struct IsMemberFunctionPointer<R (O::*)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5)>       : TrueType {};
    template<typename R,typename O,typename P1,typename P2,typename P3,typename P4,typename P5>    struct IsMemberFunctionPointer<R (O::*)(P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,...)>   : TrueType {};
    template<typename T>    struct GetRawType;       //forward declaration, below interface will use GetRawType interface
    template<typename T1, typename T2>  struct IsSameType       : FalseType {}; 
    template<typename T>                struct IsSameType<T,T>  : TrueType  {};
    template<typename T1, typename T2>  struct IsSameRawType    : IsSameType<typename GetRawType<T1>::type,typename GetRawType<T2>::type>{};
    template<typename T>                struct IsRawType        : IsSameType<T,typename GetRawType<T>::type> {};

    template<typename T>
    struct IsStlIterator
    {   //borrow idea from boost lib
        template<typename U,typename S=NullType>    struct IsIteratorImpl                                               : FalseType {};
        template<typename U>    struct IsIteratorImpl<U,typename sfinae_helper<typename U::iterator_category>::type>    : TrueType  {};

        enum{value=IsIteratorImpl<T>::value};     //PrivateHelper::TypeHelper

    template<typename T>
    struct IsStlContainer
        //borrow idea from boost lib
        template<typename U,typename S=NullType>    struct CHasIterator                                     : FalseType {};
        template<typename U>    struct CHasIterator<U,typename sfinae_helper<typename U::iterator>::type>   : TrueType  {};

        enum{value= logic::And_T<logic::Not_T<IsDataSet<T> >,CHasIterator<RAWTYPE(T)> >::value};

    template<typename T>
    struct IsIterator 
        : logic::Or_T <logic::And_T<IsPointer<T>,logic::Not_T<IsSmartPointer<T> > ,logic::Not_T<IsFunctionPointer<T> > ,logic::Not_T<IsMemberFunctionPointer<T> > >,IsStlIterator<T> >{};
    template<typename S> struct GetValueTypeFromPointer
        template<bool bisIterator> struct CImpl;
        template<> struct CImpl<true>
            template<typename T> struct apply
                typedef typename T::value_type  type;

        template<> struct CImpl<false>
            template<typename T> struct apply
                typedef T  type;

        typedef  typename CImpl<IsIterator<S>::value>::template apply<S>  H;

        typedef typename H::type    type;

    template<typename T>    struct GetValueTypeFromPointer<stlSmartptr<T> >    : Type2Type<T> {};
    template<typename T>    struct GetValueTypeFromPointer<T*>                 : Type2Type<T> {};

    template<typename T>    struct GetFinalValueType : Evl_If_T<IsPointer<typename GetValueTypeFromPointer<T>::type >,GetFinalValueType<typename GetValueTypeFromPointer<T>::type>,GetValueTypeFromPointer<T> >::type {};


    namespace PrivateHelper
        template<typename FromT,typename ToT> struct ConvertHelper
            static UtilExt::No_Type test(...);
            static UtilExt::Yes_Type    test(ToT);
static FromT    makeFrom();

            enum {value = sizeof(UtilExt::Yes_Type) == sizeof(test(makeFrom())) };
    //Note : int and int* is not convertable , because they are different type : int type and pointer type
//similar with char and char*, sizeof(char)=1,sizeof(char*)=4
    template<typename FromT, typename ToT>  struct IsConvertable
    {//in order to independent on OS and compiler , don't use MS specific : __is_convertible_to 
        enum {value    = PrivateHelper::ConvertHelper<FromT,ToT>::value };

    //Note : int and int* is not convertable , but they are value convertable.
    template<typename FromT, typename ToT>  struct IsValueConvertable
        typedef PrivateHelper::ConvertHelper<typename GetValueTypeFromPointer<FromT>::type,typename GetValueTypeFromPointer<ToT>::type>   H;

        enum {value    = H::value };


    template<typename BaseT, typename DeriveT>  struct IsBaseDerive
    { //in order to independent on OS and compiler , don't use MS specific : __is_base_of 
        typedef PrivateHelper::ConvertHelper<typename GetRawType<typename AddPointer<DeriveT>::type>::type,typename GetRawType<typename AddPointer<BaseT>::type>::type>   H;  
        //filter int/char/float convertible

        enum { value = logic::And_T<H,logic::Not_T<IsSameRawType<BaseT,DeriveT> > >::value };

    template<typename DeriveT>  struct IsBaseDerive<void,DeriveT>
        enum {value = false};


    template<typename BaseT, typename DeriveTOrBaseT>  struct IsSerialClass : logic::Or_T<IsBaseDerive<BaseT,DeriveTOrBaseT>,IsSameRawType<BaseT,DeriveTOrBaseT> >{};


    template<typename S> struct isArray              : FalseType {};  //array pointer is not array
template<typename S,unsigned int LEN> struct isArray<S[LEN]>      : TrueType  {};
template<typename S,unsigned int LEN> struct isArray<S(&)[LEN]>   : TrueType  {};


    template<typename S>    struct ArraySize            : Int2Type<0>   {}; //for pass compiler graceful
    template<typename S,unsigned int LEN> struct ArraySize<S[LEN]>    : Int2Type<LEN> {};
    template<typename S,unsigned int LEN> struct ArraySize<S(&)[LEN]> : Int2Type<LEN> {};


    template<typename T>        struct isAtomType
        template<typename C> static UtilExt::Yes_Type test(...);    //SFINAE    : capture default    type
        template<typename C> static UtilExt::No_Type test(bool C::*);    //SFINAE    : capture customized type

        enum { value = logic::And_T<logic::Not_T<isArray<T> > , BoolType<sizeof(test<T>(0)) == sizeof(UtilExt::Yes_Type)> >::value };


    template<typename T>        struct isBuildInType 
        typedef typename GetRawType<T>::type rawT;
        template<typename U>    struct tester: IsSameType<rawT,U> {};

            logic::Or_T<IsPointer<T>,       tester<__int64>,    tester<unsigned __int64>                                                    >,
            logic::Or_T<tester<bool>,       tester<char>,       tester<unsigned char>,      tester<signed char>                             >,
            logic::Or_T<tester<wchar_t>,    tester<short>,      tester<unsigned short>,     tester<int>,            tester<unsigned int>    >,
            logic::Or_T<tester<float>,      tester<long>,       tester<unsigned long>,      tester<double>,         tester<long double>     > >::value };
        /* below comes from C++ primer chapter 3, other is default
        bool                        //ANSI/ISO C++ 
        wchar_t                     //unicode , compiler dependency
        float                       //ANSI/ISO C++     
        double                      //ANSI/ISO C++     
        __int64                     //C99
        unsigned __int64            //C99     
        long double                 //ANSI/ISO C++
        IsPointer                   //default pointer

    //because array doesn't support operator "="   , when it is copied and transfer , it will be degraded and correct transfer has performance consumption
template<typename T,unsigned int LEN> struct isBuildInType<T[LEN]>        : FalseType{};

    //because array doesn't support operator "=" , and it can be copy and transfer without performance consumption by reference
template<typename T,unsigned int LEN> struct isBuildInType<T(&)[LEN]>     : TrueType{};

template<typename T>    struct isEnumType
        enum {value = logic::And_T<BoolType<sizeof(enum EnumType)==sizeof(T)>,isAtomType<T>,logic::Not_T<isBuildInType<T> > >::value };

    template<typename T>
    struct isString
        template<typename U>    struct StlStringHelper
            : public BoolType<logic::Or_T<IsSameRawType<U,stlStringA> ,IsSameRawType<U,stlStringW> ,IsSameRawType<U,stlString> >::value >{};

        template<typename T>                    struct isCharArray  : public BoolType<false>{};
        template<typename T,unsigned int iLen>  struct isCharArray<T[iLen]> 
        : public BoolType<logic::Or_T<IsSameRawType<T,wchar_t>,IsSameRawType<T,char> >::value> {};

        enum {
            value = IsSameRawType<T,char*>::value          || 
            IsSameRawType<T,wchar_t*>::value               ||
            isCharArray<T>::value                          || 


    template<typename T>    struct GetRawType : public RemoveVolatile<typename RemoveConst<typename RemoveRef<T>::type>::type>  {};

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(default:4244)
#endif // typeTrait_h__





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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


