

    read  article.txt  读文章,article.txt为文章所在的文本文件
    write n            写文章,写一篇文章,长度不超过n;若n负值则写到程序不能往下写为止。
    exit               退出程序。


// 头文件:writer.h
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <iterator>
#include <utility>
#include <sstream>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

enum {EXIT = -1, OK};

typedef deque<string> words_t;
typedef words_t::size_type sz_t;
typedef words_t::iterator dqs_it;
typedef sz_t word_id_t;
typedef sz_t count_t;
typedef deque<word_id_t> prefix_t;
typedef deque<sz_t>::iterator dqi_it;
typedef deque<sz_t>::const_iterator dqi_cit;
typedef map<word_id_t, count_t> suffix_t;
typedef map<word_id_t, count_t>::iterator suf_it;
typedef pair<prefix_t, word_id_t> phrase_t;
typedef map<prefix_t, suffix_t> phrases_t;
typedef phrases_t::iterator map_it;
typedef phrases_t::size_type map_sz_t;
typedef phrases_t::const_iterator map_cit;
typedef phrases_t::reverse_iterator map_rit;
typedef phrases_t::const_reverse_iterator map_crit;

class writer

 writer(const int len = 2);

  // function:  Read article and record the words and phrases in the article.
 // parameters:
 //   f:   The article file name to be readed.
 // return values:
 //   Zero if successed.
 int read(const string &f);

 // The selection scheme of phrase.
 //   RAND: radnom
 //   STAT:  statistical
 //   FIRST: first
 enum {RAND = 0, STAT, FIRST};

  // function:  Write article.
 // parameters:
 //   n:   The number of sentences of the article to be writed.
 // return values:
 //   Zero if successed.
 int write(const int n = 3, const int tag = RAND);
 int set_phrase_length(const int len = 2);
 int print_words();
 int print_phrases();

  // function:  Splits sentence "s" into words.
 // parameters:
 //   s:   The sentence to be splited.
 // return values:
 //   A deque which contains all the words in the sentence "s".
 deque<string> split(const string &s);

  // function:  Adds word "w" in words if it doesn't exist.
 // parameters:
 //   w:   The word to be added.
 // return values:
 //   A pair whose bool component returns true if an addition was made and
 //   false if the deque words already contained word "w", and whose iterator
 //   component returns the address where a new element was added or
 //   where the element was already located.
 pair<dqs_it, bool> add_word(const string &w);

  // function:  Adds phrase "phr" in phrases if it doesn't exist.
 // parameters:
 //   phr:   The phrase to be added.
 // return values:
 //   A pair whose bool component returns true if an addition was made and
 //   false if the deque phrases already contained phrase "phr", and whose
 //   iterator component returns the address where a new element was added
 //   or where the element was already located.
 pair<map_it, bool> add_phrase(const phrase_t &phr);

 pair<prefix_t, bool> write_word(const prefix_t &pre, const int tag = RAND);

 words_t words;
 deque<count_t> word_counters;
 phrases_t phrases;
 int phrase_len;

string skip_spaces(string &s, const bool b_head = true, const bool b_tail = true,
  const bool b_body = false);

string datetime();
// end of 头文件:writer.h

// 源文件:writer.cpp
#include "writer.h"

int command_handler(writer &wr, deque<string> &cmd);
const string cmd_tip("");
void print_errmsg(const string &em, const bool b_prompt = true)
 if(!em.empty()) cout << em << endl;
 cout << "请输入/"help/"或/"?/"(不包括引号)获得帮助。" << endl;
 if(b_prompt) cout << cmd_tip;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 writer wr;
 const int MAX_CMD_PARAM = 5;
 deque<string> cmd(MAX_CMD_PARAM);
 cout << cmd_tip;
 if(argc <= 1)
   string s("");
   getline(cin, s); // get command line
   // split parameters
   for(int i=0; i<MAX_CMD_PARAM; ++i)
    if(skip_spaces(s).empty()) break;
    int pos = s.find_first_of(' ');
    cmd[i] = s.substr(0, pos);
    s.erase(0, pos);
    print_errmsg(""); continue;
    print_errmsg("命令参数太多!"); continue;
   if(command_handler(wr, cmd) == EXIT) break;
 else if(argc <= MAX_CMD_PARAM+1)
  for(int i=1; i<argc; ++i) cmd[i-1] = argv[i];
  command_handler(wr, cmd);
 else print_errmsg("命令参数太多!");
 return 0;
int command_handler(writer &wr, deque<string> &cmd)
 if(cmd[0].compare("printw")==0 || cmd[0].compare("pw")==0)
 else if(cmd[0].compare("printp")==0 || cmd[0].compare("pp")==0)
 else if(cmd[0].compare("read")==0 || cmd[0].compare("rd")==0)
 else if(cmd[0].compare("write")==0 || cmd[0].compare("wt")==0)
  wr.write(atoi(cmd[1].c_str()), atoi(cmd[2].c_str()));
 else if(cmd[0].compare("set")==0)
 else if(cmd[0].compare("rem")==0)
 else if(cmd[0].compare("quit")==0 || cmd[0].compare("exit")==0 ||
  cmd[0].compare("q")==0 || cmd[0].compare("Q")==0)
     return EXIT;
 else if(cmd[0].compare("help") == 0 || cmd[0].compare("?") == 0)
  cout << "Hydorsoft writer 1.0 (2006.5)" << endl
    << "All right reserved by Hydorsoft." << endl << endl
    << "read|rd article  读文章(article为保存文章的文本文件路径)。" << endl
    << "write|wt         写文章。" << endl
    << "help或?          打印帮助信息。" << endl << endl
    << "exit|quit|q      退出writer。" << endl
    << "请输入/"命令 -help或-?/"获得命令的具体使用方法。" << endl;
 else print_errmsg("错误的命令!", 0);
 for(int i=0; i<cmd.size(); ++i) cmd[i].clear();
    cout << cmd_tip;
    return OK;

writer::writer(const int len)
: phrase_len(len)
 // constructor
 // destructor
int writer::read(const string &f)
 string s("");
 ifstream in(f.c_str());
  cout << "Cannot open file: " << f << endl;
  return 1;
 prefix_t pre;
 word_id_t wid = add_word("$article_begin$").first - words.begin();
 while(getline(in, s), !in.eof())
  deque<string> r = split(s);
  dqs_it it = r.begin();
  while(it != r.end())
   while(pre.size()<phrase_len-1 && it!=r.end())
    wid = add_word(*it).first - words.begin();
   if(pre.size()==phrase_len-1 && it!=r.end())
             wid = add_word(*it).first - words.begin();
    add_phrase(make_pair(pre, wid));
 if(pre.size() == phrase_len-1)
  wid = add_word("$article_end$").first - words.begin();
  add_phrase(make_pair(pre, wid));
 return 0;

int writer::write(const int n, const int tag)
 cout << endl << "Write time: " << datetime() << endl
   << "Content:" << endl;
 int cnt = 0;
  cout << "Sorry, I can not write anything." << endl;
  return 1;
    int pos = rand()%phrases.size();
    map_it it = phrases.begin();
    while(pos-->0) ++it;
 prefix_t pre = it->first;
 string sw = words[pre[pre.size()-1]];
 while(ispunct(sw[0]) || sw.compare("。")==0 || sw.compare("?")==0 ||
  sw.compare("!")==0 || sw.compare(",")==0 || sw.compare(";")==0 ||
  sw.compare("》")==0 || sw.compare(")")==0 || sw.compare("·")==0 ||
  sw.compare(":")==0 || sw.compare("”")==0 || sw.compare("’")==0 ||
  sw.compare("、")==0 || sw.compare("…")==0 || sw.compare("—")==0)
     pos = rand()%phrases.size();
     it = phrases.begin();
     while(pos-->0) ++it;
  pre = it->first;
  sw = words[pre[pre.size()-1]];
 for(dqi_it it=pre.begin(); it!=pre.end(); ++it)
  string wd = words[*it];
  if(wd.compare("$article_begin$")!=0 && wd.compare("$article_end$")!=0)
   cout << wd;
   //if(wd[0]>=0 && !isspace(wd[0]) && wd[0] !='/n')
    //cout << " ";
 pair<prefix_t, bool> r;
  r = write_word(pre, tag);
  pre = r.first;
  string sw = words[pre[pre.size()-1]];
  if(ispunct(sw[0]) || sw.compare("。")==0 || sw.compare("?")==0 || sw.compare("!")==0)
  if(cnt >= n && n > 0)
 return 0;

int writer::set_phrase_length(const int len)
 if(phrase_len == 2 && words.size()==0)
     phrase_len = len;
 return 0;

int writer::print_words()
 for(dqs_it it=words.begin(); it!=words.end(); ++it)
  cout << it-words.begin() << " " << *it << ":" << word_counters[it-words.begin()] << endl;
 return 0;

int writer::print_phrases()
 for(map_it it=phrases.begin(); it!=phrases.end(); ++it)
  //cout << it-phrases.begin() << ":";
  for(dqi_cit it2=it->first.begin(); it2!=it->first.end(); ++it2)
   cout << words[*it2] << " ";
  cout << "(";
  for(suffix_t::const_iterator it2=it->second.begin(); it2!=it->second.end(); ++it2)
   cout << words[it2->first] << ":" << it2->second << " ";
  cout << ")" << endl;
 return 0;

deque<string> writer::split(const string &s)
 deque<string> r;
 sz_t pos = 0;
 sz_t len = s.length();
 while(pos < len)
  if(s[pos] < 0) // read a chinese word
   r.push_back(s.substr(pos, 2));
   ++pos, ++pos;
   if(ispunct(s[pos]) || isspace(s[pos]))
    r.push_back(s.substr(pos, 1));
    sz_t i=pos+1;
    for(; i<len; ++i)
     if(ispunct(s[i]) || isspace(s[i]) || s[i]<0)
      r.push_back(s.substr(pos, i-pos));
      pos = i;
    if(i == len)
     pos = len;
 return r;

pair<dqs_it, bool> writer::add_word(const string &w)
 pair<dqs_it, bool> r;
 r.first = find(words.begin(), words.end(), w);
 if(r.first == words.end())
  r.first = words.end() - 1;
  r.second = true;
  r.second = false;
 return r;

pair<map_it, bool> writer::add_phrase(const phrase_t &phr)
 pair<map_it, bool> r;
 r.first = phrases.find(phr.first);
 if(r.first == phrases.end())
  suffix_t suf;
  suf.insert(make_pair(phr.second, 1));
  phrases.insert(make_pair(phr.first, suf));
  r.first = phrases.end();
  r.second = true;
  suffix_t &suf = r.first->second;
  suf_it it = suf.find(phr.second);
  if(it == suf.end())
   suf.insert(make_pair(phr.second, 1));
   r.second = true;
   r.second = false;
 return r;

pair<prefix_t, bool> writer::write_word(const prefix_t &pre, const int tag)
 pair<prefix_t, bool> r;
 r.first = pre;
 map_it phr = phrases.find(pre);
 if(phr == phrases.end())
  r.second = false;
  string wd("");
  suffix_t suf = phr->second;
  suf_it it = suf.begin();
  if(suf.size() <= 0)
   cout << "Can not find word to writer." << endl;
   r.second = false;
   return r;
  // random
  if(tag == RAND)
      int pos = rand()%suf.size();
      it = suf.begin();
      while(pos-->0) ++it;
   wd = words[it->first];
  if(tag == STAT) // statistical
   for(suf_it it2=it; it2!=suf.end(); ++it2)
       if(it->second < it2->second ||
     (isspace(words[it2->first][0]) && isspace(words[it->first][0])))
           it = it2;
   wd = words[it->first];
  if(wd.compare("$article_begin$")!=0 && wd.compare("$article_end$")!=0)
   cout << wd;
   //if(wd[0]>=0 && !isspace(wd[0]) && wd[0] !='/n')
    //cout << " ";
  r.second = true;
 return r;
string skip_spaces(string &s, const bool b_head, const bool b_tail,
  const bool b_body)
  int pos = s.find_first_not_of(' ');
  if(pos != -1) s = s.substr(pos);
  int pos = s.find_first_not_of(' ');
  while(pos != -1)
   int pos2 = s.find_first_of(' ', pos);
   if(pos2 == -1) break;
   pos = s.find_first_not_of(' ');
   if(pos != -1)
    s.erase(pos2, pos-pos2);
    pos = pos2;
 if(b_tail) s = s.substr(0, s.find_last_not_of(' ')+1);
 return s;

string datetime()
 stringstream ss("");
 time_t at = time(NULL);
    tm *atm = localtime(&at);
 ss << atm->tm_year+1900 << '-' << atm->tm_mon+1 << '-' << atm->tm_mday
    << '(' << atm->tm_wday << ')' << atm->tm_hour << ':' << atm->tm_min
    << ':' << atm->tm_sec;
 return ss.str();

// end of 源文件:writer.cpp


Write time: 2006-5-29(1)23:31:4

Write time: 2006-5-29(1)23:31:4

在自动驾驶领域,有许多算法和技术被广泛应用。以下是一些常见的算法和技术: 1. 目标检测与跟踪:用于检测和跟踪其他车辆、行人、交通标志等物体,常用的算法包括卷积神经网络(CNN)、YOLO(You Only Look Once)和SSD(Single Shot MultiBox Detector)等。 2. 路径规划与决策:用于确定车辆在道路上的最佳路径和行驶决策,常用的算法包括A*算法、Dijkstra算法、RRT(Rapidly-exploring Random Trees)等。 3. 车道检测与保持:用于检测车道线并保持车辆在车道内行驶,常用的算法包括Hough变换、卷积神经网络等。 4. 感知与传感融合:将来自不同传感(如摄像头、雷达、激光雷达)的信息进行融合,以获取对环境的完整感知。常用的方法包括扩展卡尔曼滤波(EKF)和粒子滤波等。 5. 自主导航与定位:用于实现车辆的自主导航和定位,包括全球定位系统(GPS)、惯性导航系统(INS)、视觉里程计(Visual Odometry)等。 6. 车辆控制与驾驶策略:根据感知和规划的结果,生成车辆的控制命令,控制车辆进行行驶和执行特定的驾驶策略。常用的方法包括经典的PID控制、模型预测控制(MPC)等。 7. 交通行为建模与预测:通过对其他交通参与方行为的建模和预测,为自动驾驶车辆提供更准确的决策依据。常用的方法包括马尔可夫决策过程(Markov Decision Process,MDP)和条件随机场(Conditional Random Fields,CRF)等。 这只是自动驾驶领域中一小部分常见算法和技术。随着技术的不断发展,还会涌现出更多创新的算法和方法来应对自动驾驶面临的挑战。
评论 2




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


