



当然,对于简单的问题跟着感觉就可以快速解答出来,但是对于难度稍大的题,想出一种方法都要费些时间,更别说解出所有的运算方法。于是呢,最近刚刚Java入门的我来了点尝试,写了个程序,bug找的深夜的我最后还是搞定了这个程序,好不容易创作的处女之作当然要在这里稍微秀一秀full mark的cw就不算咯,当然了还是为了分享下自己的成果,计算机的大神们不要嘲笑,身为应数狗的我(初二才会下游戏)也是不容易的。。。。



为了找到所有正确的运算方法,当然要首先找到所有可能的运算方法,基于这个简单的思路,整个编程过程包括三次运算,数字的个数由4到2一次递减,当然运算的可能性也是依次递增。在这里我给个例子:  对于12 6 9 11 (四个数)首先固定12和6 ,对11 和9进行四种最基本的运算方式得到至少三种的的运算可能(结果为整且为正)2 20 99 那么接下来四个数字演变成12 6 2,12 6 20,12 6 99三个数组,然后对刚刚的得到的三个数组(三个数)分别运算,在这里举例数组12 6 2,固定12 对6和2进行运算,得到 4 8 12 3,就得到了四个新的数组(两个数)12 4,12 8,12 12,12 3,接着对这三个数组进行运算,举例 12 12,12+12=24 最终得到希望的答案。


package piont24;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
//created for storing data

class base01 {

    double Z;
    double x;
    double y;
    //caculation01 is for storing the caculation procedure
    String caculation01;

    base01(double x, double y, double z, String caculation01) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        //Z is for storing the result of the caculation.
        this.Z = z;
        this.caculation01 = caculation01;
//created for storing data

class base02 {

    double sum;
    double left;
    //caculation02 is for storing the caculation procedure
    String caculation02;
    String caculationOFleft;

    base02(double sum, double left, String caculation02, String caculationOFleft) {
        //sum is for storing the result of the caculation.
        this.sum = sum;
        this.left = left;
        this.caculation02 = caculation02;
        this.caculationOFleft = caculationOFleft;

public class Piont24 {

    static Scanner kb = new Scanner(System.in);

    // game start, input number first for getting the answer
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Please, input the four numbers for 24 piont game: ");
        String data = kb.nextLine();

    // first procedure for finding the suitable caculation
    public static void PotionGame(String data) {
        String number[] = data.split(" ");
        Double[] NUMBER = new Double[4];
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            NUMBER[i] = Double.parseDouble(number[i]);
        //Left is a ArrayList for storing the left number of two number which is under four caculations.
        ArrayList<Integer> Left = new ArrayList();
        //BASE01 is for storing the left number and the new caculation result.
        ArrayList<base01> BASE01 = new ArrayList();
        //X and Y is for storing the left number. Z is for storing the caculation result.
        double X, Y, Z, A, B;
        // A and B is for storing the two number (for four caculations(+ - * /)) by natural order.
        String caculation01;
        for (int x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
            //fix one number of the input numbers.
            caculation01 = null;
            //try each number of the left.
            for (int y = x + 1; y < 4; y++) {
                Left = Left(x, y);
                X = NUMBER[Left.get(0)];
                Y = NUMBER[Left.get(1)];
                A = NUMBER[y];
                B = NUMBER[x];
                //caculation is for recording the caculation procedure.
                Z = A - B;
                caculation01 = A + "-" + B;
                BASE01.add(new base01(X, Y, Z, caculation01));
                Z = B - A;
                caculation01 = B + "-" + A;
                BASE01.add(new base01(X, Y, Z, caculation01));
                Z = A + B;
                caculation01 = A + "+" + B;
                BASE01.add(new base01(X, Y, Z, caculation01));
                Z = B + A;
                caculation01 = B + "+" + A;
                BASE01.add(new base01(X, Y, Z, caculation01));
                Z = A * B;
                caculation01 = A + "*" + B;
                BASE01.add(new base01(X, Y, Z, caculation01));
                if (A != 0 && B != 0) {
                    Z = A / B;
                    caculation01 = A + "/" + B;
                    BASE01.add(new base01(X, Y, Z, caculation01));
                    Z = B / A;
                    caculation01 = B + "/" + A;
                    BASE01.add(new base01(X, Y, Z, caculation01));
        //procedure 2 for getting the result.

    //try all of the possible caculation for the data got from Procedure1.
    public static void Procedure2(ArrayList<base01> BASE) {
        ArrayList<base02> BASE02 = new ArrayList();
        int len = BASE.size();
        double left, sum, a, b;
        String caculationOFleft;
        Double NUMBER02[];
        //F and S is for recoding down the caculation procedure.
        String caculation02, F, S;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            NUMBER02 = new Double[3];
            NUMBER02[0] = BASE.get(i).x;
            NUMBER02[1] = BASE.get(i).y;
            NUMBER02[2] = BASE.get(i).Z;
            for (int p = 0; p < 3; p++) {
                for (int u = p + 1; u < 3; u++) {
                    caculationOFleft = null;
                    a = NUMBER02[p];
                    b = NUMBER02[u];
                    left = NUMBER02[3 - (p + u)];
                    if (p == 2) {
                        F = "(" + BASE.get(i).caculation01 + ")";
                    } else {
                        F = Double.toString(a);
                    if (u == 2) {
                        S = "(" + BASE.get(i).caculation01 + ")";
                    } else {
                        S = Double.toString(b);
                    //when the left number is got from the caculation in the procedure1.
                    if (u != 2 && p != 2) {
                        //use caculationOFleft to record the caculation procedure.
                        caculationOFleft = BASE.get(i).caculation01;
                    sum = a - b;
                    caculation02 = F + "-" + S;
                    BASE02.add(new base02(sum, left, caculation02, caculationOFleft));
                    sum = b - a;
                    caculation02 = S + "-" + F;
                    BASE02.add(new base02(sum, left, caculation02, caculationOFleft));
                    sum = a + b;
                    caculation02 = F + "+" + S;
                    BASE02.add(new base02(sum, left, caculation02, caculationOFleft));
                    sum = b + a;
                    caculation02 = S + "+" + F;
                    BASE02.add(new base02(sum, left, caculation02, caculationOFleft));
                    sum = a * b;
                    caculation02 = F + "*" + S;
                    BASE02.add(new base02(sum, left, caculation02, caculationOFleft));
                    if (a != 0 && b != 0) {
                        sum = a / b;
                        caculation02 = F + "/" + S;
                        BASE02.add(new base02(sum, left, caculation02, caculationOFleft));
                        sum = b / a;
                        caculation02 = S + "/" + F;
                        BASE02.add(new base02(sum, left, caculation02, caculationOFleft));

    //test all of the possible caculations on such four numbers.
    public static void RESULT(ArrayList<base02> BASE02) {
        String caculationOFleft;
        double LEFT, SUM;
        base02 temp01, temp02;
        int length = BASE02.size(), k = 0;
        //here is for removing the repeated solution.
        while (k < length) {
            temp01 = BASE02.get(k);
            for (int l = k + 1; l < length; l++) {
                temp02 = BASE02.get(l);
                if (temp01.caculation02.equalsIgnoreCase(temp02.caculation02)) {
                    length = BASE02.size();
        int LEN = BASE02.size(), u = 1;
        for (int r = 0; r < LEN; r++) {
            caculationOFleft = BASE02.get(r).caculationOFleft;
            LEFT = BASE02.get(r).left;
            SUM = BASE02.get(r).sum;
            if (result(LEN, BASE02, LEFT, SUM, BASE02.get(r).caculation02, caculationOFleft, u)) {
        if (u == 1) {
            System.out.print("Sorry, the input data is not correct!!");
        } else {
            System.out.print("\r\n\r\nThe above is all of the possible solution.");

    //get all of the correct caculations on the four numbers for 24point game.
    public static boolean result(double LEN, ArrayList<base02> BASE02, double LEFT, double SUM, String CACULATION, String caculationOFleft, int u) {
        boolean result = false;
        //F and S is for recoding down the caculation procedure.
        String S, F;
        S = Double.toString(LEFT);
        F = "(" + CACULATION + ")";
        if (caculationOFleft != null) {
            S = "(" + caculationOFleft + ")";
        if (LEFT + SUM == 24) {
            System.out.print("\r\n\r\n" + "Solution" + u + ": " + S + "+" + F);
            result = true;
        if (LEFT * SUM == 24) {
            System.out.print("\r\n\r\n" + "Solution" + u + ": " + S + "*" + F);
            result = true;
        if (LEFT - SUM == 24) {
            System.out.print("\r\n\r\n" + "Solution" + u + ": " + S + "-" + F);
            result = true;
        if (SUM - LEFT == 24) {
            System.out.print("\r\n\r\n" + "Solution" + u + ": " + F + "-" + S);
            result = true;
        if (LEFT != 0 && SUM != 0) {
            if (LEFT / SUM == 24) {
                result = true;
                System.out.print("\r\n\r\n" + "Solution" + u + ": " + S + "/" + F);
            if (SUM / LEFT == 24) {
                result = true;
                System.out.print("\r\n\r\n" + "Solution" + u + ": " + F + "/" + S);
        return result;

    //get the left number of the two numbers under caculations.
    public static ArrayList Left(int x, int y) {
        ArrayList<Integer> left = new ArrayList();
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            if (i != x && i != y) {
        return left;

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