Analysis: If there is no * followed, just simple match
if there is a * followed, two scenarios: 1. * and its preceding char are not need; 2. * matches its preceding char for 0~N times
1. Recursive method:
bool isMatch(const char *s, const char *p) {
//p is empty
if(*p == '\0')
return (*s == '\0');
//p is not empty
//a * is followed
if(*(p + 1) == '*'){
//take 0 preceding element
if(isMatch(s, p + 2))
return true;
//take 1 or more preceding elements
while(*s != '\0' && (*s == *p || *p == '.')){
if(isMatch(s + 1, p + 2))
return true;
//no * is followed
if(*s != '\0' && (*s == *p || *p == '.'))
return isMatch(s + 1, p + 1);
return false;
2. DP method
bool isMatch(const char *s, const char *p){
//get lenght of s and p
int m = 0, n = 0;
while(s[m] != '\0')
while(p[n] != '\0')
//dp[i][j]: substring s[0..i-1] and p[0..j-1] match or not
vector<vector<bool> > dp(m + 1, vector<bool>(n + 1, false));
dp[0][0] = true; //s[0..-1] and p[0..-1] are empty. match
for(int i = 1; i <= m; ++i) //p is empty, s is not. never match
dp[i][0] = false;
for(int j = 2; j <= n; ++j)//s is empty, p is not. only p in pattern (c *)^k can match, such as a*b*c*
if(p[j - 1] == '*' && dp[0][j - 2])
dp[0][j] = true;
//dp method
for(int i = 1; i <= m; ++i)
for(int j = 1; j <= n; ++j){
//simple match for no *
if(p[j - 1] != '*'){
dp[i][j] = ((s[i - 1] == p[j - 1] || p[j - 1] == '.') && dp[i - 1][j - 1]);
//two scenarios for *
if(p[j - 1] == '*'){
dp[i][j] = //1. do not need (c *) to match
(j >= 2) && dp[i][j - 2]
//2. need (c *) to match
|| dp[i][j - 1] && (s[i - 1] == p[j - 2] || p[j - 2] == '.') //* matches empty
|| dp[i - 1][j] && (s[i - 1] == p[j - 2] || p[j - 2] == '.'); //* matches c
return dp[m][n]; //dp[m][n]: s[0..m-1] and p[0..n-1] match or not