SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP1 安装部署事项

SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 的安装部署方式和要求已经发生了变化,为了突出对云计算和虚拟化的支持,对安装介质做了大量瘦身,installer 1 已经由 SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 时的4GB多瘦身为当前的600MB多。其次,SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 在对硬件上做了区别对待,较新的硬件建议使用的安装介质是 QU3-Media ,较老的硬件建议采用 GM-DVD。


SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop is a complete desktop solution that provides office productivity, web and collaboration capabilities. With SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop or SUSE Linux Enterprise Workstation Extension, enterprises can lower costs and maximize productivity, while maintaining interoperability with other operating systems and their specific data formats. This full-featured enterprise desktop operating system is designed for mixed IT environments. It offers best of breed performance with reduced risk of technological obsolescence or vendor lock-in and is supported by the world-class SUSE services team and its broad ecosystem of partners.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP1 delivers:

The only truly integrated local systems management stack on Linux: for interactive use (YaST), scripting (AutoYaST) and integration into multi machine systems management environments such as SUSE Manager.
Robustness on administrative errors and improved management capabilities with full system rollback.
An upgrade from SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 to SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP1.
A modern desktop environment with GNOME 3, optimized and adapted with an additional mode allowing for easier migration from earlier versions.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop provides market-leading usability and seamless interoperability with existing IT systems.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP1 is available on AMD64 and Intel* 64 architecture.

System Requirements
Minimum Linux desktop system requirements for installation
1 GiB RAM minimal, 4 GiB RAM recommended
4 GiB available disk space (20 GiB recommended)
Screen resolution: 1024x768 (minimum), 1280x1024 (recommended)
AMD64/Intel64 CPU
3D accelerated (openGL) graphics chipset

Starting with SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP1, the installation medium ("SLE-15-SP1-Installer-DVD-*-GM-DVD1.iso") only consists of the Installer: a minimal, command-line based system for installing, updating and registering SUSE Linux Enterprise products. During the installation you will have the option to add functionality. This is done by the activation of additional modules.

A default installation requires network access to either contact the SUSE Customer Center or a local Repository Mirroring Tool server to retrieve repository data for the modules. In case you want to perform an installation without network access, a second installation medium, the SLE-15-SP1-Packages ISO image ("SLE-15-SP1-Packages-DVD-*-GM-DVD1.iso"), is required.

We furthermore provide Vagrant boxes for add-hoc testing of SLES and SLED. These can be used to launch a virtual machine directly via Vagrant. To launch a Vagrant box, download the appropriate file and execute: vagrant box add --name SLE15-SP1 && vagrant init SLE15-SP1 && vagrant up.

For both, the Installation Medium as well as the Packages Medium, two flavours exist:

The first, containing'GM' in the filename consists of the package set as shipped at first customer shipment date.
The second, identified by a 'QU' followed by a number in the filename, consists of the packages shipped at first customer ship, but all packages where maintenance updates have been released since then have been updated to the latest maintenance update. Quarterly updated media are refreshed every 3 months.
You only need either the 'GM' or the 'QU' media, not both. Which to choose, the GM or the QU version depends on your needs and preferences. If you have newer hardware, the QU version might be the better choice. The installation procedure is identical for both flavours.

For both flavours it is recommended to install the latest updates released since creating the images.

Both, the installer medium and the packages medium are the same for all SLE products and only need to be downloaded once.

SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP1 is available for the following architectures. Images for a specific architecture can be identified by the respective acronym in the filenames:

Files with "x86_64" in the name are for the AMD64 and Intel 64 platforms.
Files with "s390x" in the name are for IBM
 z System or LinuxONE.
Files with "ppc64le" in the name are for the IBM Power LE platform.
Files with "aarch64" in the name are for the Arm
 64 platform.
For each architecture and media flavour two images are available:

DVD1 Required for the installation
DVD2 Source code, only required to rebuild applications on the installer or packages medium.

The following downloads are required for each architecture you would like to install on:

Regular Installation (with Internet access):

DVD1 of the installer medium
Offline Installation (without internet access):

DVD1 of the installer medium
DVD1 of the packages medium
All other images are optional and not required for the installation.

Download the ISO images to a workstation or to a network drive.
Prepare booting into the installation system. See this section of the deployment guide for more information.
Start the installation and proceed as outlined here in the deployment guide.

For quick installation instructions, see the SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP1 Installation Quick Start, available under the docu directory on the ISO image for DVD1. Or find our documentation available online at the SUSE Documentation pages.

For more detailed installation instructions, see the SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 15 SP1 Administration and Deployment Guides available under the docu directory on the ISO images for DVD1, and online as well.

For further information regarding this release, see the SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop Release Notes.







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