adb logcat 常用命令

logcat语法格式:adb logcat []…
如果你的电脑上连接多个设备可以通过adb -s
adb -s 设备号 logcat 抓取指定设备的log
1. adb logcat –help查看logcat命令的帮助信息

> 引用块内容

qiaojiali@qiaojiali-pc:~$ adb logcat --help
Usage: logcat [options] [filterspecs]
options include:
  -s              Set default filter to silent.
                  Like specifying filterspec '*:s'
  -f <filename>   Log to file. Default to stdout
  -r [<kbytes>]   Rotate log every kbytes. (16 if unspecified). Requires -f
  -n <count>      Sets max number of rotated logs to <count>, default 4
  -v <format>     Sets the log print format, where <format> is one of:

                  brief process tag thread raw time threadtime long

  -c              clear (flush) the entire log and exit
  -d              dump the log and then exit (don't block)
  -t <count>      print only the most recent <count> lines (implies -d)
  -t '<time>'     print most recent lines since specified time (implies -d)
  -T <count>      print only the most recent <count> lines (does not imply -d)
  -T '<time>'     print most recent lines since specified time (not imply -d)
                  count is pure numerical, time is 'MM-DD hh:mm:ss.mmm'
  -g              get the size of the log's ring buffer and exit
  -b <buffer>     Request alternate ring buffer, 'main', 'system', 'radio',
                  'events', 'crash' or 'all'. Multiple -b parameters are
                  allowed and results are interleaved. The default is
                  -b main -b system -b crash.
  -B              output the log in binary.
  -S              output statistics.
  -G <size>       set size of log ring buffer, may suffix with K or M.
  -p              print prune white and ~black list. Service is specified as
                  UID, UID/PID or /PID. Weighed for quicker pruning if prefix
                  with ~, otherwise weighed for longevity if unadorned. All
                  other pruning activity is oldest first. Special case ~!
                  represents an automatic quicker pruning for the noisiest
                  UID as determined by the current statistics.
  -P '<list> ...' set prune white and ~black list, using same format as
                  printed above. Must be quoted.

filterspecs are a series of 

where <tag> is a log component tag (or * for all) and priority is:
  V    Verbose
  D    Debug
  I    Info
  W    Warn
  E    Error
  F    Fatal
  S    Silent (supress all output)

'*' means '*:d' and <tag> by itself means <tag>:v

If not specified on the commandline, filterspec is set from ANDROID_LOG_TAGS.
If no filterspec is found, filter defaults to '*:I'

If not specified with -v, format is set from ANDROID_PRINTF_LOG
or defaults to "brief"

adb logcat -d -f /sdcard/mylog.txt 把日志保存到手机上
adb logcat -f /sdcard/log.txt
adb logcat -s WifiHW 抓取所有标签为WifiHW的日志

qiaojiali@qiaojiali-pc:~$ adb logcat -s WifiHW
--------- beginning of system
--------- beginning of main
D/WifiHW  (  744): enter -->wifi_send_command cmd=IFNAME=wlan0 SCAN TYPE=ONLY
D/WifiHW  (  744): [1] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 <3>CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=3 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 SSID=
D/WifiHW  (  744): [2] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-STATE-CHANGE id=-1 state=3 BSSID=00:00:00:00:00:00 SSID=
D/WifiHW  (  744): enter -->wifi_wait_on_socket buflen=2048
D/WifiHW  (  744): enter -->wifi_ctrl_recv
D/WifiHW  (  744): leave --> reply=OK
D/WifiHW  (  744): 
D/WifiHW  (  744): [1] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 <3>CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED 
D/WifiHW  (  744): [2] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED 
D/WifiHW  (  744): enter -->wifi_wait_on_socket buflen=2048

adb logcat | grep Wifi 过滤固定的字符串

qiaojiali@qiaojiali-pc:~$ adb logcat | grep Wifi
D/ActivityThread( 9014): BDC-Calling onReceive: intent=Intent { flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.mediatek.engineermode/.wifi.WifiStateReceiver (has extras) }, receiver=com.mediatek.engineermode.wifi.WifiStateReceiver@2f74a671
D/ActivityThread( 9014): BDC-RECEIVER handled : 0 / ReceiverData{intent=Intent { flg=0x4000010 cmp=com.mediatek.engineermode/.wifi.WifiStateReceiver (has extras) } packageName=com.mediatek.engineermode resultCode=0 resultData=null resultExtras=null}
D/PowerManagerService(  744): isWfdEnabled() mWfdStatus=WifiDisplayStatus{featureState=0, scanState=0, activeDisplayState=0, activeDisplay=null, displays=[], sessionInfo=WifiDisplaySessionInfo: C/O:Client,GId:,Pp:,SId:0,IP:}, return false
D/PowerManagerService(  744): isWfdEnabled() mWfdStatus=WifiDisplayStatus{featureState=0, scanState=0, activeDisplayState=0, activeDisplay=null, displays=[], sessionInfo=WifiDisplaySessionInfo: C/O:Client,GId:,Pp:,SId:0,IP:}, return false
D/WifiService(  744): getWifiServiceMessenger, pid:8600, uid:10062

adb logcat | grep -i wifi 过滤固定的字符串不分大小写
adb logcat | grep “^..Activity” 利用正则表达式过滤日志
logcat过滤log语法:adb logcat tag:priority tag:标签 priority日志优先级
adb logcat WifiHW:D :S 日志是 标签为 WifiHW, 并且优先级 Debug(调试) 等级以上的级别的日志; :S很重要不要忘记

qiaojiali@qiaojiali-pc:~$ adb logcat WifiHW:D *:S 
--------- beginning of system
--------- beginning of main
D/WifiHW  (  742): enter -->wifi_send_command cmd=IFNAME=wlan0 SIGNAL_POLL
D/WifiHW  (  742): leave --> reply=RSSI=-50
D/WifiHW  (  742): LINKSPEED=135
D/WifiHW  (  742): NOISE=9999
D/WifiHW  (  742): FREQUENCY=2462
D/WifiHW  (  742): 
D/WifiHW  (  742): enter -->wifi_send_command cmd=IFNAME=wlan0 SIGNAL_POLL
D/WifiHW  (  742): leave --> reply=RSSI=-51
D/WifiHW  (  742): LINKSPEED=135
D/WifiHW  (  742): NOISE=9999
D/WifiHW  (  742): FREQUENCY=2462
D/WifiHW  (  742): 
D/WifiHW  (  742): enter -->wifi_send_command cmd=IFNAME=wlan0 SIGNAL_POLL
D/WifiHW  (  742): leave --> reply=RSSI=-51
D/WifiHW  (  742): LINKSPEED=135
D/WifiHW  (  742): NOISE=9999
D/WifiHW  (  742): FREQUENCY=2462
D/WifiHW  (  742): 
D/WifiHW  (  742): enter -->wifi_send_command cmd=IFNAME=wlan0 SCAN TYPE=ONLY
D/WifiHW  (  742): [1] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 <3>CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED 

adb logcat WifiHW:D dalvikvm:I *:S 同时设置多个过滤器 输出 WifiHW标签的Debug级别以上的和dalvikvm的Info以上级别的日志

qiaojiali@qiaojiali-pc:~$ adb logcat WifiHW:D WifiTrafficPoller:I *:S
--------- beginning of system
--------- beginning of main
D/WifiHW  (  742): enter -->wifi_send_command cmd=IFNAME=wlan0 SCAN TYPE=ONLY freq=2462
D/WifiHW  (  742): [1] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 <3>CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED 
D/WifiHW  (  742): [2] get event: IFNAME=wlan0 CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED 
E/WifiTrafficPoller(  742): TRAFFIC_STATS_POLL true Token 23 num clients 8
E/WifiTrafficPoller(  742):  packet count Tx=7123 Rx=18436
E/WifiTrafficPoller(  742): notifying of data activity 1
D/WifiHW  (  742): enter -->wifi_send_command cmd=IFNAME=wlan0 SIGNAL_POLL
D/WifiHW  (  742): leave --> reply=RSSI=-51
D/WifiHW  (  742): LINKSPEED=135
D/WifiHW  (  742): NOISE=9999
D/WifiHW  (  742): FREQUENCY=2462
D/WifiHW  (  742): 

– V : Verbose (明细);Log.v(String,String)

– D : Debug (调试);Log.d(String,String)

– I : Info (信息);Log.i(String,String)
例如:Log.i(“MyActivity”,”MyClass.getView()——get item number”+position);
logcat命令获取log:adb logcat logcat将输出如下信息:
I/MyActivity(1577):MyClass.getView()——get item number 1 其中1577是进程号

– W : Warn (警告);Log.w(String,String)

– E : Error (错误);Log.e(String,String)

– F: Fatal (严重错误);

– S : Silent(Super all output) (最高的优先级, 可能不会记载东西);

加载日志缓冲区 : 使用 adb logcat -b radio;

– Android中的日志缓冲区 :
system缓冲区 - 输出系统组件的log,
radio缓冲区 - 输出通讯系统的log,
events缓冲区 - 输出event模块的log,
main缓冲区 - 所有java层的log,以及不属于上面3层的log;
adb logcat -t 5 输出最近5行的日志,并且不会阻塞

qiaojiali@qiaojiali-pc:~$ adb logcat -t 5
--------- beginning of main
W/ADB_SERVICES( 6060): read_meminfo() mem_free=148276
W/ADB_SERVICES( 6060): create_subproc ret_fd=20 pid=9519
W/ADB_SERVICES( 6060): LS(75): bound to 'shell:export ANDROID_LOG_TAGS=""""; exec logcat -t 5' via 20
W/ADB_SERVICES( 9519): adb: unable to update oom_score_adj
D/majun   ( 1706): reseting

adb logcat -c 清空日志缓存信息 : 可以将之前的日志信息清空, 重新开始输出日志信息;
adb logcat -d 将缓存日志输出,输出命令, 之后推出命令, 不会进行阻塞;
adb logcat -f 将log输出到制定的文件中<文件名>。默认为标准的输出
adb logcat -g 打印日志缓冲区的大小并退出

qiaojiali@qiaojiali-pc:~$ adb logcat -g
main: ring buffer is 256Kb (255Kb consumed), max entry is 5120b, max payload is 4076b
system: ring buffer is 256Kb (255Kb consumed), max entry is 5120b, max payload is 4076b

adb logcat -n 设置日志的最大数目,默认是4,需要和-r选项一起使用
adb logcat -r 每时输出日志,默认是16,需要和-f选项一个使用

qiaojiali@qiaojiali-pc:~$ adb logcat -f /storage/sdcard0/log/log.txt -r 10
qiaojiali@qiaojiali-pc:~$ adb shell
shell@hct6735m_65_m0:/ $ cd storage/sdcard0/log                                
shell@hct6735m_65_m0:/storage/sdcard0/log $ ls
shell@hct6735m_65_m0:/storage/sdcard0/log $ 
在终端执行adb logcat -f /storage/sdcard0/log/log.txt -r 10 把日志输出到log.txt中并且当log.txt大小超过10k的时候就重新生成一个日志文件,当然在平时就可以设置10M,我这里只是为了能够快速看到效果所以设置的一个log只有10k。

adb logcat -v 设置输出格式的日志信息,默认是短暂的格式,

brief -显示优先级/标记和过程的PID发出的消息(默认格式)

qiaojiali@qiaojiali-pc:~$ adb logcat -v brief
--------- beginning of system
I/vold    (  231): Vold 3.0 (the awakening) firing up
V/vold    (  231): Detected support for: ext4 vfat
W/Vold    (  231): Tearing down stale mount /mnt/cd-rom
D/vold    (  231): EmulatedVolume(emulated) is newed
V/vold    (  231): ----------------
V/vold    (  231): handleBlockEvent with action 1
D/NetlinkEvent(  231): NL action '1'
D/NetlinkEvent(  231): NL subsystem 'block'
D/NetlinkEvent(  231): NL param 'DEVPATH=/devices/virtual/block/dm-0'
D/NetlinkEvent(  231): NL param 'MAJOR=253'
D/NetlinkEvent(  231): NL param 'MINOR=0'
D/NetlinkEvent(  231): NL param 'DEVNAME=dm-0'
D/NetlinkEvent(  231): NL param 'DEVTYPE=disk'
D/NetlinkEvent(  231): NL param 'NPARTS=0'

process- 只显示PID 输出格式如下:

qiaojiali@qiaojiali-pc:~$ adb logcat -v process
--------- beginning of system
I(  231) Vold 3.0 (the awakening) firing up  (vold)
V(  231) Detected support for: ext4 vfat  (vold)
W(  231) Tearing down stale mount /mnt/cd-rom  (Vold)
D(  231) EmulatedVolume(emulated) is newed  (vold)
V(  231) ----------------  (vold)
V(  231) handleBlockEvent with action 1  (vold)
D(  231) NL action '1'  (NetlinkEvent)
D(  231) NL subsystem 'block'  (NetlinkEvent)

tag-只显示优先级/标记 输出格式如下:

qiaojiali@qiaojiali-pc:~$ adb logcat -v tag
--------- beginning of system
I/vold    : Vold 3.0 (the awakening) firing up
V/vold    : Detected support for: ext4 vfat
W/Vold    : Tearing down stale mount /mnt/cd-rom
D/vold    : EmulatedVolume(emulated) is newed
V/vold    : ----------------
V/vold    : handleBlockEvent with action 1

raw-显示原始的日志信息,没有其他元数据字段 输出格式如下:

qiaojiali@qiaojiali-pc:~$ adb logcat -v raw
--------- beginning of system
Vold 3.0 (the awakening) firing up
Detected support for: ext4 vfat
Tearing down stale mount /mnt/cd-rom
EmulatedVolume(emulated) is newed
handleBlockEvent with action 1
NL action '1'
NL subsystem 'block'
NL param 'DEVPATH=/devices/virtual/block/dm-0'
NL param 'MAJOR=253'
NL param 'MINOR=0'
NL param 'DEVNAME=dm-0'
NL param 'DEVTYPE=disk'
NL param 'NPARTS=0'

time-调用显示人日期,时间,优先级/标签和过程PID发出消息 输出格式如下:

qiaojiali@qiaojiali-pc:~$ adb logcat -v time
--------- beginning of system
01-02 00:50:31.834 I/vold    (  231): Vold 3.0 (the awakening) firing up
01-02 00:50:31.834 V/vold    (  231): Detected support for: ext4 vfat
01-02 00:50:31.860 W/Vold    (  231): Tearing down stale mount /mnt/cd-rom
01-02 00:50:31.908 D/vold    (  231): EmulatedVolume(emulated) is newed
01-02 00:50:31.957 V/vold    (  231): ----------------
01-02 00:50:31.957 V/vold    (  231): handleBlockEvent with action 1


qiaojiali@qiaojiali-pc:~$ adb logcat -v threadtime
--------- beginning of system
01-02 00:50:31.834   231   231 I vold    : Vold 3.0 (the awakening) firing up
01-02 00:50:31.834   231   231 V vold    : Detected support for: ext4 vfat
01-02 00:50:31.860   231   231 W Vold    : Tearing down stale mount /mnt/cd-rom
01-02 00:50:31.908   231   231 D vold    : EmulatedVolume(emulated) is newed
01-02 00:50:31.957   231   252 V vold    : ----------------
01-02 00:50:31.957   231   252 V vold    : handleBlockEvent with action 1

long -显示所有元数据字段与空白行和单独的消息

qiaojiali@qiaojiali-pc:~$ adb logcat -v long
--------- beginning of system
[ 01-02 00:50:31.834   231:  231 I/vold     ]
Vold 3.0 (the awakening) firing up

[ 01-02 00:50:31.834   231:  231 V/vold     ]
Detected support for: ext4 vfat

[ 01-02 00:50:31.860   231:  231 W/Vold     ]
Tearing down stale mount /mnt/cd-rom

[ 01-02 00:50:31.908   231:  231 D/vold     ]
EmulatedVolume(emulated) is newed
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