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原创 3D/VR/AR简易技术原理介绍
2017-07-13 17:55:35 7907
原创 Vuforia的Samples详细解析(Android)
Vuforia的Samples详细解析(Android)本文大致介绍Vuforia的Samples内容,帮助大家快速理解和掌握Vuforia的功能。Core Feature介绍Vuforia的Core Features包含以下核心特性:Image Targets 特定的图片识别功能VuMark 类似二维码识别的VuMark识别功能Object R
2017-07-07 14:57:54 6625 4
翻译 WritingCustom Lint Rules 翻译
WritingCustom Lint RulesLint comes preconfigured with around 100 checks as of ADT 20. However, it can also be extended with additional rules. For example, if you are the author of a library
2015-05-14 15:41:34 1481
原创 ProGuard Usage 翻译
Usage 用法To run ProGuard, just type:运行ProGuard,只需输入:java -jar proguard.jar options ...You can find the ProGuard jar in the lib directory of the ProGuard distribution. Alternatively, the bin di
2015-04-07 16:27:52 1680
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