WiFi Interface 的 name 如何获取到

直接计算在 wifi_chip.cpp

std::string getWlanIfaceName(unsigned idx) {
    if (idx >= kMaxWlanIfaces) {
        CHECK(false) << "Requested interface beyond wlan" << kMaxWlanIfaces;
        return {};

    std::array<char, PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX> buffer;
    if (idx == 0 || idx == 1) {
        const char* altPropName =
            (idx == 0) ? "wifi.interface" : "wifi.concurrent.interface";
        auto res = property_get(altPropName, buffer.data(), nullptr);
        if (res > 0) return buffer.data();
    std::string propName = "wifi.interface." + std::to_string(idx);
    auto res = property_get(propName.c_str(), buffer.data(), nullptr);
    if (res > 0) return buffer.data();

    return "wlan" + std::to_string(idx);

返回了 wlan字串,其调用发生在 allocateApOrStaIfaceName 接口

/* wifi_chip.cpp */
// Return the first wlan (wlan0, wlan1 etc.) starting from |start_idx|
// not already in use.
// Note: This doesn't check the actual presence of these interfaces.
std::string WifiChip::allocateApOrStaIfaceName(uint32_t start_idx) {
    for (unsigned idx = start_idx; idx < kMaxWlanIfaces; idx++) {
        const auto ifname = getWlanIfaceName(idx);
        if (findUsingName(ap_ifaces_, ifname)) continue;
        if (findUsingName(sta_ifaces_, ifname)) continue;
        return ifname;
    // This should never happen. We screwed up somewhere if it did.
    CHECK(false) << "All wlan interfaces in use already!";
    return {};


/* wifi_chip.cpp */
// STA iface names start with idx 0.
// Primary STA iface will always be 0.
std::string WifiChip::allocateStaIfaceName() {
    return allocateApOrStaIfaceName(0);

createStaIface -> createStaIfaceInternal

/* wifi_chip.cpp */
Return<void> WifiChip::createStaIface(createStaIface_cb hidl_status_cb) {
    return validateAndCall(this, WifiStatusCode::ERROR_WIFI_CHIP_INVALID,
                           &WifiChip::createStaIfaceInternal, hidl_status_cb);

std::pair<WifiStatus, sp<V1_3::IWifiStaIface>>
WifiChip::createStaIfaceInternal() {
    if (!canCurrentModeSupportIfaceOfTypeWithCurrentIfaces(IfaceType::STA)) {
        return {createWifiStatus(WifiStatusCode::ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE), {}};
    std::string ifname = allocateStaIfaceName();
    legacy_hal::wifi_error legacy_status =
    if (legacy_status != legacy_hal::WIFI_SUCCESS) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to add interface: " << ifname << " "
                   << legacyErrorToString(legacy_status);
        return {createWifiStatusFromLegacyError(legacy_status), {}};
    sp<WifiStaIface> iface = new WifiStaIface(ifname, legacy_hal_, iface_util_);
    for (const auto& callback : event_cb_handler_.getCallbacks()) {
        if (!callback->onIfaceAdded(IfaceType::STA, ifname).isOk()) {
            LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to invoke onIfaceAdded callback";
    return {createWifiStatus(WifiStatusCode::SUCCESS), iface};

上面的调用都发生在 HIDL 的 server 端,代码在 hardware/interfaces/wifi/1.0/IWifiChip.hal 中定义,而在 client 端的调用发生在 HalDeviceManager.java 中 executeChipReconfiguration 接口:

/* HalDeviceManager.java */
     * Performs chip reconfiguration per the input:
     * - Removes the specified interfaces
     * - Reconfigures the chip to the new chip mode (if necessary)
     * - Creates the new interface
     * Returns the newly created interface or a null on any error.
    private IWifiIface executeChipReconfiguration(IfaceCreationData ifaceCreationData,
            int ifaceType) {
        if (mDbg) {
            Log.d(TAG, "executeChipReconfiguration: ifaceCreationData=" + ifaceCreationData
                    + ", ifaceType=" + ifaceType);
        synchronized (mLock) {
            try {
                // is this a mode change?
                boolean isModeConfigNeeded = !ifaceCreationData.chipInfo.currentModeIdValid
                        || ifaceCreationData.chipInfo.currentModeId != ifaceCreationData.chipModeId;
                if (mDbg) Log.d(TAG, "isModeConfigNeeded=" + isModeConfigNeeded);

                // first delete interfaces/change modes
                if (isModeConfigNeeded) {
                    // remove all interfaces pre mode-change
                    // TODO: is this necessary? note that even if we don't want to explicitly
                    // remove the interfaces we do need to call the onDeleted callbacks - which
                    // this does
                    for (WifiIfaceInfo[] ifaceInfos: ifaceCreationData.chipInfo.ifaces) {
                        for (WifiIfaceInfo ifaceInfo: ifaceInfos) {
                            removeIfaceInternal(ifaceInfo.iface); // ignore return value

                    WifiStatus status = ifaceCreationData.chipInfo.chip.configureChip(
                    if (status.code != WifiStatusCode.SUCCESS) {
                        Log.e(TAG, "executeChipReconfiguration: configureChip error: "
                                + statusString(status));
                        return null;
                } else {
                    // remove all interfaces on the delete list
                    for (WifiIfaceInfo ifaceInfo: ifaceCreationData.interfacesToBeRemovedFirst) {
                        removeIfaceInternal(ifaceInfo.iface); // ignore return value

                // create new interface
                Mutable<WifiStatus> statusResp = new Mutable<>();
                Mutable<IWifiIface> ifaceResp = new Mutable<>();
                switch (ifaceType) {
                    case IfaceType.STA:
                                (WifiStatus status, IWifiStaIface iface) -> {
                                    statusResp.value = status;
                                    ifaceResp.value = iface;
                    case IfaceType.AP:
                                (WifiStatus status, IWifiApIface iface) -> {
                                    statusResp.value = status;
                                    ifaceResp.value = iface;
                    case IfaceType.P2P:
                                (WifiStatus status, IWifiP2pIface iface) -> {
                                    statusResp.value = status;
                                    ifaceResp.value = iface;
                    case IfaceType.NAN:
                                (WifiStatus status, IWifiNanIface iface) -> {
                                    statusResp.value = status;
                                    ifaceResp.value = iface;

                if (statusResp.value.code != WifiStatusCode.SUCCESS) {
                    Log.e(TAG, "executeChipReconfiguration: failed to create interface ifaceType="
                            + ifaceType + ": " + statusString(statusResp.value));
                    return null;

                return ifaceResp.value;
            } catch (RemoteException e) {
                Log.e(TAG, "executeChipReconfiguration exception: " + e);
                return null;

被同为 HalDeviceManager 类中的 createIfaceIfPossible 方法调用,而它则被 createIface 调用:

/* HalDeviceManager.java */
    private IWifiIface createIface(int ifaceType, InterfaceDestroyedListener destroyedListener,
            Handler handler) {
        if (mDbg) {
            Log.d(TAG, "createIface: ifaceType=" + ifaceType);

        synchronized (mLock) {
            WifiChipInfo[] chipInfos = getAllChipInfo();
            if (chipInfos == null) {
                Log.e(TAG, "createIface: no chip info found");
                stopWifi(); // major error: shutting down
                return null;

            if (!validateInterfaceCache(chipInfos)) {
                Log.e(TAG, "createIface: local cache is invalid!");
                stopWifi(); // major error: shutting down
                return null;

            IWifiIface iface = createIfaceIfPossible(chipInfos, ifaceType, destroyedListener,
            if (iface != null) { // means that some configuration has changed
                if (!dispatchAvailableForRequestListeners()) {
                    return null; // catastrophic failure - shut down

            return iface;

    private IWifiIface createIfaceIfPossible(WifiChipInfo[] chipInfos, int ifaceType,
            InterfaceDestroyedListener destroyedListener, Handler handler) {
        if (VDBG) {
            Log.d(TAG, "createIfaceIfPossible: chipInfos=" + Arrays.deepToString(chipInfos)
                    + ", ifaceType=" + ifaceType);
        synchronized (mLock) {
            IfaceCreationData bestIfaceCreationProposal = null;
            for (WifiChipInfo chipInfo: chipInfos) {
                for (IWifiChip.ChipMode chipMode: chipInfo.availableModes) {
                    for (IWifiChip.ChipIfaceCombination chipIfaceCombo : chipMode
                            .availableCombinations) {
                        int[][] expandedIfaceCombos = expandIfaceCombos(chipIfaceCombo);
                        if (VDBG) {
                            Log.d(TAG, chipIfaceCombo + " expands to "
                                    + Arrays.deepToString(expandedIfaceCombos));

                        for (int[] expandedIfaceCombo: expandedIfaceCombos) {
                            IfaceCreationData currentProposal = canIfaceComboSupportRequest(
                                    chipInfo, chipMode, expandedIfaceCombo, ifaceType);
                            if (compareIfaceCreationData(currentProposal,
                                    bestIfaceCreationProposal)) {
                                if (VDBG) Log.d(TAG, "new proposal accepted");
                                bestIfaceCreationProposal = currentProposal;

            if (bestIfaceCreationProposal != null) {
                IWifiIface iface = executeChipReconfiguration(bestIfaceCreationProposal, ifaceType);
                if (iface != null) {
                    InterfaceCacheEntry cacheEntry = new InterfaceCacheEntry();

                    cacheEntry.chip = bestIfaceCreationProposal.chipInfo.chip;
                    cacheEntry.chipId = bestIfaceCreationProposal.chipInfo.chipId;
                    cacheEntry.name = getName(iface);
                    cacheEntry.type = ifaceType;
                    if (destroyedListener != null) {
                                new InterfaceDestroyedListenerProxy(
                                        cacheEntry.name, destroyedListener, handler));
                    cacheEntry.creationTime = mClock.getUptimeSinceBootMillis();

                    if (mDbg) Log.d(TAG, "createIfaceIfPossible: added cacheEntry=" + cacheEntry);
                            Pair.create(cacheEntry.name, cacheEntry.type), cacheEntry);
                    return iface;

        return null;

实际调用者为 createStaIface

     * Create a STA interface if possible. Changes chip mode and removes conflicting interfaces if
     * needed and permitted by priority.
     * @param destroyedListener Optional (nullable) listener to call when the allocated interface
     *                          is removed. Will only be registered and used if an interface is
     *                          created successfully.
     * @param handler Handler on which to dispatch listener. Null implies the listener will be
     *                invoked synchronously from the context of the client which triggered the
     *                iface destruction.
     * @return A newly created interface - or null if the interface could not be created.
    public IWifiStaIface createStaIface(
            @Nullable InterfaceDestroyedListener destroyedListener, @Nullable Handler handler) {
        return (IWifiStaIface) createIface(IfaceType.STA, destroyedListener, handler);

而回溯到 WifiVendorHal.java 中的同名函数 createStaIface

/* WifiVendorHal.java */
     * Create a STA iface using {@link HalDeviceManager}.
     * @param destroyedListener Listener to be invoked when the interface is destroyed.
     * @return iface name on success, null otherwise.
    public String createStaIface(InterfaceDestroyedListener destroyedListener) {
        synchronized (sLock) {
            IWifiStaIface iface = mHalDeviceManager.createStaIface(
                    new StaInterfaceDestroyedListenerInternal(destroyedListener), null);
            if (iface == null) {
                mLog.err("Failed to create STA iface").flush();
                return stringResult(null);
            String ifaceName = mHalDeviceManager.getName((IWifiIface) iface);
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(ifaceName)) {
                mLog.err("Failed to get iface name").flush();
                return stringResult(null);
            if (!registerStaIfaceCallback(iface)) {
                mLog.err("Failed to register STA iface callback").flush();
                return stringResult(null);
            if (!retrieveWifiChip((IWifiIface) iface)) {
                mLog.err("Failed to get wifi chip").flush();
                return stringResult(null);
            mIWifiStaIfaces.put(ifaceName, iface);
            return ifaceName;

继而进入 WifiNative.java 中的同名函数 createStaIface(也可能被其内部 startVendorHalSta 调用):

/* WifiNative.java */
     * Helper function to handle creation of STA iface.
     * For devices which do not the support the HAL, this will bypass HalDeviceManager &
     * teardown any existing iface.
    private String createStaIface(@NonNull Iface iface) {
        synchronized (mLock) {
            if (mWifiVendorHal.isVendorHalSupported()) {
                return mWifiVendorHal.createStaIface(
                        new InterfaceDestoyedListenerInternal(iface.id));
            } else {
                Log.i(TAG, "Vendor Hal not supported, ignoring createStaIface.");
                return handleIfaceCreationWhenVendorHalNotSupported(iface);


  • setupInterfaceForClientInConnectivityMode
  • setupInterfaceForClientInScanMode
  • 0
  • 0
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  • 有帮助
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