
Inspect (Inspect.exe) is a Windows-based tool that enables you select any UI element and view the element's accessibility data. You can view Microsoft UI Automation properties and control patterns, as well as Microsoft Active Accessibility properties. Inspect also enables you to test the navigational structure of the automation elements in the UI Automation tree, and the accessible objects in the Microsoft Active Accessibility hierarchy.

Inspect is installed with the Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows 8. (It is also available in previous versions of Windows SDK.) It is located in the \bin\<platform> folder of the SDK installation path (Inspect.exe).


Inspect can be used to examine accessibility data on systems that don't have UI Automation, but can only examine the Microsoft Active Accessibility properties. To examine UI Automation, UI Automation must be present on the system. For more information, see the "Requirements" section of UI Automation.

Inspect is installed as part of the overall set of tools in the Windows Software Development Kit (SDK), it is not distributed as a separate download. The Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows 8.1 includes all of the accessibility-related tools documented in this section. Get the Windows SDK for Windows 8.1.(There's also an SDK download archive linked from that page, if you need a previous version.)

To run Inspect, find Inspect.exe in the \bin\<platform> folder and run it (you don't typically have to run as administrator).

The Inspect Window

The Inspect window has several main parts:

  • Title bar. Displays the Inspect window handle (HWND).
  • Menu bar. Provides access to Inspect functionality.
  • Toolbar. Provides access to Inspect functionality.
  • Tree view. Presents the hierarchical structure of UI elements as a tree-view control that you can use to navigate among the elements.
  • Data view. Displays all exposed accessibility properties for the selected UI element.

The commands available in the menu bar are also available in the toolbar. The following image shows the Inspect tool querying the UI Automation properties of the Edit menu element in Notepad.

Screen shot showing user interface for the Inspect tool

Using Inspect

When you start Inspect, the Tree view shows the location of the currently selected UI element in the element hierarchy, and the Data view shows the property information for the selected UI element. You can navigate the UI to view accessibility information about every element in the UI. By default, Inspect tracks the keyboard or mouse focus. As focus changes, the Data view updates with the property information of the element with focus.

To navigate among UI elements, you can use any of the following:

  • The mouse
  • The keyboard
  • The tree-view control in the Tree view
  • The navigation options in the Navigation menu
  • The navigation options in the toolbar

The last three options enable you to navigate the tree hierarchy of the UI. The structure of this tree may differ slightly between UI Automation and Microsoft Active Accessibility modes.

Verifying Accessibility Property Information

The Data view shows the property information of the UI element that is currently selected. You can configure Inspect to show you information about all accessibility properties or a subset of those properties. You can also specify other viewing options, such as whether Inspect should remain on top of other user interfaces, or whether Inspect should highlight a bounding rectangle around the selected element. Once you have configured Inspect to work the way you want, you can begin navigating among UI elements and viewing property information. Inspect saves your configuration settings when it closes and uses them to initialize your next Inspect session.

Dd318521.wedge(en-us,VS.85).gifTo Configure Property Settings

  1. From the Options menu, select Settings..., or select Show Settings Dialog from the toolbar.
  2. In the Display in Main Window list, select the properties you want displayed in the Data view of Inspect.
  3. In the Display in Information Tooltip list, select the properties you want displayed in a tooltip.
  4. To view properties that the UI element may not support, check the Display unsupported properties box.
  5. Click OK.

Dd318521.wedge(en-us,VS.85).gifTo Configure Viewing Options

  • In the Options menu or in the toolbar, you can select the following viewing options.
When this option is selected Inspect does this
Always on Top Appears on top of any other window on the screen.
MSAA Mode Displays Microsoft Active Accessibility property information.
UI Automation Mode Displays UI Automation property information.
Visible Windows Only View Available in MSAA mode only.
Raw View Presents the raw view of the UI Automation tree or MSAA tree in the Tree view.
Control View Presents the control view of the UI Automation tree in the Tree view. Available in UI Automation mode only.
Content View Presents the content view of the UI Automation tree in the Tree view. Available in UI Automation mode only.
Active Hover Toolbar Activates toolbar buttons on mouse hover, instead of requiring a mouse click.
Beep on Error Beeps when an error is detected during a UI Automation or MSAA operation.
SPI_SCREENREADER Flag Assumes a screen reader is present. This flag indicates that an application should provide information textually instead of graphically. You should not assume this flag is set simply because a screen reader is present.
Show Highlight Rectangle Highlights a rectangle around the element with focus.
Show Caret Highlight Highlights the caret. Available in MSAA mode only.
Show Information Tooltip Shows property information in a tooltip.
Watch Focus Follows the keyboard focus. When selected, an asynchronous focus event hook is installed and moves the caret to the top left of the element with the focus. This causes Inspect to refresh its properties in about one second.
Watch Caret Follows the caret. Available in MSAA mode only.
Watch Cursor Follows the cursor.
Watch Tooltips Follows the tooltips.
Show Tree Displays the Tree view.


Verifying Accessibility Navigation

Once you have selected a UI element using Inspect, you can validate that the element exposes the correct Windows Automation navigation for assistive technology products.

Dd318521.wedge(en-us,VS.85).gifTo Verify Accessibility Navigation

  1. Open Inspect and the application you want to test.
  2. Select the UI element from which you want to start navigation.
  3. In the Data view, verify that the element exposes the correct navigation-related properties.
  4. Use the Tree view, the Navigation menu, or the navigation buttons on the toolbar to navigate the UI and verify that each element exposes the correct navigation-related properties.

    Note  The Navigation menu options and navigation toolbar buttons change depending on where the selected element is in the tree.

Interacting with UI Elements

Windows Automation exposes methods that allow assistive technology products to interact with a UI element as if the mouse or keyboard were being used (for example, to click a button). Inspect's Action menu enables testers to invoke Windows Automation methods on an element (for example, Invoke.Invoke calls theIUIAutomationInvokePattern::Invoke method).

Dd318521.wedge(en-us,VS.85).gifTo Interact with UI Elements

  1. Open Inspect and the application you want to test.
  2. Select the UI element with which you want to interact.
  3. From the Action menu or the toolbar, select the action that corresponds to Windows Automation method you want to invoke.

The Action menu contains the Refresh and Focus items, along with other items that vary depending on whether UI Automation mode or MSAA mode in selected. In UI Automation mode, the other items reflect the control patterns supported by the currently selected UI element. In MSAA mode, the other items always consist of the following:

Action Description
Refresh Refreshes the user interface. Available in MSAA and UI Automation mode.
Default Action Performs the default action for the element.
Focus Sets focus on the element. Available in MSAA and UI Automation mode.
Select Selects the element.
Extend Selection Extends the selection of elements to include all elements between the first selected element and the current element.
Add to Selection Selects the current element (such as a list item).
Remove from Selection Removes the current element from the selection.
SetAccValue Sets the Microsoft Active Accessibility value of the element to the specified string.
Focused Child Navigates to the child of the element that currently has focus.
HitTest at Cursor Navigates to the child of the element specified by mouse cursor.
HitTest... Opens the HitTest dialog box.


Keyboard Shortcuts

Many of the menu items can be invoked with a keyboard shortcut even when Inspect is not the active application. Note however, that the shortcut keys conflict with some applications.

The following keyboard shortcut keys activate the various options on the menu:

To do this Use this keyboard shortcut
Invoke the default action of the object under the cursor (Do Default Action). Available in MSAA mode only. CTRL+SHIFT+F2
Select the object under the cursor (Select). Available in MSAA mode only. CTRL+SHIFT+F3
Set the keyboard focus to the object under the cursor (Focus). CTRL+SHIFT+F4
Move to the previous sibling object from the one under the cursor. This command navigates to objects only within a container (Previous Sibling). CTRL+SHIFT+F5
Move to the object's parent (Parent). CTRL+SHIFT+F6
Move to the first child of the current object (First Child). CTRL+SHIFT+F7
Move to the next sibling object from the one under the cursor. This command navigates to objects only within a container (Next Sibling). CTRL+SHIFT+F8
Move to the last child of the current object (Last Child). CTRL+SHIFT+F9
Move to the object under the mouse cursor (HitTest at Cursor). Available in MSAA mode only. CTRL+SHIFT+1
Copy the contents of the Data view to the clipboard (Copy All). CTRL+SHIFT+4
Refresh the contents of the Data view (Refresh). CTRL+SHIFT+5
Watch the object that has focus (Watch Focus). CTRL+SHIFT+6
Move to the sibling object to the left of the one the cursor is over (Left). Available in MSAA mode only. CTRL+SHIFT+7
Move to the sibling object above the object the cursor is over (Up). Available in MSAA mode only. CTRL+SHIFT+8
Move to the sibling object below the one the cursor is over (Down). Available in MSAA mode only. CTRL+SHIFT+9
Move to the sibling object to the right of the one the cursor is over (Right). Available in MSAA mode only. CTRL+SHIFT+0


Related topics

Accessible Event Watcher Testing Tools UI Accessibility Checker UI Automation Verify AccScope



Pywinauto的inspect是一个控件查看工具,它可以帮助开发者在使用Pywinauto时查看和定位控件。在Pywinauto的安装和使用中,可以通过安装inspect工具来辅助开发工作。首先,你需要使用命令pip install pywinauto来安装Pywinauto这个库。然后,你可以在Pywinauto的中文文档或官方文档中找到关于Pywinauto的使用指南和详细说明。其中,官方文档中的Getting Started Guide提供了关于Pywinauto inspect工具的更多信息。所以,如果你想了解更多关于pywinauto inspect的内容,可以参考官方文档中的相关部分。<span class="em">1</span><span class="em">2</span><span class="em">3</span> #### 引用[.reference_title] - *1* [基于pywinauto的自动化测试(一)]([target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v93^chatsearchT3_2"}}] [.reference_item style="max-width: 50%"] - *2* *3* [PC端windows自动化:pywinauto(一)安装和打开程序]([target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v93^chatsearchT3_2"}}] [.reference_item style="max-width: 50%"] [ .reference_list ]




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