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原创 J2EE - HttpSession
important functions:HttpServletServletConfigServletContextHttpServletRequest 父类:ServletRequest Cookie[] request.getCookies(); request.getRequestURL(); reque...
2018-09-17 18:06:36 227
原创 python - 3.1
3.1 and or not# 判断变量是否为0, 是0则为False,非0判断为True, # and中含0,返回0; 均为非0时,返回后一个值, 2 and 0 # 返回02 and 1 # 返回11 and 2 # 返回2# or中, 至少有一个非0时,返回第一个非0,2 or 0 # 返回22 or 1 # 返回20 or 1 # 返回1 ...
2018-09-17 14:12:54 224
原创 Differences between Interpreters and Compilers
As I started to learn Compilers, differences between two similar concepts interpreters and compilers are confusing to me. I searched online and found information below: Interpreter: high level l...
2018-09-16 00:07:29 325
原创 Compilers - Lexical Analysis Notes
Token Classes (Classes)In programming languages: Identifiers, Keywords, "(", ")", Numbers, Operator, ... Each class corresponds to a sets of strings:Identifiers: a string of letters or digits ...
2018-09-15 23:48:56 304
原创 【填坑】现代启发式算法
搞定了上周末的辽宁大学模拟联合国峰会...最后拿了个Best Delegate,开开心心来填坑。 主要分成三个部分,在维基上搜了一下:一、模拟退火:https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%A8%A1%E6%8B%9F%E9%80%80%E7%81%AB(中文 维基百科) 按照维基写的结合之前例会讲的内容,模拟退火就是用来解决求函数最
2017-03-23 18:43:22 645
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