HiveServer2 is a rewrite of HiveServer that addresses these problems, starting with Hive 0.11.0. Use of HiveServer2 is recommended.
HiveServer was removed from Hive releases starting in Hive 1.0.0 (formerly called 0.14.1). Please switch over to HiveServer2.
Handling of NULL Values
Missing values are represented by the special value NULL. To import data with NULL fields, check documentation of the SerDe used by the table. (The default Text Format uses LazySimpleSerDe which interprets the string \N as NULL when importing.)
HiveServer was removed from Hive releases starting in Hive 1.0.0 (formerly called 0.14.1). Please switch over to HiveServer2.
Handling of NULL Values
Missing values are represented by the special value NULL. To import data with NULL fields, check documentation of the SerDe used by the table. (The default Text Format uses LazySimpleSerDe which interprets the string \N as NULL when importing.)