IPQ8074 vs. IPQ8064 SOC: A Technical Comparison

# IPQ8074 vs. IPQ8064 SOC: A Technical Comparison

System on Chips (SoCs) play a pivotal role in modern networking devices, and Qualcomm’s IPQ8074 and IPQ8064 are two prominent examples within this domain.    Both belong to the Qualcomm Networking Pro series, designed to provide high-performance processing for routers and other network devices.    This article explores the key differences between these two SoCs, focusing on their architecture, performance, connectivity features, and overall capabilities.

## Architectural Differences

### CPU Cores and Performance

- **IPQ8074:**
- **CPU Architecture:** Quad-core ARM Cortex-A53
- **Clock Speed:** Up to 2.2 GHz
- **Fabrication Process:** 14nm FinFET
- **Performance:** Higher efficiency and performance per watt compared to the IPQ8064, owing to the more modern and power-efficient Cortex-A53 cores and a smaller fabrication process.

- **IPQ8064:**
- **CPU Architecture:** Dual-core Krait 300 (based on ARM Cortex-A15)
- **Clock Speed:** Up to 1.4 GHz
- **Fabrication Process:** 28nm
- **Performance:** Lower performance compared to the IPQ8074, with a higher power consumption footprint due to the older Krait architecture and larger process node.

### Memory and Storage

- **IPQ8074:**
- **Memory Interface:** Supports DDR4 memory
- **Memory Bandwidth:** Higher bandwidth with improved power efficiency
- **Storage:** Enhanced storage options with faster interfaces

- **IPQ8064:**
- **Memory Interface:** Supports DDR3/DDR3L memory
- **Memory Bandwidth:** Lower bandwidth compared to DDR4
- **Storage:** Limited to older storage interface standards

## Connectivity and Networking Capabilities

### Wireless Capabilities

- **IPQ8074:**
- **Wi-Fi Standard:** Supports Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)
- **MIMO Configuration:** Up to 8x8 MU-MIMO
- **Peak Data Rates:** Significantly higher data rates due to advanced modulation and coding schemes
- **Other Features:** OFDMA, BSS Coloring, Target Wake Time (TWT)

- **IPQ8064:**
- **Wi-Fi Standard:** Supports up to Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac)
- **MIMO Configuration:** Up to 4x4 MU-MIMO
- **Peak Data Rates:** Lower peak data rates compared to IPQ8074
- **Other Features:** Limited to older Wi-Fi advancements

### Wired Connectivity

- **IPQ8074:**
- **Ethernet Ports:** Integrated 10G Ethernet support
- **Switch Capability:** Advanced switching capabilities with higher port count
- **Other Interfaces:** More extensive I/O options including PCIe, USB 3.0

- **IPQ8064:**
- **Ethernet Ports:** Supports up to 1G Ethernet
- **Switch Capability:** Basic switching capabilities with lower port count
- **Other Interfaces:** Limited to older I/O standards

## Power Efficiency

The IPQ8074 benefits significantly from a more advanced fabrication process (14nm FinFET) compared to the IPQ8064's 28nm process.    This results in lower power consumption and higher performance per watt, making the IPQ8074 more suitable for high-performance networking applications where power efficiency is crucial.

## Applications and Use Cases

### IPQ8074

Given its advanced features and higher performance, the IPQ8074 is ideal for:
- High-end consumer routers and access points
- Enterprise-grade networking equipment
- High-density deployments requiring advanced Wi-Fi 6 features
- Use cases demanding high data throughput and low latency

### IPQ8064

The IPQ8064, while older and less powerful, still serves well in:
- Mid-range consumer routers
- Small to medium-sized business networking devices
- Applications where cost-efficiency is more critical than cutting-edge performance

## Conclusion
High-capacity 802.11ax SoC for Routers, Gateways and Access Points

The IPQ8074 is Qualcomm’s first 802.11ax network solution, designed to meet the growing demands of increasingly crowded and dense Wi-Fi environments.    It offers the optimal 11ax configuration to bring unprecedented capacity and coverage to Wi-Fi networks, and supports several unique features to ensure the best possible Wi-Fi performance for all types of applications.

Qualcomm® Internet Processor (IPQ) for Home Network Products
The IPQ8064 is a quad-core network processor designed to bring unprecedented performance and power efficiency to Wi-Fi routers and gateways.    It combines a powerful, dual-core Qualcomm® Krait™ CPU (1.4 GHz) for control plane and applications, with a dual-core 730 MHz Network Subsystem (NSS) to accelerate packet processing.    The IPQ8064 also features a PHY-agnostic design and wide variety of peripheral interfaces to maximize design flexibility across a full range of home networking products.

The Qualcomm IPQ8074 represents a significant step forward from the IPQ8064, bringing modern enhancements in CPU architecture, wireless capabilities, wired connectivity, and power efficiency.    These improvements make the IPQ8074 more suitable for the latest networking demands, particularly in environments that require high data rates, low latency, and efficient power usage.    Mea

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### 回答1: IPQ5018是一种高性能的网络处理器,常用于路由器和其他网络设备中。若要刷入OpenWrt操作系统,需要先确认设备的硬件支持OpenWrt,并选择适用的OpenWrt固件版本。 步骤如下: 1.准备工作:备份所有设备数据、配置;确认设备型号和使用的OpenWrt固件版本。 2.进入设备管理页面:打开设备维护页面,选择固件升级。 3.上传OpenWrt固件:点击文件上传按钮,选择已下载的固件文件,上传刷入固件包。 4.刷入OpenWrt固件:设备自动进入刷写过程,等待几分钟即可完成安装。 5.恢复出厂设置:在安装完成后,建议恢复出厂设置及重新设置所有配置。 需要注意的是,刷入OpenWrt固件会导致设备重置且可能会导致设备不再受支持的风险。另外,刷写过程中不要断电,避免对设备造成不可逆的损伤。 ### 回答2: IPQ5018是一种高性能的路由器芯片,在使用时可以根据需要刷入OpenWrt系统来实现更加灵活的功能和管理。但是,在刷OpenWrt之前需要注意以下事项: 1.了解IPQ5018的硬件和软件限制:在刷OpenWrt之前,需要了解IPS5018路由器的硬件限制并确认本身已安装的固件版本。同时,为了避免在刷OpenWrt过程中出现问题,还需要通过官方网站获取固件的压缩包,在对固件进行备份的情况下进行下载。 2.备份原装固件:在开始刷OpenWrt之前,需要做好备份原装固件的工作,从而在遇到问题时可以快速恢复。备份的方法可以通过RTK(https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/hardware/backup_configuration)手动进行,具体方法也可以通过在线讨论或者官方文档进行查询。 3.确认网络配置:在切换到OpenWrt之后,路由器的网络配置将会发生变化。因此,在刷OpenWrt之前,需要确认自己已经了解OpenWrt的网络配置方法并有能力进行修改。 4.选择合适的OpenWrt固件:在刷OpenWrt之前,还需要根据自己的需要选择合适的OpenWrt固件,在下载之前必须确认该版本的OpenWrt可以兼容IPS5018芯片,并且适合当前网络环境和应用。 刷IPQ5018的方法: 1.连接路由器:将路由器连接上电脑,确认电脑的网卡已经设置为能够自动获取IP的状态。 2.进入系统管理界面:在浏览器中输入路由器的默认地址,进入系统管理界面。 3.备份原装固件:在管理界面中备份原装固件,可以通过RTK进行手动设置,也可以通过在线工具进行备份。 4.下载OpenWrt固件:确认选择好适合当前网络环境和应用的OpenWrt固件版本后,进行下载。 5.刷入OpenWrt固件:在确认好备份用途和下载结果后,将OpenWrt固件进行刷入,并等待设备自动重启。 6.恢复原始设备:在确认刷入新的OpenWrt固件后,可以通过备份原装固件进行设备恢复,或者优化其网络配置和应用程序,以实现更好的路由器性能和管理。 ### 回答3: IPQ5018是高通推出的一款高性能网络处理器,可以应用于路由器等网络设备中。而OpenWrt则是一款开源的路由器系统固件,提供了强大的网络功能和可定制性,支持许多硬件平台,包括IPQ5018。 下面是在IPQ5018芯片的路由器上刷OpenWrt系统的步骤: 1. 准备工作 首先需要下载IPQ5018对应的OpenWrt固件,可以从OpenWrt官网下载。然后需要用TFTP服务器将固件上传到路由器。还需要备份路由器原始固件和配置文件,以免出现错误导致路由器无法使用。 2. 适配固件 下载的OpenWrt固件是一个通用的系统,需要按照IPQ5018芯片所在的硬件平台进行适配。可以参考OpenWrt官方网站提供的硬件支持列表,找到匹配的固件版本。 3. 进入恢复模式 在路由器上按住恢复按钮,同时插入电源线。等待几秒钟,恢复按钮灯将会变为红色,表示路由器已经进入恢复模式。 4. 上传固件 在PC端打开TFTP服务器,将下载的OpenWrt固件上传到路由器。路由器会自动检测上传的固件,并进行刷写操作。刷写完成后,路由器会自动重启,并运行新的OpenWrt系统。 5. 配置新系统 在路由器重启后,需要进行新系统的配置。可以通过Web界面或SSH连接进行配置,包括网络设置、无线设置、防火墙设置等。也可以通过命令行界面进行配置。 总结起来,刷OpenWrt固件需要准备好原始固件和配置文件的备份,下载适配的固件版本和TFTP服务器,进入恢复模式,上传固件,最后进行新系统的配置。这样可以为路由器带来更多功能和性能,同时也需要注意风险和错误的纠正。


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