Boost 库命名规则(翻译)

/* Translated By: Andrew.Wu
Created on : 2009/05/11
Boost C++ Libraries Getting Started on Windows - Naming
Boost C++ Libraries Getting Started on Unix Variants - Naming */

In order to choose the right binary for your build configuration you need to know how Boost binaries are named. Each library filename is composed of a common sequence of elements that describe how it was built. For example, libboost_regex-vc71-mt-d-1_34.lib can be broken down into the following elements:

要为你的构建配置选择合适的库,你需要知道 boost 库是如何被命名.每个 boost 库的文件名由一系统说明其构建方式的元素组成 . 例如, libboost_regex-vc71-mt-d-1_34.lib 能够被分解为下面的元素:

Prefix: except on Microsoft Windows, every Boost library name begins with this string. On Windows, only ordinary static libraries use the lib prefix; import libraries and DLLs do not. 6
前缀: 除了 Microsoft Windows, 每一个 Boost library 的名字都由这个字符串开始. 在 Windows, 仅 static libraries 使用 lib 前缀; import 库和 DLLs 不使用. 6
Library name: all boost library filenames begin with boost_.
库名: 所有 boost 库文件名都以 boost_ 开始.
Toolset 标签: 指明构建库的 toolset 及其版本.
Threading tag: indicates that the library was built with multithreading support enabled. Libraries built without multithreading support can be identified by the absence of -mt.
线程标签: 表明库构建是带多线程支持的,如果没有多线程支持,则没有 -mt.

ABI tag: encodes details that affect the library's interoperability with other compiled code. For each such feature, a single letter is added to the tag:

ABI tag:  影响库与其它编译代码的互操作性的细节的编码. 对每一个对应的功能都会有一个单个字母加入到标签:

KeyUse this library when:
slinking statically to the C++ standard library and compiler runtime support libraries.
静态地链接到 C++ 标准库和编译器运行时支持库.
gusing debug versions of the standard and runtime support libraries.
yusing a special debug build of Python.
dbuilding a debug version of your code.7
pusing the STLPort standard library rather than the default one supplied with your compiler.
使用STLPort 标准库而不是你编译器缺省提供的标准库
nusing STLPort's deprecated “native iostreams” feature.8

For example, if you build a debug version of your code for use with debug versions of the static runtime library and the STLPort standard library in “native iostreams” mode, the tag would be: -sgdpn. If none of the above apply, the ABI tag is ommitted.

例如, 如果你使用静态运行库的调试版本和带“native iostreams”模式的STLPort标准库构建你的代码, 标签将是: -sgdpn. If none of the above apply, the ABI tag is ommitted.

Version tag: the full Boost release number, with periods replaced by underscores. For example, version 1.31.1 would be tagged as "-1_31_1".
版本标签: 完整的 Boost 版本号, 其句点被替换为下划线. 例如版本 1.31.1 被标志为 "-1_31_1".
Extension: determined according to the operating system's usual convention. On most unix-style platforms the extensions are .a and .so for static libraries (archives) and shared libraries, respectively. On Windows, .dll indicates a shared library and .lib indicates a static or import library. Where supported by toolsets on unix variants, a full version extension is added (e.g. ".so.1.34") and a symbolic link to the library file, named without the trailing version number, will also be created.
扩展名: 完全依照操作系统通常惯例. 在大部分 unix-style 平台静态库(档案)和共享库分别使用 . 在 Windows, .dll 说明是共享库 .lib 说明是静态库或导入库. Where supported by toolsets on unix variants, a full version extension is added (e.g. ".so.1.34") and a symbolic link to the library file, named without the trailing version number, will also be created.




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