
第 4 章 模块应该是深的

Chapter 4 Modules Should Be Deep

One of the most important techniques for managing software complexity is to design systems so that developers only need to face a small fraction of the overall complexity at any given time. This approach is called modular design, and this chapter presents its basic principles.


4.1 Modular design 模块化设计

In modular design, a software system is decomposed into a collection of modules that are relatively independent. Modules can take many forms, such as classes, subsystems, or services. In an ideal world, each module would be completely independent of the others: a developer could work in any of the modules without knowing anything about any of the other modules. In this world, the complexity of a system would be the complexity of its worst module.


Unfortunately, this ideal is not achievable. Modules must work together by calling each others’s functions or methods. As a result, modules must know something about each other. There will be dependencies between the modules: if one module changes, other modules may need to change to match. For example, the arguments for a method create a dependency between the method and any code that invokes the method. If the required arguments change, all invocations of the method must be modified to conform to the new signature. Dependencies can take many other forms, and they can be quite subtle. The goal of modular design is to minimize the dependencies between modules.


In order to manage dependencies, we think of each module in two parts: an interface and an implementation. The interface consists of everything that a developer working in a different module must know in order to use the given module. Typically, the interface describes what the module does but not how it does it. The implementation consists of the code that carries out the promises made by the interface. A developer working in a particular module must understand the interface and implementation of that module, plus the interfaces of any other modules invoked by the given module. A developer should not need to understand the implementations of modules other than the one he or she is working in.


Consider a module that implements balanced trees. The module probably contains sophisticated code for ensuring that the tree remains balanced. However, this complexity is not visible to users of the module. Users see a relatively simple interface for invoking operations to insert, remove, and fetch nodes in the tree. To invoke an insert operation, the caller need only provide the key and value for the new node; the mechanisms for traversing the tree and splitting nodes are not visible in the interface.


For the purposes of this book, a module is any unit of code that has an interface and an implementation. Each class in an object-oriented programming language is a module. Methods within a class, or functions in a language that isn’t object-oriented, can also be thought of as modules: each of these has an interface and an implementation, and modular design techniques can be applied to them. Higher-level subsystems and services are also modules; their interfaces may take different forms, such as kernel calls or HTTP requests. Much of the discussion about modular design in this book focuses on designing classes, but the techniques and concepts apply to other kinds of modules as well.

就本书而言,模块是具有接口和实现的任何代码单元。面向对象编程语言中的每个类都是一个模块。类中的方法或非面向对象语言中的函数也可以视为模块:每个模块都有一个接口和一个实现,并且可以将模块化设计技术应用于它们。更高级别的子系统和服务也是模块。它们的接口可能采用不同的形式,例如内核调用或 HTTP 请求。本书中有关模块化设计的许多讨论都集中在设计类上,但是技术和概念也适用于其他种类的模块。

The best modules are those whose interfaces are much simpler than their implementations. Such modules have two advantages. First, a simple interface minimizes the complexity that a module imposes on the rest of the system. Second, if a module is modified in a way that does not change its interface, then no other module will be affected by the modification. If a module’s interface is much simpler than its implementation, there will be many aspects of the module that can be changed without affecting other modules.


4.2 What’s in an interface? 接口中有什么?

The interface to a module contains two kinds of information: formal and informal. The formal parts of an interface are specified explicitly in the code, and some of these can be checked for correctness by the programming language. For example, the formal interface for a method is its signature, which includes the names and types of its parameters, the type of its return value, and information about exceptions thrown by the method. Most programming languages ensure that each invocation of a method provides the right number and types of arguments to match its signature. The formal interface for a class consists of the signatures for all of its public methods, plus the names and types of any public variables.


Each interface also includes informal elements. These are not specified in a way that can be understood or enforced by the programming language. The informal parts of an interface include its high-level behavior, such as the fact that a function deletes the file named by one of its arguments. If there are constraints on the usage of a class (perhaps one method must be called before another), these are also part of the class’s interface. In general, if a developer needs to know a particular piece of information in order to use a module, then that information is part of the module’s interface. The informal aspects of an interface can only be described using comments, and the programming language cannot ensure that the description is complete or accurate1. For most interfaces the informal aspects are larger and more complex than the formal aspects.


One of the benefits of a clearly specified interface is that it indicates exactly what developers need to know in order to use the associated module. This helps to eliminate the “unknown unknowns” problem described in Section 2.2.

明确指定接口的好处之一是,它可以准确指示开发人员使用关联模块所需要知道的内容。这有助于消除第 2.2 节中描述的“未知的未知”问题。

4.3 Abstractions 抽象

The term abstraction is closely related to the idea of modular design. An abstraction is a simplified view of an entity, which omits unimportant details. Abstractions are useful because they make it easier for us to think about and manipulate complex things.


In modular programming, each module provides an abstraction in form of its interface. The interface presents a simplified view of the module’s functionality; the details of the implementation are unimportant from the standpoint of the module’s abstraction, so they are omitted from the interface.


In the definition of abstraction, the word “unimportant” is crucial. The more unimportant details that are omitted from an abstraction, the better. However, a detail can only be omitted from an abstraction if it is unimportant. An abstraction can go wrong in two ways. First, it can include details that are not really important; when this happens, it makes the abstraction more complicated than necessary, which increases the cognitive load on developers using the abstraction. The second error is when an abstraction omits details that really are important. This results in obscurity: developers looking only at the abstraction will not have all the information they need to use the abstraction correctly. An abstraction that omits important details is a false abstraction: it might appear simple, but in reality it isn’t. The key to designing abstractions is to understand what is important, and to look for designs that minimize the amount of information that is important.


As an example, consider a file system. The abstraction provided by a file system omits many details, such as the mechanism for choosing which blocks on a storage device to use for the data in a given file. These details are unimportant to users of the file system (as long as the system provides adequate performance). However, some of the details of a file system’s implementation are important to users. Most file systems cache data in main memory, and they may delay writing new data to the storage device in order to improve performance. Some applications, such as databases, need to know exactly when data is written through to storage, so they can ensure that data will be preserved after system crashes. Thus, the rules for flushing data to secondary storage must be visible in the file system’s interface.


We depend on abstractions to manage complexity not just in programming, but pervasively in our everyday lives. A microwave oven contains complex electronics to convert alternating current into microwave radiation and distribute that radiation throughout the cooking cavity. Fortunately, users see a much simpler abstraction, consisting of a few buttons to control the timing and intensity of the microwaves. Cars provide a simple abstraction that allows us to drive them without understanding the mechanisms for electrical motors, battery power management, anti-lock brakes, cruise control, and so on.


4.4 Deep modules 深度模块

The best modules are those that provide powerful functionality yet have simple interfaces. I use the term deep to describe such modules. To visualize the notion of depth, imagine that each module is represented by a rectangle, as shown in Figure 4.1. The area of each rectangle is proportional to the functionality implemented by the module. The top edge of a rectangle represents the module’s interface; the length of that edge indicates the complexity of the interface. The best modules are deep: they have a lot of functionality hidden behind a simple interface. A deep module is a good abstraction because only a small fraction of its internal complexity is visible to its users.

最好的模块是那些提供强大功能但具有简单接口的模块。我用“深入”一词来描述这样的模块。为了形象化深度的概念,假设每个模块都由一个矩形表示,如图 4.1 所示。每个矩形的面积与模块实现的功能成比例。矩形的顶部边缘代表模块的接口;边缘的长度表示接口的复杂性。最好的模块很深:它们在简单的接口后隐藏了许多功能。深度模块是一个很好的抽象,因为其内部复杂性的很小一部分对其用户可见。


Figure 4.1: Deep and shallow modules. The best modules are deep: they allow a lot of functionality to be accessed through a simple interface. A shallow module is one with a relatively complex interface, but not much functionality: it doesn’t hide much complexity.

图 4.1:深浅模块。最好的模块很深:它们允许通过简单的接口访问许多功能。浅层模块是具有相对复杂的接口的模块,但功能不多:它不会掩盖太多的复杂性。

Module depth is a way of thinking about cost versus benefit. The benefit provided by a module is its functionality. The cost of a module (in terms of system complexity) is its interface. A module’s interface represents the complexity that the module imposes on the rest of the system: the smaller and simpler the interface, the less complexity that it introduces. The best modules are those with the greatest benefit and the least cost. Interfaces are good, but more, or larger, interfaces are not necessarily better!


The mechanism for file I/O provided by the Unix operating system and its descendants, such as Linux, is a beautiful example of a deep interface. There are only five basic system calls for I/O, with simple signatures:

Unix 操作系统及其后代(例如 Linux)提供的文件 I/O 机制是深层接口的一个很好的例子。I/O 只有五个基本系统调用,带有简单签名:

int open(const char* path, int flags, mode_t permissions);
ssize_t read(int fd, void* buffer, size_t count);
ssize_t write(int fd, const void* buffer, size_t count);
off_t lseek(int fd, off_t offset, int referencePosition);
int close(int fd);

The open system call takes a hierarchical file name such as /a/b/c and returns an integer file descriptor, which is used to reference the open file. The other arguments for open provide optional information such as whether the file is being opened for reading or writing, whether a new file should be created if there is no existing file, and access permissions for the file, if a new file is created. The read and write system calls transfer information between buffer areas in the application’s memory and the file; close ends the access to the file. Most files are accessed sequentially, so that is the default; however, random access can be achieved by invoking the lseek system call to change the current access position.

开放系统调用采用分层文件名,例如/ a / b / c,并返回一个整数文件描述符,该描述符用于引用打开文件。open 的其他自变量提供可选信息,例如是否正在打开文件以进行读取或写入,如果不存在现有文件则是否应创建新文件,以及如果创建新文件则具有文件的访问权限。读写系统调用在应用程序内存和文件的缓冲区之间传输信息。close 结束对文件的访问。大多数文件是按顺序访问的,因此这是默认设置。但是,可以通过调用 lseek 系统调用来更改当前访问位置来实现随机访问。

A modern implementation of the Unix I/O interface requires hundreds of thousands of lines of code, which address complex issues such as:

Unix I/O 接口的现代实现需要成千上万行代码,这些代码可以解决诸如以下的复杂问题:

  • How are files represented on disk in order to allow efficient access?
  • How are directories stored, and how are hierarchical path names processed to find the files they refer to?
  • How are permissions enforced, so that one user cannot modify or delete another user’s files?
  • How are file accesses implemented? For example, how is functionality divided between interrupt handlers and background code, and how do these two elements communicate safely?
  • What scheduling policies are used when there are concurrent accesses to multiple files?
  • How can recently accessed file data be cached in memory in order to reduce the number of disk accesses?
  • How can a variety of different secondary storage devices, such as disks and flash drives, be incorporated into a single file system?

  • 如何在磁盘上表示文件以便有效访问?
  • 如何存储目录,以及如何处理分层路径名以查找它们所引用的文件?
  • 如何强制执行权限,以使一个用户无法修改或删除另一用户的文件?
  • 如何实现文件访问?例如,如何在中断处理程序和后台代码之间划分功能,以及这两个元素如何安全通信?
  • 在同时访问多个文件时使用什么调度策略?
  • 如何将最近访问的文件数据缓存在内存中以减少磁盘访问次数?
  • 如何将各种不同的辅助存储设备(例如磁盘和闪存驱动器)合并到单个文件系统中?

All of these issues, and many more, are handled by the Unix file system implementation; they are invisible to programmers who invoke the system calls. Implementations of the Unix I/O interface have evolved radically over the years, but the five basic kernel calls have not changed.

所有这些问题,以及更多的问题,都由 Unix 文件系统实现来解决。对于调用系统调用的程序员来说,它们是不可见的。多年来,Unix I/O 接口的实现已经发生了根本的发展,但是五个基本内核调用并没有改变。

Another example of a deep module is the garbage collector in a language such as Go or Java. This module has no interface at all; it works invisibly behind the scenes to reclaim unused memory. Adding garbage collection to a system actually shrinks its overall interface, since it eliminates the interface for freeing objects. The implementation of a garbage collector is quite complex, but that complexity is hidden from programmers using the language.

深度模块的另一个示例是诸如 Go 或 Java 之类的语言中的垃圾收集器。这个模块根本没有接口。它在后台进行隐形操作以回收未使用的内存。由于将垃圾收集消除了用于释放对象的接口,因此向系统中添加垃圾回收实际上会缩小其总体接口。垃圾收集器的实现非常复杂,但是使用该语言的程序员无法发现这种复杂性。

Deep modules such as Unix I/O and garbage collectors provide powerful abstractions because they are easy to use, yet they hide significant implementation complexity.

诸如 Unix I/O 和垃圾收集器之类的深层模块提供了强大的抽象,因为它们易于使用,但隐藏了巨大的实现复杂性。

4.5 Shallow modules 浅模块

On the other hand, a shallow module is one whose interface is relatively complex in comparison to the functionality that it provides. For example, a class that implements linked lists is shallow. It doesn’t take much code to manipulate a linked list (inserting or deleting an element takes only a few lines), so the linked list abstraction doesn’t hide very many details. The complexity of a linked list interface is nearly as great as the complexity of its implementation. Shallow classes are sometimes unavoidable, but they don’t provide help much in managing complexity.


Here is an extreme example of a shallow method, taken from a project in a software design class:


private void addNullValueForAttribute(String attribute) {
    data.put(attribute, null);

From the standpoint of managing complexity, this method makes things worse, not better. The method offers no abstraction, since all of its functionality is visible through its interface. For example, callers probably need to know that the attribute will be stored in the data variable. It is no simpler to think about the interface than to think about the full implementation. If the method is documented properly, the documentation will be longer than the method’s code. It even takes more keystrokes to invoke the method than it would take for a caller to manipulate the data variable directly. The method adds complexity (in the form of a new interface for developers to learn) but provides no compensating benefit.

从管理复杂性的角度来看,此方法会使情况变得更糟,而不是更好。该方法不提供任何抽象,因为其所有功能都可以通过其接口看到。例如,调用者可能需要知道该属性将存储在 data 变量中。考虑接口并不比考虑完整实现简单。如果正确记录了该方法,则文档将比该方法的代码长。与调用方直接操作数据变量相比,调用该方法所花费的击键甚至更多。该方法增加了复杂性(以供开发人员学习的新接口的形式),但没有提供任何补偿。

img Red Flag: Shallow Module img

A shallow module is one whose interface is complicated relative to the functionality it provides. Shallow modules don’t help much in the battle against complexity, because the benefit they provide (not having to learn about how they work internally) is negated by the cost of learning and using their interfaces. Small modules tend to be shallow.


4.6 Classitis

Unfortunately, the value of deep classes is not widely appreciated today. The conventional wisdom in programming is that classes should be small, not deep. Students are often taught that the most important thing in class design is to break up larger classes into smaller ones. The same advice is often given about methods: “Any method longer than N lines should be divided into multiple methods” (N can be as low as 10). This approach results in large numbers of shallow classes and methods, which add to overall system complexity.

不幸的是,深度类的价值在今天并未得到广泛认可。编程中的传统观点是,类应该小而不是深。经常告诉学生,类设计中最重要的事情是将较大的类分成较小的类。对于方法,通常会给出相同的建议:“任何长于 N 行的方法都应分为多种方法”(N 可以低至 10)。这种方法导致了大量的浅类和方法,这增加了整体系统的复杂性。

The extreme of the “classes should be small” approach is a syndrome I call classitis, which stems from the mistaken view that “classes are good, so more classes are better.” In systems suffering from classitis, developers are encouraged to minimize the amount of functionality in each new class: if you want more functionality, introduce more classes. Classitis may result in classes that are individually simple, but it increases the complexity of the overall system. Small classes don’t contribute much functionality, so there have to be a lot of them, each with its own interface. These interfaces accumulate to create tremendous complexity at the system level. Small classes also result in a verbose programming style, due to the boilerplate required for each class.


4.7 Examples: Java and Unix I/O 示例:Java 和 Unix I/O

One of the most visible examples of classitis today is the Java class library. The Java language doesn’t require lots of small classes, but a culture of classitis seems to have taken root in the Java programming community. For example, to open a file in order to read serialized objects from it, you must create three different objects:

如今,最常见的分类病实例之一是 Java 类库。Java 语言不需要很多小类,但是分类文化似乎已在 Java 编程社区中扎根。例如,要打开文件以便从文件中读取序列化的对象,必须创建三个不同的对象:

FileInputStream fileStream = new FileInputStream(fileName);

BufferedInputStream bufferedStream = new BufferedInputStream(fileStream);

ObjectInputStream objectStream = new ObjectInputStream(bufferedStream);

A FileInputStream object provides only rudimentary I/O: it is not capable of performing buffered I/O, nor can it read or write serialized objects. The BufferedInputStream object adds buffering to a FileInputStream, and the ObjectInputStream adds the ability to read and write serialized objects. The first two objects in the code above, fileStream and bufferedStream, are never used once the file has been opened; all future operations use objectStream.

FileInputStream 对象仅提供基本的 I/O:它不能执行缓冲的 I/O,也不能读取或写入序列化的对象。BufferedInputStream 对象将缓冲添加到 FileInputStream,而 ObjectInputStream 添加了读取和写入序列化对象的功能。一旦文件被打开,上面代码中的前两个对象 fileStream 和 bufferedStream 将永远不会被使用。以后的所有操作都使用 objectStream。

It is particularly annoying (and error-prone) that buffering must be requested explicitly by creating a separate BufferedInputStream object; if a developer forgets to create this object, there will be no buffering and I/O will be slow. Perhaps the Java developers would argue that not everyone wants to use buffering for file I/O, so it shouldn’t be built into the base mechanism. They might argue that it’s better to keep buffering separate, so people can choose whether or not to use it. Providing choice is good, but interfaces should be designed to make the common case as simple as possible (see the formula on page 6). Almost every user of file I/O will want buffering, so it should be provided by default. For those few situations where buffering is not desirable, the library can provide a mechanism to disable it. Any mechanism for disabling buffering should be cleanly separated in the interface (for example, by providing a different constructor for FileInputStream, or through a method that disables or replaces the buffering mechanism), so that most developers do not even need to be aware of its existence.

特别令人烦恼(并且容易出错)的是,必须通过创建一个单独的 BufferedInputStream 对象来显式请求缓冲。如果开发人员忘记创建该对象,将没有缓冲,并且 I/O 将变慢。也许 Java 开发人员会争辩说,并不是每个人都希望对文件 I/O 使用缓冲,因此不应将其内置到基本机制中。他们可能会争辩说,最好分开保持缓冲,以便人们可以选择是否使用它。提供选择是好的,但是应该设计接口以使常见情况尽可能简单(请参阅第 6 页的公式)。几乎每个文件 I/O 用户都希望缓冲,因此默认情况下应提供缓冲。对于不需要缓冲的少数情况,该库可以提供一种禁用它的机制。

In contrast, the designers of the Unix system calls made the common case simple. For example, they recognized that sequential I/O is most common, so they made that the default behavior. Random access is still relatively easy to do, using the lseek system call, but a developer doing only sequential access need not be aware of that mechanism. If an interface has many features, but most developers only need to be aware of a few of them, the effective complexity of that interface is just the complexity of the commonly used features.

相反,Unix 系统调用的设计者使常见情况变得简单。例如,他们认识到顺序 I/O 是最常见的,因此他们将其作为默认行为。使用 lseek 系统调用,随机访问仍然相对容易实现,但是仅执行顺序访问的开发人员无需了解该机制。如果一个接口具有许多功能,但是大多数开发人员只需要了解其中的一些功能,那么该接口的有效复杂性就是常用功能的复杂性。

4.8 Conclusion 结论

By separating the interface of a module from its implementation, we can hide the complexity of the implementation from the rest of the system. Users of a module need only understand the abstraction provided by its interface. The most important issue in designing classes and other modules is to make them deep, so that they have simple interfaces for the common use cases, yet still provide significant functionality. This maximizes the amount of complexity that is concealed.


1 There exist languages, mostly in the research community, where the overall behavior of a method or function can be described formally using a specification language. The specification can be checked automatically to ensure that it matches the implementation. An interesting question is whether such a formal specification could replace the informal parts of an interface. My current opinion is that an interface described in English is likely to be more intuitive and understandable for developers than one written in a formal specification language.

1 存在语言,主要是在研究社区中,在其中可以使用规范语言来正式描述方法或功能的整体行为。可以自动检查该规范以确保它与实现相匹配。一个有趣的问题是,这样的正式规范是否可以代替接口的非正式部分。我目前的观点是,用英语描述的接口比使用正式规范语言编写的接口对开发人员来说更直观和易于理解。





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