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原创 Insertion Loss & Return Loss

Insertion Loss 和 Return Loss 用来描述高速信号经过一个连接器(connector, component, device, or transmission line...)时的behavior,具体地说就是signal power的loss,都与工作频率有关系。Insertion Loss :指信号在线路中 insert 了一个 connector  后传

2013-12-07 01:01:30 32987 1

原创 Configuration of OpenCV 2.4.7 in VS2012 (X86)

1. Download OpenCV-2.4.7 from opencv.org,unzip to a directory. For example, the directory is ”C:\opencv”and there are two sub-folders under it : “build” and “sources”.2. Configure environment va

2013-12-01 01:11:18 2325

原创 Modelsim仿真查看内部信号

1. 配置仿真工具在Quartus 中,选择Assignments->Settings,然后再弹出的对话框左侧选择EDA Tool Settings->simulation,可以进行仿真的配置,如Tool name, Format(VHDL/Verilog/...), TestBench, simulation script等。2. 从Quartus中运行ModelsimToo

2012-11-13 12:30:59 16484 2

原创 MATLAB画图:改变坐标轴刻度的显示数值

改变坐标轴显示数值,可以用:set(gca,'xtick',xtick,'xticklabel',xticklabel) ;gca表示Get Current Axis的Handle,xtick表示显示刻度的位置,xticklabel表示显示的内容。Example: (from MATLAB Help)x = -pi:.1:pi;y = sin(x);plot(x,y)se

2012-10-07 09:52:16 157451

原创 MATLAB 画图:对数坐标轴

plot(x,y)x 轴和y 轴均为线性刻度loglog(x,y)loglog(...) is the same as PLOT(...), except logarithmic scales are used for both the X- and Y- axes.x 轴和y 轴均为对数刻度semilogx(x,y) semilogx(...) is the

2012-10-01 09:37:30 20744 1

原创 PCB Editor 布线后操作

1. 布线后覆铜2. 覆铜后检查3. Auto Silkscreen(可选)4. 出钻孔文件5. 出光绘文件6. 向PCB制板厂提交文件,生产PCB。

2012-09-03 11:36:53 1648

原创 cadence一些术语


2012-09-02 11:16:13 2660

原创 使用PCB Editor 布局布线

使用PCB Editor 布局布线 1. 创建电路板,基本设置Setup->Parameter,GridSetup->Board Outline2. 设置层叠结构Cross sectionNegative artwork for plane3. 导入网表Netlist4. 摆放元器件,DRC检查。

2012-09-02 09:17:01 3285

原创 使用PCB Editor 制作元件封装Footprint

打开Cadence->PCB Editor,制作元件封装,为之后的PCB设计做准备。这里给出元件封装所要添加的最基本元素。关于管脚的数目、尺寸、间距等信息都需之前从Datasheet获取,或根据封装类型使用工具IPC7351 LP Viewer 查得。 1. 创建Symbol,做基本设置。File->New,在弹出窗口中选择Drawing Type 为Package symbol,设置

2012-09-02 09:15:49 10508 1

原创 使用Pad Designer制作焊盘

在制作元件的PCB Footprint 之前,需要先制作焊盘。焊盘制作需要用的的工具就是Pad Designer。当然在这之前应该根据Datasheet或者提供的封装信息确定好焊盘的尺寸等信息。 在所有程序中找到Cadence->Release 16.3->PCB Editor Utilities->Pad Designer。打开之后,出现如下窗口。这里有两个标签,Parameters 和

2012-09-02 09:15:05 14441

原创 使用Capture画原理图

1. 创建原理图工程。File->New->Project->Schematic,在右侧会出现文件导航窗口,同时会出现标题为SCHEMATIC1:PAGE1的原理图编辑页面。SCHEMATIC1是原理图文件的名字,PAGE1就是原理图的其中一页的名字,可以根据逻辑功能不同,添加不同的页。名称都可以右击文件名,选择Rename修改。而再上层的.dsn就是整个设计文件。2. 选中某一Page,

2012-09-02 09:14:08 6042

原创 使用Capture 制作元件库

对于这里所说的元件库,里面就保存着用来放在原理图中的part。下面是创建元件Part的大致步骤。1.  打开Capture CIS,File->New->Library,右击弹出的文件导航窗口中的.olb 文件,选择Save as,或者File->Save as, 保存成自己需要的路径和文件名。这就创建了元件库文件。2. 右击olb文件,选择New Part,或者Design->New P

2012-09-02 09:13:08 9063 1

原创 Cadence 16.3 使用步骤

cadence 16.3 组件很多,完成不同的功能。下面列出了大致的从原理图到PCB操作的步骤和使用的工具。 1.  搜集dadasheet,为画Schematic和Footprint做准备。2. 使用OrCad Capture CIS制作元件库。3. 使用OrCad Capture CIS 画Schematic。4 使用Pad Designer 制作焊盘,使用PCB Edit

2012-09-02 09:01:36 3244

原创 Obtaining a Maps API Key for Android applications

If you want to use MapViews in your application, you must obtaining a Maps API Key. Details are listed athttp://code.google.com/android/add-ons/google-apis/mapkey.html. But there is also something c

2011-12-07 12:47:23 932

转载 质量、能量、信息

转载关于质量、能量、信息的好文章。 质量能量信息的统一性与三角关系 张学文http://survivor99.com/entropy/paper/matter.htm 物质、能量、信息 信息——人类知识之脐点(7)http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_3e3873f20100httj.html

2011-12-04 12:51:11 1125

原创 Building visual applications using Visual Editor in Eclipse

It is very convenient to develop some visual applications after adding Visual Editor plug-in if you want to do it in Eclipse.Run Eclipse, select Help->Install New software and click Add. A dialog

2011-11-20 10:11:57 442

原创 Receiving network data on Emulator

Your computer and Android device may talk to each other perfectly, but it does not work when you want to send data to you Emulator. In fact, each instance of the emulator runs behind a virtual router/

2011-11-20 10:03:37 698

转载 如何正确使用as follows 与 following

转载自:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4ac340b801000c0e.html~type=v5_one&label=rela_prevarticle Life is like acombination lock; your job is to find theright numbers, in the right order, so you can h

2011-11-04 13:43:38 44141 1

原创 Using Android Socket

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol) are twoimportant protocols in transport layer of the network. The usage for TCP andUDP in Android is the same as in Java. They can

2011-10-25 06:04:52 936

原创 The first Android application

In this section, we will learn:how to use Eclipse to build an simple Android application.how to design simple User Interface.how to launch the applicationin an Emulator and an actual device.how

2011-10-25 05:53:06 1358

原创 What do we need to develop android applications?

Android is a mobile operating system that is based on a modified version of Linux. Android is open source and freely available. Here, we are talking about something we need to start our development.

2011-10-25 05:15:05 788

Visual Editor for Eclipse

VE 1.5 Archive for Eclipse. In Eclipse, select Help->Install New software and click Add. Follow the instructions to install.



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