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            <h1 class="display-1 fw-medium">Minimalist Headphones</h1>
            <p class="fs-5">Experience the power of this innovative tool designed to rejuvenate and enhance your skin's natural radiance.</p>
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              <h3 class="fs-3 fw-medium mb-1">Wireless Connectivity</h3>
              <p>Seamlessly connect to your devices Bluetooth for a tangle-free listening experience.</p>
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              <h3 class="fs-3 fw-medium mb-1">Long Battery Life</h3>
              <p>Enjoy hours of uninterrupted music with the long-lasting battery of Heady headphones.</p>
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              <h3 class="fs-3 fw-medium mb-1">Sleek Design</h3>
              <p>Show off the stylish and sleek design of the headphones, available in various colors.</p>
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              <h3 class="fs-3 fw-medium mb-1">Superior Sound Quality</h3>
              <p>Enjoy rich, immersive sound with high-fidelity audio technology from heady.</p>
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              <h3 class="fs-3 fw-medium mb-1">Noise Isolation</h3>
              <p>Block out external distractions immerse you in your music and yourself in your music.</p>
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              <h3 class="fs-3 fw-medium mb-1">Comfortable Fit</h3>
              <p>Designed with plush ear cushions and an adjustable headband for listening sessions.</p>
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                  <blockquote class="fs-5">"I'm blown away by the sound quality of my Heady headphones. The clarity and depth of the audio are unparalleled. Whether I'm listening to my favorite songs or immersing myself in a movie, these headphones deliver an incredible audio experience. I can't recommend them enough!"</blockquote>
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                    <div class="name fw-600 mt-3">David William - Feb 22, 2023</div>
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                  <blockquote class="fs-5">"Comfort and style are equally important to me, and Heady headphones deliver on both fronts. The cushioned ear cups and adjustable headband make them incredibly comfortable to wear, even for long periods. Plus, they look sleek and modern. I'm impressed by the perfect blend of comfort and aesthetics."</blockquote>
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                  <blockquote class="fs-5">"I lead an active lifestyle, and my Heady headphones have become an essential companion. The wireless connectivity allows me to move freely during workouts or while running errands. Blocking out external noise and helping me stay focused on my music enjoying my favorite tunes."</blockquote>
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                  <blockquote class="fs-5">"I've owned several luxury watches, but my Reddy watch stands out from the rest. The craftsmanship is impeccable, and the attention to detail is truly remarkable. It's a timeless piece that never fails to garner compliments. I'm proud to be a Reddy watch owner." </blockquote>
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                  <button class="accordion-button fs-3 fw-medium bg-transparent px-0" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#collapseOne" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapseOne"> Are Heady headphones compatible with my devices? </button>
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                  <div class="accordion-body"> Absolutely! Heady headphones are equipped with a built-in microphone, allowing you to make and receive calls conveniently. Whether you're using them with your smartphone or other compatible devices, the microphone ensures clear and crisp audio for your phone conversations. Stay connected while enjoying the superior headphones. </div>
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                  <div class="accordion-body"> Absolutely! Heady headphones are equipped with a built-in microphone, allowing you to make and receive calls conveniently. Whether you're using them with your smartphone or other compatible devices, the microphone ensures clear and crisp audio for your phone conversations. Stay connected while enjoying the superior headphones. </div>
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                <div id="collapseThree" class="accordion-collapse collapse" aria-labelledby="headingThree" data-bs-parent="#accordionExample">
                  <div class="accordion-body"> Absolutely! Heady headphones are equipped with a built-in microphone, allowing you to make and receive calls conveniently. Whether you're using them with your smartphone or other compatible devices, the microphone ensures clear and crisp audio for your phone conversations. Stay connected while enjoying the superior headphones. </div>
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                  <button class="accordion-button fs-3 fw-medium bg-transparent px-0 collapsed" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#collapseFour" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseFour"> Can I use Heady headphones for making calls? </button>
                <div id="collapseFour" class="accordion-collapse collapse" aria-labelledby="headingFour" data-bs-parent="#accordionExample">
                  <div class="accordion-body"> Absolutely! Heady headphones are equipped with a built-in microphone, allowing you to make and receive calls conveniently. Whether you're using them with your smartphone or other compatible devices, the microphone ensures clear and crisp audio for your phone conversations. Stay connected while enjoying the superior headphones.</div>
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                  <div class="accordion-body"> Absolutely! Heady headphones are equipped with a built-in microphone, allowing you to make and receive calls conveniently. Whether you're using them with your smartphone or other compatible devices, the microphone ensures clear and crisp audio for your phone conversations. Stay connected while enjoying the superior headphones.</div>
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