解决XCUItest Enable UI Automation每次启动需要输入锁屏密码
自从服务器更新版本后,每次执行 iOS UI自动化测试都需要锁屏密码
- macOS Monterey Version 12.0.1
- Xcode Version 13.1 (13A1030d)
xcodebuild -target MemoryLeaksUITests -scheme MemoryLeaks test
The automationmodetool command line tool allows you to manage UI automation security preferences, see its man page for details. To resolve your issue, run the following command as a administrator on your machine:
automationmodetool enable-automationmode-without-authentication
To disable this mode, run the following command as a administrator on your machine:
automationmodetool disable-automationmode-without-authentication
Note that the man page shows leading dash in front of each of the above two commands, it is a bug. Please disregard it and use the commands as described above.