NosCore 游戏服务器 C#
This project is a community project not for commercial use. The emulator itself is proof of concept of our idea to try out anything what's not possible on original servers. The result is to learn and program together for prove the study.
1. Install .Net 7
2. Install or Configure PostgreSQL
3. Use the NuGet Package Manager to Update the Database
4. Start services
Edelstein 游戏服务器 C#
Mushroom game server emulator written in C#.
A running PostgreSQL server!
That's mostly it..
Download a release
Check the releases tab and download the correct bundle based on your OS!
Download required assets
Download the data from Server.NX
Download the scripts from Server.Scripts
Unzip both into the data and scripts folder respectively
Update configuration and migrations
Edit the appsettings.json file to the appropriate settings
Project Agonyl 游戏服务器
Project Agonyl - An emulator for A3 MMORPG
A3 - Art, Alive, Attraction is a Korean MMORPG released around 2003. English version of it was officially released in India in 2005 under the banner of Sify. Later due to some issues it was shut down. But the love for the game did not end there.
rust 写的爬虫 study-rust-scraper
包含了rust库reqwest,scraper ,urlencoding,regex,crc32fast 的使用方法
匹配<!- xxxx -> <ins > 2种格式正则表达式案例
scraper 选择器案例
std::fs:File::open 读写文件
crc32fast::hash 计算crc16值
Url::parse 解析url
reqwest::blocking::get 请求网站url
urlencode hash路径
文件名重命名工具 v3.81 重命名任意数量文件或文件夹
Advanced Renamer是一个用于一次重命名多个文件和文件夹的程序 。通过配置重命名方法,可以以各种方式操纵名称。在大量文件上使用多种方法设置批处理作业很容易。 通过 14 种不同的方法,您可以一次更改文件的名称,属性和时间戳。 还可以根据文件中的信息将文件复制或移动到新位置。使用 AdvanCEd Renamer,您可以通过添加,删除,替换,更改大小写或根据有关文件的已知信息为文件提供全新名称来构建新文件名。在对文件执行操作之前,您可以验证输出是否正确,如果执行重命名并后悔,则可以撤消整个批处理。
Android APK修改工具
海螺影视苹果cms10 6.0模板
海螺影视苹果cms10 3.1.6模板