
1.首先我们在/src/main/java创建一个包名为bean 底下放入4个类(pay(缴费记录),pay(家长),stu(学生),tables(报名表))
2.创建一个包controller 放1个类tableController
3./src/main/resources data.sql, schema.sql , application.properties

public class par {

	private int par_id;      	 //家长ID
	private String par_name; 	 //家长姓名
	private String par_phone;  	 //家长联系方式
	public int getPar_id() {
		return par_id;
	public void setPar_id(int par_id) {
		this.par_id = par_id;
	public String getPar_name() {
		return par_name;
	public void setPar_name(String par_name) {
		this.par_name = par_name;
	public String getPar_phone() {
		return par_phone;
	public void setPar_phone(String par_phone) {
		this.par_phone = par_phone;


  public class pay {
    	private int pay_id;   		    //缴费ID
    	private int pay_price;  		//金额
    	private String pay_time; 		//时间
    	public int getPay_id() {
    		return pay_id;
    	public void setPay_id(int pay_id) {
    		this.pay_id = pay_id;
    	public int getPay_price() {
    		return pay_price;
    	public void setPay_price(int pay_price) {
    		this.pay_price = pay_price;
    	public String getPay_time() {
    		return pay_time;
    	public void setPay_time(String pay_time) {
    		this.pay_time = pay_time;


public class stu {
	private int stu_id;    				//学生ID
	private String stu_name;  			//学生姓名
	private int stu_age; 				//学生年龄
	private String stu_sex; 			//学生性别
	public int getStu_id() {
		return stu_id;
	public void setStu_id(int stu_id) {
		this.stu_id = stu_id;
	public String getStu_name() {
		return stu_name;
	public void setStu_name(String stu_name) {
		this.stu_name = stu_name;
	public int getStu_age() {
		return stu_age;
	public void setStu_age(int stu_age) {
		this.stu_age = stu_age;
	public String getStu_sex() {
		return stu_sex;
	public void setStu_sex(String stu_sex) {
		this.stu_sex = stu_sex;


public class tables {

		private int tables_id;  		
		private String tables_time;		
		private par parents;				
		private pay pay;					
		private stu student; 				
		public int getTables_id() {
			return tables_id;
		public void setTables_id(int tables_id) {
			this.tables_id = tables_id;
		public String getTables_time() {
			return tables_time;
		public void setTables_time(String tables_time) {
			this.tables_time = tables_time;
		public par getPr() {
			return parents;
		public void setPr(par par) {
			this.parents = par;
		public pay getPy() {
			return pay;
		public void setPy(pay py) {
			this.pay = py;
		public stu getSu() {
			return student;
		public void setSu(stu su) {
			this.student = su;


public class tableController {
	JdbcTemplate jdbc;
	public Object getTab()
	{   String sqls="select * from tables";
	  List<Map<String, Object>> listss = jdbc.queryForList(sqls); 
	  List<Map<String,Object>> lists=new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>();
	  for(Map<String,Object> map6:listss)
	  {Map<String,Object> maps=new LinkedHashMap<String,Object>();
		  Object a=map6.get("tables_id");
		  int id=Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(a));
		  String sql = "select * from tables "
					+ "where tables_id = " + id;
			 List<Map<String, Object>> list1 = jdbc.queryForList(sql); 
			 for(Map<String, Object> map1:list1)
				 for(String key:map1.keySet())
				 maps.put(key, map1.get(key));
			 String sql1 = "select * from pay "
						+ "where pay_id = " + id;
			 List<Map<String, Object>> list2 = jdbc.queryForList(sql1); 
			 for(Map<String, Object> map2:list2)
				 maps.put("pay", map2);
			 String sql2 = "select * from par "
						+ "where par_id = " + id;
			 List<Map<String, Object>> list3 = jdbc.queryForList(sql2);
			 for(Map<String, Object> map3:list3)
				 maps.put("parents", map3);
			 String sql3 = "select * from stu "
						+ "where stu_id = " + id;
			 List<Map<String, Object>> list4 = jdbc.queryForList(sql3);
			 for(Map<String, Object> map4:list4)
				 maps.put("student", map4);
		return lists;
	public Object getTabById(@PathVariable("id") String id) 
		List<Map<String,Object>> lists=new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>();
		Map<String,Object> maps=new LinkedHashMap<String,Object>();
		String sql = "select * from tables "
		+ "where tables_id = " + id;
		 List<Map<String, Object>> list1 = jdbc.queryForList(sql); 
		 for(Map<String, Object> map1:list1)
		 for(String key:map1.keySet())
		 maps.put(key, map1.get(key));
		 String sql1 = "select * from pay "
					+ "where pay_id = " + id;
		 List<Map<String, Object>> list2 = jdbc.queryForList(sql1); 
		 for(Map<String, Object> map2:list2)
			 maps.put("pay", map2);
		 String sql2 = "select * from par "
					+ "where par_id = " + id;
		 List<Map<String, Object>> list3 = jdbc.queryForList(sql2);
		 for(Map<String, Object> map3:list3)
			 maps.put("parents", map3);
		 String sql3 = "select * from stu "
					+ "where stu_id = " + id;
		 List<Map<String, Object>> list4 = jdbc.queryForList(sql3);
		 for(Map<String, Object> map4:list4)
			 maps.put("student", map4);
		return lists.get(0);
	public void delTabByID(@PathVariable("id") int id)
		String sql = "delete tables,par,pay,stu " +
				" from tables,par,pay,stu " +
				" where tables.tables_id = " + id +
				" and par.par_id = " + id +
				" and pay.pay_id = " + id +
				" and stu.stu_id = " + id;
		public Object postTables(@RequestBody tables tab)
	"tables_id": 4,
	    "tables_time": "2018.6.6",
	    "pay_price": 600,
	    "pay_time": "2018.6.6"
	    "par_name": "mom6",
	    "par_phone": "156"
	    "stu_name": "stu6",
	   	"stu_sex": "male",
	    "stu_age": 66
		String sql1= "insert into tables (tables_time) value(?)";
		Object[] args1 = {tab.getTables_time()};
		int temp = jdbc.update(sql1,args1);
		String sql2 = "insert into pay (pay_price,pay_time) value(?,?)";
		Object[] args2 = {tab.getPy().getPay_price(),tab.getPy().getPay_time()};
		int temp2 = jdbc.update(sql2,args2);

		String sql3 = "insert into par (par_name,par_phone) value(?,?)";
		Object[] args3 = {tab.getPr().getPar_name(),tab.getPr().getPar_phone()};
		int temp3 = jdbc.update(sql3,args3);
		String sql4 = "insert into stu (stu_name,stu_sex,stu_age) value(?,?,?)";
		Object[] args4 = {tab.getSu().getStu_name(),tab.getSu().getStu_sex(),tab.getSu().getStu_age()};
		int temp4 = jdbc.update(sql4,args4);
		if(temp == 1 &&  temp2 == 1 && temp3 ==1 && temp4 == 1 )
		{int tempId = tab.getTables_id() ;
		List<Map<String,Object>> lists=new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>();
		Map<String,Object> maps=new LinkedHashMap<String,Object>();
		String sql = "select * from tables "
				+ "where tables_id = " + tempId;
		 List<Map<String, Object>> list1 = jdbc.queryForList(sql); 
		 for(Map<String, Object> map1:list1)
			 for(String key:map1.keySet())
			 maps.put(key, map1.get(key));
		 String sql6 = "select * from pay "
		+ "where pay_id = " + tempId;
		 List<Map<String, Object>> list2 = jdbc.queryForList(sql6); 
		 for(Map<String, Object> map2:list2)
		 maps.put("pay", map2);
		 String sql7 = "select * from par "
		+ "where par_id = " + tempId;
		 List<Map<String, Object>> list3 = jdbc.queryForList(sql7);
		 for(Map<String, Object> map3:list3)
		 maps.put("parents", map3);
		 String sql8 = "select * from stu "
		+ "where stu_id = " + tempId;
		 List<Map<String, Object>> list4 = jdbc.queryForList(sql8);
		 for(Map<String, Object> map4:list4)
		 maps.put("student", map4);

		return lists.get(0);
			return null;

	public Object putTables(@RequestBody tables tab)
 	"tables_id": 1,
    "tables_time": "2018.666666",
    "pay_id": 1,
    "pay_price": 600,
    "pay_time": "2018.6.6"
    "par_id": 1,
    "par_name": "mom6",
    "par_phone": "156"
    "stu_id": 1,
    "stu_name": "stu6",
   	"stu_sex": "male",
    "stu_age": 66
		String sql1 = "update tables set tables_time=? where tables_id=?";
		Object[] args1 = {tab.getTables_time(),tab.getTables_id()};
		int temp1 = jdbc.update(sql1,args1);
		String sql2 = "update pay set pay_price=?,pay_time=? where pay_id=?";
		Object[] args2 = {tab.getPy().getPay_price(),tab.getPy().getPay_time(),tab.getPy().getPay_id()};
		int temp2 = jdbc.update(sql2,args2);
		String sql3 = "update par set par_name=?,par_phone=? where par_id=?";
		Object[] args3 = {tab.getPr().getPar_name(),tab.getPr().getPar_phone(),tab.getPr().getPar_id()};
		int temp3 = jdbc.update(sql3,args3);
		String sql4 = "update stu set stu_name=?,stu_sex=?,stu_age=? where stu_id=?";
		Object[] args4 = {tab.getSu().getStu_name(),tab.getSu().getStu_sex(),tab.getSu().getStu_age(),tab.getSu().getStu_id()};
		int temp4 = jdbc.update(sql4,args4);
		if(temp1 == 1 && temp2 ==1 && temp3 ==1 && temp4 ==1 )
		{int tempId = tab.getTables_id() ;
		List<Map<String,Object>> lists=new ArrayList<Map<String,Object>>();
		Map<String,Object> maps=new LinkedHashMap<String,Object>();
		String sql = "select * from tables "
				+ "where tables_id = " + tempId;
		 List<Map<String, Object>> list1 = jdbc.queryForList(sql); 
		 for(Map<String, Object> map1:list1)
			 for(String key:map1.keySet())
			 maps.put(key, map1.get(key));
		 String sql6 = "select * from pay "
		+ "where pay_id = " + tempId;
		 List<Map<String, Object>> list2 = jdbc.queryForList(sql6); 
		 for(Map<String, Object> map2:list2)
		 maps.put("pay", map2);
		 String sql7 = "select * from par "
		+ "where par_id = " + tempId;
		 List<Map<String, Object>> list3 = jdbc.queryForList(sql7);
		 for(Map<String, Object> map3:list3)
		 maps.put("parents", map3);
		 String sql8 = "select * from stu "
		+ "where stu_id = " + tempId;
		 List<Map<String, Object>> list4 = jdbc.queryForList(sql8);
		 for(Map<String, Object> map4:list4)
		 maps.put("student", map4);

		return lists.get(0);
		return tab;


insert into tables values (1,‘2018.1.1’);
insert into tables values (2,‘2018.2.2’);
insert into tables values (3,‘2018.3.3’);
insert into stu values (1,‘stu1’,‘male’,11);
insert into stu values (2,‘stu2’,‘male’,12);
insert into stu values (3,‘stu3’,‘male’,13);
insert into par values (1,‘mom1’,‘151’);
insert into par values (2,‘mom2’,‘152’);
insert into par values (3,‘mom3’,‘153’);
insert into pay values (1,100,‘2018.1.1’);
insert into pay values (2,200,‘2018.2.2’);
insert into pay values (3,300,‘2018.3.3’);

insert into tables values (1,‘2018.1.1’);
insert into tables values (2,‘2018.2.2’);
insert into tables values (3,‘2018.3.3’);
insert into stu values (1,‘stu1’,‘male’,11);
insert into stu values (2,‘stu2’,‘male’,12);
insert into stu values (3,‘stu3’,‘male’,13);
insert into par values (1,‘mom1’,‘151’);
insert into par values (2,‘mom2’,‘152’);
insert into par values (3,‘mom3’,‘153’);
insert into pay values (1,100,‘2018.1.1’);
insert into pay values (2,200,‘2018.2.2’);
insert into pay values (3,300,‘2018.3.3’);

注意 是8666 数据库的密码为无 创建一个数据库为baoming





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


