[ 配置文件] CHAOS.CFG

; Configuration file for CHAOS.EXE



UseWinCursor = FALSE



LightCurve   = 50    ;was 50
LightPower   = 2.2   ;was 2.2
ColourFactor = 50    ;was 50
ColourPower  = 2.2   ;was 2.2
LightRamp    = 7     ;was 7
AmbientLight = 50

;light table generators for underwater
UWLightCurve = 40    ;was 50
UWLightPower = 2.2   ;was 2.2
UWColourFactor = 60    ;was 50
UWColourPower = 2.2   ;was 2.2
UWLightGradient   = 9

;LightFadeUp  = TRUE

IndicatorLightLevel = -68
ObjectLightLevel = -90

SpellButtons = 4

;AllowLawChaos = TRUE

WaterLevel = 6 ; starting height in tiles of water level
RateOfDrowning = 5 ; health lost per frame when drowning

SelectTolerence = 45  ; selection tolerance in pixels

MaxNodesForRouteFinding = 300 ; max number of nodes to visit in
                              ;   route-finding before the search for
                              ;   a route to the destination is
                              ;   abandoned, and a route to the
                              ;   closest point reached is returned
                              ;   instead.

AlignDrift = 128 ; alignment 'drift to centre' rate

; AI CPU time management system and time limit per frame
; in node expansions or microseconds.
AI_timesystem = NOTIONAL_TIME
AI_timelimit = 30
;AI_timesystem = REAL_TIME
;AI_timelimit = 12500

; AI vast improvement action interrupt threshold
; (-1 always interrupt ... +1 never interrupt)
AI_interrupt1 = 0.1

; AI disaster action interrupt threshold
; (0 never interrupt ... infinity always interrupt)
AI_interrupt2 = 0.1

; AI master group list length limit for group division
AI_div_g_limit = 10

; AI priority queue length limit for group division
AI_div_q_limit = 5

; AI danger excess limit for abandoning an action (% of local safety)
AI_danger_excess_limit = 100

UseNodeMap = TRUE

; Area (e/a)ffect data
;              /- Number of circles
;              |  /- Small circle
;              |  |  /- Medium circle
;              |  |  |   /- Large circle
;              |  |  |   |
EffectRadius = 3, 3, 5,  7

RelativeFacing = 0,0,10,25,50,25,10,0
RelativeHeight = 25
Impetus = 50

;lightwrite = FALSE
ShowInfoBar = TRUE
MaxFramesPerSec = 20

SpoolMapGenInfo = FALSE
;ShowVersionAtStartup = TRUE
;ActiveAI = FALSE
ShowFrameRate = FALSE
PageFlipping = FALSE
; unlock as soon as locked so you can step into DDraw-locks.
;shows the sprite log info (or total sprites printed in non-debug builds)

; enable creature anim validation on load

RedFactor   = -0.3 ; adjusts the water level colour factors
GreenFactor = -0.1
BlueFactor  =  0.6

SeeAllGrimoire = FALSE ;[FALSE/TRUE]开启魔法书资料

; show map seed at start of battle
; g_showMapSeed = TRUE

ValidateScripts = FALSE

ManaGeneration      = 20     ; Amount of mana given back to wizard on creature death as % of initial casting cost
ManaRecoveryDelay   = 30     ; Frame delay for mana regeration on place of power
ManaRecovery        = 1      ; Amount of mana added after ManaRecoveryDelay for place of power
HealthReduction     = 0      ; Amount of health taken off wizard when a creature dies as a % of initial health of creature
LordBooster         = 50     ; Amount health, combat rating, magic resistance and intelligence are boosted as %
KingBooster         = 100    ; Amount health, combat rating, magic resistance and intelligence are boosted as %
DamagePoints        = 1      ; number of experience points awarded when damaging a enemy creature

SPUpgradeLevel = 4,8,14,20,28   ; number of regions that must be conquered before going up a level (2..6)
MPUpgradeLevel = 1,2,3,4,5   ; number of regions that must be conquered before going up a level (2..6)

BloodLevel = 50 ; Amount of blood as percentage (can go from 0 to 200)
PercentAsGore = 100 ; Percent of blood generated to act as "gore"
GoreTimeOnFloor = 300; Amount of time in frames for which gore exists after landing
;TexturedGore = FALSE
TexturedGoreUpper = 125
TexturedGoreLower = 75
Size = 2
Trail = 3

Colour = 64, 64, 128,  64, 128, 64,  128, 64, 64
ParticlesPerFrame = 4 ; Number of particles created per cast effect per frame (0-10)
Lives = 4 ; How many times the particle will split before it "dies" (0-10)
Speed = 5 ; How fast the particles move (1-32)
Delay = 5 ; How many frames between "splits" (1-12)
Decay = 6 ; How much the particles fade per frame (-100-100)
Boost = 24 ; How much the particles unfade after a split
IndirectSpellParticleLevel = 100 ; Density of particles "showered" for indirect spells (0-200)
IndirectSpellParticlePeriod = 3 ; Number of frames before effect reaches "peak" (1-100) - Note: Affects gameplay and must be sync'd over network

MinDist = 18 ; How far away from the creature they "like" to be (1-128)
TopSpeed = 8 ; How fast they can go at full pelt (1-32)
Random = 4 ; How much they "wobble" when they fly (0-TopSpeed/2)

Colour = 128, 128, 32, 64 ; Particle colours: Red, Green, Blue, Random
DensityMod = 25 ; % Modifier for number of particles per frame (base value depends on creature size)
Size = 2,4 ; Size of particle x,y

Colour = 128, 128, 32, 64 ; Particle colours: Red, Green, Blue, Random
DensityMod = 25 ; % Modifier for number of particles per frame (base value depends on creature size)
Size = 2,4 ; Size of particle x,y

FailColour = 255, 0, 255 ; Failed spell particle colour: Red, Green, Blue
FailParticleCount = 25 ; Number of particles created when spell fails

; log network synched random number generation
NetRandomLog = FALSE
; log network synched effect activation & deactivation
NetEffectsLog = FALSE
; log network message info
NetworkLogging = FALSE

; frame delay lengths

; timer for 'resend message request'

; send frame validation messages if true

; number of random spells per wizard
NumRandomSpells = 10

; number of slots in sprite cache
g_spriteCache_slotSize = 1
; size of slots in sprite cache
g_spriteCache_numSlots = 500
; switch for sprite caching (default = TRUE)
g_useSpriteCache = FALSE
; high colour sprites not printed if TRUE
g_hide_HC_sprites = FALSE


; logging buffer size (no buffer = disk only)

; name of logging file

;Modifiers for level 0 difficulty (as a %)
HealthModify0 =      -5
ManaModify0 =        -25
ControlModify0 =     -25
MagicResistModify0 = -20
IntelligenceModify0 =-20
CombatModify0 =      -50
AIRandomness0 =       60

;Modifiers for level 1 difficulty (as a %)
HealthModify1 =        0
ManaModify1 =          0
ControlModify1 =       0
MagicResistModify1 =   0
IntelligenceModify1 =  0
CombatModify1 =        0
AIRandomness1 =        15

;Modifiers for level 2 difficulty (as a %)
HealthModify2 =       25
ManaModify2 =         25
ControlModify2 =      10
MagicResistModify2 =  25
IntelligenceModify2 = 25
CombatModify2 =       50
AIRandomness2 =        0

;Modifiers for level 3 difficulty (as a %)
HealthModify3 =      55
ManaModify3 =        50
ControlModify3 =     20
MagicResistModify3 = 50
IntelligenceModify3 =50
CombatModify3 =      100
AIRandomness3 =       0

PoisonDelay = 4

MRDelay = 60;

Maxspeed_0 = 64 ; maximum speed for scrolling
Startspeed_0 = 8 ; starting speed
Accelspeed_0 = 6 ; amount to accelate by
Maxspeed_1 = 128 ; maximum speed for scrolling
Startspeed_1 = 16 ; starting speed
Accelspeed_1 = 8 ; amount to accelate by
Maxspeed_2 = 256 ; maximum speed for scrolling
Startspeed_2 = 24 ; starting speed
Accelspeed_2 = 12 ; amount to accelate by

AggressiveAttack = 100
CautiousAttack = 0
OccupyPowerPoint = 120
CollectMana = 120
EvadeDetection =0
Scout = 90
Retreat = 100
CollectFood = 90
ProtectWizard = 90

AggressiveAttack = 0.3, 0.4, 0.3
CautiousAttack   = 0.4, 0.3, 0.3
OccupyPowerPoint = 0.2, 0.3, 0.5
CollectMana      = 0.1, 0.3, 0.6
EvadeDetection   = 0.3, 0.4, 0.3
Scout            = 0.6, 0.4, 0.0
Retreat          = 0.4, 0.6, 0.0
CollectFood      = 0.2, 0.6, 0.2
ProtectWizard    = 0.2, 0.6, 0.2

GiveAISameSpells = FALSE





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


