




#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "SDWebImageCompat.h"
#import "SDImageCacheConfig.h"

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, SDImageCacheType) {
     * The image wasn't available the SDWebImage caches, but was downloaded from the web.
     * The image was obtained from the disk cache.
     * The image was obtained from the memory cache.

typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, SDImageCacheOptions) {
     * By default, we do not query disk data when the image is cached in memory. This mask can force to query disk data at the same time.
    SDImageCacheQueryDataWhenInMemory = 1 << 0,
     * By default, we query the memory cache synchronously, disk cache asynchronously. This mask can force to query disk cache synchronously.
    SDImageCacheQueryDiskSync = 1 << 1

typedef void(^SDCacheQueryCompletedBlock)(UIImage * _Nullable image, NSData * _Nullable data, SDImageCacheType cacheType);

typedef void(^SDWebImageCheckCacheCompletionBlock)(BOOL isInCache);

typedef void(^SDWebImageCalculateSizeBlock)(NSUInteger fileCount, NSUInteger totalSize);

 * SDImageCache maintains a memory cache and an optional disk cache. Disk cache write operations are performed
 * asynchronous so it doesn’t add unnecessary latency to the UI.
@interface SDImageCache : NSObject

#pragma mark - Properties

 *  Cache Config object - storing all kind of settings
@property (nonatomic, nonnull, readonly) SDImageCacheConfig *config;

 * The maximum "total cost" of the in-memory image cache. The cost function is the number of pixels held in memory.
@property (assign, nonatomic) NSUInteger maxMemoryCost;

 * The maximum number of objects the cache should hold.
@property (assign, nonatomic) NSUInteger maxMemoryCountLimit;

#pragma mark - Singleton and initialization

 * Returns global shared cache instance
 * 返回全局共享缓存实例
 * @return SDImageCache global instance
+ (nonnull instancetype)sharedImageCache;

 * Init a new cache store with a specific namespace
 * 初始化一个新的缓存命名空间,里面就是去获取磁盘缓存路径,然后再进行一系列的初始化操作
 * @param ns The namespace to use for this cache store
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithNamespace:(nonnull NSString *)ns;

 * Init a new cache store with a specific namespace and directory
 * 用命名空间和路径初始化一个新的缓存路径
 * @param ns        The namespace to use for this cache store
 * @param directory Directory to cache disk images in
- (nonnull instancetype)initWithNamespace:(nonnull NSString *)ns
                       diskCacheDirectory:(nonnull NSString *)directory NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;

#pragma mark - Cache paths

- (nullable NSString *)makeDiskCachePath:(nonnull NSString*)fullNamespace;

 * Add a read-only cache path to search for images pre-cached by SDImageCache
 * Useful if you want to bundle pre-loaded images with your app
 * @param path The path to use for this read-only cache path
- (void)addReadOnlyCachePath:(nonnull NSString *)path;

#pragma mark - Store Ops

 * Asynchronously store an image into memory and disk cache at the given key.
 * 根据key异步的存储图片到磁盘中然后还要存储在内存中
 * @param image           The image to store
 * @param key             The unique image cache key, usually it's image absolute URL
 * @param completionBlock A block executed after the operation is finished
- (void)storeImage:(nullable UIImage *)image
            forKey:(nullable NSString *)key
        completion:(nullable SDWebImageNoParamsBlock)completionBlock;

 * Asynchronously store an image into memory and disk cache at the given key.
 * 根据toDisk来判断是否要存储到磁盘中,也就是说这里的磁盘缓存是可选的
 * @param image           The image to store
 * @param key             The unique image cache key, usually it's image absolute URL
 * @param toDisk          Store the image to disk cache if YES
 * @param completionBlock A block executed after the operation is finished
- (void)storeImage:(nullable UIImage *)image
            forKey:(nullable NSString *)key
        completion:(nullable SDWebImageNoParamsBlock)completionBlock;

 * Asynchronously store an image into memory and disk cache at the given key.
 * 这里面的方法会根据imageData如果没有,但是image有的话,就会考虑到图片格式的问题
 * @param image           The image to store
 * @param imageData       The image data as returned by the server, this representation will be used for disk storage
 *                        instead of converting the given image object into a storable/compressed image format in order
 *                        to save quality and CPU
 * @param key             The unique image cache key, usually it's image absolute URL
 * @param toDisk          Store the image to disk cache if YES
 * @param completionBlock A block executed after the operation is finished
- (void)storeImage:(nullable UIImage *)image
         imageData:(nullable NSData *)imageData
            forKey:(nullable NSString *)key
        completion:(nullable SDWebImageNoParamsBlock)completionBlock;

 * Synchronously store image NSData into disk cache at the given key.
 * 根据key保存图片的data,给保存到磁盘缓存中
 * @warning This method is synchronous, make sure to call it from the ioQueue
 * @param imageData  The image data to store
 * @param key        The unique image cache key, usually it's image absolute URL
- (void)storeImageDataToDisk:(nullable NSData *)imageData forKey:(nullable NSString *)key;

#pragma mark - Query and Retrieve Ops

 *  Async check if image exists in disk cache already (does not load the image)
 * 根据key判断是否Image是否存在磁盘中:异步处理,回调返回结果
 *  @param key             the key describing the url
 *  @param completionBlock the block to be executed when the check is done.
 *  @note the completion block will be always executed on the main queue
- (void)diskImageExistsWithKey:(nullable NSString *)key completion:(nullable SDWebImageCheckCacheCompletionBlock)completionBlock;

 *  Sync check if image data exists in disk cache already (does not load the image)
 * 根据key判断image是否存在磁盘中:同步处理,直接返回结果
 *  @param key             the key describing the url
- (BOOL)diskImageDataExistsWithKey:(nullable NSString *)key;

 * Operation that queries the cache asynchronously and call the completion when done.
 * 操作以异步方式查询缓存,并在完成时调用done。
 * @param key       The unique key used to store the wanted image
 * @param doneBlock The completion block. Will not get called if the operation is cancelled
 * @return a NSOperation instance containing the cache op
- (nullable NSOperation *)queryCacheOperationForKey:(nullable NSString *)key done:(nullable SDCacheQueryCompletedBlock)doneBlock;

 * Operation that queries the cache asynchronously and call the completion when done.
 * 操作以异步方式查询缓存,并在完成时调用done 这里可以传入options
 * @param key       The unique key used to store the wanted image
 * @param options   A mask to specify options to use for this cache query
 * @param doneBlock The completion block. Will not get called if the operation is cancelled
 * @return a NSOperation instance containing the cache op
- (nullable NSOperation *)queryCacheOperationForKey:(nullable NSString *)key options:(SDImageCacheOptions)options done:
(nullable SDCacheQueryCompletedBlock)doneBlock;

 * Query the memory cache synchronously.
 * 根据key从内存中获取图片
 * @param key The unique key used to store the image
- (nullable UIImage *)imageFromMemoryCacheForKey:(nullable NSString *)key;

 * Query the disk cache synchronously.
 * 据key判断是否Image是否存在磁盘中:同步处理
 * @param key The unique key used to store the image
- (nullable UIImage *)imageFromDiskCacheForKey:(nullable NSString *)key;

 * Query the cache (memory and or disk) synchronously after checking the memory cache.
 * @param key The unique key used to store the image
- (nullable UIImage *)imageFromCacheForKey:(nullable NSString *)key;

#pragma mark - Remove Ops

 * Remove the image from memory and disk cache asynchronously
 * 根据key从内存和磁盘删除缓存图片,异步处理
 * @param key             The unique image cache key
 * @param completion      A block that should be executed after the image has been removed (optional)
- (void)removeImageForKey:(nullable NSString *)key withCompletion:(nullable SDWebImageNoParamsBlock)completion;

 * Remove the image from memory and optionally disk cache asynchronously
 * 根据key删除缓存图片,可以指定是否从磁盘删除,回调通知
 * @param key             The unique image cache key
 * @param fromDisk        Also remove cache entry from disk if YES
 * @param completion      A block that should be executed after the image has been removed (optional)
- (void)removeImageForKey:(nullable NSString *)key fromDisk:(BOOL)fromDisk withCompletion:(nullable SDWebImageNoParamsBlock)

#pragma mark - Cache clean Ops

 * Clear all memory cached images
- (void)clearMemory;

 * Async clear all disk cached images. Non-blocking method - returns immediately.
 * @param completion    A block that should be executed after cache expiration completes (optional)
- (void)clearDiskOnCompletion:(nullable SDWebImageNoParamsBlock)completion;

 * Async remove all expired cached image from disk. Non-blocking method - returns immediately.
 * @param completionBlock A block that should be executed after cache expiration completes (optional)
- (void)deleteOldFilesWithCompletionBlock:(nullable SDWebImageNoParamsBlock)completionBlock;

#pragma mark - Cache Info

 * Get the size used by the disk cache
- (NSUInteger)getSize;

 * Get the number of images in the disk cache
- (NSUInteger)getDiskCount;

 * Asynchronously calculate the disk cache's size.
- (void)calculateSizeWithCompletionBlock:(nullable SDWebImageCalculateSizeBlock)completionBlock;

#pragma mark - Cache Paths

 *  Get the cache path for a certain key (needs the cache path root folder)
 *  需要根路径和key来查询文件所在的位置
 *  @param key  the key (can be obtained from url using cacheKeyForURL)
 *  @param path the cache path root folder
 *  @return the cache path
- (nullable NSString *)cachePathForKey:(nullable NSString *)key inPath:(nonnull NSString *)path;

 *  Get the default cache path for a certain key
 *  根据key获取相应文件的默认的缓存路径
 *  @param key the key (can be obtained from url using cacheKeyForURL)
 *  @return the default cache path
- (nullable NSString *)defaultCachePathForKey:(nullable NSString *)key;



#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "SDWebImageCompat.h"

@interface SDImageCacheConfig : NSObject

 * Decompressing images that are downloaded and cached can improve performance but can consume lot of memory.
 * Defaults to YES. Set this to NO if you are experiencing a
 crash due to excessive memory consumption.
@property (assign, nonatomic) BOOL shouldDecompressImages;

 * disable iCloud backup [defaults to YES]
@property (assign, nonatomic) BOOL shouldDisableiCloud;

 * use memory cache [defaults to YES]
@property (assign, nonatomic) BOOL shouldCacheImagesInMemory;

 * The reading options while reading cache from disk.
 * Defaults to 0. You can set this to `NSDataReadingMappedIfSafe` to improve performance.
@property (assign, nonatomic) NSDataReadingOptions diskCacheReadingOptions;

 * The writing options while writing cache to disk.
 * Defaults to `NSDataWritingAtomic`. You can set this to `NSDataWritingWithoutOverwriting` to prevent overwriting an existing file.
@property (assign, nonatomic) NSDataWritingOptions diskCacheWritingOptions;

 * The maximum length of time to keep an image in the cache, in seconds.
@property (assign, nonatomic) NSInteger maxCacheAge;

 * The maximum size of the cache, in bytes.
 磁盘缓存的最大大小 默认为0表示不做限制
@property (assign, nonatomic) NSUInteger maxCacheSize;



#import "SDImageCacheConfig.h"

static const NSInteger kDefaultCacheMaxCacheAge = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; // 1 week

@implementation SDImageCacheConfig

- (instancetype)init {
    if (self = [super init]) {
        _shouldDecompressImages = YES;
        _shouldDisableiCloud = YES;
        _shouldCacheImagesInMemory = YES;
        _diskCacheReadingOptions = 0;
        _diskCacheWritingOptions = NSDataWritingAtomic;
        _maxCacheAge = kDefaultCacheMaxCacheAge;
        _maxCacheSize = 0;
    return self;



@property (nonatomic, strong, nonnull) NSMapTable<KeyType, ObjectType> *weakCache; // strong-weak cache
@property (nonatomic, strong, nonnull) dispatch_semaphore_t weakCacheLock; // a lock to keep the access to `weakCache` thread-safe


- (instancetype)init {
    self = [super init];
    if (self) {
        // Use a strong-weak maptable storing the secondary cache. Follow the doc that NSCache does not copy keys
        /* This is useful when the memory warning, the cache was purged. However, the image instance can be retained by other 
         instance such as imageViews and alive.*/
        // At this case, we can sync weak cache back and do not need to load from disk cache
        self.weakCache = [[NSMapTable alloc] initWithKeyOptions:NSPointerFunctionsStrongMemory valueOptions:NSPointerFunctionsWeakMemory capacity:0];
        self.weakCacheLock = dispatch_semaphore_create(1);
        [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
    return self;


- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning:(NSNotification *)notification {
    // Only remove cache, but keep weak cache
    [super removeAllObjects];


#define LOCK(lock) dispatch_semaphore_wait(lock, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
#define UNLOCK(lock) dispatch_semaphore_signal(lock);





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