Java小游戏 超级玛丽源码分享 Client端-domain




  • Creature 所有其他生物的父类
  • Chomper 食人花
  • Fungus 怪物
  • Mushroom 蘑菇
  • Turtle 乌龟
  • Actions 人物当前行为
  • Direction 人物/其他生物当前所朝方向
  • Hero 人物的父类
  • Opponent 敌人(最终未用到)
  • Zario 主角
  • Box 盒子
  • Brick 砖块
  • Grass 草地
  • Material 所有物体的父类
  • Pipe 管道
  • Tower 通关处的城堡

二、具体实现 —— material

2.1 Material

 * Material
 * 2020/11/28 15:36
 * Zay

package domain.material;

import domain.creature.Creature;
import domain.hero.Actions;
import domain.hero.Hero;
import ui.MainFrame;
import web.client.GameClient;

import java.awt.*;

import static ui.MainFrame.*;
import static web.client.GameClient.getGameClient;

 * <p>The attributes and related methods of the materials
 * in the game like grass, pipe and so on.</p>
 *  * @author Zay
 * @version 2020/11/28 15:36
public class Material {

    //The normal width of the materials.
    private static final int WIDTH = 28;

    //The normal height of the materials.
    private static final int HEIGHT = 28;

    //A Toolkit instance.
    private static Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();

    //An array of Images containing the images to be shown.
    private static Image[] images = null;

    //The x coordinate of the domain.material.
    private int x_axis;

    //The y coordinate of the domain.material.
    private int y_axis;

    //The sum of the distance in x axis that has been run.
    private int x_hasRun = 0;

    //Store a expected value.
    private int initial_x_axis;

    //The common width of the materials.
    private int common_width;

    //The common height of the materials.
    private int common_height;

    //The total width of the domain.material, since some materials are composed of several materials.(Ground, bricks)
    private int total_width = 0;

    //The total height of the domain.material, since some materials are composed of several materials.(Ground, bricks)
    private int total_height = 0;

    //Judging if the domain.material has been drawn or not.
    private boolean drawn = true;

    //Judging if the domain.material is still available so that
    //we can decide whether to repaint it or not.
    private boolean available = true;

    //The main character instance.
    private Hero player = null;

    //The actions for the main character.
    private Actions actions = Actions.UNSTAND;

    //The actions for the main character.
    private Actions touch = Actions.UNTOUCH;

    //The actions for the main character.
    private Actions touchHero = Actions.UNTOUCH;

    //A MainFrame instance.
    private MainFrame mainFrame;

    //The main frame of the game.
    private GameClient gameClient;

     * Initialize the basic attributes.
     * @param x_axis    The x coordinate of the domain.material.
     * @param y_axis    The y coordinate of the domain.material.
     * @param mainFrame A MainFrame instance.
    public Material(int x_axis, int y_axis, MainFrame mainFrame) {
        common_width = WIDTH;
        common_height = HEIGHT;
        initial_x_axis = x_axis;
        this.x_axis = x_axis;
        this.y_axis = y_axis;
        this.mainFrame = mainFrame;
        gameClient = getGameClient();

     * Check if the domain.material is available. If yes, repaint the domain.material.
     * Else, don't repaint it.
    public void draw(Graphics graphics) {

     * Examine if the domain.material is still available
     * so that we can decide whether to repaint it or not.
    public void checkIfAvailable() {
        if (!available) {
        //If the domain.material is not in the bounds of the window.
        if (!getRectangle().intersects(new Rectangle(0, 0, FRAME_WIDTH, FRAME_HEIGHT))) {
            //If the domain.material is no longer in the valid range of the map.
            if (x_axis <= -FRAME_WIDTH / 2) {
                drawn = false;
                available = false;

     * Get the distance in the x axis that the domain.hero has run.
    public void getHasrun() {
        x_hasRun = gameClient.getPlayer1().getHasrun_x();

     * The logical part of the domain.hero's moving.
    public void move() {
        if (available) {
        	player = gameClient.getPlayer1();
            if ((player.getX_axis() + player.getX_speed() > RIGHT_BORDER) 
            	&& (!player.isGame_finished())) {
                x_axis -= player.getX_speed();

     * Like an abstract method. Models the part of hitting domain.hero of the creatures.
    public void hitHero(Hero hero) {
        if (!this.isDrawn()) {

     * Like an abstract method. Models the actions of different materials.
    public void action() {

     * By getting the x, y coordinate as well as the width and height of the examined rectangle.
     * That is, the rectangle is made up of the x, y coordinate as well as the width and height we got.
     * Then we can use it to examine whether or not there is a collision between materials and domain.hero.
    public boolean checkIfThroughHero(Hero hero) {
        //The x and y coordinate of the domain.hero at the current frame.
        int x_now, y_now;
        //The x and y coordinate of the domain.hero at the next frame.
        int x_nextFrame, y_nextFrame;
        //The x and y coordinate of the rectangle created by the domain.hero's moving.
        int x_rectangle, y_rectangle;
        //The width and height of the rectangle created by the domain.hero's moving.
        int width_rectangle, height_rectangle;
        //The rectangle made up of the x, y coordinate as well as the width and height above.
        //So that we can use it to examine collision.
        Rectangle examine_rec;

        x_now = hero.getX_axis();
        y_now = hero.getY_axis();
        x_nextFrame = hero.getX_axis() + hero.getX_speed();
        y_nextFrame = hero.getY_axis() + hero.getY_speed();
        x_rectangle = Math.min(x_now, x_nextFrame); //When the domain.hero is moving forward(right).
        y_rectangle = Math.max(y_now, y_nextFrame); //When the domain.hero is moving upside.
        if (hero.getX_speed() > 0) {
            width_rectangle = hero.getX_speed();
        } else {
            width_rectangle = -hero.getX_speed();
        if (hero.getY_speed() > 0) {
            height_rectangle = hero.getY_speed();
        } else {
            height_rectangle = -hero.getY_speed();
        examine_rec = new Rectangle(x_rectangle, y_rectangle, width_rectangle, height_rectangle);
        return examine_rec.intersects(this.getRectangle());

     * By getting the x, y coordinate as well as the width and height of the examined rectangle.
     * That is, the rectangle is made up of the x, y coordinate as well as the width and height we got.
     * Then we can use it to examine whether or not there is a collision between materials and domain.creature.
    public boolean checkIfThroughCreature(Creature creature) {
        //The x and y coordinate of the domain.creature at the current frame.
        int x_now, y_now;
        //The x and y coordinate of the domain.creature at the next frame.
        int x_nextFrame, y_nextFrame;
        //The x and y coordinate of the rectangle created by the domain.creature's moving.
        int x_rectangle, y_rectangle;
        //The width and height of the rectangle created by the domain.creature's moving.
        int width_rectangle, height_rectangle;
        //The rectangle made up of the x, y coordinate as well as the width and height above.
        //So that we can use it to examine collision.
        Rectangle examine_rec;

        x_now = creature.getX_axis();
        y_now = creature.getY_axis();
        x_nextFrame = creature.getX_axis() + creature.getX_speed();
        y_nextFrame = creature.getY_axis() + creature.getY_speed();
        x_rectangle = Math.min(x_now, x_nextFrame); //When the domain.creature is moving forward(right).
        y_rectangle = Math.max(y_now, y_nextFrame); //When the domain.creature is moving upside.
        if (creature.getX_speed() > 0) {
            width_rectangle = creature.getX_speed();
        } else {
            width_rectangle = -creature.getX_speed();
        if (creature.getY_speed() > 0) {
            height_rectangle = creature.getY_speed();
        } else {
            height_rectangle = -creature.getY_speed();
        examine_rec = new Rectangle(x_rectangle, y_rectangle, width_rectangle, height_rectangle);
        return examine_rec.intersects(this.getRectangle());

     * Get the {@code Rectangle} instance of the domain.material.
     * @return A {@code Rectangle} instance of the domain.material.
    public Rectangle getRectangle() {
        return new Rectangle(x_axis, y_axis, common_width, common_height);

    public int getX_axis() {
        return x_axis;

    public void setX_axis(int x_axis) {
        this.x_axis = x_axis;

    public int getY_axis() {
        return y_axis;

    public void setY_axis(int y_axis) {
        this.y_axis = y_axis;

    public int getX_hasRun() {
        return x_hasRun;

    public int getInitial_x_axis() {
        return initial_x_axis;

    public int getCommon_width() {
        return common_width;

    public void setCommon_width(int common_width) {
        this.common_width = common_width;

    public int getCommon_height() {
        return common_height;

    public void setCommon_height(int common_height) {
        this.common_height = common_height;

    public int getTotal_width() {
        return total_width;

    public void setTotal_width(int total_width) {
        this.total_width = total_width;

    public int getTotal_height() {
        return total_height;

    public void setTotal_height(int total_height) {
        this.total_height = total_height;

    public boolean isDrawn() {
        return drawn;

    public boolean isAvailable() {
        return available;

    public void setAvailable(boolean available) {
        this.available = available;

    public Actions getActions() {
        return actions;

    public void setActions(Actions actions) {
        this.actions = actions;

    public Actions getTouch() {
        return touch;

    public void setTouch(Actions touch) {
        this.touch = touch;

    public Actions getTouchHero() {
        return touchHero;

    public void setTouchHero(Actions touchHero) {
        this.touchHero = touchHero;

    public MainFrame getMainFrame() {
        return mainFrame;

    public static Image[] getImages() {
        return images;

    public static void setImages(Image[] images) {
        Material.images = images;

    public static Toolkit getToolkit() {
        return toolkit;

2.1 Box

 * Box
 * 2020/11/28 16:48
 * Zay

package domain.material;

import domain.creature.Mushroom;
import domain.hero.Actions;
import domain.hero.Hero;
import ui.MainFrame;

import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * <p>The attributes and related methods of the domain.material Box,
 * including the logical part of its being hit by the domain.hero and produces mushroom.</p>
 * @author Zay
 * @version 2020/11/28 16:48
public class Box extends Material {

    //The speed of the box in y axis when it's hit by the domain.hero.
    public static final int BOX_Y_SPEED = 10;

    //The acceleration of the box driven by the gravity.
    public static final int BOX_G_ACC = 3;

    //The common width of the box.
    public static final int BOX_WIDTH = 30;

    //The common height of the box.
    public static final int BOX_HEIGHT = 30;

    //The current speed of the box in y axis.
    private int y_speed = 0;

    //The initial y coordinate.
    private int initial_y_axis;

    //The loop time of the box's image changing.
    private int loop_time = 1;

    private static Map<String, Image> box_images = new HashMap<>();

    //The mushroom item stored in the box.
    private Mushroom mushroom = null;

    static {
        setImages(new Image[]{
        box_images.put("Box_1", getImages()[0]);
        box_images.put("Box_2", getImages()[1]);
        box_images.put("Box_3", getImages()[2]);
        box_images.put("Box_4", getImages()[3]);

     * Initialize the basic attributes.
    public Box(int x, int y, MainFrame mainFrame) {
        super(x, y, mainFrame);
        initial_y_axis = y;

     * Draw the box instance and make it loop images.
    public void draw(Graphics g) {
        Image image = null;
        if (loop_time <= 2) {
            image = box_images.get("Box_1");
        } else if (loop_time <= 4) {
            image = box_images.get("Box_2");
        } else if (loop_time <= 6) {
            image = box_images.get("Box_3");
        } else if (loop_time <= 8) {
            image = box_images.get("Box_4");
            loop_time = 1;
        g.drawImage(image, getX_axis(), getY_axis(), null);
        if (mushroom != null) {

     * Judge if the domain.hero hit the box and give corresponding reaction.
    public void hitHero(Hero hero) {
        if (!hero.isAlive()) {
        if (hero.getNextRectangle().intersects(this.getRectangle())) {
            if (hero.getY_axis() >= getY_axis() + getTotal_height()) {
    //If the domain.hero hit the box effectively.
        } else {
    //If the domain.hero does not hit the box effectively.

     * Models the process of the box being hit by the domain.hero and produces a mushroom.
    public void action() {
        if (getTouch() == Actions.COLLIDE) {
            y_speed = -BOX_Y_SPEED;
            if (mushroom == null){
                mushroom = new Mushroom(getX_axis() + getCommon_width() / 5,
                        getY_axis() - 25, this, getMainFrame());
            new GameAudio("HitBox").start();
        } else if (getTouch() == Actions.UNTOUCH) {
            if (getY_axis() < initial_y_axis) {
                y_speed += BOX_G_ACC;
            if (getY_axis() + y_speed > initial_y_axis) {
                y_speed = 0;
        setY_axis(getY_axis() + y_speed);

2.2 Brick

 * Brick
 * 2020/11/28 17:07
 * Zay

package domain.material;

import ui.MainFrame;

import java.awt.*;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * <p>The attributes and related methods of the domain.material Brick.</p>
 * @author Zay
 * @version 2020/11/28 17:07
public class Brick extends Material {

    //The common width of the brick.
    public static final int BRICK_WIDTH = 30;

    //The common height of the brick.
    public static final int BRICK_HEIGHT = 30;

    private static Map<String, Image> brick_images = new HashMap<>();

    //The number of the bricks in the row.
    private int num_in_row;

    //The number of the bricks in the column.
    private int num_in_column;

    //The name of the brick to be drawn.
    private String brick_name;

    static {
        setImages(new Image[]{
        brick_images.put("Brick_yellow", getImages()[0]);
        brick_images.put("Brick_blue", getImages()[1]);

     * Initialize the basic attributes.
    public Brick(int x, int y, int width, int height, String brick_name, MainFrame mainFrame) {
        super(x, y, mainFrame);
        this.num_in_row = width;
        this.num_in_column = height;
        this.brick_name = brick_name;
        setTotal_width(getCommon_width() * width);
        setTotal_height(getCommon_height() * height);

     * Draw the bricks.
    public void draw(Graphics g) {
        Image image;
        for (int width = 1; width <= num_in_row; width++) {
            for (int height = 1; height <= num_in_column; height++) {
                image = brick_images.get(brick_name);
                g.drawImage(image, getX_axis() + ((width - 1) * getCommon_width()),
                        getY_axis() + ((height - 1) * getCommon_height()), null);

     * Get the {@code Rectangle} instance of the brick.
     * @return A {@code Rectangle} instance of the brick.
    public Rectangle getRectangle() {
        return new Rectangle(getX_axis(), getY_axis(), getCommon_width() * num_in_row,
                getCommon_height() * num_in_column);

2.3 Grass

 * Grass
 * 2020/11/28 17:20
 * Zay

package domain.material;

import ui.MainFrame;

import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * <p>The attributes and related methods of the domain.material Grass.</p>
 * @author Zay
 * @version 2020/11/28 17:20
public class Grass extends Material {

    //The number of the grasses in the row.
    private int num_in_row;

    //The number of the grasses in the column.
    private int num_in_column;

    private static Map<String, Image> grass_images = new HashMap<String, Image>();

    static {
        setImages(new Image[]{
        grass_images.put("GL1", getImages()[0]);
        grass_images.put("GL2", getImages()[1]);
        grass_images.put("GR1", getImages()[2]);
        grass_images.put("GR2", getImages()[3]);
        grass_images.put("G1", getImages()[4]);
        grass_images.put("G2", getImages()[5]);
        grass_images.put("G3", getImages()[6]);
        grass_images.put("GS", getImages()[7]);
        grass_images.put("GS1", getImages()[8]);
        grass_images.put("GS2", getImages()[9]);
        grass_images.put("GS3", getImages()[10]);

     * Initialize the basic attributes.
    public Grass(int x, int y, int num_in_row, int num_in_column, MainFrame mainFrame) {
        super(x, y, mainFrame);
        this.num_in_row = num_in_row;
        this.num_in_column = num_in_column;
        setTotal_width(getCommon_width() * num_in_row);
        setTotal_height(getCommon_height() * num_in_column);

     * Draw the grasses.
    public void draw(Graphics g) {
        int step = 1;
        Image img = null;
        for (int width = 1; width <= num_in_row; width++) {
            for (int height = 1; height <= num_in_column; height++) {
                if ((width == 1) && (height == 1)) {
    //If the grass is at the first row and at the left.
                    img = grass_images.get("GL1");
                } else if ((width == 1) && (height > 1)) {
    //If the grass is not at the first row but at the left.
                    img = grass_images.get("GL2");
                } else if ((width == num_in_row) && (height == 1)) {
    //If the grass is at the first row and at the right.
                    img = grass_images.get("GR1");
                } else if ((width == num_in_row) && (height > 1)) {
    //If the grass is not at the first row but at the right.
                    img = grass_images.get("GR2");
                } else if (height == 1) {
    //If the grass is at the first row and not at the left or right side.
                    if (step == 1) {
                        img = grass_images.get("G1");
                    } else if (step == 2) {
                        img = grass_images.get("G2");
                    } else if (step == 3) {
                        img = grass_images.get("G3");
                        step = 1;
                } else {
                    img = grass_images.get("GS");
                g.drawImage(img, getX_axis() + (width - 1) * getCommon_width(),
                        getY_axis() + (height - 1) * getCommon_height(), null);

     * The logical part of the grass's moving.
    public void move() {

     * Get the {@code Rectangle} instance of the Grass.
     * @return A {@code Rectangle} instance of the Grass.
    public Rectangle getRectangle() {
        return new Rectangle(getX_axis(), getY_axis(), getCommon_width() * num_in_row,
                getCommon_height() * num_in_column);

2.4 Pipe

 * Pipe
 * 2020/11/28 17:27
 * Zay

package domain.material;

import domain.creature.Chomper;
import domain.hero.Actions;
import domain.hero.Hero;
import ui.MainFrame;

import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * <p>The attributes and related methods of the domain.material Pipe.</p>
 * @author Zay
 * @version 2020/11/28 17:27
public class Pipe extends Material {

    //The common width of a pipe.
    public static final int PIPE_WIDTH = 28;

    //The common height of a pipe.
    public static final int PIPE_HEIGHT = 28;

    private static Map<String, Image> pipe_images = new HashMap<>();

    //The number of pipes in the column.
    private int num_in_column = 0;

    //A Chomper instance.
    private Chomper chomper = null;

    static {
        setImages(new Image[]{
        pipe_images.put("Pipe_1", getImages()[0]);
        pipe_images.put("Pipe_2", getImages()[1]);
        pipe_images.put("Pipe_3", getImages()[2]);
        pipe_images.put("Pipe_4", getImages()[3]);

     * Initialize the basic attributes.
    public Pipe(int x, int y, int num_in_column, MainFrame mainFrame) {
        super(x, y, mainFrame);
        this.num_in_column = num_in_column;
        setTotal_width(PIPE_WIDTH * 2);
        setTotal_height(PIPE_HEIGHT * num_in_column);

     * Draw the pipes.
    public void draw(Graphics g) {
        Image image = null;
        if (chomper != null) {
        for (int i = 1; i <= num_in_column; i++) {
            for (int j = 1; j <= 2; j++) {
                if (i == 1) {
                    if (j == 1) {
                        image = pipe_images.get("Pipe_1");
                    } else {
                        image = pipe_images.get("Pipe_2");
                } else if (i > 1) {
                    if (j == 1) {
                        image = pipe_images.get("Pipe_3");
                    } else {
                        image = pipe_images.get("Pipe_4");
                g.drawImage(image, getX_axis() + (j - 1) * PIPE_WIDTH,
                        getY_axis() + (i - 1) * PIPE_HEIGHT, null);

     * Judge if the domain.hero hit the box 
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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


