computer E 第一期d1.1.1-Topic

Today our topic is eat.But how to expand this topic? I am going to gather some information about food from all over the world.

Chinese Food

As a Chinese,i think i am a luck dog.There are lots of delicious food in China.And most of those food are different.let me introduce them to you one by one.
Do you know how foreigners evaluate Chinese food?

China boasts one of the world’s greatest cuisines. Chinese food is famous all over the world, but you may be shocked by its surprising range and variety of ingredients if you’ve only eaten in Chinese restaurants abroad. Chinese cuisine has countless delicious and fantastic dishes.
“The Chinese eat everything with four legs, except tables, and everything that flies, except airplanes.”
— Anon.

Our country can be divided into several regions with distinct styles of cooking. The ingredients used are based on the natural and agricultural products of each region.
The main features of China’s regional cuisines can be described as follows:
Northern China Food
salty, simple, less vegetables with wheat as the staple food. Food using wheat as its main ingredient, such as noodles and dumplings is prevalent there.
Western China Food
hearty halal food with lamb the main meat
Eastern China Food
sweet and light
Southern minority food
sour, and many minorities eat chilies(辣椒) every day
Central China food
spicy(辛辣的) with a lot of seasonings(佐料)

There are many styles of cooking in China, but Chinese chefs have identified eight culinary traditions as the best. These have set the course of how Chinese cook food, and are looked to as models. Each of these schools has a distinct style and different strengths.
Summary of the Eight Cuisines:

  • Sichuan and Hunan cuisines: hot spice.
  • Anhui and Fujian cuisines: inclusion of wild foods from their mountains.
  • Guangdong (Cantonese), Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangsu: great seafood, and generally sweet and light flavors.
  • Shandong Cuisine: fresh and salty with a lot of seafood dishes.

1. Guangdong/Cantonese Cuisine 粤菜 Yuècài
Sweeter, favoring braising (炖)and stewing(炖,烧), adding various mild sauces(酱汁)
Cantonese food is the most popular style internationally,Guangdong Province and Hong Kong are noted for fine seafood dishes and rice dishes,They eat a variety of foods.The dishes they serve don’t have strong flavors since it is lightly seasoned, and they often tend to be a little sweet.

2 .Sichuan Cuisine 川菜 Chuāncài
Spicy(辛辣的) and bold, often mouth-numbing, using lots of chili(红辣椒), garlic(大蒜), ginger(姜), and peanuts(花生).
Sichuan Province produced the most widely served cuisine in Our country. Their dishes are famous for their hot-spicy taste and the numbing flavor of Sichuan peppercorn that is rare in other regional cuisines. It is the food of Chengdu and Chongqing (which used to be part of Sichuan).

3. Jiangsu Cuisine 苏菜 Sūcài
Fresh, moderately salty and sweet, precise(精确的) cooking techniques, favoring seafood, soups and artistic, colorful presentation.
Jiangsu Province and Shanghai, have a very refined gourmet cuisine that is often served at government banquets. What makes it special is the exquisite cooking techniques that produce richly aromatic and visually artistic dishes. Their chefs also focus on serving meals that promote health.

4. Zhejiang Cuisine 浙菜 Zhècài
Mellow, using fresh seafood, freshwater fish, and bamboo shoots, and a wide variety of cooking methods.
Zhejiang Province is the province south of Jiangsu, and it borders on Shanghai too, so their style is similar to theirs, but it is less elaborately prepared. They focus more on serving fresh food. The food is often served raw or almost raw and is fresh and crispy and seasonal. It is more like Japanese food. Ningbo cuisine is very salty.
5. Fujian/Min Cuisine 闽菜 Mǐncài
Lighter, with a mild sweet and sour taste, using ingredients from the sea and the mountains
Fujian Province is known for great seafood and soups and the precise use of scintillating but not tongue numbing spices. Adding much wild exotic delicacies from the sea and mountains makes their dishes have unusual flavors. It is like a culinary wild adventure.
6. Hunan Cuisine 湘菜 Xiāngcài
Fish People in the Hunan region can’t seem to live without chilies; no dish is complete without chilies in Hunan cuisine.
Quite spicy, with a hot and sour taste, favoring sautéing, stir-frying, steaming and smoking
If you like Sichuan food, you’ll probably like Hunan food too since it is even hotter. It is tastier and more delicious because they don’t use peppercorn that numbs the mouth. It is a rich agricultural area that produces a broad range of vegetables and herbs, and these are served up.
7. Anhui Cuisine 徽菜 Huīcài
Uses many wild plants and animals as ingredients, favoring stewing and more oil
Anhui cuisine is even wilder than Fujian cuisine. It is inland, and big mountains such as the Yellow Mountains are the source of lots of different wild foods and herbs. It is basically a hearty mountain peasant food. Some of the best dishes incorporate wild food for an unusual taste. Some dishes are sweet from added sugar.
8. Shandong Cuisine 鲁菜 Lǔcài
Salty and crispy, favoring braising and seafood
Shandong was one of the first civilized areas, and it set the pattern for northern styles of cooking. With a long coast, seafood is its forte. They preserve the original taste of the seafood by using simple ingredients and braising, and they like vinegar and salt. Unlike southern cuisines, they serve much more wheat food, including their noodles.

I am hungry now!!!





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