UVA ~ 1597 ~ Searching the Web (模拟,map+bitset)

题意:输入n篇文章和m个请求(n < 100, m≤50000),每个请求都是以下四种格式之一。


2.A AND B:查找同时包含关键字A和B的文章。(即如果某篇文章中含有A和B,输出含有A的行,或含有B的行)

3.A OR B:查找包含关键字A或B的文章。(即如果某篇文章中含有A或B,输出含有A的行,或含有B的行)

4.NOT A:查找不包含关键字A的文章。(即如果某篇文章不含有A,输出整篇文章)


思路:vector一行一行保存原文,limit[i]保存第i篇文章在哪一行之前,用map<string, bitset<1050> >表示某个单词word,在那些行中出现过。输出比较麻烦,我们先把所有行的输出状态的处理到一个out中,然后在输出。输出的时候立两个flag,has_out表示之前是否有输出,need_out表示该篇文章是否需要输出。

using namespace std;
const int MAXN = 1505;
int n, m;
vector<string> Article;//文章
map<string, bitset<MAXN> > M;//单词在第几行
int limit[105] = {0}; //第i篇文章在第几行之前
void Insert(string str,int row)
    for (auto &i: str)//字母转化为小写,符号化为空格
        if (isalpha(i)) i = tolower(i);
        else i = ' ';
    stringstream ss(str);
    string word;
    while (ss >> word) M[word].set(row, 1);//单词出现的行设置为1
int main()
    //ofstream cout("out.txt");
    string str;
    cin >> n; cin.get();//读取回车
    int row = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
        while (getline(cin, str) && str != "**********")
            Insert(str, row);//处理这一行
        limit[i] = row;
    cin >> m; cin.get();//读取回车
    while (m--)//m次操作
        getline(cin, str);
        bitset<MAXN> A, B, out;//关键字A,B对应的行的状态,out为行的输出状态
        if (str.find(" AND ") != string::npos)
            A = M[str.substr(0, str.find(" AND "))], B = M[str.substr(str.find(" AND ") + 5)];
            for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                bool flag1 = false, flag2 = false;//本篇文章中关键字A,B是否出现过
                for (int j = limit[i - 1]; j < limit[i]; j++)//本篇文章对应的行
                    if(A[j]) { flag1 = true; }
                    if(B[j]) { flag2 = true; }
                if (flag1 && flag2)//关键字A,B都出现过
                    for (int j = limit[i - 1]; j < limit[i]; j++) out[j] = A[j] || B[j];
        else if (str.find(" OR ") != string::npos)
            A = M[str.substr(0, str.find(" OR "))], B = M[str.substr(str.find(" OR ") + 4)];
            for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                bool flag1 = false, flag2 = false;//本篇文章中关键字A,B是否出现过
                for (int j = limit[i - 1]; j < limit[i]; j++)//本篇文章对应的行
                    if(A[j]) { flag1 = true; }
                    if(B[j]) { flag2 = true; }
                if (flag1 || flag2)//A出现过或者B出现过
                    for (int j = limit[i - 1]; j < limit[i]; j++) out[j] = A[j] || B[j];
        else if (str.find("NOT ") != string::npos)
            A = M[str.substr(str.find("NOT ") + 4)];
            for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                bool flag1 = false;
                for (int j = limit[i - 1]; j < limit[i]; j++)//第i篇文章对应的行
                    if(A[j]) { flag1 = true; }
                if (!flag1)//本篇文章没出现过
                    for (int j = limit[i - 1]; j < limit[i]; j++) out[j] = true;
        else { out = M[str]; }//关键字A所在的行即要输出的行
        bool has_out = false;//之前有没有输出
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
            bool need_out = false;//本篇文章是否需要输出
            for (int j = limit[i - 1]; j < limit[i]; j++)
                if (out[j]) { need_out = true; break; }
            if (need_out)//需要输出
                if(has_out) cout << "----------" << endl;//如果之前有输出那么就输出一行分割线
                for (int j = limit[i - 1]; j < limit[i]; j++)//遍历输出
                    if (out[j]) cout << Article[j] << endl;//需要输出就输出原来的文章
                has_out = true;
        if (!has_out) cout << "Sorry, I found nothing." << endl;//没有输出
        cout << "==========" << endl;
    return 0;

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Sure, here's an example program that uses the C++ STL map container to implement simple management of fruit prices: ```c++ #include <iostream> #include <map> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { // Create a map called fruitPrices to store the prices of different fruits map<string, double> fruitPrices; // Add some initial fruit prices fruitPrices["apple"] = 1.99; fruitPrices["banana"] = 0.99; fruitPrices["orange"] = 2.49; fruitPrices["grape"] = 3.99; // Print the current fruit prices cout << "Current fruit prices:" << endl; for (auto it = fruitPrices.begin(); it != fruitPrices.end(); it++) { cout << it->first << ": $" << it->second << endl; } // Allow the user to search for, modify, or delete a fruit price string searchFruit; cout << "Enter a fruit to search for, modify, or delete: "; cin >> searchFruit; // Search for the fruit auto searchIter = fruitPrices.find(searchFruit); if (searchIter == fruitPrices.end()) { cout << "Fruit not found." << endl; } else { cout << "Found " << searchIter->first << ": $" << searchIter->second << endl; // Modify the fruit price char modifyChoice; cout << "Do you want to modify the price? (Y/N): "; cin >> modifyChoice; if (modifyChoice == 'Y' || modifyChoice == 'y') { double newPrice; cout << "Enter the new price: $"; cin >> newPrice; searchIter->second = newPrice; cout << "Price updated." << endl; } // Delete the fruit price char deleteChoice; cout << "Do you want to delete the price? (Y/N): "; cin >> deleteChoice; if (deleteChoice == 'Y' || deleteChoice == 'y') { fruitPrices.erase(searchIter); cout << "Price deleted." << endl; } } // Print the updated fruit prices cout << "Updated fruit prices:" << endl; for (auto it = fruitPrices.begin(); it != fruitPrices.end(); it++) { cout << it->first << ": $" << it->second << endl; } return 0; } ``` In this program, we first create a `map<string, double>` called `fruitPrices` to store the prices of different fruits. We then add some initial fruit prices, and print the current fruit prices using a for-loop that iterates over the `fruitPrices` map. Next, we allow the user to search for, modify, or delete a fruit price. We prompt the user to enter a fruit to search for, and then use the `find` method of the `fruitPrices` map to search for the fruit. If the fruit is found, we prompt the user to modify or delete the fruit price, and then update the `fruitPrices` map accordingly using the `[]` or `erase` methods. Finally, we print the updated fruit prices using another for-loop that iterates over the `fruitPrices` map.


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